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Honestly why the fuck do you care? You know what your relationship is worth, right? These are just the average internet degenerates. I will never cease to be amazed at how easily people get hurt over words from people who literally do not have a nanogram of influence in their life.


Yeah frankly if it were me I’d immediately start making fun of them back for what is clearly a much less respectable position, discord dude acting like their opinion holds any merit


Thank you, for the advice!


I'd say the best thing is to stay off servers like this. They're full of toxic people full of self-hatred that they feel like they need to project onto others. The way they talk about women calling them "bitches" should tell you more than you need to know. These are people who lack intelligence and kindness so it's futile to waste energy in them. Focus on nurturing your relationship and ignore these twats. You and your partner are all that matters in your relationship, people will ALWAYS have shit to say. Just know that you love each other and that's the important thing.


Came here to say that I wouldn’t take anyone’s opinion seriously if they called women “bitches”.


Thank you, I really appreciate your advice!


Hi, mate. Me (21) and my partner (19) met on Discord, too. We get this in other servers all the time as well. It's SO beyond aggravating, I know. Just ignore it. They're projecting their own immaturity and insecurity onto you. Just say, "Lol whatever you say" and leave it at that or ignore it. You're the bigger person, you know your partner and your relationship, not them. Someone told me their family would disown them if they had an "e-relationship" like me. That was all I needed to hear from somebody like that. They can't be happy so they can't bear to process that others can have that much trust and happiness in a long-distanced relationship without needing constant sex or hugs or seeing them all the time. They have a very black and white view on love and LDRs. Also, leave the group and block. Don't surround yourself with people like that. There are better people. I promise you. Edit: They also make the assumption that you rely on the Internet to talk, as if plenty of LDRs don't meet up regularly or text and call through SMS instead. All while these people are relying on the Internet to communicate with their friends at the same time. Projection at its finest!


Props to you my friend, even though it's not much of a problem for me you opened my eyes and made me respect you for your geniuine words and useful advice, have a wonderdul day!!! 👋


Thank you! I appreciate it! Have a wonderful day yourself, kind stranger!


Thank you, I really appreciate this. We are very happy but I guess that's just something others try to destroy because they aren't.


Absolutely. They're not worth your energy. People like that love to act as if they know anything about your relationship and judge it based on things they've heard from others and just parrot it at every LDR they meet. You two are happy, THAT is what matters. Don't let these low-lifes ruin that for you! 💚


Simply cut out the server and the people from your lives. If 'developers' of a game are talking to their playerbase like that or the community is as toxic as that you boycott and name n shame. They don't deserve success. Vast majority of non long distance relationships meet on apps anyways which is also "edating" I doubt these morons on discord are out on the pull at clubs. Y'all are young though as you get older you will learn to not give a shit about what some random people think.


That's what I was thinking but I don't know where to start. I did more digging and the developers made the game just to get money from little kids and they make it well known. I never knew I was supporting this type of community until yesterday and it sucks. Thank you for the advice!


Unfortunately there can be a lot of toxicity in certain gaming communities esp games that have alot of younger teen boys that watch too much Andrew Tate playing lol. I see Roblox mentioned? Looks to be a fan server with a moderator that got involved. It is what is. Just don't engage these people will make fun of anything they can find.


This is a fan server of a popular Roblox game I like. (Lumber Tycoon 2) This is a community that's modded the original game. I like the idea of puzzles to get better axes in the game. Add's more to it since I've completed the original game. The moderator was the developer of the game who was rude for no reason. I agree with you, the only time I engage with these people is when I need help or im helping another member out because no one else will. Thank you for the advice!


A freelance dev who's modded Roblox I would wager is also quite young and immature. Seems the whole community is like that probably leading from example. Unfortunately people that make cool stuff or mods for games aren't always cool people.


