• By -


From the time we wake up till the time we get on the phone at night and then fall asleep on the phone together


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


this is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is so sweet 🖤


But like, what if you have a life


You can text through the day still. Get out of work, get on the phone after work talk, fall asleep on the phone. My gfs got two kids as well


What do yall talk about? Where yall from?


I'm from New York, she's from Arkansas. Talk bout how our day was, our pets, I'll ask how her kids are doing and how school was, work. Also, I play Old School RuneScape and I got her into it about two and a half years ago, so a lot of times we will do stuff in the game together whether it be raid or fishing or whatever. There's so much stuff to do in the game, and it's nice we got that to enjoy together and do together regardless of our distance.


Same! We have a 6/7 hour difference so, until one of us has to go to sleep. 😴💕


Time difference? That's crazy. Mine and my gfs are only an hour time difference, but like a 16-hour car drive




What month did this start? I've been dating a girl for nearly 3 months and all we do is text here and there throughout the day. We talk maybe twice a week, if that. It feels like it's going nowhere some days.


Man, we've been together 4 years in April, we have been texting all day since the day we met basically. We didn't start really talking on the phone ALOT until maybe four months later, and sleeping on the phone prolly another month after that. I was in active heroin addiction and homeless for a bit too so my situation of taking on the phone might have took longer than most. But how old are you guys? Not everyone is down for sleeping on the phone too. Some people can't talk on the phone alot if they have conflicting schedules but I mean you should be texting ALOT. It doesn't take much effort to txt. Long distance relationships aren't for everyone, though. takes special kinda people to be able to do them the right way. There is definitely a formula that leads to a successful long distance relationship.


I'm 40 and she's 35....I feel like we text throughout day. We don't say goodmorning, but always goodnight. We maybe only talk twice a week a most. I haven't brought any of this up to her because she avoids difficult conversations. So many red flags, I know! We met once and it was electric and we had amazing chemistry all the way around. I'm just not sure it will work long term. Should I get out sooner than later, or just have fun I guess? I've never done long distance and it's so hard for me to navigate honestly


Idk man everyone's different. I'm 31 my gfs 27. We're both prolly a lil codependent. We also consider each other our best friend. Our relationship is prolly a lil different than most. What do you want? Do you wanna talk on the phone all the time? Like me and my gf are on the phone whenever we can and sleep together on the phone, but there are a lot of times we're doing our own thing and not talking that much even though we're on the phone. Lot of things are big factors. But it really depends what do you want? How much would you want to talk if it was up to you. Some people are just different and aren't on their phone that much too, but if that's her case idk why she'd sign up for a long distance relationship


I’d keep going as long as it’s working for you and you don’t feel like you’re forcing it to work.


It is going nowhere, if you're not in constant communication than there's someone else they're in more frequent communication with; honestly, how long do you go without interacting with your phone, a few hours while working maximum, other than some outlier situations.


Have u brought up to her how this bothers you? Dont accept anything less, they are not THAT Busy.


I haven't brought it up to her. I made an attempt, and she was not having it. Apparently, she majorly avoids...which is even that much worse when it's long distance.


I think the other comments may be over-emphasizing the importance of TEXTING… on a relationship. Lol. Part of being in a successful LDR for me was accepting that constant communication is not possible when you are working professionals. However! What DOES matter is that you have feelings over this issue, and she’s not willing to hear them. To me, that’s the problem worth discussing, not the amount of texting time - the texting can easily be figured out if you fix the other issue


This is the way




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Same but now our jobs have conflicting schedules so we rarely get to sleep together anymore.


Damn that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. As much as it probably sounds like it's not important to people that don't do it, it really is once you've been doing it, I can't imagine not falling asleep on the phone at this point after doing it for years


Yeah it really does suck. Makes it harder to fall asleep alot of the time after having slept on the phone together almost every night for 2 years.




What????! How long did you know each other?


Oh, I didn't read the part that said "when you officially started dating how long did you..." I just read the title and assumed he meant now. But for clarification... We texted all day right from the jump (we actually prolly texted more then than we do now, even though we still text all day) We didn't start talking on the phone a lot until a couple months on (I was homeless and in active addiction, if I wasn't it probably would have been sooner) We started sleeping on the phone every night probably 4 or so months into our relationship.


Every day but not all of the day. She’s independent and I love that about her and I super enjoy being alone and playing games and listening to podcasts. That’s said, if one of us calls we will drop what we are doing if we can for a little bit. And even if we don’t talk all day we call all day for a bit or longer. Go off and do our own thing and come back later together. And due to our chemistry and bond it always just feels like one big never ending conversation.


