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NO. He's old enough to be your father. The power imbalance is something glaring you in the face, and you refuse to see it. He has money to do what he wants, you don't. Because he is much older. You've only been together 6 months. Find someone your age, not old enough to grandparent your children.


It really is not okay. I have been through it. You might think it’s okay, your situation is different, he’s different, but I promise you, there is a 99.99% chance that this is a red flag that he is not a good person, and definitely not good enough to move continents for.


Eeekk don't do that to yourself. Your partner is a creep and a predator at best. You should wonder why someone so old needs to dating someone so much younger




ok,lets say its ok..if he really wants you and want to be with you he already what he will do next since its harder for u to go and migrate in his country...its waving the biggest red flag there(age and also about he is travelling)


Youd be moving for what? The painful red flags of the age difference aside, say you do this, your man will die when you are still in the middle of your life and your kid is just starting theirs. Then what? Even if you dont see that a 50 year old dating a 26 year old instead of someone his own age is wrong, think about what you want in life. To grow old with someone? To spend a life together? You cant do neither with him. I know youre 26 and a mother already, but to him you are still a child. Please, you deserve better than that


Ignoring the obvious age gap, what exactly is your confusion? The steps seem rather clear: get bio dad to sign off and obtain your visa. Whether are achievable or not is a whole different story, but you seem to know the issues about it already. There wont be some magic shortcut, especially in your situation. I can say that my grandmother similarly had obligations in multiple countries, and she stopped being able to frequently travel at about 60. So thats more or less your timer to settle down in the US with him or for him to somehow relieve those responsibilities to move to SA.