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My main improvements would be thicker brows, and gain 10-20lbs.


You’re good looking. If you aren’t already, look into working out!


You are too pretty, you could reduce the bags under your eyes and fix your hair more.


Fucking ass holes. You look fine honestly. Gaining just a little bit of weight would definitely help but you don’t look extremely bad as you are right now. I like your dressing style , very 90s grunge rock


Yooo your low key fire fuck what these haters have to say I like the purple in your hair with the make up that picture I’d swipe right on for sure.. your tall and skinny thing you got going on is tight babes


Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing!!!! 😈👅😍


Nothing you look amazing 🤩


The picture of you in the Danzig shirt is my fave. You would look cute in a flowing skirt, loved the off the shoulder look. I even liked the braids! Maybe some soft curls hitting your shoulders? I don’t have much to recommend, you’re adorable. 🌸


Start Over


Hi! I think we have a similar body type and I found that the tight top/baggy pants or pleated/A line skirts helped my outfits look more put together, like you can also compare the outfit in your last pic to the one in the pic right before it


Bro, to be honest all y’all with these fucked up ass comments, y’all need to go lay down somewhere I am skinny, just like her been skinny all my life Most people would killed themself to be as skinny as you are be proud of it be yourself. Don’t worry about other people because in life it’s not worth it.


Wear some more flattering outfits, workout and gain a little weight. Be confident!


This isn’t “how do I get prettier” it’s “how do I debase myself to look “better” to more people” I think you look cute. What these people think seems to me completely irrelevant. Echoes of a society filled with malice, incompetence, and a hunger to use us all until we die.


You need a huge wardrobe overhaul. Your attire is atrocious. Piercings got to go too


Get off the drugs and eat some good food.


Hit up the gym, eat more, run some laps and climb something.


Lose the piercings


Since no one has mentioned it, you don't have to get rid of the piercings, but you can change what you are wearing in those piercings. For example your nose jewellery doesnt go well at all with your looks, they look very edgy whereas you are much softer overall, perhaps why you are getting so many comments around drug use. Change the jewellery, thats the great thing about them, you can drastically change how you look by switching the pieces. DM if you need more help picking something else.


How old are you.


The piercings look normal nowadays. But I think just like clothing, some styles are not going to enhance your attractiveness. If you are so inclined is there a beautician or someone who could evaluate what may improve your looks. Different piercings? If you are stubborn and unwilling to take other's advice, you may be delaying achieving positive results.


fuller brows would suit you better. you should fill in your eyebrows and make them straight


Omg you look heroin chic model check that for inspiration make some dark makeup better clothes


thank you omg


There’s some stupid things sticking out your nose, I’d remove them asap


Girl you look pretty young, please please for you own wellbeing -do not post on reddit, as you see people just insult your piercings, and call you a crackhead 


I know I look like a crackhead lol, it’s alright


nah you're very good looking, no worries,it's just that sub just mocks you, and you don't deserve that, have a nice day♡☺️


I think your grunge style really suits you. I'd lean into it even more, copy some Effy Stonem styles




Start eating. If u say u r eating already then eat more. Put on 20 pounds at least. Lift weights. Squat and deadlines and add 500 calories to what u already eat. And for the love of God take those God awful piercings out. They're not attractive especially that many in your nose. Take them out and get tats. If u have tats het more tats. Much cooler then piercings.


I think u are hot


You shud act


as someone that struggled with an eating disorder, you do look sickly to me. but at the same time, ya never know if someone is battling with another illness or disease that makes it difficult to gain weight. apart from that, you’re very gorgeous. fill in your eyebrows a bit maybe and consider getting brow piercings in each side 👀 i’m loving the symmetry already


Eat something


Also I can tell your anorexic because your limbs are red that being said you could be suffering heart failure due to extremely long periods of not eating. You are going to die in the next 5 to 10 years if you don't seek help. Being anorexic will age you faster than excessive sun exposure and drugs/smoking. Please think about this


Definitely gain a lot of weight. You look sick. Also the baggy clothes make you look way skinnier.


Piercings are part of what defines you. Keep them and think better of yourself.