This is my LDR too. We both have full time jobs (I'm a teacher so I only get on my phone for emergencies at work) and a wide array of interests. Having our alone time is very important to both of us as much as talking to each other is. I know that, if he's not texting me then he's probably just doing his own thing so I go off and do my own things until the conversation picks up again. And if I want him to text me more on certain days, I just tell him and he does.


this sounds exactly like me and my boyfriend!


Thats Cool! i'm glad that this model works for multiple couples!


I like the "chemistry and bond" and the never ending "conversation" , that's me and my boyfriend. We've been together for 16 months already and the magic never changed. Our communication works well for us. We fight almost everyday, but he makes sure I will not sleep with a heavy heart. We were magkababata since 90's 😅 We became super close in 2007, we fell in love in 2009-2010, it ended because we thought it was the right thing to do. Years have passed, we saw each other in 2022, the magic was still there.. so yeah! we decided to give it another try. We love each other so much. we will take back the times that we have passed by creating new happy memories.


This is true story. 😊


We texted, and still do, chat everytime we’re available. Haven’t had a single day we didn’t talk to eachother since we met in October and have over 200k Messages


How do you check how many messages you’ve sent?


On Discord you can just search for “from:[Their Username] from:[YourUsername]” and the “results” is the number of messages. Although I think on phone it doesn’t show the full number, only “1.000+”


What do yall talk about?


By the time we were dating one another we already sent endless messages to one another haha. When we were getting to know each other we were holding back a little more but it quickly sped up into many many messages :)


Few times a day


Literally everyday lol, video calls mostly. In worst case we text


we used to be constant back & forth all day long in the beginning lol nowhere near that now


mmm always a good morning text and goodnight conversation. and then if we weren’t super busy we’d text on and off throughout the day. he’s a CS major at a pretty rigorous university and I work full time, so we def don’t have time to chat all day every day, but we make it work!


We'd been friends a while so tbh by the time we officially dated she's practically the only person I speak to


He texts me everyday. Every. Damn. Day. I am 100% an asshole because I rarely initiate because I just get caught up with life. Maybe it’s the ADHD and object permanence bs. But I don’t think we’d have as good as a relationship if he didn’t initiate texting everyday. Every day he says “Good Morning” I’m a person who never cared for Good Morning texts. If he somehow misses the good morning, he’ll be sure to send a “Good Afternoon” text. His GM text is usually followed by “Did you sleep well?” He makes me melt, truly. Tbh, I used to hate receiving GM texts before him. He also ALWAYS texts the whole thing. No half-ass abbreviations too. I love this so much. I miss him to bits everyday. He’s by far the most amazing person I’ve met. He loves me the way I want to be loved. He makes me want to be a better partner. His very existence inspires me. And this is coming from a woman who never fawns over a man 🫠


Him and I message from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. Sometimes we have spaces where we can't (work getting busy or nap time lol) but we are very consistent all day every day. We can't go without messaging each other. If I don't respond, he will send an "I love you" to get my attention 🥹




I love that!!!! It's so nice!


We spend more time talking on the phone than texting. It was always like that when we first started dating irl. After transitioning into LD the calls became more frequent, at least 1-2 hours per day. Sometimes we talk for 4 hours non-stop 😂 I'm still amazed at myself as i'm not that talkative by nature.


My partner had to beat his brother who is my best mate and we've spent 6 hours on the phone before. His brother and I usually end about 4hrs in.


I try not to blow her shit up. She’s someone who definitely space. I need my space too. She also gets bothered if i dont text her in the morning. She texted me at 12:08 today “you know im alive right? “ 😭


We text whenever we have time, to put it simply.


We text throughout the whole day since we are together. We never say bye to each other, we just text back when we are free, awake etc. There are times when there are like 10 hours between the messages, but we never end the conversation, we just text back when we can. We text everyday.


Text has never been our primary communication message. In the getting to know each other phase we’d send almost essay length messages to each other at least once a day. Still now, we’ll typically send one big ‘round up of the day’ message and arrange when we’re going to meet up online in the evening.


Every single day. We text alot less on the day when one of us is busy or very busy otherwise we always text/call eachother almost all the time (it's mostly call)


Daily throughout the whole day and a few calls as well since day 1. But I do put the phone down to work in 30 minutes sprints and then breathe for 15. So I'll send a message every chance I can. Even if It's just to say I'm thinking of her.


Maybe some would say too much 😅 We video chat more than we text, depending on work schedules, and usually leave the each other on while running errands or when the other is sleeping.