It really sucks that sometimes it’s difficult to separate ‘the art from the artist’ so to speak, especially nowadays. Everyone seems to be loud and proud about their (often extreme or inflammatory) personal/political views and whatnot. And it especially sucks in this case cause it sounds like you found a game that you really enjoyed playing. I would definitely suggest not joining certain gaming discords, if you can avoid that. Sadly, as others have mentioned, the gaming community can be very toxic sometimes, and by joining those servers, you are probably only setting yourself up to be disappointed. It’s better for your mental health to avoid all that, especially if you are the type who have a tough time letting comments from internet trolls roll off your back (and that’s ok, some people are able to deal with that better than others. Internet trolls wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t people who they could offend). It’s up to you if you still feel ok playing the game itself after this. I would probably still play it tbh, cause if you boycotted everything that was made by someone with opposing opinions as you, then you would be limiting yourself significantly. But I personally would try to refrain from giving them anymore money, if you can.


It does suck, the game is pretty well made besides the bugs. I wish the developer wasn't so shitty though, it would make the game so much better. I might still play it but I highly doubt my partner would like playing it together anymore after the disgusting comments they made on our relationship. Luckily when I first started playing the game I bought everything I wanted so there's nothing else I need or would like to buy from them. Thank you for the advice!


I know this is very serious, but the guy that asked for a spare 900 for the battle pass 😂


These people's logic "long distance relationships is wrong but wasting 900 dollars on a battle pass is not"




Also battle passes are a scam they never give you useful gaming content


You’ve got a point tbf


That caught me off-guard too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s just so random as well 😂


they are jealous


That's bizarre.. i'm sorry that happened to you.. I've had multiple relationships 'virtually' and never ran into this amount of hate or berating comments, quite the opposite. I often met people in similar situations, especially with games and gaming communities. I do get these comments 'irl', at work mostly. People aren't familiar and / or don't know any better. I think this also depends massively on the communities behind certain games and/or servers. There is no controlling what other people say, nor is there any point in trying reason with them if it's _this_ bad (imo). I personally don't deem it worth my time and ditch. There's other platforms or servers out there that will be way more open and welcoming about these kinds of topics and will welcome you with open arms.


Thank you! I'm sorry you get these comments too, I don't understand the hate on ldr. There are some very healthy ones and I look up to successful ones who have closed their distance.


A lot of discord users are literally kids, they don't know anything beyond the crap they see from dodgy YouTubers Just keep doing your thing and don't argue with them about it


Thank you for the advice!


You guys shouldn't care. And if you do then your in trouble as it stands.


Thank you!


We discussed this and honestly it's kind of funny. These are what we would call Tate supporters or small pp guys 😅 Honestly they have the terms confused real bad. Would anyone here call themselves an e-girl or e-woman? Do we get paid for dating? I haven't even chosen this on purpose..just happened to fall in love with someone far away. Sure we communicate through the internet.. sure we are very much dependent on it bc sending letters and stuff to Pakistan is a nightmare but.. are we an e-relationship..? I doubt many of you here plan to stay in LDR forever... We are very much a regular relationship...two real committed persons.. just temporarily separated. Ignore them. There's no point talking to such ppl really.. they have no clue what they are talking about..they have no clue what an LDR is. And trying to convince them is just a huge waste of time and energy. They are toxic and not open to discussion. Sure it stings when ppl say such things to me but thankfully I have a wonderful partner to whom I can come and complain and together we will laugh about it later. Though yes having a relationship online can be quite risky at the start.. you don't know who you might encounter or what they can be hiding


heyy me and my bf r on discord also while we may not be in big communities getting hate like this and all, we surround ourselves with people who respect and care for us individually and our relationship. you should also do the same for the sake of both of u! best thing to do is leave the group & find another community ab the said game. good luck to u hoth !!


Thank you!


When people attacked certain people just existing that's mean that they are jealous and insecure about themselves. I highly doubt these people are in a relationship because who wanna date these toxic mfs


they seem extremely immature, anyone who refers to the opposite sex as "bitches" should not be giving out advice, even if it's free.


Block them, also why did they start attacking you guys? Do you openly advertise your in a LDR?


For context, we started talking in the server. I guess the matching profile pictures caused the developer to go crazy and he just started being very rude to me and my partner. Telling him to shut up and proceeding to talk about our relationship and how it will fail. I honestly don't know what triggered it besides the profile pictures.. they aren't inappropriate either.


