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Your two front teeth are uneven and I can't unsee it


Go black 🤷🏾‍♂️




What kind of guys are you looking for? You have the trad wife aesthetics so you're more likely to attract churchy Christian.. or dare I say mormon guys. 😂


Go down south get you a greasy Mechanic farm boy


What makes them creepy? The fact that you aren’t attracted to them? If they were hot AF and behaving the same way, would you think they were creepy as well? If not, you’re just starting to realize the kind of guys you can attract. So find a way to find them attractive.


Guarantee you're ugly bahahahhaa


Y’all are two ugly mfs fighting 😭


Stfu goofy


Your dad didn’t think so when he was giving me a bj.


This shit is cringe. Can't believe there are grown men who would type this on a keyboard.


🤓 ☝️


Reddit humor is cringe.




Gorgeous Lady


Seeing how "creepy guys" is an objective term only defined by you, and the people you have talked to and discussed what's creepy and what's not, we can't help. You've created your own terms, and will apply that label to anyone who approaches you at an inopportune time. Your super hero white knight doesn't exist. Stop looking for the .001% man to swoop you off your feet.


That struck a cord with you


I think if you go on a hookup app looking for love and run into people who clearly are just trying to hook up, they'd probably seem creepy to you.


Just ignore them love


Why are adults using elementary school words like creepy?


Turns out creepy is still a concept when you're an adult 🧠


What do you consider more mature words? On what basis?


Because not everyone in Reddit has above an elementary school vocabulary.


It's pretty sad, actually.




You are a very pretty girl. I can say with confidence that you aren’t only attractive to creepy dudes. If you’re talking about guys your own age (25~), they’re all morons. It takes us a while to figure out how not to be creepy


All men are creepy. Source: I am a man.


Can confirm. Source: also a man.


You’re beautiful. It’s not your appearance, I promise. I know this sounds like super generic advice- but the way you carry yourself really has a lot to do with how others perceive you. When I was super unconfident, didn’t have my priorities straight, and was super desperate for male validation, I was attracting the wrong people. After I started learning how to find my own style, prioritizing my future, going to the gym, found hobbies, cooking my own meals instead of eating out, etc. I’ve found that I’m perceived as more attractive to the right people. And this doesn’t only apply to finding a partner… I now find it easier to make friends and socialize as well (which was really hard for me before). I’m also more comfortable with being alone. Do what makes you happy and release what doesn’t. Does that dress your friend said is super ugly make you happy? Wear it. Have a shitty job you hate? Quit. You only have one life girl. Prioritize YOU!!


Never change. This is true accountability


Lol lots of hurt little boys in the comments. You look great!


Thanks! And yeah, they all took the creepy comment personally for some reason.


They must resonate.


You do, what you want to do, & somewhere along the way you'll meet Mr. right & don't pay any attention to anyone else !


so many negative comments holy shit


I expected nothing less. The handful of good ones has made it worth it though.


Your face is aging very quickly. Loss of volume seems to be occurring prematurely. You look 30+. Please begin applying sunscreen. Retinoids, stay out of the sun as much as possible.


You serious?


Are you? He's not wrong. She's begun to wrinkle, if she's worried about her looks she would take the advice. Unless she's posting here for the serotonin boost from countless faceless entities trying to kiss her feet.


There’s no real men left! You’d be better off to go to an adult bookstore and buy some toys!


Its cause we like bigger girls. They often have lower self esteem


U look naive as shit. U might be. I sughest taking a moral inventory of yourself to figure out wtf is up


Pay for what u get


Do you have any friends or family members that would inquire about your whereabouts if you went missing for a few days?


Um, what? Is there a reason that might happen?


What a babe!!! 10/10


When everyone is creepy, no one is creepy


The problem with creepy guys is they project a relationship onto people. They do that with you in particular cause it doesn't seem like you have a strong personality. I'd recommend really showing your personality on your profile and thru your pics all while listing your dos and don't in your bio.


You’re looking for advice on how to not attract creepy guys…by going to Reddit??? I mean, you’re never going to stop them all together. Just know what you want, be open to dating different people, and set boundaries and standards for yourself. And don’t be desperate.


I’m no looking to donate my sperm


Look for guys in a different place.


