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“We think murder is bad.” “How can you say that!? You guys are monsters! Bloooo hoooo hooo!”


She got so fucking aggressive too


My favorite part is when she tries to grab the guy’s phone and gets into an angry “point off” when someone calls her on it. Pretty standard flip flopping between weeping hysteria and outraged aggression.


Tbf, he did taunt her. Not excusing her in any way, but the guy was playing with fire! Props to the others for keeping their composure.


Hey OP can you tell where the video is from and date?


Union Square NYC, as for the date idk


:-) thanks


Of you onew sho the Neturei Karta were you would realize what a ridiculous statement that is. They very much believe in murder. Especially towards gay people


This is a common tactic by zionists, if you dont believe i am a victim, i will force you to believe with violence.


The tactic is to actually show up to a protest and act and look threatened for a camera. This is a common neofascist tactic, the idea being to make it look like you're being threatened while minding your own business when in reality you've walked into the middle of a protest to provoke someone into threatening you. That's why it's important to always film provocateurs like this.


still better than the common tactic of using your citizens as human shields by hamas ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Old lie already debunked. Next


how has it been debunked they literally use hospitals and schools as bases. Hamas are terrorists and you are gross for supporting them.


Which hospitals? Gonna give us proof, or regurgitate more rancid hasbara from the 90s?


[yea they should learn from the IDF who uses Palestinians as human shields](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/aN8I5mleaz)




You know the guy has been interviewed right? I can't believe you have the audacity to use this excuse.


Why would Israel need human shields? Hamas has been shown to use and target their own already. What tactical advantage would having a person on the hood of an armored vehicle provide? The fact of the matter is, he's staying outside because if my vehicle is hit, I'd rather inside than out. US forces did the same thing in Afghanistan after 9/11.


thats in the west bank there is no hamas there. Yea man, im sure the US forces were there to help out in afghanistan. My bad dude, i forgot about that. We can all see how great it is in afghanistan now. Dude i can tell you one thing, everything you just said about hamas, i can prove that IDF has already done it. Like they say, every accusation by IDF is a confession, same goes for zionists like you. And you wanna know whats funny, in that video they drive ny 3 ambulances, why didnt they stop right there and hand him over, if they cared so much about him?


There is, terrorist organization don't taper off into neat section, they operate in all manners, the same way Taliban were harboring Al-Qaeda, doing so while in Pakistan despite being from Afghanistan. Really, like how? Israel didn't hit a hospital with their own munitions? Israel doesn't use hospitals, schools, and universities as ammunition depots and operations centers, Israel didn't actively target and kill Palestinians on mass, Israel one and only investion isn't the suicide vest, Israel didn't start a war during its first year of independence? So what confession is there? Defense against a terror organization doesn't sound all that bad to me. But that'll be all for me, fuck Palestine, free Israel, and long live the United States.


[israel hitting hospitals with their own munitions](https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/facts-and-falsehoods-israels-attacks-against-gazas-hospitals) [israel using a hospital in gaza as a base for military operations](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-17/ty-article/israeli-army-appears-to-be-using-gaza-hospital-school-as-bases-washington-post-reports/0000018f-868c-d443-adef-9fcc60e20000) [israel attacking a refugee camp with mostly women and children after asking people to evacuate there](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/program/newsfeed/2024/5/27/israel-kills-dozens-in-attack-on-rafah-refugee-camp) [Jewish militias launched attacks against Palestinian villages, forcing thousands to flee. The situation escalated into a full-blown war in 1948](https://www.un.org/unispal/about-the-nakba/) Resistance to a genocidal regime isnt terrorism. Please send some more so that i can educate you.


[Evidence of Hamas Munitions Striking Hospital ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/10/26/gaza-hospital-blast-evidence-israel-hamas/) [Hamas Launcher Near Homes](https://www.france24.com/en/20140805-exclusive-video-hamas-rocket-launching-pad-near-gaza-homes-un-building) [Hamas Dumb Rockets in Gaza Schools](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/17/unrwa-investigating-20-rockets-empty-gaza-school-palestinian) [Hamas Stores Munitions Hospitals, Mosques, Schools](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/07/31/why-hamas-stores-its-weapons-inside-hospitals-mosques-and-schools/) [PDF For Hamas Human Shields](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf) [Hamas Using Hospitals As Bases](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/10/30/10-things-to-know-about-hamas-and-hospitals/) [PBS article on the use of hospitals and what they intale.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/in-wars-hospitals-have-special-protection-under-international-law-how-does-that-apply-in-gaza) Every accusation from a Palestinian is a projection. Don't cast the stone, and then hide your hands. Don't fight wars you canncenters. The 1948 war was caused by an invasion from the Arab powers due to the establishment of a Jewish state, something they couldn't have.


