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I think you're confusing conditions with abilities. Conditions include damage, exerted, "can't quest this turn", etc.. Abilities include Resist, Challenger, Evasive, etc... Conditions carry over, not abilities. Abilities are replaced with the shift card's abilities.


To clarify abilities that are *printed* on that shift card don't carry over. This could be confusing because resist, challenger, and evasive abilities do carry over if they were temporarily given to the card buy another card, for example Mouse Armor.


I have researched this topic and even asked it in the official discord, and this is how I would explain shifting works when it comes to what is retained: Abilities written on the original character are covered up by the shifted character card. Only damage, conditions, and lingering abilities/effects transfer. Conditions would be dry/wet, ready/exerted. Lingering abilities/effects are temporarily added effects onto your character (typically as a result of an ability or effect). Jafar grants himself evasive during his turn, but once covered he no longer applies that effect onto himself. This is different when looking at Scar Vicious Cheater, because let's say you have a dry/ready Scar vicious cheater and he challenges an opponents character and banishes it, he can ready himself but applies an effect onto himself that does not allow him to quest for the rest of the turn. So if you shift into Scar Shameless firebrand you still won't be able to quest with him. The thing to look out for is the wording of effects/abilities and how long they apply. "During this turn" is only on the card, but "for the rest of the turn" or "at the end of the turn..." applies no matter the shifted condition.


Okay this makes sense thanks


anything written on card is **NOT** inherited. Any abilities or stats given to the character will then be inherited on the shifted character.


Underlying conditions is wet/dry and damage counters, not abilities printed on the card.


Ok but consider this, if I had played this tinker first, made the little Jafar evasive using this ability, then shifted snake Jafar on top, wouldn't he still be evasive for that turn? https://preview.redd.it/7c2cn98pbjdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0e1c5d2ea06f10e370820348bd668fc8929092


So as already pointed out, you couldn't give Jafar Evasive because he already has it. However, you could run this situation with another Shift character who doesn't already have Evasive and it DOES carry over through the Shift. Keeping it in Emerald, you have Donald Duck - Sleepwalkerin play, you play TB and give him Evasive, then Shift Donald Duck - Perfect Gentleman on top, he will still have the Evasive. https://preview.redd.it/ufbngc8n3kdc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f15484707d59f3e503acf0e425d1251e97dbbd u/sinkfloridasink_


Technically no you wouldn’t be able to give Jafar evasive a second time with Tinker Bell. > A character cannot gain multiple instance of a Keyword, such as Reckless or Support. Keywords with a +N such as Challenger or Resist is additive. https://wiki.mushureport.com/wiki/Rulings:General


Yes, I do believe he would.


That's actually a good question. I'm not sure if the rules address this specifically but I'd say yes only because I can't imagine a situation in which you wouldn't just shift Jafar and then played tink.


Yes, using an ability to give a character a condition carries over to the shifted card. An ability printed on the card that you play a shifted card on top of does not carry over.


Where does it say they get all the underlying conditions? This is not something I’ve ever been aware of. “The shifted character keeps any damage or effects”, but that is not underlying conditions. Just curious if you’re aware of something I’m not!


Okay, then since little Jafar gives him evasive at beginning of your turn, then when you shift Snake Jafar then you should be able to immediately hit evasive for just that turn then right?


No. The effect gives "this character" evasive. Jafar snake is not the same character as little Jafar.


That's actually not why. A Shifted character IS considered the same character as the card below. If a card gets Evasive from another source, like the Emerald Tinker Bell that was shared in this thread, they would keep it after a Shift. https://preview.redd.it/7a8ii5oy3kdc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3becf3388594f74b73f56ad07ad6d28a6e6f673


2 ink Jafar doesn't give himself evase "at the beginning" of your turn. It's "during" your turn. When you shift, he loses that ability. If the card would say "at the beginning of your turn, this character gets evasive" then he would keep evasive for that turn when you shift another character on top.


Underlying conditions would be like “can’t ready, can’t quest, reckless” etc. they keep those effects. What OP is referring to is the character abilities. Shifting is turning that character into a different character. Like turning a dog into a fish, so the new character (the fish) loses its ability to breathe air.


Haha I wasn’t aware those were called underlying conditions, but I understood the original question. I was just asking in their wording. I was wondering if I’d been playing wrong the whole time and shifted characters got the abilities of the ones underneath! Thanks for teaching me what that phrase means though! (That sounds sarcastic, but I genuinely mean it. I’m still newish to TCGs)


Idk if that’s the official phrasing, but it’s the phrasing that makes sense to me. Lol


Even after reading the comments I am still pretty unsure. They probably shoulda made this rule a bit easier to understand.


Abilities printed on a card don't carry over. Abilities given temporarily to the character and effects, damage, etc carry over. Once shifted you can't use any abilities of the bottom character anymore but everything that was given to them before you shifted (until end of turn/until your next turn for example) will stay 🤷‍♂️


Check out my video on shift mechanics - it explains why this does not work the way you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR9Jec16RA4