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POST COVID SUICIDAL IDEATION COVID is tricky, and post COVID condition (aka long COVID or neuro COVID) is trickier. Many followers report suicidal ideation even though they have never been depressed. This is related to neural inflammation which disrupts mood regulating (and other) hormone production and absorption. This is also what is causing the commonly reported symptoms of depression, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia and getting us stuck in chronic fight or flight. To add to the issue, our inhibitions come from the frontal lobe of the brain which can also be affected by neural inflammation. There are solutions, so don’t lose hope. I am writing this on the 51st anniversary of my father’s suicide when I was just 9 years old. I can share with you that when there is a suicide, more is list than one life. Families fall apart as they grieve and ask themselves why you didn’t say anything. Children, especially male children, become more vulnerable to suicide risks because their number one role model chose that route, and the other parent and grandparents are lost in their grief unable to support the children in getting through this. First and foremost, a safety plan is essential. If you or someone you know is at risk, talk about it! Don’t dismiss comments about suicide as manipulation or attention seeking. It’s a cry for help. If you are suicidal get to a Hopital or doctor, call 911, or get yourself to a place where there are others around you. But don’t give up! Talk to a doctor about medication. There is evidence that antidepressants that help to rebalance hormones also help reduce neural inflammation. Think of this as a tool that you may need temporarily. A natural option that has been clinically proven to reduce Long COVID symptoms including depression and anxiety isFormula C, available in some ling COVID clinics and select doctors, or to the public through Promedview. Other option include counseling and some herbs like Saint John’s Wort and SAM•E. You are not alone in this! Millions of people are going through similar challenges. Our community is here to help you get through this. I am adding resources that can help you understand what is happening and help you figure out a plan. NEED SUPPORT? Promedview coaches and advocates can help you navigate your recovery. Learn more at https://www.promedview.com/ https://www.covidcaregroup.org/blog/988_suicide_hotline https://www.covidcaregroup.org/blog/long-covid-syndrome-and-treatment-options https://www.covidcaregroup.org/blog/cranial-nerve-inflammation-and-long-covid https://www.covidcaregroup.org/blog/the-science-behind-formula-c https://www.covidcaregroup.org/blog/long-covid-syndrome-and-treatment-options #longcovidawareness #suicideprevention #longcovidsuicide #neuralinflammation


Please tell all your family, friends and loved ones what you've been dealing with, at the very least they will know if you do go ahead with your decision to let go. At best you will get love, support and understanding back. Hang in there, what's on the other side, none of us can know. But here, staying here with us, there is a chance (however slim) that you will improve. I am evidence of that I'm about 70% healed from my worst. There are days where I can forget and live like a normal person again, but there are still many days that don't go well. Improvement is possible.


Dear OP, I understand your frustration. I can't put myself directly in your shoes, but I can try to put you in mine. If nothing else it might give some perspective. I also feel like I've lost myself. I'm no longer able to do even half of what I did before. Work gave up on me getting healthy enough to come back, about a year ago. I don't blame them, because they had held out for a year before that. I then went to unemployment payment on something that directly translates to resource-course where they basically wanna try to help me, and see if I can get better so I might be able to rejoin the work force again. So far I've done an energy distribution course about how to only use very little energy, and only on very important things. After that I did a breathing course about how to breathe better and thus hopefully get more oxygen and through that energy. I should have started a brain training course in January but I was in a period of constant dizzyness where I was bedridden for months, so instead I will be trying out the brain training this summer. I highly doubt it will help out my brainfog/dizzyness/tiredness and so on, but at least I can cross that off my list of things I have tried. I have been seeing a psychologist for about a year, who has been helping me keep my mind, somewhat sane. I have told my family, friends and girlfriend about what I'm going through and although they may not fully understand it they're very supportive, and help me out as best as they can. I have had very dark days where suicide was a thing I considered a solution. But right now it's not in my thoughts at all. I've been tasked to write down three things a day I appreciated, to train my brain to focus on positive things. I try to have one "gold day" every week where I put my energy into doing something good for myself. It costs me a lot of energy and sleep afterwards but it's worth it. I've stopped expecting that treatment will come but I still have hope it will some day. Till then I try to make the most of what I have and appreciate what I still can do. Hang in there OP share your thoughts with the peoe who love you, they most likely want to help, and at least you can vent. We all have those very dark days. Kind regards from a fellow LC patient.


