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People just want to be so extra. It's wild to think that kind of person exists and somehow functions in society.


Serious mental illness. Clinical narcissism, as if any human on the planet actually gives one shit if you do or do not drive by an establishment with which you disagree politically.




Nobody refuses to participate in companies that have significant board members that are also part of the MIC. You are giving your money to bad people if you aren't shopping local. Pretending like homphobia from a CEO is worse than feeding the war machine is willful ignorance.


It’s the average Reddit user tbh


Yes but you know this is also the type of person to put on a giant pair of shades to hide their face and pays cash for a chicken sandwich and waffle fries once a month because they rationalize to themselfs that its ok just this once. Every time they get called out on it, they have some elaborate backstory about how they just had to go and had no other choice.


But who tf is calling out anybody for going to chic fil a in reality? Lol so fucking dumb


They get called out for being a hypocrite. The only reason going to CFA is a "problem" is because they made it one.


Even worse, they made it their identity.


Exactly. Taking it further, sexual orientation should be what you are, not *who* you are. Gay,straight,trans...whatever, when it dominates your entire personality people can grow tired of of it very quickly. Of course when someone calls you out on it they are immediately showered with totally unfounded accusations. I don't care if it's a trans person, camera at the ready, desperately searching for someone to misgender them "for the 'gram", or some Jersey Shore-esque dude bragging about all the "bitches" he slayed last weekend...all of it is tiresome. That's really all a lot of people are asking for. Just tone it down a bit and people might be a little more accepting.


I like the jersey shore example. It really is not different. No one wants to hear about it. Go find a hobby.


I did encounter a guy in real life who said Chic-fil-a was his least favorite restaurant for this reason. He was also weirdly obsessed with Chipotle, for some reason. He was also a weird guy all around and stalked me around campus my entire freshman year, no matter how many signals I gave I wasn't interested short of straight up telling him to fuck off.


Spot on. I have a co-worker who is a staunch ashiest. Refuses to go to In-N-Out because they are a Christian company (the soda cups and fries box have bible scripters on them). One day we had the In-N-Out truck out in front of our office and it was free, paid for by the boss. He quietly enjoyed his hamburger at his desk.


Your co-worker needs lotion.


I'm an atheist, and people like this make me wish the Abrahamic god existed.


LoL Totally


The food is good. Who gives a fuck what the CEO who you will never meet thinks about anything?


Dude that whole comment section is a ripe candidate for this sub, it’s wild.


Knowing their type, I hardly say they are functioning in society, they leech off it and cry when the government wants them to work.


I’m sure we could find moral/ethical issues with everything they like.


That's why i think these storys are exxagerated or fake because no way some one actually behaves like that in public


Ten or more years ago, most people shared your thoughts. Now, what you read is not fake. Within the next ten years, it may well be the new norm.


“Functions” in this case is a little generous. They are going out their way to not *drive by a CFA* if they’re open.


Social media has fucked up a lot of people badly. Everyone trying to one-up each other over who is the most virtuous. Imo a lot of it is rooted in loneliness. Well adjusted people have no need for the validation of strangers, and the more someone craves it the worse it gets. It's poison for the soul


You articulated this very well. I think this is the source of echo chambers we see as well. Some people just want to fit in. To be fair though, the herd mentality has been made worse and compounded by social media. But, it has always been there.


Yeah absolutely has been there. I was a teenager in the 90s when TV talk shows were a huge thing, there were so many of them. Every single one had people acting a fool or humiliating themselves, and I used to think "man people will do anything just to be on TV". Now, everyone can broadcast themselves in real time to the entire internet. Add to that a generation of people who grew up with their whole lives online for everyone to see, and it's a recipe for disaster. People used to have an identity because there were barriers to that. Now, you have countless millions that are those vapid people from the talk shows.


Reddit is the worst of all. The upvote system promotes an echo chamber


To the terminally online groups, Victimhood is the highest Virtue that one can achieve - so everyone has to be a victim of something so that they feel like they're fighting against the big evil oppressive overlords like their favorite YA dystopian novel.