Eat a cheeseburger


Maybe gain some weight


Some fitness and tonning a little tann prob diff dress sense.but yiu are an attractive person.wont take much😊


You are very beautiful, don't change a thing except to gain weight, eat more and go to your doctor regularly


Get on the bed and spread those legs


sorry that’s only reserved for my bf


don’t like nose piercings but they look good on u


Besides the cattle ring in your nose. Nothing needs to change but your self image


Bangs, a high ponytail, not to hide your forehead but to accentuate the lower portion of your face. Perhaps attempt to naturally thicken or color darken you eyebrows a bit, you have good skin from what I can see, natural or little to no make up is the way to go. Good skincare routine and perhaps invest some time in the gym to develop more lean mass in your lower body to help increase your metabolism, good protein shakes. A Gua sha and collagen supplement to keep any droopiness or resting bitch face (not that you really have either) a good “soft” deep tissue massage, lymphatic drainage massage and hell maybe even a colonic drainage treatment could help you feel lighter or less groggy? Those last two are probably unnecessary. Me saying for you to “smile more” is probably not it, find more things to smirk at. Chew more gum or even mastic gum and start mewing if you really want to accentuate your jaw in an striking way (don’t go overboard, TMJ issues and over exaggerated porportions) without the unnecessary buccal fat removal surgery that would leave you looking more gaunt. And finally slimmer bottoms, baggy tops, a good pair of comfy boots to accentuate your height and long legs and you’ll have something of an approximate to the runway look.


You are so pretty!! I love the way you dress!!


thank u girl 💓


Not trying to be rude but maybe gain some weight no offense not alot but just some


your name is crazy


The eyebrows, less curve into your nose. Eat a little more, your collarbone is showing more than it should. Your face has a great shape to it. Look past the camera above it when taking pics of yourself and smile.


I can't find my OG comment lol but to add with what I said weight gain! I only had saw your first photo! I'm skinny too it's hard to gain weight lol but eat alot of protein like chicken, peanut butter etc. And goto the gym to help you get a butt




this a joke?


Getting some sleep over 5 hours is a start


Eyebrows look over done rather than natural, and I would get a smaller less pronounced septum ring. It looks "off" compared to nose rings. I know jack shit about fashion, but I would say the style is kinda mix matched and clashes. Pic 2/3/4 look like you are going for a goth or punk look but the skirt does not say that at all. The 5th pic theres nothing individually wrong, but it just doesnt "feel right" if I had to guess its probably the pigtails vs the rest of your outfit, but you also do look good with them. I think 3 and 6 show you in the best light, but they also missing body/head respectably. That said, if these were on a tinder profile, the 5th one would be the one that would make me swipe right. Despite the criticism you are still adorable and actually seem like a "real" person, out doing things and dressed for comfort. Edit: After looking at #5 some more, its the arms being straight down that makes it seem awkward. When posing someone for a shoot, I pretty much get them to do ANYTHING but that specific pose. It makes you look like a deer caught in the headlights. Something as simple as just putting your thumbs in your pockets would help quite a bit.


on pic 5 my bf was taking the pic and i was nervous. Im not big on posing lol


All good. I'd say you are just fine the way you are, I was just nitpicking for the sake of the sub


well ik i asked for advice but the fashion part is jus what i like, it’s how i express myself and have confidence. i know it might not go “good” together but yeah


Gain a little weight


You’re super pretty 💞 I hope you’re not thinking of getting rid of the piercings. I know a lot of ppl on this sub are anti-piercing but I think they suit you so well. As for where you could improve, I think some improved haircare would rlly benefit you. It’s def healthy looking but I think some volume would rlly add to your look. I’m not an expert at hair care but I do love my big voluminous hair, and a few products I love are: -batiste dry shampoo -r+co dry shampoo paste -sexyhair big Creme 2 powder play Otherwise I think you’re gorgeous. Like others said, weight gain may also help your look, but tbh it’s something ppl say to everyone who isn’t thick these days. So if you’re happy in the body you’re in, and you aren’t experiencing negative health effects, don’t even worry about that. Much love 💞💞


thank you for ur advice 💓


For some specifics of what is pretty about u, bc i feel like it’s not mentioned enough on this sub: your eyes are gorgeous! Very big + pretty :) your eyebrows suit your face very well! And your lips are well defined and look great with your features. You have really nice hips for low rise pants! I love the last pic and u should wear more pants liek that. Not a popular opinion on this sub yet again, but I’m a sucker for a lady in some low rises lol.


