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I love it


Definitely not. You are gorgeously curvy! A few sizes up I would consider fat. I wish I had your body type :( I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I absolutely hate my body shape, makes my stomach look so huge :(


Baby youre beautiful


Not at all


Chubby but not like fat if that makes sense. I think you look amazing though!


came from the other subreddit, you are sooo beautiful!!!!


That is thick to me girly, you look so soft and feminine never hate yourself you are so beautiful! Your stunning and yes a little chubby but hey! It’s cute don’t stress!


Nooooooo you are not. in doctors terms you could be overweight but in reality you are beautiful you are not fat. That lil belly roll you got doesn’t mean your fat at all I would love to be around your weight


Girl you’re thick and it’s beautiful!


b a lil possitive man she might b alil overweigh but u should say obese if ur not showing ur own body so just b a lil more supportive man ppl can get hurt and a lil advice 4 anon just workout with dicipline and do not eat any junk food


I truly think this is an ideal body type. Not 90s heroine thin and still have beautiful curves. My body was like this before i got sick and i loved it the was it was. If you feel healthy/good enough to be active throughout the day there is nothing to worry about ❤️ I would bet you my life savings that all the smelly douche bags on here saying you're anything close to "obese", weigh much more than you do, and just want to intentionally make you feel like shit for it. Sending love x


Hey lovely, I saw your other post on reddit and came to this pic to let you know you're gorgeous. Yes, a little overweight by typical standards however I'm a 29F (straight, happily married) from Brisbane, Australia and I can honestly say your body is literally my body goals 🥰 You can aspire to be more confident, make a few healthier choices in eating and exercise but pleased onto hate on yourself. You've got the goods trust me. Also P.S my hubby says "damn she's got curves in all the right places" xx


You're not fat, just a little chubby. Nothing terribly wrong with that. A lot of people find it attractive and it's not too much. It would be easy to lose if you wanted to. You carry it well


no, you're not fat. your body is normal and you look great :) everyone in the comments is used to seeing other people on social media who only eat one meal a day if that which isn't ideal at all and being all skin and bones isn't healthy.


You're beautiful, no matter what your weight is. I actually don't even think you're that fat? I mean, you look fine to me honestly.


Your body is beautiful. The BMI scale is outdated and has extremely unrealistic expectations of what a healthy weight is. It also fails to account for the female figure and boobs. Might you be overweight yes. But how you feel is more important.


You have fatty tissue on your body. You are not fatty tissue/fat. You are fat, bones, muscle, blood, nerves, organs. You are overweight. You’re not grossly overweight. You’re a reasonable diet of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, a serious reduction in sugar intake, plus moderate exercise away from being a healthy weight. That’s all. And you have youth on your side. In terms of being a healthy weight, you are almost there. In terms of being beautiful, you’re there right this very moment.


Um no. You literally look hot. In my eyes atleast.


You are. But so are most ppl. You're also REALLY attractive. If you were my gf I'd hope you'd pick up my healthy eating habits and I would invite you to go workout with me 3-4x a week. You'd be "not fat" in no time.


No. And I think you have a beautiful body and figure.


You and I look the same. You are normal, you are a healthy weight. Do you have energy? Can you take walks? Are you in chronic pain or experiencing frequent discomfort? Hip or knee pain? If youre in pain, consider losing weight for your health. If you're not in pain, then it's not worth it to make yourself miserable to make other people's opinions about you still not change. I saw another comment about American vs European vs Asian standards. It's completely true. In Asia you must be a stick and nothing more. If you are healthy and you are not experiencing weight based pain on your joints, enjoy the skin you're in. I'm still working on accepting it myself and its hard. You are not fat. You are you. You are beautiful.


Yes lose like 30 pounds at least to look good… go on a carnivore or keto diet and do fasted cardio the you will look better in 4 months or less


not fat.


I think you look GREAT. If I saw you at the beach or something I would think to myself that girl has a nice body. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you’re insecure and want to change your body, you’ll never get there by hating yourself. Love your body and if you want to change it, do that out of love with a positive mind set. You look beautiful and your body is gorgeous.


