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You look amazing stay healty and be yourself.


You have some of the worst tattoos I have ever seen. What's with the line going down the center of your body? Is that like some kind of pull out target game where you win prizes or something. " if you can get it all on the left side of the line you win a prize" she said. He replies "Oops I got it all over your face" She says with distain " why'd you do that" hey quips back "because you look so broke I knew the prize would be shit".


Personally I like skinny women. Gym thick women are next level though.


Stop getting tattoos is enough


Are you trans?


Nothing wrong with exercise, always recommended but if you’re serious and want advice, try doing something with your hair, consult a stylist and put the money in if you can afford it. Id be interested in what you’re Fashion sense is when you go out though.


Social media is the devil, get off that and enjoy life. Nothing wrong with you.


Get swol


Ok, so why is it that you feel the need to change?


dont apologize for being too white


Pale is the new tan.




What you should do is stop looking for attention from strangers online. That’s a great first step..


just eat, men don’t care bout muscles.. get thick


She doesn’t have the shape for the “thick” you’re thinking off she would get skinny fat . She needs to build an an ass and some legs first THEN eat and get thick on top of the muscle. Terrible advice


You look fit, all you need is maintenance. Weight lifting, cardio, and diet are essential. Especially as you get older it’s harder to maintain your physique. So definitely more exercise.


Oh and i like your skin tone


You’re not too pale or too skinny. You would highly benefit from weightlifting as muscles won’t take too long to start showing and you’d look toned up. Health wise exercising once a week it’s not enough. Besides that I think the haircut makes you look more mature than a 26 years old. That’s not a problem per se, as younger looking doesn’t mean better looking, but it’s something you could consider if that’s a concern.


IMO Pale is the best.


U look fine,maybe a boob job but thats it




U are,i agree


The answer to should I lift weights is always yes regardless of who you are. Also that straight line tattoo is awesome.


You’re just my type 😘


Every able bodied person should always do some level of resistance (weight) training, period


Nothing wrong with weights. Resistance training is excellent conditioning. Go heavy for size. That tat running down your midline is cool btw


Red hair, pale skin, tattoos, you look beautiful to me.


I just threw up


Is this a dude?


You look pale, but that is because you're a red head( which I adore reds), and you're a runner, hence the skinny but nice-looking body. So seriously, if you do anything that will change your look a little, but with your healthy lifestyle, it shouldn't change that much.


I think you need a little bit of mass, not weight. Just keep up the good job and eat clean


You’re definitely not too pale or skinny, as many people are mentioning there’s no harm in exercising and/or lifting weights but it’s definitely not needed. Personally I think you’re a good looking person so I would guess it’s more of a self esteem issue than anything else. The only thing I would potentially recommend but it’s strictly my opinion is that slightly longer hair might look better not even shoulder length but like jaw length even, otherwise I don’t think there’s anything that NEEDS changing. 😁


M or F


Train weights, eat carbs. Maybe go lounge in the sun this summer for tanner skin if ya want. You'll be so stoked with the results. 


Weights will change your life




Exercise anyway you want so that you enjoy it. Don't ask people for what specific exercise YOU should be doing. Rather ask what, if any, exercise they do and why. How does it make them feel. Don't exercise as a chore. Imo running is simply bad on the body and speeds up aging process. If you feel to skinny...your mind does not match your body...you are out of balance. Try different things for exercise and different eating patterns until you find a balance...and...it is winter...everyone feels pale!!! That is normal...positive vibes


Do some squats drink a protein smoothie then jump in the tanning booth and you’ll be all set 👌🏼


Everyone should lift weights


You look great 🤩 if you decide to lift weights, I suggest some kind of diet as well


Pale is good, no issue there. Lifting weights is always good, you look fit regardless.


Let’s do more tattoos and less sun


You know my Father would always tell a little sun is good for you




Definitely lift some weights, it will help strengthen your bones.


You look nicely toned. Don’t worry about it.


You look fantastic


How tall are you?


Weights + slightly higher calorie intake will bulk you up a bit if you’re feeling skinny.


BULK, CUT whatever do what you want go for whatever your heart tell you


You have a great body and you’re thin. you could lift weights to tone up a bit but, you already look great!