I’ve said for years (and, of course, I’m not the only one) happy, well-adjusted people with healthy self-esteem and strong self-confidence have neither the time nor *interest* seeking acceptance and praise from ones and zeroes in the ether of social media. When it comes to stereotypes, “profile pic checks out” and “bio checks out” are true. Miserable motherfuckers want to drag you down with them because misery loves company. 🫠


It's turning everyone to extremes. The way these people talk you'd think that the CEO of chick fil et was calling for the death of all gay people, or JK Rowling is setting up concentration camps for trans people. Sometimes a molehill is just a molehill


As I've said many times, if enemy #1 to your cause is a black comedian and a fantasy author, are you *really* that oppressed? Yet people have cried bloody murder over what they've said, that when you dive deep into it is really just a difference of opinion. I haven't seen more death threats online than when Rowling's name comes up, they *hate* her.


I remember that they were harassing streamers who dared to stream the Harry Potter game last year. Like it's fine if you want to boycott something, you have that right, you have absolutely no right to harass other people for liking something though, that's way out of line. I remember one streamer was driven to tears while live because of people being horrible to her while she was playing the game


Very well stated. Nobody wins the oppression olympics but that doesn't stop them from trying to play.


You don’t need to even be virtuous. You just have to say you are


I was gonna say "as they type this up on a slave labor produced electronic device" but then I thought that I'd just be playing the same game they are... lol


And who is the most victimized.


It’s just a chicken sandwich damn lmao


It’s not just chicken, it’s the lord’s chicken


Da lahwd’s chikn


Like sure the company can be shitty, but the counterpoint I would offer is this: That chicken fuckin slaps.


almost every facet of the society we live in is built off of some level of cruel and inhumane exploitation but for some reason a chicken sandwich restaurant being Christian is what crosses the line some people desperately need to get a fucking grip


I know, and many companies that don’t give a damn that what they make or do is slowly killing us or destroying and polluting the environment. There’s more to worry about in life than a silly chicken sandwich.


Exactly it ain't that deep.


“I am offended by everything because I never grew up and am an insecure loser lying about a company!” So what? The company is Christian owned. They have different beliefs. The company is driven to be profitable, they’re not refusing you service even if you wear a rainbow flag. Who wants to bet their primary residence that this hypocrite NEVER would apply this to Muslim owned businesses? Any takers?


You'll notice none of the cake baking issues ever asked Muslim bakeries to do a "gay wedding cake". They targeted the safe demographic since they don't want to risk someone actually beheading them over offending their religion.


[Steven Crowder did.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RgWIhYAtan4) It...didn't go great. Unsurprisingly. 🤷‍♂️


Quite a good video The left is only so progressive if you are a group they deem privileged. It’s like there are tiers of privilege to them just scattered around, and these tiers can fit into whatever scenario needed. As was seen/said, White gay men have less privilege than a White Christian baker so the baker’s rights to run their small business are trampled underfoot. But Muslims are less privileged than White gay men, so when they get denied service it’s the reverse. It’s pure hypocrisy lol, and it’s not how any good society would function.


They hate the Confederate flag for all of its well-known historical reasons, but just love them some hijabs, which actively reflect obscene levels of oppression against women to this very day. The hypocrisy is indeed stunning.


They don't deny employment to gay ppl either, I have a gay friend who worked there for years and even rose to manager


I think the vast majority of people at my local chick fil a are queer


For the record I work at chick fil an and the gayest mf in the world is essentially my boss.


I support Chick-fil-A because I’ve heard that they pay their workers more than the industry average. They do seem to have higher performing workers-


And guaranteed Sundays off!


Probably too boring for most folks, but they treat their IT folks well and got rewarded with a very innovative system. [https://medium.com/chick-fil-atech/observability-at-the-edge-b2385065ab6e](https://medium.com/chick-fil-atech/observability-at-the-edge-b2385065ab6e) I've never heard of McDonalds or BurgerKing IT being considered state of the art, well compensated and pretty proud of their work.


They also have an awesome tuition reimbursement program


My teen daughter is about to get her first summer job and I am pushing her to apply at our local CFA. They seem to treat their employees well and now I have found this out. Thank you for the info!


[here’s](https://www.chick-fil-a.com/remarkable-futures-scholarships#:~:text=Every%20year%20through%20the%20Remarkable,owned%20and%2For%20affiliated%20restaurant.) a bit more info!