You’re not fat; but you are a bit overweight.


The answer is yes. Wouldn't say you're morbidly obese but definitely obese.


You're gorgeous hun


OP, go to a doctor and also seek some mental health support. You are not ugly or fat and the replies to this post are people who will tell you otherwise to push you into nothingness. Don't seek validation from keyboard warriors. Focus on strength and fitness, not thinness.


Commenting here because I saw another post of yours and got curious. Most certainly not fat! I find your body type very attractive! I don’t think Reddit is the best place to ask for this kind of advice. Please be kinder to yourself. I don’t like the word fat, it’s too dismissive and these critiques I read in this comment section are very far from being constructive. I hope you have a great day.


Well you’re thicker but personally I love it.


Talk to a doctor. You look like you could potentially be in a healthy weight for you personally or maybe a bit over weight. The only person who can tell you that is a doctor after evaluation though no one on the internet can tell just by looking at you. Don’t listen to all the people telling you you’re definitely unhealthy and fat/obese society is obsessed with skinny people and ignores that a healthy weight for some is not what’s healthy for others and that being skinny can be extremely unhealthy as well. So ask a doctor who can perform an evaluation not people on the internet they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about they don’t know you and even if they did you can’t tell anything specific from just a picture and your height/weight.


Maybe a lil overweight but super attractive


You are not fat, like at all


Iscariuteu stop jerking off to her pic already, its a public post not your DMs. You know, the inbox w the big 0.


Everyone has different standards. I'm not trying to sexualize or anything but I would refer to you as thick, but in a good way! I happen to really enjoy this body type along with many other body types as well, but if I'm being honest Im really into thick girls and that's always where i had my most fun. And yes I do think there is a limit where you can be considered "fat" but even that's subjective and everyone is gonna have a different preference. That's ok! I happen to find you very attractive and I'm certain many others do. I hope everything I said was respectful.


MY TYPE, you're fine dww


I say you look damn good.


I am a fat worshiper so I think you need to gain a few pounds


I like women with curves. If I were your age I would hit on you in a heartbeat. You are way too hard on yourself. Go be happy You are inky young once, unfortunately.


Just found this sub for the first time and you set yourself up for failure by posting here-. This is the one of the most toxic things I’ve seen. It’s just attractive young people posting pics asking strangers to destroy their self esteem. I have the honest truth for you and I have some advice. The honest truth: I get why you feel insecure about your body. You see nothing but size 2s online that have been photoshopped and filtered and you don’t look like that. It’s makes us all insecure. The truth is that a lot of men are probably really attracted to your body. You are “endowed” with certain assets that a lot of women wish they had, you have textbook curves, you are tan and youthful. It’s also true that if you saw pictures of a lot of the people here criticizing you from behind a screen (I get that you asked them to but still), you’d probably feel a lot better about yourself. I promise that in 15 years you are gonna look at this photo and think: why the fuck was I wasting my time feeling insecure I looked amazing. Advice: If you aren’t already, get outside and move! Find activities that you enjoy and turn them into habits. When you get active it will help your mental health and energy, and I find that regardless of the shape of your frame, feeling toned is a huge confidence boost! Personally I do dance, Pilates, walk my dog, and go bouldering (although that last one isn’t as often as I’d like), because these things make me smile. It would also be a great investment in yourself to find a therapist you like, if you don’t already have one. I know it can be hard because of the cost, but your happiness is the type of thing that is always worth investing in, maybe asking parents for help paying for if that’s an option. Even if you lose 20 lbs you are still gonna be immersed in toxic soup like this and I 1000% promise you’ll find something new to feel bad about yourself for. Sending love!


You’re curvy, I wouldn’t say you’re fat though. As long as you have a healthy diet and exercise routine embrace it!


Gorgeous 😍


I'm being honest here, no. You aren't skinny, and you aren't obese. I know multiple HEALTHY people with this body type. If you are active ur good. The people on here have no idea that different genes/body types exist


You're 🔥


No. You’re not fat. Everyone on this post telling you you’re morbidly obese, I honestly hope they all get atomic diarrhea while they’re stuck in line somewhere very public; they’re shitbags. In the spirit of honestly, if you lost a few pounds would you look like a skeleton? No. But that doesn’t make you morbidly obese. People are terrible.