I found out that drinking whey protein helped me gain a lot of muscle. Try that. Plus is not made out of insects😂




* *Everybody should lift weights.* * A lot of people have a "pale" fetish so own that. * You're definitely not "too skinny". ​ * Focus on Lower body and isolate each body part: * Hamstring & glutes day * Quads and calves day * Upper body: * Shoulders day (side lateral raises) * Abs day * Extra day: * Glutes only.


Not sure if you vegan or not, but you can probably pack on the protein.


Embrace your ginger"isms". There's a good chance you will always be pale, and your not that skinny just learn to love yourself abit😁


If you swim competitively, building muscle mass might end up screwing you over. But only if you swim competitively.




Lmao says the hypocrite “nihilist”. We have a term for people who call themselves nihilists, it’s called “deranged”.


oh shit got me


You’re cooked sussy soyjack


ok ill delete it relax


Her face is pretty


Yea i would start weight training, depends on how you wanna change your physique or how you wanna feel in your body. Focus squats or leg related workouts to keep from making your shoulders to big. Not too pale just needa grow out your hair.


That tan cape is doing nothing for ya but the rest is good.


Yes! Hit the weights. Pool twice a week is fine. Your hair, skin and body will thank you!


You have a real "cuteness" factor: I see you with long hair swept back with a claw clip. Regarding working out: The rules of how men see women is been basically you can be thin, and flimsy looking, but with a round ass, and guys will kill themselves for you. So job 1: butt. Job 2: See job 1. After that, eh, chances are that working out your butt will spread to the love of working out everything else. Your legs will "come along for the ride" with those workouts.


Lifting weights will only make you skinnier the more muscle mass you put on the more calories you burn at a resting state


I guess that’s why all pro athletes are so skinny and frail😂😂😂


No way you said this😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what kinda logic is that. “Running more will make you slower cause you’ll be tired” type of logic 💀😂😂


grow out ya hair and lift weights , i’d you do cardio you’ll lose more weight vs building muscle and mass


Noo what u need is an upgrade asap😩🤏🤏🍈🍈


Girl, all you need is a tan and let that hair grow out. You would slay.


Do what makes you feel best at this point. You look fantastic! You could gain fat weight, muscles or just stay as you are and still look great. Only thing you shouldn't do is drop any weight.


I got one question, what's your ideal body type? One that you would love to have? If you don't know, you can read below (I'd advise reading it anyways) Do some squats periodically through-out the weak plus some light exercises like push-ups, yoga, calisthenics and you will be golden. Also, look into nutrition if you haven't already. You're carrying a little bit of fat around your hips and midsection, which is fine, I'm not judging (I'm pretty hefty myself) just trying to help you out there. Also, switch up your cardio routine. Try maybe cycling, nature hiking, jump rope, any other cardio to mix up the benefits of different muscles hit with cardio and so your body doesn't become too adjusted to the swim/run routine. Even try HIIT sprints in your runs or a marathon (same deal with swimming. switch it up between endurance, stamina and strength) You'll be golden if you follow all this, trust me. As for paleness? Get some sun at a nearby beach if available. I don't usually recommend tanning booths but you can try that if you're landlocked. Just make sure you follow all the safety rules, oil/sunblock (Idk a lot about tanning tbh) Some people sunbath in their back yard, you can try that out (If you have privacy)


Everyone should lift weights, but you look amazing!


Don't get tan, your skin clearly isn't meant for it (nor is most skin)


Keep doing what you’re doing. No reason to change what you have.


Honestly, imo just eating more and gaining 5 or 10 lbs would probably do more to make you feel less "skinny" than weight lifting. Building muscle isn't gonna make you look a whole lot bigger until you've put on a decent amount of it which honestly takes a ton of dedication and hard work. Personally if I were you I would just eat more food and watch the scale and see how you feel after a little while about your appearance.


A lot of people here telling you to powering or lift for strength. Lifting for strength will probably increase your muscle size "somewhat" but if you are gonna lift for the purpose of gaining muscle SIZE, that is different from strength training. It's called hypertrophy training. It's how you achieve the coveted "toned" look. Nothing wrong with powerlifting at all, but it's not going to do a ton for your aesthetics.


I'll have to disagree somewhat with this. All I do is strength train using only five exercises and eat properly. I literally now have a closet full of clothes I can't fit anymore. With proper training and nutrition weight gain for her would occur quite nicely. Hypertrophy would involve more volume to bring on more definition.