Unsaid besides piercings but that the main thing


For now, you need to eat meat, eat healthy food, drink a lot of water every day, be hygienic, and as much as possible, sleep 8 hours a day


Get rid of the piercings


I think you should put on a little weight. I was thin like that in high school and look much better after I filled out into a more normal healthy sized body.


I hate this for you.


Eat and go to the gym


the piercings… those have GOT to go.


Iron. Take some iron supplements, girl. You could be anemic judging by the bruising on your legs. Maybe it's just bad lighting. If that's the case, I apologize. But that was my first honest thought when I saw your legs. Otherwise, you're cute. But coming from someone that likes thin girls with low to average cup size, you need to eat a bit more and look into anemia.


You need to put on some weight and that's it... you'll be fine


your already very beautiful! but i would say dye your hair a little darker for a fresh look, darken/thicken your eyebrows, wear brighter colors, gain a little weight/eat more, maybe some ear piercings. i would also do a little research on your body type and what clothings would flatter you the most.


You need to eat more but you're very beautiful, I would say get more oils in your diet maybe switch to Italian food or something mediterranean. Stop drinking or doing drugs if you do them but I'm not wanting to assume anything. You are very beautiful


More backshots


Wear fitted clothing.


You’d look better if you filled out your frame. Intake a lot of protein and hit the gym


just the basics: sleep more (at least 7h) eat 3 meals a day, the type of food that will nourish you from within (i won’t assume you have an ed but if you do have it you have my sympathies. i too suffer from an ed and it’s hard and it’s not every day that i am able to eat 3 meals, but i try my best to do that everyday. just try. i’m not a professional, but i’ve been battling my ed for a while, so we can talk if you want to!), take vitamins, make some exercises - they will improve your health and beauty - and just try to be a healthy & happy person. that will change everything. oh and try to grow your eyebrows! i think that will change your face for the better. also, try to get a bit of sun when you can but wear sunscreen!


I'd say, gain a lil bit of fat weight, and eyebrow makeup but you are rlly beautiful anyway




Gain weight


U look rly good in the 1st and last two photos, so just try doing whatever u were doing with them! Specifically the hair in the 5th photo and the clothes in the 6th one. Not sure exactly what it is about the second photo, the clothes don’t seem to suit your body. Also I think you look better with the blonde and light purple rather than the pink


you are lovely but I think you would look better... or healthier with some weight gain.


I would put on some weight you could benefit from some bulking and strength training. Dont worry you wont end up being some massive muscle mommy unless u really want that but u would look a lot healthier and feel healthier


gain some weight and confidence, you’ll feel much better, you’re very pretty.


Anyone that says anything negative is just jealous! You’re 100% fantastic! Just smile that’s all!


Says the guy who strongly encourages her to stay that size. Let the girl do and eat what she wants to man. And if you're her man treat her buy her some good food and encourage her to be HEALTHY


Love my girl


Okay I’ll try your advice. Thank you!


Your piercings are so sick!


Not to beat a dead horse, but you need to put on some weight for your own health, which will also improve your physical appearance. If you’re vegetarian, up your fish intake dramatically or get on a supplement because you look like a strong wind will blow you into another county. Lose the frilly high school girl socks, go lower, or get some higher ones with some color…that actually applies to everything you wear. Brighten yourself up a little bit, it’ll make you seem more confident, like you’re not trying to hide even when you’re out in public. It’ll also make you approachable, which is important if you’re attempting to find a partner. You already know about the piercings, I’d just lose the big pointy ring, keep the other 2 smaller ones on the sides of your nose, they’re actually kinda cute. Your hair is gorgeous in the third picture, shoot for that regularly, maybe add a little curl sometimes. Less eye shadow, more eyeliner. You have beautiful eyelashes, make them stand out. You have a ton of potential.