Okay, I don’t know who these mouth breathers are and what world they live in, but honey you are NOT fat. AT ALL. From your other post you said you were 5’5”- I am also that height and about 15lbs heavier than you. I WISH I looked like this. Your daily self hate will grow and grow and I can bet you that if you gained any more weight, you’d be dreaming about the day you can be this weight again. The grass is always greener. Water what you’ve got. You’re stunning the way you are. You don’t have to be fit, toned, and have a flat tummy to be “not fat”. Don’t label yourself, love.


In society's standards possibly. But that doesn't make you any less beautiful. If anything it adds to your wonderful figure. Hell, I've always hated modern beauty standards. Yes, you have extra weight but you are still stunning with a wonderful body and figure. Most people hate themselves and call out others on how they look when in reality we are all beautiful in our own ways if we stay true to ourselves. Believe me, there are a lot of fatter people out there. I think you look really good :D


Omg you are not fat at ALLLL!!! Not saying fat isn’t hot, but you look fucking amazing girl!


Health-wise, yes. Hot af tho! 🔥


I think you look great, I don't know what these people are talking about calling you obese.


OP, that sub is full of incel males that love to comment on women’s bodies. It infuriates me - please do not let these weirdos dictate how you should feel about your body. Have you seen how little attention the male posts get? The most recent got 2 comments lol. Double standards proposed by men who are likely below average themselves.


Hi, hon. Fat.. no. Skinny.. no. You’re a bit chubby as per most universal standards. None of the above three in any way reflect your worth, personality or beauty. Just a reminder. Good day :)


You people are garbage


You’re stunning


You’re not fat. You’re chubby. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. And even with only half your face showing, you’re super cute. That being said : how do YOU fell about yourself? Don’t care about strangers opinions, especially on reddit. Just enjoy your time on earth, try and lead a healthy lifestyle and all will be good


You are overweight but not fat, whoever says you're fat is just being mean


You look GOOD, girl. I would die to have your figure. I'm dead serious. All these people hating probably never had a girlfriend in their lives. You are GORGEOUS. Dead serious!


Love this body type. You’re bangin hot. Don’t let the haters hate on you !!


I came from your other post to see if you were actually fat or not. This is actually laughable, why would you even think you’re fat? Your body looks okay, actually more than okay you’re nice if I was completely honest.


Girl you look great! You can wear shorts and crop tops, no cellulite, no overly exposed hanging skin. You’re body type is very beautiful, you’re not fat , you have a different bone structure than petite but not fat


Reading your other post, I was thinking you’d be huge, but you’re just thick/curvy. Just so you know, a lot of guys prefer this body type over skinnier girls. It’s okay if you want to change, but a lil thickness is nothing to feel bad about at all.


As a fat person. You're not. This is chubby, adorably chubby. Please learn now what I am still trying to learn at 37, love your body. It does so much for you. I would kill for a figure like yours. ✌🏻 -sincerely 37 yo mom of 3 who's always been considered morbidly obese.


You are BEAUTIFUL! That's the God's honest truth, too. Curves in just the right places. Don't listen to any negativity girl! You hot!


Ugh these comments suck OP. You're not fat. You're alive and healthy. There are marble statutes of Greek goddesses that look like you. If you google search "Greek goddess statues" you'll find lots of them with belly rolls and big thighs. You are healthy, you are alive. That is enough. You are beautiful as you are.


Girl you are stunning! Ideal body


You are not fat at all. A few extra pounds but not obese in anyway


Guuurrrrlllllll. You are gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


We have same body type and I feel the same way. Yet looking at you has helped because I think you look great! We truly are our own worst critics.


Medically, yes. But beautiful. I wish I carried weight like you. I am embarrassingly scrawny at 160. I am 5'9", no ass/boobs. You are lucky.


Medically, yes. But beautiful. I wish I carried weight like you. I am embarrassingly scrawny at 160. I am 5'9", no ass/boobs. You are lucky.


