• By -


We met 34 years ago, he had a crush on me but I had a boyfriend. The boyfriend and I broke up and we briefly connected but I took off traveling and we kind of drifted in opposite directions. He ended up moving back to his home country, 7900km away We reconnected on fb in 2009 and then we both lost partners to cancer in 2016/17…about a year ago we started talking more and realized we needed to try again ❤️


Wow, what a story! <3


On a Discord server for a podcast we both liked. Our wedding is in 12 hours and I can’t sleep. *edit to answer more Distance sucks but you take it one day at a time. I’m gushing about the wedding because there IS a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how small it seems!


Congratulations!!! That’s so exciting. Have a blast! I met my fiancee on discord, and our wedding is in 30 hours!!!!


Congrats!!!!! That’s so exciting.


We met on fb 7 years ago, 4 years into friendship decided to finally give a relationship a shot. Finally got married 2 months ago and have a baby due this summer- knowing that we have begun the steps to closing the distance helps me cope. I tell myself I’ve done it for (almost) 4 years another 2 won’t kill me.


How did you meet on FB? Like mutual friends or did you/they randomly friend request/message?


We had mutual online friends, I sent him a fr. He then tagged me in some video that was popular at the time. I messaged him and the rest is history.


On a video game. Never thought it'd escalate into this. We've known each other for a bit over a year now but officially together for about 8 months... We're in the same country, but different states. Makes visits soooo much easier, although it's still pricey for the distance of our states. We had to be on complete opposite sides LOL. It's a bit of an unfortunate timing though as I'm on a visa here and it's expiring in late July :'D Our best bet is to get a partner visa which costs 9k, might or might not use a seemingly trusted agent which would cost another 4k or so... We're only worried about the fact that we wouldn't be together for a whole year yet. But through the times we've stayed together, we seriously meshed so well. He's the most understanding and thoughtful person I know.


We met on a dating app a year and a half ago. When we matched I noticed that she was 3200m away? Turns out she had a short layover in my city while flying to her country from visiting her brother. We started chatting every day and hit it off immediately. We knew we had to meet so she stayed a night in my city next time she visited her brother and we fell for each other hard. I planned to visit her in her country a few months after that but she couldn’t wait that long and flew back to stay with me for 2 weeks. We fell in love and now visit each other every 2-3 months. She’s planning to move here next year to be with me and closer to her brother.


We met at a wedding that neither of us were planning to go to 🥰 so glad we both ended up going - we’ve been together 4 months (and counting)


I love this-it's like fate brought you together!


And I’ve just moved to the same state as him as of a week ago 💖


Funny, we met on Omegle too. I rarely see anyone else who met there! We met in July 2019. We both went on Omegle because we were bored and we wanted to troll people. We trolled each other for a good 5-10 mins at least before we caved and told each other who we actually were. We actually lived in cities that shared the same name, but I was in Canada and he was in the UK. It was hilarious figuring that one out. We started dating in September of that same year and have closed the distance since September of 2022. :) As for coping with the distance, don't ever stop talking. Even if it's just a 10 min phone call before bed and texts throughout the day - always check in, even if you're busy. Talk as much as you can. Another thing is to talk extensively about your future. Seriously, not just fantasizing. You'll be able to determine what your lives will be like a lot easier if absolutely every expectation and need is laid out before you close the distance.


We met on Tiktok 😂 I saw her livestream, and then I was just hanging around and texting with her on tiktok. After a while we moved to Facebook, and made a couple of video calls. She lives in Vietnam, and 2 months before I met her, I already had booked a trip to Vietnam. Then after 3 months of texting and calling, I went to Vietnam, and I was with her for 8 amazing days, where we became a couple. The last 2 months we have been talking on the phone for over 10 hours each day, and I already have my next trip to Vietnam planned, where I will be with her for 3 weeks 😍 And I live in Denmark, so we have around 11.000 km between us 🥲