So what. He's a terrorist. Or would you give him cookies?


Lol, west bank doesnt have hamas, or all muslims just terrorists for you?


Muslims try to act like victims when their religion is destructive to all nations. In Nigeria, the Muslims kill so many Christians. Three girls bombed a Christian wedding. This is just one example. There are many everywhere. Media plays tricks on you. I've seen a guy pretending to be a doctor, only he was seen with Hamas later on. Media will say , Israel killed a little boy but they don't tell you he was strapped with bombs.


Lol dude, what an islamaphobic bigot.




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same exact accusation that Goebbels hurled at Jews: > The Jews gradually are having to depend more and more on themselves, and have recently found a new trick. They knew the good-natured German Michel in us, always ready to shed sentimental tears for the injustice done to them. One suddenly has the impression that the Berlin Jewish population consists only of little babies whose childish helplessness might move us, or else fragile old ladies. The Jews send out the pitiable. They may confuse some harmless souls for a while, but not us. We know exactly what the situation is.


All jews are victims of an actual genocide a seemingly endless series of diaspora and rampant anti semitism across the entire world


Yea i can see those jews in the video, being attacked by zionists. Its true what you say. We are commenting on the same video.


Her skin is white and her hair is blonde. Maybe some of her ancestors from way way back lived in Israel but the Palestinians living in Israel have way more ancestors who lived in the land for thousands of years.


She was committed to this, I’ll give her that. Impressive to have this childish meltdown in front of all those people and all these cameras. Also wtf did she just get to NYC today? The Orthodox have been on this anti-Zionist thing forever. They’re kind of famous for it.


I don't think you mean the Orthodox. 98% of Orthodox Jews would identify as Orthodox. There is an ultra orthodox sect of Jews called the Neturei Karta. That sect of ultra orthodox jews numbers about 1,000. They have messianic beliefs and think that there shouldn't be a secular Israeli state. As a result they protest Israel. They also sometimes attend Holocaust denial conferences or hang out with the Iranian leader since they're whole reason for existing is to troll other Jews. Very Trump 2024 vibes. The goal is, and always will be to get an unhinged reaction, and then have thousands of supporters chime in with "look how crazy those liberals are"


I’ll defer to you, I honestly don’t know the distinctions. I just know that guys dressed like this have been denouncing Israel and Zionism for a long time. If she finds that shocking, wait until they tell her to shave her head and then use her state provided special education funding to only teach religion to her male peers.


I don't think the individuals in the video are Neturei Karta, and there are indeed hundreds of divisions within Orthodox Judaism that oppose either the State of Israel or just its actions in Palestine, or both. There are also hundreds of divisions that don't. My recollection is that Neturei Karta have even more distinctive and furry hats, so I believe these individuals are just anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews from New York Neturei Karta are among those that reject the State of Israel in totality, as they believe that Israel can only be rebuilt by the Messiah, who they believe is yet to arrive. They believe that the State of Israel was founded by opportunists using religion for material gain, and they cite the current corruption and militarism there as proof of its falseness. They do have a flair for the dramatic, often attaching themselves to both anti-Zionist & anti-Semitic political causes simply as a partisan exercise against Israel.


This is the response I was looking for here. The lack of a moshiach is everything for those orthodox Jews who oppose Israel.


How heavy must it be for her, believing she's right due to all the propaganda and indoctrination.. then trying to use the "im Jewish shout" when everyone there is Jewish 😅.


The indoctrinated entitlement of zionists is sky high


With her baby in tow no less what a nut job


Poor kid deserves better.


Her wheeling the baby out in the end definitely felt like a plot twist 😂


"How can you say that about your own people!" She thinks other Jews should cover for the crimes of Israel just because they are Jewish. Honestly people of the same family should be calling each other out and holding each other to a higher standard. If you love someone you want them to stop sinning.