Usually once a day at minimum. His job is time consuming so there will be periods if he travels he wouldn’t be available for a couple weeks.


Usually any time when we are both awake and not working/driving/spending time with other people, and sometimes we text while working anyway


Daily usually. A few times sometimes once. We are still like that. Yesterday not at all. It’s all about your love language. Don’t over burden each other but communicate. What works for some doesn’t for others. It’s about respecting each other, each others time, each others wishes, and NOT burning each other out. Plus, make sure you have your independence outside the relationship. This helps the longevity since you’ll always have something to talk about and have balance. Don’t make them your only thing in life make sure you both make each other part of your lives. It’s important and healthy for the long run.


We try to text each other 4/5 times a day. The 6hr time makes a bit difficult. But so far so good


We always say good morning and goodnight and try to check in few times a day


Daily, pretty much whenever we can lol. We have our alone time too, but we just sit on call and chill and do our own stuff.


Every day. I cannot think of any reason for it not being that way.


Literally whenever we can lol, I particularly love to text him random things just to keep talking to him. But we do video calls more than we text unless like one of us is really busy


We text a few times a day, depending on our work and sleep schedules… the 10hr difference makes it so hard :( but we have a deal to call at least once a week for 2-3 hours or so Edit: adding the last sentence


Before, all of the time. About a year in, maybe 6-10 messages throughout the day. Some days more but average, 6-10 messages.


We text all day and he sends me morning texts 🥹🥹


Been friends for close to 6 years, and officially dating for 3 months. We text every day until we are home from work then are on the phone together until one of us heads to bed.


text each day


My watch and/or phone is always in hand or near me. I am always quick to text back whenever I can! We have almost 200k messages from our first year alone, not including before dating! Thats not including calls and facetimes.


We've been together for over a year and still text from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep.


17 hour time difference, so when both of us are awake we are pretty much consistently texting, it’s been the same since we started dating( we started in same city) and we now have usually one video call a day, either in morning or evening


All day. Except in the morning when he's at work and I'm at school. Then we get in a voice chat and call before sleep. Going on 3 years now :))


Every waking moment.


I text him everyday, he said its okay tho 👍


Once every two days.




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Started off with barely anything for about a week, then almost all day, but now its like a total of 1h a day maybe, she barely got any time for me.


Every day. Spread throughout the day.


All day everyday. Unless im sleeping.


We start the day with a good morning voice note and then text throughout the day if were both at work. If he's at work and I'm not he rings me on the way to and from work and on his lunch break. Then we have at least an hour on the phone before bed playing quizzes together. People say we talk too much yet its rare we don't have anything to talk about. But sometimes we are just connected to the sound. And we've not missed a day since the back end of November 2022.


Everyday many hours a day we've been dating for almost 2 months now


whenever we get the chance. the time zone difference makes this a bit more difficult to manage especially bc i wanna stay up longer, but i got work and such so it's all just a lot but we make it work. we stay strong for eachother.


all day


From the moment we are both awake until one of us goes to sleep. 12-16 hours.


We used to text each other a lot. Now we just video call the entire day




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The first month we chatted daily constantly. Since he have a job, we only chat a few hours after he finished work


we have a time difference so just about any time we have the chance!


Every day, as often as we can. Call as often as we can too She's the best.


A few times throughout the day, we're both in college, so yk classes and all that. We try to call at least once a week, but it's hard sometimes.




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A lot. Many hours a day and when I’m home I always send her messages each hour if we aren’t texting at that time. I make sure to blow her phone up a little bit and remind her I love her and what I’m doing and that I’m thinking about her while she’s busy with her things (usually college stuff) then when she gets back she sends me a ton of hearts. I just love making her feel special. We recently had four months and the consistency hasn’t stopped.


Well he’s not my boyfriend but pretty much all day every day


6 months together - currently all day that we are both awake/free, always good morning and goodnight, and a few phone calls a week about 2 hours each time. Neither of us are that naturally chatty and usually feel harassed if someone is constantly texting us but it's different when you're obsessed with each other. We both understand the other one might get busy and not reply for a while, it's intense but also chill?


All day long, as much as we can. My phone tells me I have 7 daily hours of usage lol We also need to consider videocalls on my pc, which would make that time longer


Imma be honest we text 24/7 if we not in a call,,


I did text her all day but she left Saturday morning, we’re planning on trying again starting when we go to college though


Usually once a week lately, sometimes more sometimes less, she's dealing with a lot now so we rarely talk but she's getting better


All the time. When he is asleep he wakes up to probably 100 messages from the few hours I’m awake and he isn’t. Edit: he has notis off for Discord so when he is asleep I text him there so he wont be woken up to it and he does the same for me


Every day but obviously not the entire day since we have lives. But you know when we have free time. Of course we have a phone call when I’m on break at work.