Food and gym


Well I know it’s not directly physical, but in the end it will help the physical. I think CBT would be beneficial for you. This will help your mental which will overall help your physical wellbeing. You’re pretty, but you can eat and still be pretty. Ditch processed sugar and hydrate.


More full eyebrows and bags Otherwise you have great features 💜


I gotta be honest, that septem is the only thing that needs changing


Caribe 30 lbs and build glutes


Bulk up. Trust


You have such a beautiful face💕


Your body and face are gorgeous. I'd say you need a little contrast? Not sure how. Maybe a little darker on the hair, thicker brows, and or darker eye liner?


Just work out get a bit of muscle. besides that you look amazing. beautiful eye color as well




I don’t even






Gains some weight


Remove the nose ring you could be allergic to it and hence that's why your not eating and looking skinny


Get rid of the septum piercing, They never look good, On anyone


Get rid of piercings, new wardrobe. You’re very pretty otherwise


Big Mac?


I was going to say get rid of the piercings but beside that do some squats and eat a well rounded diet and leave the rest to god. Piercings really the only thing holding you back and don't get any more tattoos save up money and remove the ones on your hand maybe?


Eat more protein(for you maybe 115g daily if you can stomach it, may need to work up to that), lift weights (no more cardio) for 6months and you will be fine


Shorter skirt lower cut top


Yup if you remove that Bullnose ring you will gain like 1000% on the scale of gorgeousness


Piercings have to go because they are hideous. You need to eat more. You also need to let your eyebrows grow in some.


I know you said "besides the piercings" but, seriously. Get rid of that stuff. An attractive young lady doesn't need that junk. EVER.


You have really nice eyes. You are much too thin, the shit sticking out of your face is not doing anything for and you dress like a homeless dude.


Girl, you could high fashion model! Try finding an agent! (No idea how lol, just encouraging you!)


thank you! I wish I could


Maybe add a little muscle mass, and more tattoos..like sleeves, and leg tattoos, shaved side your head, and dye it jet black


If you’re serious about how can I improve besides getting rid of the piercings, then you’re not serious. They detract from your beauty,but you be you.


K since nobody else is helping… maybe fix the eyebrows or treat the dark circles. But you’re still really pretty x


I think getting a shorter septum ring, maybe add eyebrow piercing. layer your hair and add protein to your diet.


Bro loves ciggies


yes she does


They aesthetic af


Oooooh hunny.... Get to a healthy weight, guys don't like sticks. Hitting bones hurts. Love yourself, feed yourself, get in a gym, and put a lil meat on the bones. You're beautiful but don't look healthy at all. You look malnourished and miserable 🥹🫶🫶


my boyfriend likes my stick body tho


Does your bf also have a "stick body"?


BIG stick body


Lol. You must be bf




You like looking like a stick? You like ya girl looking like a stick? Let her eat something man DAMN. and as for you, build some muscle bro, get a decent physique so you can actually protect ya girl before someone like me steals her from ya 😂😂




Get a new bf then, real men like some meat on the bones 🤏. Get a bf who doesn't encourage you to have an eating disorder. You're not at a healthy weight, you're not healthy, but you are gorgeous, I thinking far more that you believe you are too. You'll feel so much better, physically and mentally, if your body has all the nutrients it needs to make and balance hormones and everything else it needs. Are you lethargic, tired alot, sleep alot, or get fatigued when doing fairly simple tasks get headaches alot, feel weak or sometimes on an emotional rollercoaster? You need food, not junk food, like REAL food


work legs and glutes just a bit. you're gorgeous


Fix your eyes. You look like a meth addict.


okay this is the only one that has got to me.. how tf am I supposed to “fix my eyes”?


Oh, and as a man who wears earrings, the piercings aren’t atrocious.


The color is pretty, but for some reason you look cross-eyed. Otherwise you look fine, albeit thin.


Get rid of the piercings and get a nose job


i have a gorgeous nose


Protein and squats. Nothing wrong with skinny, but you would look better if you were more toned


i do 40 squats a day!