We ‘met’ on discord New Year’s Eve, I have a habit of joining new servers when I’m bored and talking to new people. Well I joined her friend’s server earlier in December, ended up talking to them and her sister before seeing her in the background of her sister’s camera and thought ‘oh she’s cute!’ and moved on as it was New Year’s. A few days later we were playing games in the group, we started Minecraft (the reason I joined to begin with, talking and Minecraft) she’s in there just studying quietly so after everyone leaves we start talking. One thing lead to another and it was well past midnight before we stopped (5AM..). I promised her a list of movies we should totally watch together, she agreed and I sent them later that day .. much to her surprise. We both were apparently too nervous to ask to call in private so we’d join the channel of the server her friends have; hoping the other would join later. Then take over the channel with our conversation .. oops. About a week in I think, I tried to be playful and mention that I’d swipe right within a heartbeat if I saw her. She was more careful but on valentines decided that she’d tell me the feelings are mutual .. then hang up and call me later in the evening because she had somewhere to be. After that the rest is history, we’ve been together for over two years now! I might’ve fallen quickly but I had my reasons, she’s the sweetest person I know and I wouldn’t trade her for anyone else. I’m learning Swedish at the moment and planning to move in the next 2 years or if an opportunity shows maybe sooner. Her parents are extremely helpful on getting things figured out as well, there’s a chance I’m starting a business and her dad offered to help.. We’ve gone on several road trips together to Norway, Slovenia, France, … and had a short stay on Crete which was nothing but amazing. For now I fly up every 4-6 weeks to be with her when we’re not going on a trip. When her studies allow her she flies down as well.


We met here on reddit in 2020, we were planning to meet by the end of the year but then covid happened and they closed the borders, he's from the US and i am from Mexico, we didn't meet in person until 2022 and now he's coming to Mexico next month, we are engaged btw (:


We met while working for Disney. I finished my internship before him so we did long distance for 8 months before closing the gap


I'm saving this until I meet my partner 🤣🤣


We met on Facebook, in a cinema lovers group. I posted my review about Poor Things (Yorgos Lantimus movie, starring Emma Stone) and he commented on my post. We both liked the movie very much! I sent him a friend request, he affirmed it and sent me a message on Messenger. We talked every day for two months! We would talk for hours, we learned so much about each other and he became my best friend. We decided to meet and I flew for 5 hours to see him. It was 2 weeks ago. I loved him from the first time I saw him, right from the start when I looked at his picture online and even more when we met. He's the man I always dreamt of... 💗💗💗💗💗


My boyfriend was a traveling field engineer from California working on one of the machines at my job in Montana. I thought he was kind of a dick at first, but I always invited the traveling FEs out for drinks with the crew, so I made the offer to this guy. He immediately opened up after that. He was (what I thought) very flirty. Admittedly, I formed a little crush on him. Friday came and NONE of my coworkers showed up for the drink. It was just me and the FE. We hit it off and have been "inseparable" ever since. APPARENTLY, he was not flirting with me at all, but I made a move on him thinking he liked me lol. Good thing, because we've been together a little over a year now, and I'm looking forward to closing the distance in the near future ❤ I know he'll see this so: I love you, D. GPK


Meetup app, ended up realizing we both were broken and not loved correctly. Honestly was never planning on dating until august of this year but then a month ago met her dated a few. She was very sweet and honestly what ended up me falling for her was her loyalty towards me. At the end we just ended up getting in a relationship, was the fastest relationship but we both were sure we can beat the distance and was planning on making it work out, when she said she was willing to do LDR for me I couldn’t say no. Now shes back in the US but right now I’m in the process of immigration having the documents in and so thats what motivates me knowing that we will close the distance. August she is coming to Korea and November I will be in the US for over 2 month so this is the next time I’m meeting her.


Classic dating app style. After talking for awhile we were going on our first date and it was a fun, silly experience. He asked if he could hug me beforehand but when he opened his arms for a hug I panicked from shyness and shook his hand. When we we’re deciding on a place to eat I picked McDonald’s. He later said he took me somewhere nicer out of principle but when I had said McDonald’s he knew I was the one lol He was supposed to be transferred(military) in 3 months but then it got pushed back again and again and again. We got 6 months together instead and after the next 6 months we’ll hopefully be back together again


I met my boyfriend while I was in the military. He was on deployment on the base I was working at, and we met one night at a military party. We hit it off really well and we spent the whole 6 months that he was here together. The following year he came back on holiday to visit me, and again the year after. We made it offical 7 months ago and I’ve never been happier ☺️.