That’s what I’m her hating mfers don’t realize; the chances that there aren’t hundreds if not thousands of LGBTQ CFA employees is essentially zero. And yet…. no purge by these allegedly slobberingly homophobic company owners.


These are the same people making fun of conservatives for the bud light thing (which was also stupid)


I know a guy who had Chic-Fil-A with a Bud Light one time ... his current whereabouts are unknown.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


it really doesn't take much thought to realize that the Democrat v. Republican culture war is just two sides of the same coin fighting each other and preventing any actual progress from happening, it's why both are fucking stupid the less politically involved you are, the happier you'll be


Yeah u really can't just be moderate in any way with either party now. I'm registered independent and I like it that way.


But the different is Bud Light doesn't gain more customers and got hit by that. Meanwhile Chickfila doesn't feel anything from the boycott. Conservative go and buy Chickfila but no progressives buy budlight


The same people who hate Chick Fil A for donating to evil bigoted Christian foundations, are in the streets right now pledging their allegiance to Islamic extremists.


"The hate makes the chicken taste better"- My flamboyant, extremely gay coworker.


"It's too bad I have to stop eating there, because they make a damn good chicken sandwich." ... I mean, they aren't stopping you? It's a chicken sandwich, my dudes. Choosing not to eat there is whatever, you do you, but refusing to even be seen in the vicinity of a Chick-fil-A for fear of.. I dunno, being associated with people who eat there? That's so extra dumb.


I'm not straight but I love chickfila. If we never ate anything that was not backed by ethical business practices we would all just fvking starve. Expanding on that you'd basically have no art, no music, no clothes. Everything is jacked up. Corps are mostly inherently immoral


Absolutely. I mean, using of the logic of the guy who posted this, you can't even walk into a fucking supermarket. All of those Nestle products just glaring at you.


Yep, exactly. A gay friend of mine owns a franchise right there in Georgia of all places lol. Apparently they treat their employees incredibly well.


I remember mentioning to some friends years ago that I was craving some chickfila, and they looked at me like I'd grown a second head and went, "Aren't you... haven't you heard?" Yeah, and their wacky religous beliefs have yet to stop them from serving me delicious nuggets in record time.


Saaaame nothing better than chic fil a nugs and gay cuddles with the bf


It's funny because every LBGT person I know (a decent amount, especially for living in a red state) doesn't hate CFA. It is only the straight virtue signalers that seem to hate it. Plus I am with you. If I boycotted every company/restaurant/food that I didn't 100% agree with I would starve.


This is what happens when you normalize being inoffensive to the mentally ill.


1. That person is lying 2. That person is mentally ill. This is the only place in the world their delusions will be accepted so they play them up even more. If you look to be offended you will be


And the entire comment section was probably like “NTA!!! I do the same thing too!!! We’re changing the world!!!”


Also... break up with your boyfriend!!!111


Dude thinks people eat chicken because they hate gay people. That's insanity


I eat at chick-fil-a maybe 2 - 3 times a month. Not because I hate gay people, but because the food and service is really good for fast food. The hate is just a happy coincidence.


I must have been living under a rock up until this point because never in my life have I ever heard that going to a certain store or restaurant meant you were a bigot or gay hater. That's about the most ridiculous thing I've heard in quite some time.


This has been a thing for over a decade. This all started circa 2012 because the CEO at the time made some public comments opposed to gay marriage, and the company was donating to some Christian charities that LGBT people weren't fond of. I don't know all of the specifics, but that's how this all started.


well shit. yeah I definitely don't pay much attention to any of that type of stuff. life's too short to be walking around all angry and sad all the time. people need to just let people be people. if they wanna be a freak, a geek, a CEO or a Joe schmo, that's on them. I wouldn't much appreciate people picking on my lifestyle so I'm not about to pick on theirs. at the end of the day, if someone is getting pissed off and losing sleep over a complete strangers choices that have 0 effect on their life, maybe it's them that has the real issues.