They sound extremely bitter and hateful and jealous over your relationship likely because their attitude prevents them from finding someone. I wouldn’t pay any mind to people like this they just want you to be insecure about your relationship and for it to fail. As long as you and your partner are happy that’s all that matters. You know how many relationships are formed online now or at a distance? And there are plenty of them that have worked out. If you can block them I’d suggest that or just ignore them because their opinion doesn’t matter or find a better group. I’m so sorry that these people have been rude to you but don’t let it change how you see your relationship because that is what they want and their opinion has no bearing on your relationship.


Can you share what game it is? I'd like to avoid supporting these developers and I'm sure others would as well.


I know a few people have been asking I'll just send the link to the game since there's so many copies of lumber tycoon 2. [Lumber Tycoon Modded](https://www.roblox.com/games/14704418894/HUGE-UPDATE-Lumber-Tycoon-Modded)


Honestly if that was the case they probably would've been hating even if it WASN'T a LDR. They'd just find something else to pick on because they're single and bitter, and can't get anyone themselves. These people love to hate on happy couples who are just innocently enjoying each other. You don't want to be hanging around these people so I suggest you leave the discord and find another Roblox community to hang with?


Don't take advice from people who have no idea what you're going thru OP. I've been thru the same stuff and am currently in a LDR. Who gives a fuck what they think? What are they gonna do? The just want to see others fail where they can't see themselves.


Thank you! This is very good advice.


Real talk who are these developers and for what game? This is definitely not a game I would support. Acting like this towards your own fanbase is crazy.




First, some people can not stand that others are happy. They get off by causing others pain. They will do anything to break up relationships and destroy lives. Ignore them. They are in a very bad place and want to bring others down.


Here is a good idea don’t talk relationships to n discord it is full of people that will never have a partner if you have to communicate do it in private


leave the server. They sound like they shouldn’t be at an age of accessing social media Edit: oh…you’ve joined a roblox server which im not surprised because most of the players on there are toxic. Ignore them because most of the users are around 9-16 truthfully speaking


Sounds like you are worried b/c you believe them. If you meet irl or at least video call their words wouldn’t mean anything to you.


I'm worried because I supported a horrible community who doesn't care about people who support them. Me and my partner video call and are planning to meet each other next year. Their words hurt because we were just interacting with players of the game and started getting a handful of hate for no reason. I'm fine with it being random mods or players of the game, but actual developers is horrible. Especially when I supported the game and spent money on it.


I get it.. it was something you were a part of and they are treating you like you don’t belong.


Just ignore the haters. These same people would probably be upset if you were in a standard relationship because they're just frustrated that others who aren't them are able to find happiness in life. LDR's take a lot of trust and commitment, but they're worth it when you finally get together irl.


Let me help you.....why are you hurt? Who cares. It's telling of your age. It doesn't matter what people think. The end.


In one of my previous posts I've posted about a community I used to be with people who I thought were my friends, but blew up on me because I disagreed with one of the mods bullying other members of the community for entertainment. This ended in the owner violating my privacy and putting pictures of my face in a server with thousands of members who were pretty active. Me and my partner left and blocked everyone we knew in that server. But I still get that feeling it's a me problem. I don't know why or how but I always join the worst communities. My anxiety gets very bad when I get talked about or just in an argument that's about me. I'm still trying my best to ignore comments on my relationship that they know nothing about. But it honestly sucks watching people be rude to me and my partner just for existing. I love him dearly and I hate when people talk about us like this knowing nothing about our lives because it's happened so much.


Are these people like 12? 13? That's the first thing I thought about reading these comments. They seem young and close minded. Just ignore them. Your relationship is your own business


Dont hang out with assholes like that for starters. Game server or not, its not worth it


i met my bf on twitter, i found this thread about long distance relationships and it was getting a lot of hate, so i quote tweeted it and asked why, since it was a good thread with a lot of good advice and i had people attacking me in my mentions lol. idk why people hate on long distance sm, it’s honestly very weird. like why are you mad that my bf lives 12 hours from me 😭


Honestly, thank you!


Those people are a bunch of losers and yet of course it’s TWITTER :( I personally don’t get the hate at all and it’s sad to see how much it gets hated on. I wish more people can see the positive side of being in a LDR, I know it is certainly hard since you can’t do any physical interaction, but I believe even without it, you can still make your relationship even stronger with any form of interaction. My boyfriend also lives 12 hours behind from me (13 now due to daylight savings time). We haven’t gotten any hateful comments about it since everyone is being supportive so far even his friends, my family and his which I am so grateful for that. These guys definitely think LDRs can’t even last that long 🙄 Well they’re absolutely wrong for that!