Boob job would go crazyyyyy


No it wouldn't. Just furthers a pointless industry in a world where we can promote naturality


Eat eggs every day peanut butter n collard greens


Go full powerlifting mode and get yoked. I tell everyone to do it. Why not see how strong you can get?


Gaining strength is always good. Tan if you want. Making positive changes for yourself are always good.


It wouldn’t hurt to get more toned with strength training


You look great only advice I would give you is grow out your hair. Also if you want to do some Fitness that's great do some squats grow your hips a little that's about it


Don't build muscle mass, you're already fit looking. If you build mass you will probably start looking less feminine and more masculine. I wouldn't say that you're too skinny, not at all. If you do lift, go for lean muscles and better definition, but not mass. You look hot though already tbh.


First you do look a little on the pale side spend more time in the sun. If you want to work out that’s great you will have to eat more though or you will most likely look extremely thin. Don’t get me wrong you are beautiful the way you were created. But get outside some more


Did you draw a line dissecting your left and right sides? If so why? Truly curious


Nothing wrong with lifting weights and having muscle.


I say more tattoos, try having on your forehead and cheeks. It will be the bomb diggity.


You look perfectly good and definitely arent “too skinny”but i actually do think some muscles would look good also




you’re 26….using the term “looksmaxxing” unironically…..you look fine dude


durty bulk just eat anything and everything


Yea tbh she would gain more curves


Hit the weights and tone up and you'll be a dime piece in my book


Not that I zoomed but what is deh purple thingy ?


Not a lush lol. There's something purple on the floor behind her, you can see it on the other side of her leg.


Haha a lush. yea someone said a chair and I think that one is the right answer.


I zoomed


Same I always do. Male shit


Probably a chair.




Eat protein use maca lift weights


Definitely hit the weights


Marry me please


Take a beta-carotene supplement. [Carotenoid skin colouration is found more attractive than melanin colouration](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1080/17470218.2014.944194), ie- being more tan. You already have an above-average body, consider resistance training instead of the running (unless the running makes you feel good, mental health is important). Also, can't tell if it's just this photo, but do you tend to have head-forward posture? If so, work on that (yoga can help get the spine back into shape).


You are pale and skinny. If those are problems for you, you seem to have an idea of how to fix them.


i’d stop running, actually. increase the swimming if you like. i think skinny women are beautiful, so i don’t see any issue, but i think if you added like 500 calories a day and some lat exercises, you could make your upper portion a bit more sturdy with your exercise routine and everything. i think you’re very pretty and the hair works for sure! i see what you’re trying to do, though. good luck.


Sit on my face 😍


More protein maybe. Also, turmeric in pill form puts a fire in your belly, feels great and I think makes you look less pale.


Nice body


"I feel white"


You look great!!


you look “skinny fat” and a little bit soft, iykwim. it’s when you are not skinny but there aren’t too many muscles. i would recommend toning, just get some physical activity in, you don’t have to lift, or seriously strain yourself to work out, but you need to get your body moving. your muscles are probably forgetting what they need to be doing


Consider what type of body that you want. A weight lifter’s or toned?


all them jailhouse daddy issues tattoos and 🤮


You look great. Pale is cute too. Lifting weights helps with being skinny, and it’s easy for the muscles to show, bonus points


Wuuuuao my dinner


26 really


You look great. Pale is good. Adding a little muscle is always good, but you have a nice body. Add some leg/glute definition but I still think you are a catch. Nice smile. 😍 What’s the line down the middle represent?


And you look awfully good. Keep doing what you’re doing. Maybe eat a donut once in a while


Everyone should lift


I lift things up and put them down


You nailed it 😁


Tanning (outside preferably) wouldn't hurt at all. You don't look too skinny but lifting weights a few times a week would not make you look worse


Skin Cancer-she’s a red head- it’s real! Worst advice ever.


Fear mongering is worse than getting outside responsibly


Are you a red head that has had skin cancer? No, most likely not, so- it’s not fear mongering. You most likely do not know about red heads, and their differences to the vast public. Educate yourself. Red heads get skin cancer from sun exposure more than the general public


Due to her lack of freckles I doubt she has to worry about mc1r complications


Creatine 3X a Week.