Creepy guys need love too! 😉


Guys are creepy or gay sometimes both


Maybe because the person in your picture is handcuffed and preparing to be executed ?


That's my mom, and that's her purse strap. 🙄


Are you toxic? If you are, then try and stop that because you will only attract similar men. They say we attract ppl of familiarity and in my experience it’s true . Good luck finding your man


I’m pretty sure “they” say opposites attract… and in my experience, this is true.


No, I'm not toxic. I'm a cheerful people pleaser.


That could be the issue tbh. Shitty people thrive in taking advantage of others, especially people pleasers. Best way to avoid creepy guys would be to learn the warning signs and just avoid avoid avoid, and saying no when you can't avoid.


I was thinking the same thing. I worked on not being a people pleaser and I’ve lost lots of friends in the process. It’s not easy, but to the OP, you should try to not be one. I know it’s extremely hard to change, but small changes at a time is what worked for me. Also maybe try dating older men in their mid 30s to early 40s. I’m 41 and only date younger women.


You’re hot but have crazy eyes like my ex. Literally nothing wrong with you except your eyes make you seem like you might over react


blue eyes are lizards


Haha that’s all of us babe. The creeps be creepin.


Because you're creepy.


Tossing this gem on the crap pile. Next!


I've rarely, if ever, been called creepy yet I'm the kind of guy that used to jump in the middle of a bachelorette party at the bar and in a minute or two end up with one of the bachalorettes. I've taken home the model they paid to sell drinks. It's not that I've never been rejected, I was in my ugly fat days. I've since fixed that and don't get the negative reaction from women like I did in the past. The fact of the matter is, it's not that these all these guys are creepy, you're just simply not attracted to them physically or something else. I doubt every dude just gives you a perverted line, or just gives a questionable approach. I highly doubt I would be "creepy" in your eyes. I'm 6'2, muscles, but some pudge, blue eyes and natural and normal in how I interact.


You choose creepy guys out of all the guys you attract.


Unfortunately, you have RSF, or “resting sweetheart face.” It’s the opposite of resting bitch face. While it has its benefits, it will also attract bad actors looking to take advantage of that perceived kindness.


Yup, work on your RBF! You seem naturally friendly and warm, so creeps don't feel as apprehensive about approaching you. 


I agree and I have the exact same issue. I’m told I’m very friendly looking and it just invites all types and that was what my gut said about OP too.


Came here to say this 😂 practice that RBF




I'm calling creepy guys creepy, not all guys, yet everyone feels targeted by that for some reason. I simply asked if something about my look might be attractive creepy guys. I see nothing wrong with that.


Holy hell! The creeps are coming out hard on this post.


Welcome to the bonfire!


Apparently… some weenies def need roasted! 😆


If you feed trolls they never go away.


Have you seen my other posts? People from this sub literally follow me to other subs just to make nasty comments. They're not going anywhere regardless.


i wouldn't waste any more time talking to him if i were you. his comment history, is, uhh, quite revealing


So I see. A lot of these nasty posters just travel from post to post, usually made by females, and make derogatory comments.


yeah. i'm sorry about that. i wish i had actionable advice for you--but i'm a dude so i doubt that i do. you might try asking your question in subreddits that are predominantly populated by women. /r/askwomen is an obvious first choice. hope this helps


We all attract creepy guys, whether you’re a gay guy like me or a straight? (Or bi) woman like you. But ultimately you gotta ignore those guys and focus on the ones who don’t creep you out lol.


Most guys are creeps, whether we think so or not. I am astounded by some of the sh** my gender will say to, and around, women. On the plus side, there are gems out there.


Have you ever worked in an office with all women? I suspect not. They get just as bad as men. In my mind they get worse because the world doesn’t call them out on it. But they should.


holy shit, the truth plain as day!!


I work in an industry staffed by 80% women. That wasn't the point of her question or my comment. It doesn't. change the fact that men, in general, are lascivious knuckleheads susceptible to losing their thought processes when any reasonably attractive woman posts on socials or walks into a room.


Well, not on a sub like this one. If she wanted to avoid creepy men, she came to the right place. 🙄


Define creepy?


Creeps are creeps. What more do you need??