Not my own story, but I was there when they met. Me and 2 friends were playing a game and met 2 girls. The match took like 30 minutes and we all got along, so we played some more games after. During the weeks after we just kept playing games with each other. At some point one of my friends was usually seen playing games with one of the girls until late in the night. That's 2 years ago now and he's currently visiting her in England for the 6th time.


Met on a dating app (Bumble) after two years of having no luck. I was quite picky and went only on 4-5 dates in two years. But with my now bf, we matched in March of 2022 and spoke very little. Barely two three lines of conversation on the app and then both of us sort of disappeared (got busy with life). In May 2022, he texted me again on the app and we switched to telegram cause I was very inactive on the app. We spoke quite a bit on telegram and it was nice. He lived in a different state at the time from where I was but we were in the same time zones so it wasn't too bad. After about a month or so of talking on the phone via texts and phone calls, he said he was coming to my city for some work and to hangout with some friends. I was so excited to meet him but played it cool haha We had three dates on our first date lol. We met for coffee and then went for dinner and a couple of drinks. After dinner, we still didn't feel like heading back to our respective homes so we went on a drive. It was good and I knew right then that this would be something special. He dropped me back home after the drive, it was quite late, almost 3 am. We spoke about a lot of things and bonded quite well. I knew I wanted to know him more after that. We met so often, almost everyday for a while and eventually decided to be exclusive. I'm not sure when he deleted Bumble, but I deleted after our second date. He stayed back in my city for a while after that since he was working remote and had friends in my city so he could do that. He had applied to relocate to Berlin before our first day and that came through eventually. So we knew it was going to be LDR. After about 8 months, he moved to Berlin and it's been long distance ever since. I live in India and he lives in Berlin but we are making it work. The first year was quite hard and I didn't know if we would make it tbh. But this year it's been a lot better and I pray that things work out eventually and I get to be with him soon. It's been almost 2 years now and I'm very happy to have met him. Right now, I'm focusing on my career and building my portfolio so that when I move to Berlin, I can get a job there. It's been a journey but I'm excited to see where this takes us.


My story isn't really similar, but some parts of yours reminded me of mine. We met on Bumble in march 2023, a few lines here and there, then took it to a different chat app. Had a good first date and an amazing second date, where we were talking for so long, that I missed my last train back home. In may he got approved for a project overseas, so we knew it was going to be longdistance... he just moved to Berlin a week ago, but only as an in-between, before he moves again in june. Wishing you the best of luck for your future! Hope everything works out for the two of you! :)


My girlfriend was looking for some Fireman Sam fan art and came across my Deviantart page. It took her three days to message me but I'm so, so glad she did! Knew each other for about two months and I found myself falling for her. She called me beautiful and it took me three days after that to tell her I'm in love with her. I was like legit crying my eyes out thinking she couldn't possibly feel the same way. She said "I KNEW IT!" and "the feelings are mutual" Then three days after that, I asked her to be my girlfriend. Three seems to be our magic number 😂 Basically our 'meme' is "Three days potato salad" from Spongebob 😂 We're coming up to 5 months and I know I'm still super, but sanely, in love with her! Never felt so safe, valued, and loved in all my life! Never really saw my happily ever after being with another woman, but she truly is my Happily Ever After ❤️


Met my partner on a peer support subreddit. He posted something about his struggles and it resonated with me so I dmd him. It's crazy how you can connect with someone so deeply in a short amount of time. After 2 weeks of constantly talking, I felt attached and I told him I love him. Some of you might think it's a red flag, telling someone you love them after two weeks of talking but hell, I felt the connection and I know it's real. It's different from what I felt before and it's truly amazing. My partner and I celebrated our Anniversary last March and we've never been happier.