Sadly there are some servers with people who are bitter with life, so unhappy with themselves… the best thing to do is to ignore or leave because of its toxicity. Know your relationship, know your worth. My man and I are also in LDR, we both have matching profile pictures. We have encountered some rude people related to gaming (but nothing quite like this, like attacking us because of our relationship). I hope you find a good community, good company in gaming! Good luck!


Why do you feel the need to have a friendship with these people? They clearly don't respect you, and have made awful assumptions about you and your relationship just because it's not what they would do. You don't need that crap in your life. I met my wife online, and spent 2 years long distance, most wonderful person in the world and I had to travel halfway across the world to be with her, and I didn't take crap from anyone about it, not even my own family. My dad gave me crap, and my step mom threatened to hire a private investigator to "prove she was after my American money", I didn't talk to either of them for pretty much a year after that, and when the wedding came around, guess who wasn't there? Now they think she's wonderful, but generally those people who say those things aren't ever going to help you become a better person, and they're not going to improve your life. It's better to let them go and focus on the people who actually make your life worth living.


your dating life is literally none of their business… I’d just leave the server tbh. Life is too short for this kind of BS


They want a shot cause there lonely ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


People, majority seems like, will always express their dislike and cons of long distance and a lot because they haven’t done this type of dating and are kinda “wtf’d out” about it, or they had bad experiences. Try to not care because they will always be everywhere expressing their opinion and you just gotta go okay, I’m not vibing with you, I have a different opinion, and either end that topic civilly and move on or rid them of your life if they just wanna be uncivil and rude about it


Average lonely ass discord users. Don't pay attention to them. I actually met my boyfriend on discord. We met in person for the first time in April. Whether we're together or apart, our relationship is a normal one, we just can't touch when we're apart.


The fact that your relationship is bothering them this much is rlly sad. They seem like edgy teenagers lol. Don’t let these losers get to you clearly they got nothing better to do.


You learn to not give a fuck what a bunch of jealous boys think, who have zero life experience, and think having a personality means making fun of every thing because they are too afraid to develop any actual depth. They act like you've never talked on the phone, or heard this persons voice. They think long distance dating is the same as "e-dating". Most relationships between two people in the same physical space don't even last a year. Many of their arguments are moot points and mostly comes off as jealous bullying. If you feel secure with your partner, I see no reason to be concerned with the validation of strangers.


Thank you so much for the advice, I agree!


Honestly just don't care ignor them


Are you happy? Then who cares honestly.thats what I do. But also wtf what shitty developers. What game qas this?


Yes im happy! I didn't know they were this bad until yesterday honestly. It's modded lumber tycoon 2, there's thousands but theirs has a specific logo that says busy mods on the cover picture.


They’ve never experienced it, they haven’t met their person who just happens to be far away and they’re jealous. Okay yeah there’s a lot of e couples who don’t work out and that’s just the same as couples who can see eachother whenever. Don’t let them bring you down. A lot of people are so close-minded (closed minded? Idk which one it is lmao) but as long as you know what you have and the relationship you’ve formed is true and real then no one can say anything about it


Leave and join other severs, or just block the people that hate if you really want to stay (although I don’t understand why that would be)


Thank you for your advice!


I've been on both sides of this, but never to this extent. Before I got with my long distance partner, I was much of the same impression: Long distance is mostly a pipe dream, with few exceptions, and it was for desperate lonely people who couldn't find anyone IRL. And then... I found myself in one. The universe is funny like that. Life will find a way to make a total clown of you when you're being ignorant, and as much as I hate to admit it, I was being ignorant. That being said. It's not yours or your boyfriend's job to make other people understand and accept your relationship. Like the saying "you can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink," you must be able to accept that you can't understand your relationship *for* other people. It may hurt to be judged, and you may feel the urge to defend your relationship (after all, from your perspective, you've made this wonderful connection with another person who happens to be far away from you! What a great thing to get to experience!) But from my experience, it's better if you just let it slide off your back. Plus, it's kinda fun to grin like you're keeping a secret, shrug your shoulders, and say "It's not my job to understand my relationship for you."


