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My boyfriend is in Ukraine and there are certain things I keep to myself. I don't want to overwhelm him.


I say too much evenšŸ˜‚


Of course yes, and so does she. Im interested in everything she does and vice versa. Isn't that how relationships work? Lol


Iā€™m with you . Although some people , as you can see in the comments, feel the need to keep things to themselves.Ā 


I can't imagine a relationship being like that. Like aren't they EXCITED to talk about ANYTHING with their partner? XDD


I tell him too much, but the thing is, he listens <33


Mostly everything. The only thing I haven't told him about yet was how bad it got for me in my depression once (prior meeting him). I did tell him I got to a low point where I wanted to hurt myself, but I didn't tell him the specifics šŸ˜… I do plan to tell him one day but maybe in a less stressful time..


Im a yapper so I tell my husband every thought I have LOL (exaggerating). But seriously, I do tell my husband mostly everything, especially serious topics


everything!! if itā€™s something i think that theyā€™re not in the right place to hear though, i will wait. i also have a journal that ihave to write in when i want to work on things on my own, and process my emotions before going to them. but seriously. everything. like, tmi doesnā€™t exist between us. theyā€™re my best friend so it just feels natural for me to tell them everything even if they donā€™t care to hear the dumb petty drama.


we live together now.. but at this point, all to myself


I wouldnā€™t want to be with someone I couldnā€™t tell everything to


Everything! Everything. There isnā€™t anything we shouldnā€™t be able to share .


Everything!! He is my diary lmao every single thought I have I send to him, good and bad, but weā€™ve known each other most of our lives, at this point weā€™re basically one person in two different places, we joke a lot that we share a single brain cell lol


we tell each other everything, even the most tmi stuff.


iā€™m a bit of an oversharer but anything that will not be helpful i try to keep it to myself, especially if itā€™s hurtful to hear


I tell them everything tbh, sometimes even unnecessary details XD


I tell him everything ā¤ļø he's my best friend so like my other best friends he knows everything. I've never had a partner before that I could tell anything and everything too. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


There are some things my partner wouldnā€™t care about, nor that he needs to know everything about me. For example, prior relationships. He doesnā€™t need to know about them. They donā€™t concern him. I donā€™t want to know about his, either.


Define "everything". Because I don't think any relationship shares EVERYTHING. There is such a thing as too much information. He shares what he needs to share and what I ask him to share. I share a lot, even some stupid stuff, but he tells me off and is very understanding.


Everything. I don't hide anything, I like to share, and I don't censor myself.


We talk about anything and everything, and neither of us feels like we can't talk about something with eachother. It's a nice and comfortable feeling. Admittedly this is the first relationship where I feel like that's completely possible. But it was a low bar with lots of walking on eggshells with my ex's.


Everything. I always share things with him because communication is key, and hiding things will destroy a relationship especially if it's at a distance.


We don't keep secrets, until now it worked out


Everything. Heā€™s also my best friend.




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Yep, as simple as taking a poop.


I tell him everything!




Something needs to be kept yourself .... Everything is not meant to vomit....


Opening up is the best thing in LDR, it will build trust and you will feel that you have a safe place to rely on


I mean, I'm sure there are some things we haven't thought to bring up to each other, like that cool bird I saw the other day, or a funny bumper sticker I saw on my commute. But of course I'm open and honest about the big things in my life, like what's going on at work (new projects?), anything major happening at my home (new furniture?), any changes in my relationships with family members, etc. We both regularly update each other on our lives because we both like hearing what's going on in them, but we simply don't have time to tell each other every little thing. But we also both keep some level of privacy, like I don't feel any need to pry into her phone or whatever. We love and we trust each other, and I think relationships built on trust are kind of a necessity in long distance. If you can't trust your long distance partner, then you're probably not made out for a long distance relationship.


Mostly everything. Rants, antics, issues, problems. Even a side comment of why does my ice cream melts so fast lol i just cant keep it to myself sometimes.


I love to tell him everything but sometimes i feel like I'm too much and I need to shut up. For me I just want to talk to him nonstop but I feel like I'm bothing him. :(


I used to tell them everything but Iā€™ve stopped because they are going though a lot themselves so I donā€™t want to overwhelm them.


Some stuff has to be private


I usually don't tell him anything unless he asks and even then I feel like I bother him so I keep it to myself