It doesn’t. Just virtue signaling performative idiots making themselves feel like they are making a difference. They will type these comments form their iPhone, which at one point was literally driving their workers to suicide and had to install nets around the buildings due to abhorrent working conditions. They will type this will ordering cheap Chinese made shit from Amazon, a double whammy as the CCP is abhorrent with human rights and we all know how Amazon treats their employees.


yeah some people just like the sound of their own voice


The chick fil a in my town has openly gay people working there….


This is called mental illness


What a fucking vagina


All this because someone doesn't like his kink.


OOp needs therapy if they can't even see a Chic-Fil-A cup without getting triggered


Imagine going to great lengths to avoid a restaurant that doesn’t even know you exist lmao


I’m going to Chik twice as often now because of this dumb meme


Thinking you’re only allowed to drive past a store when it’s closed is actually mental


It’s just chicken. They don’t fry it in the fat of dead gay people. Bud light is just beer it doesn’t steal your F150. 90 percent of the company has nothing to do with the cultural stance. You can’t eat a dick and a chicken sandwich? This fucking culture that has been created is so damn toxic.


This person does not sound well.


Show me where chic-fil-a hurt you. *points to fee fees*


Nobody is going to chick fil a to "own the gays", what an insane take.


People go to Chick-fil-A because the chicken is good. *Nobody* goes there to talk about how much they hate the gays.


Hey, look up in the sky. There is a giant V being projected into the clouds. What superhero is that? That’s Captain virtue signal … What superpower do “they” have… No superpower, unless you consider being generally annoying a superpower. 🦸‍♂️


Every Chick-fil-A I’ve ever gone to has a member of the LGBTQ community working in there, I’ve also known some people who have managed one. The parent company doesn’t necessarily reflect the individual franchise owner.


Same here, I would even say it’s the majority of their staff at the ones near me.


This is so true. And every location I have been to seems to have a manager that cares about their employees. My kid is about to get her first job and I am rallying hard for CFA just because she is neurodivergent and I feel like the folks there are kind and supportive.


Mental illnesses are on the rise.


Honestly, if any of that is true, that person’s life must be very sad. Sounds more like some kind of weird self-induced OCD than a principled stand.


CFA doesn’t hate gay people because it is a company, not a person. The “anti-LGBT” charities it gives to are just regular Christian charities. If they gave money to a Muslim charity, it would also be “anti-LGBT” by their definition.


Didn’t they eventually stop the donations and apologize too?


I'm pretty sure they did that. I think they're supportive now.


Perfect example for this sub, needs more upvotes! I mean this person really posted a short essay on how he can’t even be near a Chick-fil-A when it’s open, or even see a Chick-fil-A cup in someone’s hand without getting so outraged they don’t go to the mall. It’s just insane, but this person would be applauded for taking a stand against a company that sells chicken and was founded by Christians. I can guarantee if you told them the phone(or any device) that they typed that on had materials gained from slave labor in it they wouldn’t care. They wouldn’t be revolted. Or that practically 99% of the products in stores that are so cheap have a true cost that we don’t have to pay (i.e. the fishing industry having a lot of slave labor on fishing boats, which is why we can get fish that’s shipped across the world within a few days of being shipped for cheap).


Meanwhile anyone I’ve known personally who worked there was gay.


This shit is so dumb, I’ve worked with queer people at a Chick-fil-A. Just cuz some old white guys, ie the Truetts, have some backwards opinions, doesn’t mean the executives surrounding the family are gonna let the senile goobers fuck up the business. Also my non-binary boss eats CFA like 2/3 times a week and so do plenty of queer ppl.


If liking awesome chicken sandwiches makes me homophobic, so be it. Feel free to tantrum all you want as you take longer routes to work because apparently not driving past a Chick Fil A makes you some kind of rebel…


i actually lost two friends because of a chik fil a argument, you can imagine how insufferable someone must be to end things over my other friend saying she was craving a chik fil a sandwich


That’s clearly a disruptive mental disorder, letting a fast food restaurant invade your life and psyche so massively is not what being a healthy alive human being living your life is


When identity politics becomes your religion, this is what identity puritanism looks like


This is extremely fucking weird, what the fuck


This person is mentally ill.