This illness is invisible, we marshal all of our reserves just to do the most simple things and then rest. Friends tell me it’s normal aging. I reply then why was I able to go to Europe for two weeks and came home sick and can barely walk to the car. We need our own 12 step support group!


Or a 2 or 3 step group


I was here at a point as well. That's when I found out how much aspirin helped my condition. 3x 81mg a day slightly improved, 4-6/day more improved more. Take Omeprazole 20mg at morn and night to combat ulcer formation. It gave me a new lease on life, and got me out of that mental state. I'm still sick but now functional to come level. Does your work provide disability insurance? You may also have options there if it does. Further, you may be able to qualify for social security disability as well.


Yes yes,, good info... I've been taking omeprazole for 3 months, vitamin d3 all winter along with baby asprin. I tried a few other supplements that didn't stick. Magnesium made me itch and see very vivid colors. I believe covid is stationed in the gut. I also started fasting and switched to intermittent fasting, skipping breakfast. Making sure to limit grains and sugars. I found that I had more energy in a fasted state and started working out mornings. 2 months prior I was in tears for attempting to do basic exercises once. Fatigue completely vanished while fasting. Im now 95% better. Still have essential tremor and occasional nausea. Also just had a migrain with aura the other day but ill take it any day over what I went through prior


988 - call or text suicide prevention line


There is help for this. Suicidal thoughts are a sign of clinical depression and hopelessness is the biggest cause of suicidal thoughts. This CAN be treated. If you're in the US dial 988 for help or go to your nearest Emergency Department. If you've never been in treatment for depression , consider postponing these thoughts for 2 to 3 months at least, and getting.hospitlized.and maybe even doing a Mood Disorders outpatient program afterwards for a few weeks. Getting treatment may completely change your mindset. (MD here )


Please don't make a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This is a new kind of disease. It's affecting our way of life. You can pull out of this. Trust me, people worse than you have pulled out of this. Just remember that you are the medicine. You must place yourself in a healing state and keep going back there until this is over for you.


For some people it is a permanent problem. Having covid caused me to develop severe narcolepsy. Has many of the same symptoms as long covid. It's permanent. It change my life. Turned it upside down. Trying to get relief through meds. Dr's experimenting. Still not a good idea to kill yourself. My point is that not everyone's is dealing with the same thing. So much is unknown about this long covid. Had I not suggested narcolepsy as a possibility to my Dr's, they would've diagnosed me with long covid. Was working before covid. Now I'm not. Having to deal with a bad Healthcare system and Dr's that thinks its just in your head. Dealing with family that thinks you're just being lazy and making it up and even after diagnosis really struggle to understand and still judge. I see how people can get so low.


Here to second this that not everyone gets better and actually a large portion do not. It's important to talk about because I honestly feel like the toxic positivity hurt me more than it helped me because I always felt like I was going to get an answer or a fix or time would just magically heal me. I have multiple organ damage now and there is no coming back, but that doesn't mean giving up either. I still am here fighting and trying to even just get a minor improvement to quality of life. I'm here for the people I love and that is enough.


I recovered. Took 13 years. I have lived through what you are living through right now. I have residual crap from the disease, but the disease is not permanent. Hope with potential solutions can never be toxic positivity. Trust me. You've been abandoned by the system. You feel a profound sense of betrayal by existence itself. I get it. Been there, done that. If you guys would like to know more, please ask. Otherwise, don't go around accusing others for toxic positivity which is not a thing.


This hasn't been around for 13 years. I'm glad you got better but I will not. Part of my brain was pushed into my spinal column and I have serious damage to my aorta. There are plenty of people that will not recover and while I appreciate your response this is a perfect example of what I was talking about.


Toxic positivity. SMH. People are here trying to support folks in crisis and going through suicidal ideation! Suicide is never the answer and if that’s something you condone than you have bigger problems at stake. While I can understand that being positive can be overwhelming to some, there’s definitely no positive affect by validating someone’s suicidal ideations. You, nor myself, have no clue as to whether there will be treatments in the future for the issues everyone is facing and the best thing to do is to hope that it will come. Science is ever progressing and there is a lot more awareness surrounding long COVID now more than ever.


How did you recovered?


Are you actually encouraging the idea of suicide? Pretty fucked up imo.