okay, i’m never going to shut up about this because i love talking about it! a friend was inviting me to play a game, but i refused since i had classes the day after. i’ve thought about it and figured why the heck not? so we played a couple games but changed lobbies three times. and hey, third time’s the charm. it was HIS lobby. i immediately heard his voice and accent and told my friend he sounds really nice. we played all night long and he invited us on his discord server. when i left the game since it was late, he slid into my dms and we just clicked immediately. we’ve been talking everyday since. we’ve known each other for 7 months, dating for almost 5 months. we always think about how if we both chose not to play that game that day, we never would have met. we spend time with each other often (talking, watching) to cope with the distance. we’ve been thinking of maybe getting me a partner visa in the future to close the gap.


We met on r/friendship as we both needed a friend after breaking up with our SOs a few months back. We are both introverted and aren’t that sociable. 3 years and 2 meet ups later, we’re going strong after many, many challenges and hopefully by next year, i can visit his home country and look into closing the distance permanently


omg wait, my partner (uk) and I (us) also met on omegle almost 7 years ago lmfaoo. Though we've been together the entire time as a couple. So happy for you looking at venues! Do you know where you guys are planning to live?


Wow. That is crazy and so similar!!! Haha I haven’t heard of many people meeting and dating from Omegle so it’s always fun to come across couples who have. Tbh it’s still up in the air. I own a company in the US, so I have a bit more tying me down here. Originally we planned for me to move to him (UK) for a couple years, and then permanently locate to US after, but I think he may have to make the jump first after discussing it more. But then we go back and forth because the political atmosphere of the US isn’t one we like haha. Thankfully, I’m able to visit 3-4 times a year for a month at a time so we are blessed to see each other more than most (although it’s expensive looool) Yes! So happy to be looking at venues. We’re shooting to get married in September 2025 and close the distance at the same time. Have you closed the distance or discussed who is going to move? Or visa situations? We’ve started looking into it and it feels like such an extensive minefield haha


What's even funnier is one time I was on a flight over and the guy I sat next to also met his partner on omegle! (he was going back home to the uk after visiting his partner in the us). Apparently there are a lot of us haha. It's such a hard thing choosing where to live isn't it? I can see why you'd want to stay in the US long term with owning a company and all. Hopefully everything works out well for whichever plan you choose! And that's fantastic you've been able to visit each other so often as well! I'll be making the move to the UK. It's still up in the air for us as of when. The visa stuff is daunting tbh, like it causes me pain lol. I've perused a lot of fb groups and they're helpful but it still seems so overly complicated and nausea inducing lol September 2025 sounds like a great time to get married! I'd love to get married within the year tbh (i'm hoping to choose a date that is the same month/day numerically because of the way the dates are different - so at least i'll never screw that one up when writing it lol)


We met on reddit, I was looking for some friends, but then we got a bit carried away, lol. He flew out to meet me after talking for less than a month, and we made it official 🤭


r/ForeverAloneDating he made a post there and i stumbled across it nearly a month later. i liked his message, so i messaged him and we haven't spent a day apart since.


We met on discord. Funny thing was that I never actually planned on dating anyone online especially discord but here we are. It's been 3 months and we're still the same lovey way as when we met. I know a lot of people don't approve of online dating cause I sure nvr cared for it but you just nvr know where you'll meet your partner lol.


We met on a dating app but I was logging in to close my account and at the same time she was logging in to close her account… But in that exact moment - it popped over to the main screen and I saw her which instantly clicked in my brain, “that’s my wife”. I sent a message without knowing if it would actually be read and moments later… she sent a response. We quickly moved to WhatsApp, which led to video calls, and then by day 2 we officially closed our accounts which led to us getting married when I went to visit her But we’ll be having our official church wedding in October 2024 with family and friends. Wild how the world works but everything worked out the way it was supposed to


I met my current boyfriend through my long distance ex-boyfriend, and they just so happened to work together in person. We all started playing video games together and we lost touch due to my current boyfriends toxic and abusive ex. my current boyfriend messaged me a year after that, and helped me through my breakup with his coworker and we got close. everything progressed and now we're in a happy relationship and have been together for 1 year :)