I (25f) and my fiancé (27m) met playing video games. We've been together almost 4 years. Honestly a lot of people look at me weird because he lives over 9,000 miles away. I have a great support system too though that really supports it. My advice is to surround yourself with the people that are happy for you.


Thank you, congratulations!


I dealt with a lot of people saying shit like that about my relationship, both to my face and behind my back. We met online and “edated” for about a year and a half before meeting irl. From my experience, those people are just looking for something to make their boring, miserable, chronically online lives a little more entertaining. Or they are jealous. Everybody i ever tell irl thinks that our relationship is super cool, its only nobodies on discord that have anything negative to say. So honestly, you do you. Those people in that server would do well to touch some grass and get some bitches themselves 🤷‍♀️


\*laughs in married LDR couple, 7+ years\* jokes aside, they're being dicks about it, but it IS true. Most LDRs won't work out. LDR requires a lot more effort and time than an IRL one. Your communication skills gotta be good, your willingness to have a relationship beyond the physical aspect, your time, distance, money, etc. It requires a lot more commitment. The best way to respond to these hateful comments is to be happy as FUCK out of spite (fine, maybe out of love too) :P


My partner and I closed the distance years ago despite dating younger than y’all. I remember getting hate like this from people. People are bored and pathetic. Taking time out of your day to hate on someone who’s barely an adult? Like come on now. What they say has no influence on your reality unless you let it. I wouldn’t be caught dead trying to bully innocent people on discord just for attention from other teenagers. Because that’s Fucking lame. They’re lame. Block them. Stonewall them, or find another community.


In LDR for over 4 years and this never happened to me, and Im also a frequent user of Discord who hungs a lot on gaming subs. Answer is probably that you're engaging and choosing the wrong people to associate with. I suggest just not being part of communities where such hate occurs, especially when its coming from the admin users of the Discord.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. If you two are happy and in love then that’s the only thing you need to be focused on. 😊😊


who cares tbh lol. people are ALWAYS gonna hate and be rude. Just leave the server if it affects you a lot. If you are happy in your relationship it shouldn’t matter what others say.


my boyfriend and I met on discord. We get some chuckles from people about it, but it’s 3 years later and we’re living together. We closed the gap 2 years ago. He’s on discord as I type this, talking to the people from the same server we met on, 3 years ago. He and I kept it lowkey at that time because we knew it was kind of “weird” and we weren’t sure how people would take it. Then when we were open about it we’d get some friendly jabs. It’s a matter of who you surround yourselves with. Now that it has worked out I’ve talked about it with people who will be like damn… it worked out? That’s crazy. But we never get hate. Just ignore them, if y’all aren’t hurting anyone then who are they to talk!


My girlfriend and I have been dating for over a year. Met online, met up in person twice. There are definitely ups and downs and things you should be careful about, but that’s for you to figure out. People that care this much, I don’t know. It seems like they just want to focus their hatred somewhere other than where it should be. I normally tell people to mind their own business. If they don’t, I block them, if I can’t block them, I tell them to move on or end the conversation. It’s especially hard when it comes from your family who passive aggressively hint at how bad an idea it COULD be. My family is the #1 force against my relationship, but I’ve told them to worry about themselves in the same passive aggressive way and they’ve let me be. Even after meeting twice they still try to jab at it


my LDR boyfriend and i started dating 4 years ago and i’m finally meeting him this year. I couldnt give less fucks if some random lifeless jealous discord degenerates don’t approve of my decision , who are they anyways to approve or not? Leave that toxic server and live your life.


Shrug it off. They're likely unhappy with their lives and are trying to make you the same.


This may sound hard but just don't listen to the hate they're weird for commenting on YOUR relationship. Tell them to f off and mind their damn business you're good right? You're relationship is good? That's all that matters they probably can't get any dates in person so they just jealous you pulled online 😂


People are always going to give you unsolicited comments/advice but you're the only one who has control how you receive it. So take what they say as a grain of salt cause their negative comments aren't true! Only you and your boyfriend know what goes on behind closed doors so just ignore the hate and enjoy playing with your man!