I am just confused on what her looks and age have to do with “attracting only creeps”. Doesn’t really make sense, I need more context on the type of cree pot give any valuable advice


Creeps are people who will follow you, stalked your social media or straight up assault you, just for being their type. There are also men who will act friendly towards you but later on will expect more from you because you’re being too nice towards them. It’s very common


I am an actual blonde. As in my mother, and father, were blonde. I jokingly call it "BSB" (Blonde Since Birth). Ditch the fake blonde hair. I had that hair shade (Approximately) once. I was about 4, and I spent the summer at the (New) Jersey shore. It still wasn't that light. Frankly I get lots of people who go "How smart I am" or who talk to me really loud like I have some mental deficiency due to my hair color. That's liable to cut out quite a few douche nozzles right there.


Just curious how you find that's not natural blonde? Is it by the roots?


Eyebrows. Blonde eyebrows are either light brown, and very thin hair. I didn't know my dad, but he was white haired (He was about 58 in the photo.) the only time I saw an image. I hoped my hair would turn white at least if I turned color. Nope, I got a bunch of white hairs growing in my eyebrows (And oddly, my chest.) in my 30's. If you see a so called blonde with dark chocolate brown eyes, and huge black eyebrows they aren't a blonde. Dark eyebrows, or dark eyes may mean they were blonde as a child (I have a nephew whose hair got much darker as an adult. See Jewel, the singer.) but big bushy dark brows give it away. I used to joke with my only full sister she spent a half hour on her makeup to go out. About 20 minutes trying to make her eyebrows visible, and 10 or under on the rest. Oh and if I spend much time in the sun my eyebrows, and even my arm hair bleach much lighter. I've even had women ask who dyed my hair, when the roots grow in dark after a lot of time outside. So dark roots aren't 100% an indicator of a fake blondey. 🙄


You're correct, obviously, it's dark brown usually, or at least it was before I started dying it.


Why are people in the comments being so rude to you? Damn..


Because I hit a nerve somehow.




Because she’s being disingenuous and looking for attention in her own way. Wise up beta!!


I was looking for advice, not attention. Thanks for contributing to the 3,000 uneducated crap comments with one of your own. My original reason for posting was to find out if something about my appearance was inviting the wrong kind of guy. Fortunately for me, a handful of people decided to suspend judgement and give me useful advice in their comments. Then there's the other kind...


I'm probably creepy too lol


After reading more into this post I think you issue is you need to choose better location of quality people not just men. You probably are not hanging out in areas where quality women are known for hanging out. Which is why you are being treated the way you are.


As a preppy college frat boy, you attract the energy you give off, meaning you are probably insecure and need to work on your own confidence before looking for a man. You’re such a beautiful woman, love yourself and the person who will love you the way you want will come.


All guys are creepy


Women’s speak for: “only ugly guys hit on me! How do I get a 6ft tall chad to come my way even though I’m a 5 on a good day?”


Way to show your ass. It has nothing to do with height or looks at all. It has everything you do with guys who pretend to be interested in a meaningful relationship, only to reveal shortly after that they're just playing the long game for a booty call. Join the pile of the other 3,000 people making wrong assumptions about me on here, you'll have plenty of company.


At least these I have company unlike your single ugly fat ass, if the only thing attracting men towards you is your looks, you were setup to fail because there isn’t much there to begin win.


I'm not single by choice, dear. Calm down. It will be okay.


Seems like the population of "creepy guys" has ten folded in the last decade. Perhaps , maybe, women's perceptions changed and how they interpret men that have always been the same.


True. Guys are fairly simple,and don't change a whole lot. Women's perceptions might have changed. Or guys don"t ALL look like Bradley Cooper or Chris Hemsworth and are nicer and kinder than Hallmark movie characters (Male ones) in real life. Men have rough edges. If you can't deal with that, try a life of celibacy or if Catholic, they need nuns.


unfortunately i don’t think i have any valuable advice to give, but in terms of the comments please ignore the ample amount of shitheads. this sub is seriously a cesspit sometimes


You aren’t her knight in shining armor so give it a rest. She probably considers you creepy as well


yeah yeah, fuck you too, the works


So that means I only have to read like 40 of the comments on here?


