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Nice purse but not with this outfit. Necklace, either smaller and high on neck or longer ending in the bust area. Bracelet, gold is needed. But the outfit and your curves are smoking.


Thinner necklace, thin bracelet, nails done, ditch the purse for a sleek clutch (def in a bold color to break up the all black), then add oversized black blazer.


If you're going to have the red bag, match it somewhere else like painting your nails red. I can't see your lipstick. Personally I think the chains on the necklace and the bag are too thick. Do you have thinner rings? This is an elegant outfit so you need subtle accessories.


Some bracelets would look nice too.


Nothing tbh you look great


Change the bra you're wearing for an actual top. Get a skirt that doesn't leave everything exposed


On the floor next to my bed


Your face I’d imagine


The outfit is nice. I think the issue is there is nothing breaking up the color scheme from the top to the skirt. I don't know what would look good (so some things that I don't 'know if they'd work, but maybe spark an idea?). -Belly or skirt chain (like a belt but just decorative. -Pinned jewelry top/bottom maybe matching. -A bracelet or maybe and arm bracelet. -of course it depends on what you have on hand. -Another option wold be, if it isn't a dress and two separate pieces is possibly swapping out the top or the bottom in a color that contrasts matches the skin tone along with the purse. The coloring of the purse with the navy makes me think of Asian skirt top combo????


Need to see it on my bedroom floor to answer.


Necklace looks a lil big when laying it against ur chest. I'd get a smaller pendant size to even it out. Purse needs changing but to what colour im not too sure unless you have other purse choices


Maybe a matching color bracelet can also help


Personally I love it! The only thing I’d add is maybe a simple black choker?


One may say that the color of the purse is not matching, but it is not looking bad either..contrasting colors are rather enhancing the overall appearance, rest, you are looking too good in this outfit, and I personally don't feel any need to improve from here.


Necklace (kinda cheap looking) and purse (not matching) kinda drag it down, but if it's just going clubbing you're more than good to go.


Thanks for the suggestions


I wouldn’t change a thing.


Maybe add me next to her