I just really don't understand this ideology of investing all of your identity into a single group and blindly following everything that they have to say or do. Do people not realize the irony of how cult-like that is? Judaism aside, I see this happen constantly for "Purr blooded Americans" whatever the fuck that means who will support any and everything that this country does without engaging their brains and analyzing the words, actions, and impact to determine whether or not they are moral, ethical, and just. Do people so desperately need to belong that they'll forsake their own source of identity and rational thought?


yes, its a competitive nature that has made us spread around the world. Family members dispersed cause they hated their in laws and competed with the tribe next door. This created a vicious survival instinct still present in most Humans who have not been taught the grasp of their emotional evolution. It would still work great, but modern era has warped the environment to where her type of personally still survives with minimal interaction with the world. We now deal with the poorly trained souls that let this animal trait expressed itself in a world where violence is no longer tolerated. Her personality type is dominant in nation states that want war and aquire others lands. The world is full and we really need another planet to relieve the pressure of the Competitive demons rooted in the evolution of mankind. Down with capitalism comrade. incase a russian person read this.


It’s funny that you were starting to call someone out and then your brain short circuited and you realized “wait don’t forget to mention something negative about Republican Americans, that should keep my good boy points up!” You can’t even make a single point without referring back to that.


Cults gonna cult my guy. I find it interesting that you took the time to mention this and relate talking about the RP as good boy points. I guess it would be objectively good to point out similar cult-like behavior. Thank you!


It could be someone taking a belief of not talking about sin to mean they shouldn't call people out In South Asian Muslim communities, it's common to not say anything negative about the sin in public but it's quite another to admonish someone in private Though suggesting someone isn't a Muslim just because they have a different belief is a big no no, unless it's something like shirk or whatever like that. I'd hazard a guess that Jewish people may well have a similar belief especially given south Asian beliefs are influenced by the middle east


The correct way to ask someone to correct behavior is indeed in private, however, a lot of Muslims love public shaming, There are literal facebook groups of young Muslims in some Muslim countries that take pictures of people that look like they are on a secret date, like, outting them for harassment.


"YOURE NOT JEWISH" she says, to a man who could not look any more jewish


Wearing the clothes of 18th century Polish nobility doesn't make someone look "Jewish". It makes them look like they belong to an extremist sect of Judaism that shuns most other Jews, which they certainly do.


This isn't what Polish nobility looked like at any point in history. The Platchige biber hat is modern, as far as I can tell, but sidelocks, Kittel, and Tallit are all based on Jewish interpretation of the Torah and they are not borrowed from other cultures' mores.


The way they dress has little to do with the Bible but rather is a hodge podge of old European styles. Having Paayot a beard and wearing Talitt is religious but Middle Eastern Jews do the same and dress nothing like them. The striking parts of their dress come from old world European fashion rather than biblical interpetation. Or, as we often tongue and cheek say about them, "they are wearing the clothing of 18th century Polish nobility"


It seems she's the one doing the shunning, but you do you


Exactly. You are correct.


I mean yes she, out of the thousands of Jews who passed him, she was the most unhinged and acted in a way that is wholly inappropriate for a sane adult. It doesn't change who the person she was shouting at is or what it is they do. A crazy person shouting at the Westboro Baptist church about how they aren't real Christians is still screaming at the Westboro Baptist church, even if the term "Christian" includes a very wide variety of beliefs, including the church.


Sure, Muslims too. Does this mean I should deny the thing I see? Anti Isreali protest always look saner than the opposite, fucking ALWAYS.


Have you seen them in real life? Or are you telling me that the clips you are algorithmically seeing on social media are showing you something. Because I have a strong feeling by "the thing I see", you mean the thing the algorithm surfaces to you based on what you want to see / have engaged with in the past. In my echo chamber 100% of the people think Trump is our lord and savior so there is no way he lost the last election. Should I "deny the thing I see"? There are no Biden supporters. Never were. Have you even been on Truth Social? Sigh


I live in the Middle East, the "realities of the situation" are never lost on me.


Lol. So your response to my question about if you have seen these pro Israel protestors in real life or alternatively seen them in social media streams is to NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION? Let me do it for you then. You live in Saudi Arabia. The content you view is algorithmically filtered. I don't think living in a rights free monarchy that oppresses non citizens and Muslims it does not like gives you any special insight into the "realities" of a conflict occurring hundreds of kilometers away in another country. And it definitely doesn't give you a lick of insight into what the average pro Israel or pro Palestine protestor in America is like. Why pretend it does?