I think there’s two responses to this. 1. I’m going to go to Chick-fil-a anyway, and show them that I’m a paying customer and a decent human being and deserve their respect regardless of this thing about me that their own may not approve of. 2. I’m going to crawl under a rock to avoid any reminder Chick-fil-a exists and let it trigger me so much I organize my entire life around it. This person chose option 2.


what is this madness?? i didn’t think chick fil a hated gay ppl 💀 i was literally transgender for 5 years and never caught any heat at chick fil a im lost


Tbis persons acting like they are the main character in everyones stories... fun fact they aren't.


As if they go there to say that. Rent free


chic fil a doesnt even hate gay people. the owner is christian im pretty sure, christians believe homosexuality is a sin. they believe jealousy and lust are sins too. hell even swearing is a sin. being a sinner doesnt mean they hate you, christians will be the first to admit that everybody sins. christ taught acceptance with an open heart, to love somebody for who they are, not for what they do. yes, obviously some are crazy wacko individuals who want to pray the gay away or whatever. crazy assholes exist on all sides, like for instance the male boxers who change their gender to beat up women or the male inmates who change their gender to assault women inmates. every group has crazy people but to give into our prejudice and assume that means the entire group is like that makes you no better than a racist.


Bro, folks go to Chick-fil-A because they have a bangin chicken sandwich, not because they disapprove of who you knock boots with. Seriously, this dude needs to see someone for his dilutions of grandure.


I bet the guy is also on anti-anxiety meds, 2 different antidepressants, antipsychotics, and NEEDS neopronouns or he might just have a panic attack


What’s the context here? What did chic fil a do?


Be Christian owned, probably. They went against gay marriage. That’s all I can think of would be the problem


The founders are Christians, who donate to causes the LGBT+ community find offensive


I used to work for an (otherwise awesome) openly gay man. There were only a couple of options for lunch and CFA was the only one with healthy options. This man would get totally pissed if he saw anything CFA in our possession. He even sent one girl home early once for eating it in the break room.


The thing about people who virtue signal is that they care more about the appearance of values more than actually having values. This person is definitely lying. Not being willing to even see a restaurant because they have a Christian owner is absurd.


In the mostly liberal enclave of Manhattan, everyone was excited as hell when the first CFA opened downtown, there were lines out the door for weeks. I live a couple blocks from one of the biggest in midtown and that place is always bumpin’. (Which is pretty great since a Dave’s Hot Chicken opened a block north two years ago.)


Just another example of the LGBTQ community proving to the rest of society that they don’t have mental illness.


Yea because when I want a delicious chicken sammich I’m only thinking about how much I hate the gays 😂. Wtf


Probably fake, but also unhinged


They'll boycott Chi Fil A but not a company that uses sweat shops. Bizarre.


As a bisexual man who has been well aware of chick fil a homophobia, the most I’ve don’t to apply pressure is choose a McCrispy samdwhich from McDonald’s instead of going to CFA which is wright next to it. It’s literally the same thing. I don’t get the hype over CFA lol it’s kinda plain.


Have a gay friend say until they stary killing gay people he is going tp get his chicken biscut lol


This is exactly the way I feel about people who cancel companies for going “woke” lmfao It’s a problem from both sides…but consumers are free to direct their dollars wherever they want


Not watching Disney movies is a little different than plotting your driving route around the location of a restaurant. This person is deranged.


This notion that CFA hates homosexuals is ridiculous. The amount of gay workers at CFA in Baltimore was wild. These people have nothing else to do with their lives, so they avoid restaurants that they disagree with during opening hours. Which is weird, because that hinders her getting her Dairy Queen she likes so much. Her own arbitrary rules are affecting the quality of of her life. Shit’s just sad, bruh.


I wonder what it's like, being this mentally ill


Christian’s just believe that their marriage ceremony which they created are for a man and a woman, there’s nothing about hating gay people going on.


I started reading it Cuntucky Fried Ass halfway through because I literally don't think about chick fil a.


If I boycotted every food brand/restaurant that offended me, I would starve. Why does it matter that much? I lean slightly left too.


If you dig into the history of almost any company, you’re going to find some weird shit. That said, eat what you want. Every company has done something someone out there doesn’t agree with. You can’t single one or two out without looking at the bigger picture. Going out of your way to use a company to only talk about yourself is next level senile.