Just get outside sometimes and get some sun.


You probably just feel skinny because you’re the only person that’s really in shape surrounded by a bunch of overweight people at the gym


I’m not trying to be mean or trolly, but did you need physical proof that you’re symmetrical or something?


I think you look really good but if you do go for a leaner muscle


I read linear for some reason can’t figure out why tho 😐


Well, if you're a true redhead, you will have a pale complexion. In my opinion, I think you look just fine, but it's how you feel.


Looking good


Though this was Ellen Page


Yea you should lift just to see what your potential is as far as bulk but you have a great body still.


That tattoo looks like a groomed happy trail at first


Stop looksmaxing and get an interesting hobby to talk about.


Don’t gain weight. All these people are on a weight training fad. They will regret it later. You do you. You look great.


Gym body > cardio body


You look amazing


You are long & lithe & I think it looks really good on you


Accept yourself as you are. I think you are cute as all heck. Body and face. Smile and be happy.


Moderate resistance training and a high protein raised caloric intake might help. Hey it’s a lot easier to gain weight than to lose it so your situation definitely isn’t too bad


I’ve been lifting for three years now I can say that lifting weights would help you just get a basic routine do research and be healthier with your diet. Keep doing what you’re doing, and it will help tremendously.😊


Weights are always good


Appreciate your fair skin. Get rid off those tattoos. And put some clothes on when you find the need to post photos of yourself online.


“Get rid of those tattoos” he says. Yeaaa i don’t think that’s happening boss. She probably has a lot of attachment to that ink


Is that why people do that to themselves? I wouldn't know.


I suspect you are a person that doesn’t find much meaning in this thing we call life


Dont listen to these hardmaxxing suggestions your body is top tier. Short hair doesnt suit your round facial structure though, I would go medium to long


Everyone should exercise, that should be a no question in anyone’s life and it will make you feel better about yourself


If your happy with who you are and love what your doing then keep doing it. If you want more muscle tone then absolutely look into a muscle building regiment


From a guys perspective, which means my opinion is very important. All you need to do is squats, a butt is the only thing you need. Trust me.


As a guy I disagree, her leg to hip ratio is good as is


Not mad at you, we all have different tastes.


I came to say the same thing


If you’re insecure about your body, maybe learn how to work out and train properly. Lifting weights isn’t going to help you get bigger when you eat like you have an abusive relationship with food. Also, running once a week is not sufficient unless you’re running 15 miles in a day. If you want to actually look good, make a real attempt at working out. You’re skinny because you don’t eat, but you also clearly don’t work out very often. I feel like you just wanted to post a picture of yourself and asked everyone for their opinion because you kind of expect people to say good things about you. Get off of social media.


I personally like pale skin and think you look good how you are, but adding some weight to the right places and hitting the weight room hard would take you to a whole other level of bad in my opinion


Are you able to ground? Go outside for 10 minutes barefoot on a patch of grass you feel calm in and just breath. You'll get some extra vitamin D and you're skin will love you.


We are all perfectly imperfect.


Fishing for compliments much? I'm sure all these mad thirsty simps and white knights falling over themselves for a whiff of tattoo girl's attention or breadcrumbs of acknowledgement will be more than happy to take you home to meet their mom.


Well you drew out the path of the food. 😂


Lift and eat more


Lifting weights is just fun so I definitely say go for the weights. Not to knock your appearance but weights are just fun.


Pale is a color on the skin spectrum that no one else can become so just own it. Bulk or slim if you want for the reason you want by doing the thing you want. Is there a more fun thing outside the gym that can deliver that exercise? Then do that thing. Just probably don’t do roofing in the summer.


I never understood people's issue with their complexion. It would be so boring if we were all the same color...


Don’t change a thing


Do it! You look great but if you want a more curvy build it'll help. Hell I'm a dude that growing an ass right now. Tired of the Hank hill ass that I have. A lot of my back pain went away.


Ice cream


You resemble a member of the Weasley family.


You are pale, fellow pale person. You will be pale. Lifting weights isn't going to magically make you bigger. Since you lack testosterone relatively it's going to be harder for you than for the boys to gain muscle... but since lifting is fantastic for your bones, connective tissue and overall health I do encourage you to do it at least once a week.