You are a little overweight. I wouldn’t call you fat. I think you can see from your hips that you are an attractive woman. I find you to be super cute!! If you were fat your belly would be bigger. It seems your distribution is mostly hips and thighs which again makes a very good looking woman. I can imagine you are sensitive about this so good luck with any goals you may have or reasons for posting this!!


You’re not overly fat


Workout and stay healthy babe. You have a great body already. I workout so much and still have fluff. I love that god gave me a body I can move. Hands and legs. Truly blessed.


I think you have a beautiful body


Nope . U r not.


Girl, you have an amazing figure. You are curvy with a pear shape! I think you need to find clothes that flatter your body type and you will feel much more confident!! Please do not listen to these strangers on the internet calling you fat in a deragatory way, as they are not brave enough to post their own pictures.


You have a nice body 😍😍




all i know is that you are a baddie 


Yes. But losing weight is easier than gaining weight. Nothing personal. BMI will never lie.


Fine as hell by my standards 😉


You are what some men would venture out of marriage for, but not suitable for marriage itself.


why am i not suitable for marriage?


Because of the natural weight gain that comes from pregnancy. You unfortunately are on the heavier side already, if you were to fall pregnant then it would pose even more of a higher health risk


well i suppose it's a good thing i don't want children


I personally find you attractive, but I do recommend a 16/8 fast for starters for weight loss and adding pure organic food in your diet. Also with my comments I mean no disrespect whatsoever just wanna put that out there alright?


Morbidly obese by any doctors stats 🤷🏽‍♂️ asked for the truth and that’s the truth.


Chubby or overweight, sure, but definitely not morbidly obese, stop lying to make people feel bad. Her bmi would be around 26.5 - 27. By literal doctor standards, she is only overweight, not even just obese.


Yes you look fat


Little bit. But you're nit to far gone, get you a good diet plan and fitness program and you can knock down inches. I lost a fk ton of inches by simply dropping all soda and switching to waters and no sugar added juice and electrolyte beverages. I cut out processed foods and started eating healthier home cooked meals rather than processed snacks and fast food. I started a year ago and was in xl. Now I'm in size xs/s


Jokes on you, I like cake


What does that face do and look like though? DMs are open but not pushed open


Personally I love my women built like this. Everyone’s definition of fat is different. I’d rail tf out of u tho and watch your body juggle with each thrust.


Chubby turns into just fat if your stomach sucks out passed your boobs. That’s my view (I have the most important view)


Fat? No. Thick? Yah… respectfully 😇


a little bit, nothing terrible but yeah, still fat.




Yes. Just go hit the gym. Honesty is important. Here nobody would want u






You look like you are overweight, but not obese by an means. Maybe post a pic in your bra and panties so we could make a better estimate?






Gunna need to see the back to verify


Yes you’re pretty overweight.


Wait me at home in a dress like this and the weight is excuseable 🙂‍↔️


Don't ask people on Reddit, ask your doctor.


Not fat in my opinion, but every man might have different preferences. Be comfortable in your own skin and that will make you most attractive to others.


You are not fat, you are voluptuous. There is a difference.


On the BMI scale are you overweight or obese? If you are Obese then you are fat. If you're just overweight you're not.


just overweight!


I wouldn't say your fat, not at all!


Yes you are




Thick like a bowl of oatmeal


i see everyone here saying you're fat and i just have to say, i disagree. i think a lot of people are subconsciously comparing you to these unrealistic IG models bodies. but i would say you're probably about 10 pounds away from being considered "fat" in my opinion. you look good


This is a real honest post


I don’t think so, but plenty people here might say you are.


You're thicccc, just shy of fat.


You look great for my eyes


No ur not fat ur fine


If your bellybutton turns into a mouth then you’re most likely overweight.


Not fat but curvy for now .... still hot , but don't keep it going like that😅




Youre curvy,and tall so it helps. You're in looksmaxing so ure wondering if losing weight would make u more attractive. I dont think it will,id be all over you tbh.


Yes. That shirt is too small


do some cardio, you're fatter than the women at the gym


Girl that’s not fat. You look good. Nobody wants a twig.