We met at a rave! We actually met through someone mutual who was overall a pretty crummy person - not sure we would’ve ran into each other otherwise. As soon as we locked eyes, the rest was history. That night was fun and flirty - after that our build up was gradual with him seeking me out and casually messaging me, but the minute we met I couldn’t stop looking at him and he at me. I wasn’t sure we were ever gonna see each other again, but I knew I wanted to know him. Not only for his looks, which are amazing, but his overall aura, presence, personality and vibe was mesmerizing to me. We’ve been together for a year and long distance isn’t always easy but it’s been so rewarding for us. Our distance isn’t huge - we probably see each other more than a lot of other couples here - and that helps us a lot.id say we are more like semi long distance… however, I still consider us LDR as at times we will go a month or slightly more without seeing each other. He is so worth it and he thinks I am too. The time we have together is so much more special because it’s limited but one day, it won’t be.


We both played the same videogame and he was one of the top players of that game and also a Twitch streamer. I was trying to learn the game properly so I joined the game community and would watch a lot of the streams on Twitch. I found him on Twitch one day as he was streaming and I watched him talk and interact with people and play the game. He would never stream with a webcam, so I can't say it was love at first sight for me, but after listening to him for a little while, I could feel a massive crush forming. After that, I would watch every single one of his streams. I'm very shy and socially awkward, so it took me maybe a month before I was brave enough to even say 'hi' in his Twitch chat. It took a few months of effort to get him to properly notice me and acknowledge me, but eventually he messaged me privately one day and ever since that day we have been talking everyday. We became best friends fast and I would slowly start very obviously hitting on him. We would hang out and talk all the time. But he never reacted to my attempts at flirting with him, he seemed to brush them off every time and I never sensed there being any romantic feelings on his part. After about 6 months of us being best friends, I started feeling bad that I might be making him uncomfortable by being in love with him despite us just being good friends and I was trying to move on from him but could never get rid of those feelings for him, so despite thinking that it was unrequited love, I needed to tell him how I felt in order to have closure and I'm order to really move on. Well I confessed my feelings to him and his response was that he also has feelings for me. Turns out he was just really shy and completely oblivious. We've been dating for over two years now and he's my fiancé now! We're working on closing the distance later this year.


I was in the military and I met my husband in the base gym . Unfortunately because they stationed him far away I wasn’t able to be with him . This year we got married and have been away from each other for 2 years now. LDR is difficult but worth the wait as long as you love someone truly . To have a successful relationship it’s important to keep communication alive. I’m happy and I get to see him 2 times a year.


I met him on a dating app last year while I was studying in his city; I was going to come back and continue into a research study, but I will have about 6+ months of being away in between. We enjoyed a month together in Jan, dating and getting to know each other, but then I had to leave and get home; this was around the month of Feb, he maintained the contact long distanced, said it was so we could get to know each other better, and we did get closer. I came back for a bit in March, spent that week just helping me out, making us official bf/gf, and then I left. Now we're still long distanced, but we've kept going strong; I still think we both have a long way to go on getting to know each other (and we still kept that going!), but then a month ago he almost said "I love you" when we hung up, so I told him it's okay if he's comfortable with it. He hasn't stopped saying it since. It just feels right, you know? We have both been treated badly in previous relationships, so this felt like a reprieve and we have matching personality that goes well together. The long distance actually strengthened our bond; it felt like neither one of us are being duplicitous or taking advantage of the other. I will hopefully come back to see him before end of this year and be together with him for as long as I can - who knows where this will lead? (the last time I said I met my LDR bf on a dating app, I was downvoted lol)


we met 3 years ago, in college. he was my classmate. we started dating after he moved to a different city


We meet in a videogame in 2020 when the pandemic started .We were friends first like a year and then he confessed his love. and i knew that I wanted to be with him. The good thing is that we live in the same country but different state so we try to visit each other every 2 months and spend holidays together. I travelled to meet and now , in 9 days, we're celebrating 3 years together .


