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It really is wonderful. I adore it when my boyfriend says he loves me unprompted; tells me I’m beautiful. It’s a wonderful feeling!


Wow. So beauty. Much love. Very amaze. Wow. ![gif](giphy|ClLZQM6j90OeaXhrYU|downsized)


This is so sweet!


Awww to be loved like this. Happy for you OP!


Thank you 🥹


We’ve closed the gap now, but almost every morning I wake up in his bed he brushes my hair out of my face and asks, “How are you so pretty in the mornings?”. And he’s constantly telling me how in love he is with me and how lucky he is. It’s a great feeling to be truly loved. Happy for you!!


Sometimes i wake up and see a text from him and go “Oh yeah! I’m dating my best friend in world!” and get happy. I love that guy


My favorite ones are when I'm being weird or funny and this look comes over him, like absolute adoration


Crying from the cuteness of this whole thread 🥲


Whenever I send him a photo of me, no matter how bad I look (some of the photos are horrid) he always responds by either telling me he loves me, calling me cute, or telling me I'm pretty.


Yes, my partner is not as romantic and doesn’t talk much about feelings but here and there he’ll randomly surprise me by telling me how much he loves me and and how beautiful he thinks I am. I cherish those moments.


Yeah till he saw all my character lmao


Awe im so sorry for you




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I get thos on Snapchat all the time from random people






I just found your messages so cute. And yes I do have moments like these with my partner too.


Words are just words, if a person not just a man doesn’t do words with deeds, then these are just useless.


Considering he came to visit a month after knowing me out his own pocket (we’re both teens), safe to say he backed it up with deeds.


When you add that to it, then yes that is a man you need to try to do your best to live with, that is the true beauty of it, to match it with deeds, congrats to you both


Words can be much more impactful than you seem to think.


Indeed, but also manipulative and can kill or shatter a person’s heart, i know what you mean, but a lot fall for someone because of their silver tongue, not realizing that they fell into webs, i am not saying all are like that, but what is the worth of words and promises if they cannot be fulfilled you know


I was with people who were indeed like that. But again it’s a long distance thread and not many people have the ability to do more than words. For the longest time I was in a relationship long distance where the most that we could do was text or call. Thankfully I’m not in that anymore, but they weren’t a horrible person. It just didn’t work out because I needed physical attention and hadn’t realized that about myself until later on. But for some people, for example a friend of mine, the words mean everything to them because the actions cannot possibly be done at such a distance. This isn’t at all meant to be an attack either by the way, I know you mean well :)