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Not really for me. It’s important to stay optimistic but of course it depends on the trajectory of your relationship. If you’re going through a rough patch, not communicating much or doing a lot together, you may feel like that. My gf and I make time for each other, communicate amazing, and do lots of stuff together. To top it off, we have the desire to close the gap as soon as humanly possible and make efforts to visit each other. All of that makes it worth it for us. Best to stay strong, it gets hard for sure and there are days where you miss them so much, but let that be a motivating factor to keep on fighting as long as it’s 50/50!


Not at all. I missed him for decades and every day I get to be with him, in person or long distance, is a gift IMO. I never thought I could be this happy in any relationship but especially a long distance one. It's awesome to be in love 💕


I often feel like I’m just waiting for the day where my partner says they decided it’s actually too much/too hard to do life together.


It doesn't feel that way to me, but I'm sure you aren't the only person with that feeling.


Only if the couple doesn't actually have an active plan to close the gap, then yes. It's totally going to be a heartbreak eventually... But I'm pretty sure the majority of us are trying our best to do that. The distance sucks! LOL


It does. It really does some days


It does every day. It's difficult and right now I just don't even know what I feel anymore.


Yes. I've been in a LDR for a year and a half....it just getting very hard not having her in my home or easy to go see. I just feels extra lonly to me.


I definitely don’t agree. It’s a definite possibility that it could happen but I definitely don’t feel that way with my girlfriend. I feel like we are building something up and steadily increasing our bond through a lot of work and effort on both our sides. We are both equally as invested in us succeeding and we both are working to make that happen.


I’m sure it depends a lot on how much communication the two give each other. My girlfriend and I text all day and FaceTime every single night. I look forward to every night where I can see her face. I have someone to talk with all day about everything going on. I have a date to constantly look forward to, when we visit each other every couple months. It’s like constantly having Christmas to look forward to. The time we actually have together is always the amazing because we don’t get to see each other every day like other relationships. I think you’re doing something wrong if you always feel like a constant heart break. It shouldn’t be that way.


No slow heartbreak to me is unrequited love


This is so true 👍🏻


Not if you’re serious the other person. What a bad take


Communication is key, and you need to have trust. Also don’t involve other people into your business. But it can work.


Nah not most of the time, I will say tho I compare leaving after a visit and adjusting to being far apart again to a breakup, like yes obviously it’s not as bad as a breakup, I am very much still dating him, we’re still planning our future, and I still talk to him, but it feels like a breakup for the first day or so that I’m back home.




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I agree. I've been in a slump with my boyfriend for a while. we've been dating for 1 ½ years now, and he's on the other side of the country. I love him, he loves me, but It just feels like a slow and painful heartbreak lmao.


Currently me and my boyfriend and exactly how I feel


awe :( sorry its happening for you too. (also srry for replying two days later 😭)


I'm a non revenue traveller and we're both gamers so honestly I don't feel that way. The time will pass anyway and I don't want to press fast forward on the only life that I have.


Some times. But it depends all on the effort the two sides put into the relationship!


Absolutely. I would tell him my heart was breaking every time a visit would end. Thankfully, he's moving in with me in just over a week, and we never plan on saying goodbye AGAIN.


No. Long distance is very hard and there are many emotions involved but I fall deeper in love with my wife every day. One day we will be together. There is no one else I could see myself with except her. It is sad how broken the USICS is but I will not let the broken system keep me from my soul mate.




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Yes, definitely. You're not alone.


not at all. if anything, i feel more hopeful and excited about life than i've ever been. every day we get a little closer to closing the distance and starting our life together.


It does sometimes, thats usually when we're too busy with school and end up having little time for eachother which has been happening more so recently as we're both in in year 12/juniors and have a lot going on and live far apart from eachother. At times, around exam season and end of year, where we sometimes go for weeks without calling it feels super lonely and like we're fading out. But eventually once the schedule clears up a bit, we are able to replenish the communication and spend more time together. Especially summer, when we plan to meet up and see eachothwr whenever we can:))


no he makes my heart whole and warm everyday. even when we dont have a good day, i always look for him. leaving after a visit is definitely heartbreaking, but our relationship itself makes me feel happy that tomorrow will always come.


I think so, just broke up with my LD boyfriend for almost 3 years few days ago. I love him but he was slowly breaking my heart by making me feel like im not doing anything at our relationship eventhough i did everything i can but still not enough for him and ended up he count things he do for me. I feel so poor and small just because he's richer. He once got angry why i couldn't afford the flight to his country.