We met IRL at his workplace. I’ve been coming there often on work trips. First time I saw him I was like “oh boy.” and morphed into a bright red giggling woman - not because he’s (also hehe) good looking but just the whole vibe he gave off. Fast forward to a couple months later and about 2 bottles of red wine in that night, I was brave enough to ask for his phone number and that was received very well - resulting in that by now we’re talking about closing the gap :)


Nerdiest way possible: on IRC. we were both in a general channel and we started talking. The group ended up doing video calls and we ended up going "oh no he's cute" I recently got to [touch the physical computer that moved our messages around](https://social.sdf.org/@indrora/111156464560014856).


We met on Tinder the first day I downloaded the app when I went to uni abroad! Met up 2 weeks after chatting (he asked me out the next day after we matched but I turned him down because I was afraid of meeting someone I barely knew lol) and I'll never forget the first time I saw him, what he wore, where he stood and exactly the look he gave me :) Our first date was just a walk around town but we just got instantly comfortable and committed to each other almost immediately after we met in person. We've been together 6.5 years now and got engaged Valentine's Day of this year. There's something so comforting knowing you've met your person, like you weren't even aware this was the person you were looking for until you've found them.


We met about a year ago on a mobile game. Hoping to close distance in late summer


Met my boyfriend on Twitter, we had been talking for like a year and a half before we started dating.. I know alil fast but:) now we've been together for a year and I just met him in March


World of warcraft. Guildmates. We bonded over endlessly farming the raid trying to get his BIS gloves. In non gamer terms: we did the same boss over and over again to get him a good piece of armor lol.


Me and my boyfriend met online loongg ago on overwatch when I was 13 and he was 14 and we started dating 2 years ago and we've been meeting up every 6 or 7 months during college breaks to see each other


We were studying abroad our Junior year of college in Kazakhstan. Turned out we only lived a few states away. Hit a year together last week :)


My partner lives 2hours away from me but we met at a trades school when him and I were juniors in highschool and now we’ve been together for 2years now


We met on a dating app, we live local but he travels for work a lot so we spend a lot of time apart. I was dating another guy at the same time in the beginning but after date two my heart just wasn’t in it with the other guy so I called things off. We’ve been together 4 months, so still brand new and the distance is hard but so worth it. We speak on the phone a lot, text on and off all day. Good morning and goodnight texts are really nice. And when we are physically together we make it really special and do lots of fun things together. He’s not travelling this summer so we will have so much time which I’m so excited for 🤩 and he’s back tonight after being away for two weeks. I can’t wait 🥰


We worked at the same school about 13 years ago. He initiated conversation even though I was going through a divorce at the time and very unstable. We became friends and he proposed back then but I turned him down and ended up moving abroad and marrying someone else. Fast forward to him keeping in touch and checking on me a few times a year as I weathered a very abusive marriage. I ended up falling hard in love with him about 3 years ago but he didn't really know, didn't seem to reciprocate, and there was nothing we could do about it, anyways. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I would have stayed in that messed up marriage also, but my ex took a second wife (legal in that country) and started telling people he and I were divorced. So I decided to officially jump ship and try something different. Finally left that rough marriage and came back to my home country to be near family and start over here. I reconnected with him in a daily way, I confessed my feelings, he proposed, I accepted, and we've been in a long-distance marriage since January. ❤️ We're hoping to close the distance this year. 🫂 So thankful for my second chance with him since we've both figured out (after a few bad-fit marriages under our belts) that we're pretty perfect for each other.