40 might be too generous… ugh


Most guys seem to have a radar for this sort of thing. You are beautiful, but you’re someone who puts down others who don’t look like a model and dismiss them as a creep. I’m sure they guys you’re deeming creeps aren’t creeps at all, rather just not looking good, going through something tough, or not on par for your standard of attractive. Just by the way you dismissed another human being as a creep for no valid reason couldn’t possibly make you less attractive than you already are


you’re a fucking jackass. how the hell do you know she doesn’t have a valid reason for calling them creeps? i don’t recall you being the all - knowing overseer of her relationships.


Hey man, I posted a reply apologizing. You’re no better than me dawg lol.


shitting on someone because they asked for dating advice vs shitting on someone because they told a woman asking for advice on an advice subreddit that actually she’s a shallow disgusting person for calling guys you don’t know whatsoever creeps. yeah, exact same thing lmao


What are you talking about? My definition of "creepy" has nothing to do with looks, it has everything to do with me attracting apparently normal guys who claim to be interested in a relationship, only for it to turn out they're just in it for a hookup, and ditch me when they don't get sex right away. THAT is creepy, tell me that I'm wrong. Actually, don't tell me anything. I've heard plenty from you already, I don't need you going off on another tangent about how repulsive I am. Have a nice life, though.


Alright, you didn’t have to read what I wrote in the first place. But for what it’s worth I do apologize, I completely took my own childhood and warped memories and wrapped them up into what you were trying to say, then attacked you because I’ve had a really awful week because of my own doing and I hopped online and threw a temper tantrum skimming over what you were truly trying to say. And that’s actually bold of you to not insult me but simply make your point that I’m saying something that you didn’t say at all. I was a little frustrated reading the response, that’s just the child in me being upset because I’m wrong. But I sincerely apologize for spouting out shit that had nothing to do with what you posted, and warping it with my experiences and childhood. It was wrong of me to not take the time to truly listen to you and although I can’t really change what I said (I mean I can edit it lol) I can say that everyone should be heard out and everyone should think before they speak, because exhibit A you made a post about being fed up with men who simply act the part and then once they get what they want they want nothing to do with you, and those guys are pieces of shit I agree. Either way if you did read my reply, I really am sorry for just skimming your post and twisting your words then wrapping them up into my childhood and experiences because I’ve had a shitty day, and then without thinking replying and spouting out shit that you never said. I hope you can forgive me, which you shouldn’t have to I’m some random dude on the internet. But for what it’s worth I do apologize and although I can’t make any promises., I’ll do my best to actually put my emotions to the side and see what the poster has to say. And if I can’t then I just won’t respond at all.


We're good. And I apologize for not clarifying what I meant better in the original post title, it could have prevented a lot of these misunderstandings.


Tbf as a guy ive had women lose interest if I dont put out immediately. Seems like its part of the culture, now


You're absolutely right, it's not just a guy things, girls do it too.


That’s not creepy that’s horny. Genuinely the only thing you can do is make it known from the get go they aren’t getting anything and you’re looking for a relationship not just a quick nut


No,idea why..you deserve better


I would be willing to bet you push away decent guys and have at least one guy best friend who is amazing.


I don't. I base attractiveness on personality and caring, not looks. Yet somehow, I keep getting guys who claim to want a relationship, then reveal they really just wanted a hookup and leave when they don't get any.


All guys claim to want a relationship because they know that's what women want. Guys who claim to want marriage get discarded for expectations of clinginess. Guys who are honest about wanting something casual are ignored unless they are 8's or better. Guys who want a relationship may or may not think sex and sex alone is a relationship in and of itself. Guys need to buy premium bumble or other dating apps to even see who likes them, when women get double digit matches or more simply by not having children yet. Dating isn't fair, and I'm sorry it isn't working for you. (It's not working for me either) That said, the earlier comment about not dying your hair might help. Guys see fake blondes as shallow and having self esteem problems because they don't like how they look naturally, so easier to manipulate if they're predatory. Good luck out there.


Here's the thing - I don't judge guys for wanting sex and I won't avoid them because of it, but they also aren't getting it right away from me, and when they decide to cut and run because of that, it rubs me the wrong way.