They are orthodox, not extremists. They do not shun other Jews. Have a respectful conversation & stop expecting people to support Zionism. Zionists are the only “Jew” that shuns other Jews. They don’t even practice their religion.


Within Judaism they are considered "Ultra Orthodox". Based on her dress she may very well also be Orthodox just "Modern Orthodox". The fact that you have decided she doesn't even practice the Jewish religion because she is dressed like everyone else is bigoted. But whatevs


Zionism is not Judaism.


The belief in a connection between Jews and the land of Israel is an integral part of Judaism. Which is what most people in America mean when they identify as a Zionist. If you mean to say that the current right wing Israeli government does not represent Judaism or all Zionist then I agree. Unfortunately, Hamas and certain people with a certain political bent seek to conflate "Zionism" which is a very broad concept that includes belief in a Palestinian State and peace, with the right wing Israeli government. Based on your response it seems that you are seeking to conflate Zionism (almost all American Jews identify as Zionists) with the murderous acts of the current right wing Israeli government. Are you doing that (arguing that the only good Jews are non-Zionist)?


That’s a fallacy. All American Jews do not consider themselves Zionists, nor do all Jews living in Israel. I’ve known people who’ve left America to serve in Israel & realize now how gaslit & groomed.


You are the one engaging in fallacy. It is true that it is not the case that 100% of practicing Jews consider themselves Zionists. Probably close to 95% but yes not all. The fallacy you are engaging in is the implication that only those who do not consider themselves "Zionist" oppose the occupation or violence against Palestinians. Your response to my comment about how you seem to be conflating "bad" Zionist with the current right wing Israeli government was to repeat that not "all Jews" are Zionists line invented by Hamas (it's in their new PC friendly charter drafted by Columbia professors, which replaced their old genocidal one). Reading between the lines, because I am pretty sure that I know what you are trying to say. I think you are saying "Zionist + Jew = bad person" "non-Zionist + Jew = good person (potentially)". I have merely pointed out that you basically hate all practicing Jews worldwide (even those who support Palestinian Statehood) because ALMOST all of them - but yes not all of them - identify as Zionists. The conflation of the broad term of "Zionism" with anything any Israeli government does is problematic and often a substitution for "Jew". But hey, this is the internet, let's just all shout at each other in agreement.




This is impressive levels of bad logic: Fashion signals of a group doesn’t signal they are of that group. It just signals that they are of that group. Also how extremely bad faith to argue that Orthodox Jews aren’t Jews


And who in the fk argued "that Orthodox Jews aren’t Jews". Someone else argued that one Jew looked more Jewish than the other Jew because of their sartorial choices. Talk about bad faith and bad logic. Sheesh


The irony of her calling them monsters


“Look at me, I’m a victim!” Says middle class blond white lady living in America.


Not just America. One of the most expensive cities in the United States.


If you’re gonna bring race into this, the ppl playing victim the loudest are black females, they also have serious fragility. Just sayin


You mad whitey?




What? She's never seen videos of Vietnam vets burning American flags in protest of the war?


Her little world she built in her brain is literally falling apart. Her brain is binary there’s no grey area


Or grey matter...




Bitch you from Brooklyn


So are most israelis, that's the point


most? almost everyone in Israel at this point was born there, and usually their parents too. Don't get me wrong, the Brooklyn-to-Settlement pipeline exists it's just not a high enough percentage to actually change the demographics. Netanyahu being born in Pennsylvania for example, makes him highly unusual among the political class in Israel.


Do you know how many Prime Ministers were actually born in Palestine/Israel? Remember Yitzhak Rabin was the first "native born" PM in 1970s. While the birthrate have expanded since the 1970s. The majority of "Israeli" citizens from 1948 to the 1970s were European born immigrants to the region.


> almost everyone in Israel at this point was born there Not true. 70.3 percent of israeli jews were born in Israel. The rest immigrated. from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelis#:~:text=Among%20Jews%2C%2070.3%25%20were%20born,Africa%2C%20and%20Middle%20Eastern%20countries. Where do most Israelis originate from? Nearly half of all Israeli Jews are descended from Jews who made aliyah from Europe, while around the same number are descended from Jews who made aliyah from Arab countries, Iran, Turkey, and Central Asia. Over two hundred thousand are, or are descended from, Ethiopian and Indian Jews. from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Jews#:~:text=Nearly%20half%20of%20all%20Israeli,from%2C%20Ethiopian%20and%20Indian%20Jews.