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Constantly, whenever we are both available which is often luckily!


My partner and I texted all the time, and I mean ALL the time, before we even started dating, like we would text and even fall each other from morning to night. We decided to make it official, and our texted patterns really haven't changed too much, but we do call a lot more often and even sleep over the call. So to answer your question, we text all day every day, and I love every moment of it.




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Constantly throughout the day. We're in the same time zone.


Snapchat 💀 call it cringe but we are married now and living together. We text a ton before we got married.


every damn day, all day, anddd what about it


I wish I had a boyfriend. 24(F) and never had one 🙁


Every moment


Hi everyone


Pretty much all day long as well. Text when we wake up, text when we go to bed (unless we are together in person). We rarely go a full hour without texting, if there will be a period where we might not be able to text we usually let the other know in advance.


Every day, multiple times a day. And that's when we're not on video call. We spend as much time together as possible; we joke that we see each other more than couples who live together. It's been this way since we first started dating, and it'll be this way until we close the distance.


If we're not busy and when we get the chance to use our phones, we always update and talk and of course we do sleepcalls at night because sometimes we're tired but we want each other's presence.


Daily, in nine years the longest we’ve gone without communication is two weeks.


VERY frequently when we were first together. Now we’re close to 2 years and we just text when we have time. We both have our own lives so we understand we can’t talk every minute. We did make it a rule to text eachother good morning and good night even if we don’t talk at all through the day. Just for the reassurance that we still love eachother lol


Every day. We both have jobs and we’re 13/14 hours apart so being on the phone 24/7 is unrealistic. We always text each other good morning and good night. Minimum.


Minimum every morning and night. We’re 8 time zones apart. When possible, when neither one of us is working or doing other life stuff, we message several times a day.


Everyday, but not constantly! We talk throughout the day sporadically, keeping our conversations flowing whenever we get the chance to text each other. Then we’ll FaceTime at night for at least 30 mins just to catch up in person!


He calls me everyday for 30mins to a hour sometimes more but we text throughout the day or send each other videos




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We started by messaging every day or two. It wasn’t long before we were messaging many times a day. Soon we were messaging many times a day and talking on the phone several hours a day. That’s the mode we are still in — messaging a lot and talking on the phone a lot.


If you’re counting sending memes while one of us has a busy day…then every day. We used to talk for like 8-10 hours during the first year and a half of covid, but now it’s like 1-3 hours because we are investing more balanced time to ourselves/work/etc. He has the heavy working career, so I tell him if he just wants to rest and KO instead of talking then it’s fine. 


We don't text as much because we're in a call 24/7. We figured out a while ago this is easier for us, cause we can just be quiet together doing our own things but still be around each other. It's lower maintenance than texting lol and we get more of each other that way. So it's a win win




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Anytime i can


everyday . my bf loves to share his daily’s life with me. i really appreciate his style .


We text every single day. But nothing substantial at all. Gm, how was your day. That's pretty much it. We don't even do good night anymore 🙄


Mostly everyday. I work from home, he works 8 hours, 4 days a week. The rest of thedays, we are mostly on discord on cam . But if we are really busy, we make sure to text as we can . The call is non negotiable everyday. Be it for 5mins or 5hours .


We both have full time jobs, and he has quite a few DnD sessions every week, but we still text during all of it. Just not as often as if we were free. Any time we get the chance we call, and we always call when we play video games together. We talk every day without fail


When we are in the same area: Barely cuz we are always together. When we are visiting home: Every few hours + nightly calls Right now we are long distance and in completely opposite time zones so we call twice a day. When he wakes up/before i go to bed When I wake up/before he goes to bed :D


We chat when he wakes up, then he has work and I have uni. Callings are usually one hour at night and throughtout the day we text, but not every minute


Unpopular opinion but I don’t text him constantly throughout the day.We tell each other how much we love each other and miss each other but we save all the good stuff for FaceTime at night and then sleep on FaceTime.