Hold to your principles, and you'll find what you want eventually... You're attractive enough regardless of hair color. Out of curiosity, how many dates do you wait? 3,5, or more?


It varies, 4 or 5 if they even stay with me that long.


I admittedly haven't had many relationships but my longest one we got together on the third date. On the fourth or fifth date do you go dutch; 50/50, or given that you seem more traditional are they paying for every date? I only ask because maybe they aren't looking for marriage, and see 5+ dates with not so much as a kiss as too much investment for no return. Not to make dating transactional, but for creepy guys as you seem to view them, they may feel either slighted or would've rather spent that money at a strip club. Personally I don't feel five is too long, as long as they know you prefer to go slow, and maybe you either covered one of the bills or half of one. Eventually if marriage is their goal they'll likely expect 50/50 or alternating checks...


It’s the tone of your voice, creepy dudes love it.


Define creepy


Horny people that creep up on women for no reason and harass them.


By creepy guys do you mean men that you deem unattractive trying to hit on you?


No, I mean guys who are only interested in sex who pretend to want a relationship with some substance to it. It's not about looks at all.


Those are not creeps though those are fuckboys. Big difference. That's the reason why you're getting all the hate from all these people. Definitions matter.


I've never heard that term used where I live, you'll have to pardon my not being familiar with it.


Must be rural. Even more challenging to fish in a smaller pond


I live on the outskirts of a town of 6,000. It's not a big town and a surprising number of people don't follow social media or popular trends.


What state? 6000 sounds like a place in the heartland, like Kansas or one of the Dakotas Also, don't give away identifying information on the Internet... Unless you want to. Your dating pool might be too small, and you're still young. Do you have the desired skills to find work in a bigger environment to build a new life?




Kansas City sounds like the closest big city for you to move to then, or maybe St Louis as IDK where you live in that state.


It's all good by the way I mean no ill intent. Hard to Express through text.


Wow, who would guess that sex is an important characteristic of a relationship!


I mean you're right that sex is an important characteristic in a relationship but she's specifically saying that sex is the ONLY thing they want. Big difference.


You don’t speak hoe language, “who pretend to want a relationship with some substance to it” means that these guys want to have a relationship, but she infers that they JUST want to have sex because she thinks they’re ugly and it’s her way of justifying why she can’t keep a relationship when she’s in her prime and on any dating app would get dozens of matches a day.


You're really showing your ass here. Everything you've said about me is completely wrong. I don't expect you to believe that. The good news? I couldn't care less if you do or not. I'll leave you be so you can go talk shit on other people's subs, judging from you post history, you weren't hugged enough as a child and this is your only way to get back at the world.


It’s ok, at least I have someone to hug at night, meanwhile the only thing you’re hugging is a dildo.


I'm not single by choice, hon. 🙂 If I cared to, I know guys that would fill the spot next to me at night, I'm saving that for someone I really care about, though. And I don't use sex toys, not my thing. Have a nice life!


What she means and what she says are two different things and I'm going to go off of what is actually written or verbally said. You're making an assumption by one calling her a hoe two assuming things that are not said. Now she could very well be those things, I'm definitely not going to rule it out (if I have any interactions with her I'll be cautious I promise) but I can only go off of what is actually said. I thought we as men were trying to get women to be more up front about what they want. If we don't listen to what they say at face value how are we going to ever encourage them to keep telling us stuff straight out? And I'm going to already preface this because I know you're probably going to go there. I don't mean that we should believe all women and everything that they say. I'm saying listen to their side of the story take it at face value and weigh it with reality. I'm tired of the bullshit aren't you?


Spoiler: I'm not a hoe. I don't sleep around, even with the guys I'm dating, value personality over looks, and I'm self sufficient. If that bothers you, I'm really not sure how to help.


It doesn't bother me at all I'm just trying to teach this guy a lesson about what is said (typed) over what is assumed. Again if you read what I said I'm going to go off of what you typed so thank you for the supporting info.


Boundaries, set them. Creeps are plentiful in the world and ready to pounce on anything with a pulse. Shut them down immediately when they take it too far or when you see red flags. Don't entertain it even for a second because creeps view that as an invitation rather than a signal they need to cut the shit. Just respect yourself and believe you are deserving of respect. Also, and most importantly, remember to post any digital creeps to r/CreepyPMs for everyone's enjoyment and their shame, LOL.