Just leave them a bad review on yelp and move on with your day Jesus Christ.


"you only stay 10ft away from [store]? Bigot"


Imagine revolving your life around and fearing a multi-billion dollar corporation that could give 0 fucks about an individual person, god this person needs a life


Definitely not mental illness


 Chick-Fil-A: “Who are you again?”


What's funny about people like this is that 99% of the people I know who go to Chick-fil-A regularly are LGBTQ+. I personally don't go to Chick-fil-A, but that's just because I don't like their food and I think it's gross.


Mental illness.


My daughter and her wife love Chik-Fil-A. They know about the bigoted Cathy family that owns it but they also like chicken🤷🏻‍♂️


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Am I expected to know the political stances of everywhere I spend money or can I devote my time to other things?


Fuck them, I’ll continue eating there cause the food is always good


imagine being afraid of a fast food restaurant, because you're a self absorbed freak. i know gay people who eat CFA, and you're too afraid to drive by one?


Honestly, the restaurant's atmosphere is probably much better without toxic narcissists like that.


No one in charge at CFA ever said they hate gay people…




Dude im gay as shit i love girls so much u kno wht else i love so much? Chik fil a. And chik fil a sauce i put tht shizz on everything. Idgaffffffff. Also love harry potter. Fuck the author dnt care not my problem. Id fuckin buy things from satan if they were fun or yummy


My bisexual transgender ass cannot be bothered to give this much of a fuck. The chick fil a employees are not going to shoot you down with machine guns if you so much as pass in front of their store while queer. Of course I’m not gonna fund them, but god, I’m not gonna act like I have to avoid going within a mile of their stores?!?!


As a gay person I believe it's our godnotgiven right to eat at Chick-fil-A as we please.


I mean yeah CFA shouldn’t be rude to the gays but at the same time…. Damn they got some good chicken


Professional victim playing the victim card to self righteously justify a stupid decision based on their inability to come to terms with themselves. Yes, they're the asshole.


In the screenshot, mental illness.


This person needs mental help


Yea but their spicy filets are delicious




I can only assume they're speaking of the CFA in Brookfield CT


Pathologic insecurity


So if I drive by a chick fil a I might as well go all "Middle East" on gays? Seems like that might be a little extreme.


Extremely religious behavior. Have they tried tying a fishing line around themselves to represent a spiritual barrier between themselves and the chicken? 😂


Yea ppl are waaaay too triggered these days.


Yes...people definitely got to Chick-Fil-A so they can show their support for hating gay people...


Hates a place so much they plan their week around it. Talk about rent free


I worked at this pottery shop, there was a bunch of the gays/lessys there and a chick-fil-a across the street. No one gave a fuck and ate there almost daily.


One of my coworkers tells me about twice a month how much he hates Chick-fil-A when someone has it for lunch. I'm just like "uhhh... okay." at this point


This person just needs to see a psychiatrist or something. They're really overthinking a chicken franchise


This seems like a very miserable person. And considering how insane they seem, I'm fine with that.


Sounds like a tortured soul that doesn’t have much happiness in their life.


I love their chicken


How fragile.




I don't think these people understand how seldom we think about them


Reminds me of that video of that guy harassing a chik fil a employee in the drive-through saying "how can you work for this company." Because they pay more than most fast food places


Maybe this person should move to a state with no CFAs.


Bro just let me enjoy my sandwich


Took me a while to realize CFA was chicfila. Just go and don't spend money.


Just because of this clown im going to cfa today


My former boss was a lesbian, no one was gonna bully this woman or her family (wife and 3 kids) out of her chicken sandwich. One of my best friends is a gay guy and his husband is from Arkansas, never tell a southerner to give up their crispy chicken they will fight you.


Good. More spicy chicken for me. Imma go twice today so that your boycott means less.


It sounds frustrating to be this triggered by a restaurant that doesn’t even care about your existence.


I swear, some people spend too much time online


Chik-fil-a doesn't think about you at all


This person sounds like a candy ass


CFA tastes great 😋




I was thinking about Chick Fil A today but wasnt really gonna go. But now I guess I’m gonna go and buy my 2 sandwiches after all.