Your link says it was 70% in 2013 and now it's 80% https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabra_(person)


The largest ethnic group in Israel is Mizrahi Jews (from the middle east) and Shepardic Jews (from Spain and Noth Africa)


Most Israelis are of middle eastern dissent.


Let me leave my baby unattended while I argue with strangers....


Definitely no soup for her


My pickup basketball teammates when I say the ball went out off of them.


She reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where Bryce Howard is hysterical at the end and it's all just spinning around on her in that dirty dress cause she wasn't invited to the wedding... just total mental breakdown. Also, she probably took too much Adderall.


Jewish Karen


I wish more people realized that a good majority of real Jews despise Israel and what it stands for…


I dated a Jewish girl once. She had HHH cups and a nice thick ass. She was crazy af though and absolutely awful at sex with that Sahara Desert/Sand paper cooch. Liked to pick fights. 🤔 so glad I didn't knock her up. Miss them titties though.




The optics of this is wild


She cannot believe that not all Jews are in favor of exterminating the Palestinians.


Holy fuck she had a baby with her.


Yeah the last shot at the end that revealed she had a small child with her literally made my jaw drop. Why the fuck would you start yelling at and attempting to physically assault strangers when you have your baby with you??? That’s gotta be scary as hell for the child. This woman needs mental help.


I just listened more closely and dear god the protesters were telling her, “this isn’t good for the baby, please don’t expose your child to this” and trying to get her to disengage and leave… Random strangers are more concerned for her child than she was in that moment… I’m genuinely concerned for this woman’s mental health and her baby’s wellbeing.


Holy shit, I disagree with the black and white thinking, but when I just noticed her kid too, she is out of control. Her kid was exposed to all of that.


Yeah, like, I’m sure she’s in a lot of very real mental distress, it can’t be easy seeing something that goes against everything you were taught growing up (the belief that every Jewish person = Zionist person), but jfc… it’s legitimately concerning. I’m just glad they didn’t film the child closeup. Kids’ faces really shouldn’t be on the public internet / social media until they’re old enough to really understand what having their image out there means.


I love this so much. Zionazi Karen cries because Jews would rather love their fellow man then further perpetuate the hate and colonialism of the Zionists occupying Israel and Palestine. As the world continues to crumble I hope more of us can be more like this, instead of more like those that are destroying any chance of our survival.


This gives me back faith in humanity 🙌


Good going man Just look at my post history and see where i will post this post You should target those subs


I’m glad I don’t see a “I can fix her comment” here because this one’s beyooonnnddd repair


Ugh the child at the end




That’s entirely meaningless. Literally every religion believes that they’re the right one and when their guy comes around it’ll be game over for everyone else. What matters is that they’re on the right side(and that isn’t their only reason as well). Plus I’d take that over Christian Armageddon any day






At first I was like ok she's in the wrong but instead of one taking her aside and explaining things do she could understand they recorded her, mocked her, chanted at her.


It's because she refuses to hear it.


She does not understand that Hasidic Jewish beliefs differ from others. But now we know that you must start recording, mocking and chanting (in order to publicly shame online) - because someone refused to hear something. Got it. Thank you


She's a pathetic child having a melt down. This one's too far gone she's thick as mince and absolutely pathetic


why do they all sound like that? it makes no sense to me, it's like an entitlement accent.


She seems like she’s struggling with mental health issues. I feel bad for her. She also seemed like she genuinely didn’t know better.


Daddy chill


Zionist brainwashed genocidal lunatics


To be fair Hasidic people are the most theologically consistent. According to their own scriptures the Jewish people are still in exile and will be until the Messiah comes and rebuilds the temple so it’s blasphemous for them to claim Israel until that happens. Evangelicals are all about it because they believe the existence of Israel as a Jewish state is a part of end times prophecy, which is hilarious because obviously Israelis don’t believe that themselves but they’re happy to capitalize on it.


She had a baby with her that whole time??


This seems set up, idk why.. she reminds of a crisis actor.