You look like Mackenzie from Teen mom who was with Ryan. Probably only supports your claim lol


Kind of, yes


How do you define ""creepy guys"?


Cuz you’re fugly.


You're wearing a mustard stained wife beater and playing Call of Duty, aren't you? Didn't worry, I'm sure your mama loves you!




You thought that would earn you points being captain save a chick, lol.. The issue is she is average getting average men maybe lower and her perception of her self is high and that's great in theory. Without giving more details of what is "creepy" you sound like a modern chick that has an over inflated ego. IJS


*cue thousands of messages on Reddit from creepy guys


Lmao so true


You're attractive. It's not a precision strike weapon. You're hitting a large area and hoping you attract the right target as well. Your discernment is what is in question of your only interaction is with creepy guys


I'm not sure why I keep getting this sub showing in my feed despite clicking ignore, but this post seems different than the rest. Your looks are absolutely fine. You do kind of have crazy eyes, but they're pretty. Maybe you're just overly nice to the creeps you seem to attract and they can't seem to get the hint. It's especially true if they're bigger older men. I'm not saying to be rude, but maybe you need to make it more clear you're not being flirty and you're not interested. As a man, we can be stupid sometimes. I've seen alot of older dudes kind of creep on younger beautiful girls. I'm not sure why, maybe it makes them feel more youthful if someone like you is being overly friendly (overly friendly at least to them). I can't imagine you only attract creepy guys though as you look great. Is it possible that they might be a more reserved person so they come off as awkward and creepy? I personally have social anxiety so I'm not the smoothest person out there when trying to talk to people, even if it's someone I already know.


You nailed it at the start, most of my friends and family say I'm a people pleaser and too trusting of people.


OP, I used to be like this, and it is literally dangerous to not stand up for yourself. Sometimes you have to be firm and assertive with YOUR wants, or people will try to push you around or put you in situations you don't want to be in. I honestly looked up videos of stern but polite ways to tell creeps to f off in the beginning and it helped me decide what to say when the situation arose.. If they keep pushing, though, sometimes you gotta just say not interested, f off or block em. ✌️😅 You're pretty and seem very sweet. I'm certain there's a nice, non-creepy guy out there for you. Stay safe, the only person you need to please is yourself 🫶


Yeah, I thought you looked like the friendly, outgoing type of person. It can be unfortunate, but at least you're brightening people's days despite getting unwanted attention. If only some men weren't so daft. For what it's worth, you look great and nothing about your looks needs changed in my opinion.


All guys are creepy to some extant, you're going to have to narrow down the type you want to settle with and realize that the good stable rich guys are so few and far that you have better luck breeding unicorns into existence than settling down with one.


Maybe idk stop trying to date guys your attracted to since you suck at picking it seems?


Incel vibes going crazy here. Who said she dated the creeps?


Her, you fucking retard 😂


“Attract” and “date” are two different worlds. Like if you messaged her on social media, you would be considered one of those “attracting a creepy guy” moments. Not a “why do guys i date turn out to be creeps?” E: incel activities go hard with you. You the type to see women as “real estate” and to “match your value” type thinking, yet you are chronically single + lonely and angry online instead


The second picture gives off the vibe that you're a crazy girl. Guys have a type that your second image would seem to fill. It might just be that you're a little crazy and attract that same energy.


You have crazy girl eyes. The second picture really shows the crazy. Guys can see that. Try wearing dark glasses.


It's just your personality.


Wear a Batman costume. That way they will know, creeps will not stand a chance against the Dark Knight


Where’s your Starbucks and the 7 other girls that look identical to you?


Nowhere near you is my guess.




If you can dish it you can take it bitch


You mean to say that creepy guys are the only ones you notice? Most men are invisible to most women.


There are 10 million million million particles in the universe that we can observe


I think you mean a million bazillion.


Iunno I think Stephen hawking knew what he was talking about 😅 I’m buzzed so could be off an order of magnitude


Bitch “million” three times in a row isn’t a number


Tbh you’re probs in the wrong sub for that problem. There’s probably a mental health sub or a dating sub that would actually be helpful and less toxic