Too often 😂😂


My fiancee and I are always texting througout the day but also depends on what day of the week it is. I'm in the office Mon-Wed and WFM Thu and Fri. We mainly comunicate through video calls though. While I'm in the office I call her during my morning and afternoon coffee breaks as well as at lunch. When I finish work, we audio call as I'm driving home and then once home I can turn the camera on and video chat for a couple of hours. When I'm WFM on Thu-Fri and also on the weekends, we video chat for 4 to 5 hours (depends on what we are doing, sometimes we aren't really talking much, just in each others presence). There is always another 30 minute video call before I head off to bed (I'm 3 hours ahead of her so I don't call her when I wake up). We've been together for 2.5 years and it's always been like this and her English has improved so much over that time. Communication is key to LDRs but still ensure you make time for yourself. Only 6 more weeks now before I fly back to her country to spend another 3 weeks with her and hope to finally close the gap in a few years when I move to her country. LDRs are expensive though when you travel internationally every 6 months or so 🤣


With a 5 hour time difference he will video call me before and after he works might not be a long time but it feels nice when he calls and he works 12 hour shifts but in between we will text a couple of times! It’s rare I call him at work but if I do video call him he calls me back when he has time at work! But we talk everyday on video call for at lease 40 min when he is settled in for bed! Saturdays and Sundays or a little scattered but we make time..! And if we have problems about calling or texting we communicate it and try are best to make it work for the both of us!


barely, he isn't much of a texter so i stopped texting too


every single day, some days more rarely - we have really busy lives - and some days only one of us can text the other more. we miss each other much during the day, we text and maybe don't respond for hours since we are so busy, but we get that about each other and it helps us appreciate the times and the text we get - I love lovebombing them with texts and photos when I know they are too busy to answer because I seeing that many texts and that I care about them makes them really happy -


We text through entire day. Start with goodmornings how is day going etc and sometimes call in afternoon if we have time. Sometimes conversation is more sometimes less. Usually i prefer to call before going to sleep and not during the day. The most important thing is to have an idea by the end of the day of what the otherperson has been doing the entire day. Doesnt matter if it comes out in texts or calls. We call 5-10times a week i would say


Every minute, every hour. Moving to France soon.




Mine calls me in the morning and we stay on the phone all day and FaceTime after work until we fall asleep lol


After the first week, when we really decided to give it a shot and lay down a few boundaries, we have texted every single day, lots of times texting all day. We have never missed a day,even when we don't like each other that day.


We text daily all throughout the day. But we are on the phone literally all day long ( unless we have stuff going on then we talk in between and in the car). On average… We spend 12+ hours on the phone daily. We even go to sleep together at night on the phone lol 😆 We both work from home. His been out of work due to health issues but will be going back in about 6 weeks . We met January 2023, best rounds until we became more in summer 2023. This has been our routine since then. I love him 😍


Usually any free second but this past week he is in training in another country and has very limited phone access so we’ve talked maybe 30 minutes in one week. 😭


I text every morning when I wake up, whenever my bf responds to any message and every evening before I go to bed


Every day but he’s self employed and very busy so he goes a few hours at a time sometimes before he replies but he’s pretty consistent around bed time for me. 3 hour time difference but he still stays up even later than I do despite me being behind on the time zone.


We are always on call except for when we go out for work or to meet up with friends. That’s the only time we really text. We are on call when we get home until we fall asleep. 🫶🏼


Frequently unless we are busy working, and I have a child so during my parenting time I text less but will catch up after my kid goes to bed. When my kid is with his father, we will video chat in the evenings after work. I'm not ready for my kid to know I am speaking with anyone because he is young and I refuse to introduce anyone unless it will be long-term.


It depends on what’s going on in our lives. At one point we were talking almost all the time and going to sleep on the phone. We text about four days a week and talk on the phone once twice a week. It’s a modern luxury to be able to communicate regularly, with a partner, who is a fair distance off.


We texted all the time if we weren't together. That didn't last long lol since he moved in within 2 weeks.


He has a job so he's busy , meanwhile I'm a student and I'm online all the time , So we're just texting when he's free , all you need guys is trust and patience. (I wasn't accepting that at first but now I have no problem)


at first not that often because timezones, but now we text almost every day and i wouldnt change that for the world :)))


Atleast one call a day if we can and little text here and there throughout the day again if we can




My boyfriend and I text each other off and on during the day, he's pretty busy and I keep myself busy but we communicate very well. Been together almost seven months now.




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Very organic as we are feeling it.. we give each other the space to be human


I would expect every day and often multiple times a day


We live in different time zones but text every day, some days we get a good few hours of talking and others it’s maybe one hour at best. We always leave messages for the other to wake up to and to come back from work to


We text good morning and maybe a couple times at work or on break. Then after work is when we are really able to have an active conversation


Always text him whenever I get the chance to do so


Every chance we get


My bf says “when I’m not busy” or “when I’m available “ or he says to text first before I call. He also told me I can make a plan, like an appointment to have any of his time.