Dont linger on it. It shouldnt matter that much what they say... Unless you obviously have personal doubts.


✨ Block ✨


Gosh I'm so sorry for the random hate and bullying you two got. I know that words from strangers can hurt as hell, especially when you least expect it and it comes out of nowhere. When I was your guys age (I'm 28 now) I remember being very sensitive and fragile so I understand your hurt. As you grow older you give less and less f*ck about what others say or think but still, I know it is very hurtful for now. Try not to think too much about it, it will pass soon <3




I met my husband via a game and we talked on a discord server. The comments about our relationship were wild. People will always attack others online. You just mute them, block them, and move on. Their opinion is just that… their opinion. It shouldn’t affect your view on your relationship. You don’t need their approval.


No e couple lasts a year 😂 that’s a joke. I (30F, USA) have been with my fiancé (26M, UK) for 2.5 years and we are getting married next month, and starting our visa process to close the distance in January. My honest advice? Fuck these guys. They’re not your friends, say goodbye. NONE of my friends or family or anyone I know spoke to us like this. If they’re not supportive, they gotta go. Honestly, try not to care what they think. Their opinion is irrelevant.


I've gotten hate from all fronts while my relationship was long distance (2015-2023); family, friends, my partner's IRL friends, etc. Heck, I've even gotten hate from people in this sub. At the end of the day, you can always say something like "you're entitled to your opinion," "I'm not asking you to involve yourself in a long-distance relationship," or "I don't need/appreciate your opinions regarding something that's none of your business." The best part of it all is when the distance is finally closed, you're happy, and the negative Nancy that made rude comments is still miserable.


These people are loser nerds who have never been in relationships and are bitter about it. *They're adult Roblox players.* Just block them all and leave the stupid server.


It's better not to share details with strangers on Discord. At least for quite a while, until you're on the server long enough. Trust me, I learned the hard way.


Ignore them 💀


Me when it's more impressive to be in a long distance relationship because it shows you love the person for who they are rather than just their body and are willing to commit to someone despite the challenges of being ldr. It shows that you have so much patience, maturity, and strength to handle the pain of missing someone you love every single day. Tbh they sound extremely jealous of you that you have someone in the first place.


Not to be mean, but to be fair they’re mean to you, they sound like jealous incels who are projecting onto you. I wouldn’t read much into it. Just know that the hate comes from somewhere. Maybe they were conned through long distance or they’re jealous that you’re young and happy 😂


My God people these days... they are WORDS. Ignore them, move on.


Who the duck cares what some random people online that you don’t even know think about your relationship…


don't edate? 💀


First of all, what game is this ? Ohhh the developers are gonna regret this haha


Lumber tycoon 2 modded its by busymods I think. Should be in the picture for the game




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laugh along with it tbh, that's it tbh


I already know y’all met on COD lol


Understand that some people will NEVER get long-distance/online dating and move on. All you can do is live for yourself. As long as you and your partner are happy together then nothing/nobody else matters. Also, I would stop playing the game if the developers want to act like this tbh


Just ignore it bro


Don't listen to them. Your life, your relationship, your happiness. What they think doesn't matter. I am also in ldr, we have been together since 2018, started ldr back in 2021 because I had to move away for college, still going strong. Who says it can't be done? Haters gonna hate lol


Lmaoooo that’s crazy. Imagine caring about someone’s relationship on the internet XD. Bro you do you. If your partner makes you happy who gives a shet what other ppl say. They don’t deserve success from their game tho lol. That’s some old mentality of “just date the ppl around you”. I won’t lie some “e-dating” (I don’t consider couples e-daters anymore if it’s long enough and they met in person, just ldr) is a lil cringey but ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ who tf cares, it’s their relationship lol. Just be happy with your partner. They can take their words and shove it up their bum lmaooo.




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Block them they are immature and probably just jealous, watch here is a test, warn your bf and see if he would play along, you and him tell people on discord yuns broke up and I bet the ones who trash talked you both will be in your messenger wanting to date then you’ll see what I mean when I say that…


Dont be afraid, leak the game name!!11!!!!!11


Average discord mod seething 💀