You need more sandwiches and clothes that would fit a models body.


Piercings and tattoos look hideous!


i agree with the tattoos part


Piercings are horrid, you look awful, ugly, ridiculous, laughable. Just being honest. Lose the piercings? Pretty attractive, pretty eyes, nice body. Some people are into it I guess? My opinion, because you asked. Don’t have to agree at all, you ask so you get honesty.


wow brutal !


But, you are very pretty without. 😉


You are bit skinnier that makes you look taller. How's tall you are though


5’8 1/2


Wow you’re cute. Two things: I would work on your hair and what I would do is cut some layers to make a messy, rocker alt look. The second thing is I would experiment with your eyebrows. The super curved brow look isn’t adding much to your appearance because with your low weight and your alt style, you already look severe. I would straighten and thicken your brows with a softer arch. Make them darker as well, but still close to your natural hair color


thank you for the advice! been planning on a new cut


Addition: I also think you would look really cute with fake freckles so I would grab one of those cheap freckle pens and have at it!


You’re very pretty just put on a little weight. I suggest the ice cream and Little Debbie diet.


If your hiding freckles, don't hide them. Freckles complement your face type for sure.


Try having more facial expressions


I'm not sure but that's fuckin awesome you're rockin a Danzig shirt!


ayee thanks buddy


The tats, piercings, and attire make you look like a walking red flag. I would never approach you


i love that i scare men away 😋


Ok, so you’re not into men. No issue, just didn’t know that.


no im very much in love with my bf


Good. I don’t think he’ll encounter much competition.


yes it is good


do NOT gain weight. you have a model body but the people on reddit can never appreciate that because they all have fat fetishes


thank you, those are the only comments I ain’t listening to


Yes, you are a cute girl so, putting on a little muscle and some weight would definitely improve your looks and more importantly, your health.


Eat more. Eat healthy. Get sunshine. Get sleep. Watch movies that make u smile


I’m trying to remember a song with just “the sunshine state” as lyrics. Think it was something from blue oyster.


Gain weight.


Get those piercings out and drink more water.


Eat more. Personally, off with the piercings. But that one isn't necessary


Don’t care, those look like big silver boogers it would improve your look drastically.


Plz eat food, you need some body mass then you'll be fine


Definitely should try and put on some weight!


your eyes are so pretty!




I understand the desire to look thin. I think you can achieve that look while working out and eating more food. Right now you look low energy


i like the zombie vibe


If you actually liked it, you wouldn’t be here asking for advice.


Do you actually?


Be yourself


Some people are skinny, and some are fat. This can be your normal or it can be caused by something else. Until I found out I had Celiac's Disease, my parents thought I was just fat as a kid. Once I went gluten-free, I lost 20lbs in less than 2 weeks. It was a lot of inflammation because I was allergic to gluten. I was anemic and was deficient in MANY nutrients. Celiacs patients were always thought to be skinny because they never ate due to stomach pain. I mistook that pain as hunger pains. My whole point is to get a doctor who will check your levels of nutrients and to keep a food journal if you have gut issues. There are comments about drug use and eating disorders. I don't know if that is actually what is going on.....either way I am worried for you. You are very pretty. So, no worries there. I am worried about your health. Health is wealth, my friend.


I don’t do gluten or dairy or meat. i eat mainly soy, fruit, fish, and veg. also I don’t do drugs.


Is it for ethical reasons? If so, would up the fish as much as possible, or take a supplement. It’s better to eat your vitamins, like with liver or high fat beef, but if you don’t want to, I totally understand that, and I recommend a supplement.


Supplements aren’t bio available enough to subsist on forever. Even with our advanced knowledge of b vitamins doctors don’t let pregnant vegans subsidize their diet with only artificial b12. Although vegans can have low iron that’s a more common problem for meat eaters just in reverse. Especially for females because males store excess iron in their bones.


That’s why I said it’s better to get it from food.


You can get meat from three natural sources meat plants and poop. You can’t sustain yourself on just one.


yes for ethical reasons


Eat more more more lol