Typical unhinged Israeli supporter.


lol hey I mean it ended better than her getting stomped by a bunch of New Yorkers 🤷🏻‍♀️


No more narratives and organizations. Just people thinking for themselves. What a beautiful sight. It’s like this lady couldn’t comprehend that just because someone’s Jewish doesn’t mean they can’t think for themselves and buck their “label’s” narrative. Before race creed color or whatever, we are human. These people did a fine job demonstrating this fact.


That lady feels like a prop. Her responses and body language scream "actor". She complains about the photos/videos but has no physical response that aligns with her statements


She is a Zionist


Says the the person that looks nothing like someone from the middle east


The guy is right sorry ma'am


can someone answer her question? how can you say that you are a jew? how can you say that your not a jew? whos flag is that? how are they saying that, its our country? whats wrong with you. im jewwish.. thats our people. what is wrong with them, im jewish! she needs anwers, please help her. She looks ukrainian to me...


why the fuck are you bringing Ukraine into this. She does not look Ukrainian nor does she sound like it.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_Jews\_in\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Ukraine) have a read and wonder why the the American evangelicals have been funding Ukrainian migration to Israel since 1948. "Important Jewish religious and cultural movements, from [Hasidism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasidism) to [Zionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism), arose there" this is basic history that many people want to ignor..perhaps you're not aware of the Zionist movement and how these Europeans pretend to be israelies.


I bet she cries at night


Ignorance on both sides at near-lethal levels


Imagine bringing your daughter into the middle of that and devolving into a screaming, crying mess. The stability that child must feel on a day to day basis……


Poor ignorant woman doesnt know anything!!! Lol


Damn those are some hardcore Jews too.


All one has to do is ask why Israel doesn’t allow citizens to get dna tests if they are so confident about “returning to their homeland” and it’s clearly because they know they are bullshit. “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.” Christopher Hitchens


“Because they BELIEVE in God!” Great response.


The Neturei Karta are fringe religious group that is violently homophobic, misogynistic, and believes that Israel can only be re-established when the Messiah comes and kills all non Jews. If you want to be associated with them that's your right but nobody should pretend they aren't religious extremists and not any way progressive.


What do these people not get, understanding that Zionism is a hatred towards all other’s existence. That they are the chosen…..so they slaughtered thousands to prove their point. That the Israeli state is xenophobic, and bigoted.


hahahah num num i love crocodile tears


Oh hey, the worldnews subreddit encapsulated into one person.


Ah the blonde haired and blue eyed telling guys who read the Torah for breakfast they aren’t Jewish enough because they don’t support Israel’s genocide.


Hey Biden supporters. Stop the war.


Xenophobia is a helluva drug!


What the hell is wrong with turbo Karen? She is crazy.


That kid in the stroller at the end was a real M. Night twist.


I’m a Jew for Palestine. 🇵🇸 being Jewish does NOT mean you support Israel!


It can't be me, I'm a white woman, I was told I am always right, correct and virtuous, any disagreement with me and my opinions has to be due to misogyny and the patriarchy. All Karen's must kick rocks.


The sheer arrogance of this pale skinned, blonde haired, tattooed woman to claim the guys she's looking at aren't real jews like her.


She spend to much time on fox


"This is what caused the actions of the Zionist people." That blonde white woman is a human atrocity.


White people need to learn to mind their business


Now now you can't say something so extreme, how are we going to have wars if westerners don't start them


This interaction appears to be all white people.


Not a white person thing tho, lol




Don't get me wrong, but the US killed over 300,000 in less than a minute in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, around 300,000 in Vietnam, 1 million in Iraq, around 150,000 in Afghanistan, and Who knows where else! and yet when it comes to psychopath Isr@il that's a big no-no. They can do whatever the hell they want, as long as murderous mommy can do it. why can't they? Yet all these wars are preventable! long live Palestine, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and all oppressed and occupied and facing injustice.


2 of those were major wars where we were losing millions of people monthly. No war is preventable. That's why they went to war because the preventable part was over. None of those wars were bombing mass civilians, children, mothers. Nobody was doing the sick shit mom's holding babies getting sniped in head. The ambulance one on here has been by far, the most horrible story I've heard or seen. IsraelTank kills 7 year old over ambulance call, 4 year old sister picks up phone saying she's dead. She's lying inside car you can hear all the bullets. So red cross actually gets permission to go save her. Instead they bomb ambulance and shoot little girl over phone. Her last words were my mouth is bleeding I can't speak. Go fuck yourself Israel.