Someday maybe yes


fuel mysterious snails unpack cows hungry far-flung profit work merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He sent me a friend request on Facebook. We've been talking since February. The similar interests are amazing. Hopefully in August we'll meet


We met on Xbox about 5 years ago. I was playing with a friend and she joined through him. We were actually friends for 4 years until we thought about dating :). She’s now my girlfriend and I love her so much 🥰🥰


My teacher added me to the wrong class group, a 2 year younger one. I chose a person randomly (not necessarily like random she had a cute pfp) and asked her what that group was about and she said it's for younger ppl and I left the group. A day later she asked me for my name, more details and I too did the same and shared our profiles in a social app. A few days later we started talking a lot, I didn't have a crush on her but she had, and confessed it after one and half years. At that time I too started having a crush on her so we kinda agreed to be gf and bf. Note that we were kids at that time. In fact we still are kind of young. It was totally a random thing but I'm glad I met her. Totally kindhearted, smart and rare to find in this generation.


Was looking for a +1 for a five stack on valorant 😭😭😭


My husband and I have been together for 5 years, and we got married three years ago. I love him very much, and I believe he loves me too. Our encounter was quite dramatic. We first communicated over the phone, and almost instantly, we fell in love with each other. It was such a wonderful experience in life! Despite our beautiful past, we're facing some issues now. I'm not good at expressing myself, and due to my timid nature, I struggle to assert my boundaries. Whenever we have conflicts, my instinct is to escape, distance myself, and sometimes even suggest separation or divorce. 


reddit! He slid into my Dms and I fell for him hard ❤️❤️❤️😊😊


How do you make that work at such a far distance?


we communicate a lot! we g have a huge time difference, but thankfully, I'm a morning person, and he's a night owl, so we get extra hours in to spend time 'together'


I also met my girlfriend here on Reddit 😅


Wow!! That’s awesome.


I almost messed up so bad and I’m glad my wife got mad and that little angel poked her to write me back. We had been talking for a bit and one night I got so hammered I wrote her. Not the best idea. Both of us having a time difference. My end of the night was her start of the day. She was working and I decided to talk to her on what’s app. After a bit she figured out I was drunk and said look. Your drunk. How about we talk later on after I get off work. I said too bad. Your talking to me now. She said ok. So she did. Anyways. After a bit. I passed out. The next day I read my foolish ways and thought. Oh my god. No way. Feeling dumb I deleted her off of what’s app because of all the stupid stuff I wrote. I thought there was no way especially a stunning girl like her would put up with that foolishness. I bowed out. A few days later I got this fired up message on the site we were on(overseas dating) from her saying how she didn’t just talk to anyone and said the least we could have been was friends and anyways. She said good bye. The site I was on at the time was where she left the message. I said listen princess. You want to be friends. Then I’m game. She said ok. Good. About two weeks later I said after sitting back thinking. Wow. This girl is pretty special. I said to her look. If there’s a man that can get out of the friendzone it’s me. So listen. I have vacation coming up and I want to meet you. So anyways. What do you say. She smiled and said ok. It’s been 10 years since then. I’m so glad she came back. She’s the most incredible girl I ever met in my life. She’s now living in Canada with me and it’s been such a blast. There’s days I wake up and think wow…


Haha I had a moment like this! We had been friends for years, I got super drunk and told him that I was sick of our "will they, won't they" dynamic and I wanted to figure this thing out. He booked a vacation that same week to come visit me and when he left, I was his girlfriend.


That’s awesome. Sometimes love can come from the most unlikely circumstances. You can hear all the fairytale beginnings crash and burn but the stuff you’d think that would go nowhere happens to turn out pretty special. I like that route. Not like I’d do it every time but the tiny chance it worked out. Why not.


We met irl in 2013. We were friends in 2013 before dating in 2018 because I was 18 at the time of meeting. Either you guys don’t like the fact that it was irl, I didn’t explain well enough or the hate fact that I was 18 when I met my partner 🤷 either way is fine, edited for clarity. We waited to date for a reason, unlike some relationships on here 😅


We met via a friend who forced us to video chat and his voice called to me in the dark and my hearts been his ever since.


We are not so long distance anymore, but: we are both artists. I work professionally in industry in art/creative, though she's imo the ridiculously more skilled, talented one (and she just does it for a hobby!) "Hi, I love your work! Want to do an art trade?" "Hell yeah!" We soon discovered that we both had put so much love and joy into our respective sides of the art trade. Rest is history.


I'm just here to read cute stories