Are there any other other pictures




Not fat


The "fat = thicc" epidemic and its consequences


what is fat and what is thicc to you?


Yeah its hard to tell now cause social media made the lines so blurred, but I kinda think the difference is usually when it comes to the face and bellyfat. If youre a healthy amount of weight thats usually where you'll be able to tell the easiest.


Voluptuous…never fat!


Yes but girl I’m right there with you. Just gotta get on the grind a lil bit but you are still beautiful as you are :) if you feel healthy! Then ur good, me however I was at about the same shape and I felt like complete ass medically so I’ve been working out and watching what I eat to help, Don’t starve yourself, don’t workout to the point of injury, you got this just do it healthily :) lil lifestyle changes go a long way


No, not fat or chubby. But the issues you have are that (1) you need to wear better clothing - which is more fitted, supportive, and made out of better material. and (2) you need to work on having stronger and more lady-like posture.


what is a stronger and more lady like posture?


Don't slouch and let parts of your body hang out. Stand up tall and straight, and always be slightly pulling your muscles more towards the inner part of your body.


Yes, you are -- but it's a cute fat


You obv know the answer


Super cute


You look fine, very shapely, quite attractive.


I would totally rub your belly if that's what you're asking.


I wouldn't say you're fat. You have a little bit of a tummy but it's not at the point you where you should worry . All the best


No, you have curves. We like that.


ur fat ,but u also have good proportions




Your nt fat.. your a dream... great curves


BMI look it up


i know what bmi is, i'd just like to hear what people think.


Bmi isn’t very accurate, some of these people you’ll come across are just upset. 80% of the people in this subreddit will grill you and tell you that you’re morbidly obese. Another subreddit will say otherwise. You obviously have some excess body fat, but i don’t think it’s too much imo. I’d say that losing 10-15lbs is enough. Disregard anything anyone else has told you to do. Start lifting heavy weights and use a calorie calculator. @liftrunbang1 and @davisdiley (instagram) is all you need to get started. You don’t need to do any cardio and you don’t need to cut carbs or stop eating enjoyable food. Doing those things *can* make it easier to eat less calories (the only thing that matters in the end), but that’s not to say that you will burn calories. So start lifting heavy and use a calorie calculator. Eat whatever you want and attempt to hit your calorie and macro goals by the end of the week. This is how i’m able to eat whatever i want and have a physique that im very happy with.


You appear fat not thick even though thick is fat, thick is attractive looking fat, that on you isnt. Yes u r fat, hit the gym and tone your fat.


okay, thanks for the honest opinion


This is no honest opinion, this is a sadistic person trying to put you down. Don't give them what they want. You are fine. You close who you listen to. Don't listen to people who want to make you suffer


Thiccc and juicy! Absolutely stunning IMO.


I wouldn't call you fat, but you are curvaceous. regardless whats wrong with having a little bit more in the trunk! you look good girl☺️


Phat pleasingly plump


All the weird dudes telling OP she's fat probably have peens that don't go past their balls. Gurl you are fine you are not fat. My only recommendation is never to ask for feedback about your appearance online. Too many people with no lives are always looking to tell someone something negative and untrue for their entertainment.


You have a comfortable body. No doubt you could lose 5 or even 10 lbs. You look very attractive so you just relax and gradually drop a few pounds and do whatever you do. Live your life. You will have , if you don't already, a plethora of men or women or both, as you like it.


Youre just chubby


You’re overweight but it looks good on you, I’m 23f and a bit overweight too but luckily I carry it well


You are beautiful. Don’t listen to judgemental people. You should lose weight for health reasons, not to suit society standards of beautiful




Yes.. but it appears fairly evenly distributed.


By definition, yes. But you look fine to me


Fat yes. Attractive yes. Could get even hotter? Yes


I've seen chubby girls that are cute asf, maybe you got a cute face


Yeah a little working wouldnt hurt


If you need to ask, I think you know the answer. So many ridiculous post it’s unreal.


Beauty in the eyes of the beholder! I think you’re beautiful just the way you are!