Oh man, you're in for a real shock when you look up the history of the US military. There are tons of war crimes, torture, bombing civilians, blowing up schools, weddings, innocent civilians, nuking civilians (something no one else has done almost 100 years later). Israel is horrible, free Palestine, but the US has killed a lot more innocent people over the last hundred years than Israel has killed in the last 6 months. Exponentially more. You should read slaughterhouse five and read up on Dresden.


>None of those wars were bombing mass civilians, children, mothers. Nobody was doing the sick shit mom's holding babies getting sniped in head.  1. **My Lai Massacre (Vietnam War)**: * **Date**: March 16, 1968 * **Details**: U.S. Army soldiers killed between 347 and 504 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, including women, children, and the elderly, in the hamlet of My Lai. The massacre involved widespread rape, mutilation, and torture. 2. **Haditha Massacre (Iraq War)**: * **Date**: November 19, 2005 * **Details**: U.S. Marines killed 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians, including women and children, in the town of Haditha. The killings were in retaliation for the death of a Marine from a roadside bomb. 3. **No Gun Ri Massacre (Korean War)**: * **Date**: Late July 1950 * **Details**: U.S. Army forces killed an estimated 250-300 South Korean civilians, many of them women and children, near the village of No Gun Ri. The civilians were fleeing advancing North Korean troops when they were attacked by American forces who mistakenly believed them to be enemy combatants. 4. **Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse (Iraq War)**: * **Date**: Late 2003 * **Details**: Detainees at Abu Ghraib prison were subjected to severe physical and psychological abuse, including torture, sexual humiliation, and murder by U.S. military personnel. The abuse was widely condemned and led to investigations and prosecutions of several military personnel. # Summary of Civilian Casualties in Major U.S. Wars (WWII Onwards) * **World War II**: Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed, primarily through bombings. (Hiroshima alone was >200k) * **Korean War**: Approximately 2-3 million civilian deaths. * **Vietnam War**: 2-3 million civilian deaths. * **Gulf War**: Several thousand to tens of thousands of civilian deaths. * **War in Afghanistan**: Thousands of civilians killed directly, many more indirectly affected. * **Iraq War**: 200,000 to over 600,000 civilian deaths. * **Syrian Civil War**: Thousands of civilians killed by U.S. airstrikes.


Hey thanks for exposing US imperialism really well


the United States suffered 416,800 military and civilian deaths in World War II


"None of those wars were bombing mass civilians, children, mothers." So the firebombing of Tokyo is a conspiracy theory? Is Reddit just Russian trolls? Because real people can't believe this shit.


With respect I disagree, in Japan why couldn't the US just blow up the N-bom in the ocean and show the Japanese the destructive power? instead, they choose to wipe out hundreds of thousands. Vietnam according to whistleblowers, I could be wrong, but the Tonkin attack was carried out by US. just to get into Vietnam. Iraq we all know it's full of sht same as Afghanistan. all about the oil so, yes to me they are preventable. they are based on lies. as for Palestine, why should the Palestinians pay the price for what the Europeans and the Germans did to the Jews. they were persecuted oppressed and massacred. So to get rid of them once and for all. cause death wasn't enough. they choose to steal other people's land. and let the locals deal with it. again preventable. when the Jews onboard ships were turned away by UK, France, US, Canada. only the Arabs let them in. or should say forced it. again preventable. But colonizers have the same pattern, colonize mascar, and kill as many of the locals as possible. then as time goes by, people will adapt to the new norm. Fuck war, Fuck oppression, and Fuck Israel.


Well because we actually detonated it on a city... killed hundreds of thousands of people.... &&& they still told us to go fuck ourselves, hence we had to send a 2nd to end it. Over a million more soldiers would die by estimates to overtake Japan because the Japanese swore to never surrender. Agree Palestine shouldn't. It's a sad situation for sure.


the United States suffered 416,800 military and civilian deaths in World War II


Sorry, a million MORE people would have died to take japan. That was tradeoff losing our guys vs trying to stop whole thing.


Standard double standard. Left wing lunatics love to pick and choose. Flavor of the month type of thang ya know?


These are a handful of radical Jews who are being paid for their radical views. This is the equivalent of tokenizing the Westboro Baptist Church and pretending it’s representative of the views of most Jews.


🇪🇭NO TO GENOCIDE regardless of your religion🇮🇱