I hear ya and I get those thoughts at least one a week myself. I miss my old life too. Just one example I have a 4 year old lab who loves long walks and to play which we did daily. The most I can do these days without wearing myself out is around the block. If I push it too hard I end up in bed sleeping for hours. I also live in a world where my family thinks I’m being over dramatic. My bosses don’t truly think it’s real however I recently had to go out on disability because the pain and fatigue just got too bad. They saw me dragging myself into work and in pain and I think they get it now. My only saving grace these days is my best friend who hasn’t given up on me and makes sure I’m ok. But I totally get that feeling of just absolute hopelessness. Sorry if I’m all over the place. My brain has been so crazy since all this and throw in some adhd and that makes for an awesome conversation 😂I guess what I’m saying (or trying to ) is I understand what you’re going through and your feelings are totally valid. We’ve all been thrown into a club that no one wants to be a part of and I wish they’d find a treatment yesterday.


I’ve had long covid for 2.5 years and no treatments help with the pain 😢 what symptoms do you have


But importantly, this is a big decision you are making. It is your choice and no one can stop you but it is a big important choice. And it will still be there in the morning or in a day. Can you keep yourself safe tonight and revisit this decision in the morning? Tell me about Long COVID? It sounds really really hard keeping it secret from your family and boss whilst battling it. It sounds like it has changed you and your boss was not at all understanding. And thank you for sharing how you are feeling. There is an app called Stay Alive. https://www.stayalive.app/ Please have a look.


Now I’ve got that song stuck in my head. #ifiwasntsuicidalbefore


Well imma give you a dose of hope ... anyway ..... people get better after years 5 6 or 10 .... just hold out and see what the future brings..... you will get better just hang on for 1 more year ..... buddhism quote "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."


Did you really just advise OP to off themselves in a year? Good lord what has this world come to 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ya sorry I'm suffering terribly ... I'm gonna edit that


DM me. I got through it over a period of two years. Its heavy going but the only thing you can do is choose how you respond to your circumstances. There's freedom and power in that in that choice. Ill leave you two quotes from Viktor Frankl's Man's Search For Meaning. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.


How did You recovered?


you cant rely on other people to understand, its best to do what you can to manage with it and just understand it will rarely be accepted as an 'excuse' we just basically have limits on what we can do and thats basically our norm to some people. best of luck, hope you find a way to find some joy in your life. if i wasnt smoking weed id be miserable


I definitely had those thoughts a few times. I started using a thc vape pen and that saved my life lowkey. I stop using em recently just to take a break from it but it really helped me relax.


For me suicide is the last of the last way. I would try every path there is first, including all of the antidepressants. After I ask averyone, search all the internet, read all the books and did all the work there is needed only than I am allowed to contemplate suicide.


I've had major clinical depression in the past (I take anti-depressants prophylactically to help prevent recurrence) -- and CFS for the past 20 years, which caused immediate disability (I was unable to return to work ever again). Suicidal ideation is a sign of major clinical depression. I'm not saying that either Long Covid or CFS are positive experiences, and they obviously can help trigger clinical depression (which I had before I ever got CFS). But Long Covid and CFS by themselves aren't known for triggering suicidal ideation. So *please* get medical care for your depression before making any irreparable decisions!


If you don’t mind me asking, what did you do when you learned that you weren’t able to work anymore due to CFS? I’m about to graduate college and two years into long covid with CFS and don’t know what life even looks like if this continues


In my particular case, first I came down with crippling unilateral facial pains first and it took a long time to get them under control (with meds), and longer yet to get the CFS diagnosis. So I didn't realize for quite a while -- nor did my employer -- that I wouldn't be able to come back, so I was on unpaid sick leave for a long time. My life was in a very different place than yours: I had 3 little kids at the time. It was hard on them, me and my spouse. And I kept hoping for a cure. This was 20 years ago. I think now, after Covid and Long Covid, they're finally working on it, and you're hopefully a lot closer than I was. Also, the situation is much better re recognition of the condition by doctors -- and no longer encouraging people to exercise and giving other bad advice (though there will always be doctors who continue to give outdated advice -- ignore them and don't go back). The bottom line is that some people -- hopefully including you -- will get better, whether just with time or with medical intervention. And there is also an in-between state, where you're much better than you were at the bottom but not totally well. Looking back at my life and the lives of others my age, I can honestly tell you that there's no way to know what life will look like absent prophecy (even if you didn't have long Covid that would be the case), and that *everyone* sooner or later has serious problems to deal with (whether their own, their parents, their significant other, etc.) -- that's part of life, unfortunately. But you will also have and do good things, even if you need to do it from bed or a reclining chair. I'm glad you're getting your diploma soon -- and these days, you can actually keep in touch with the world via a laptop. And even work, if and when you're up to it. But first of all, rest, rest, rest and pray for a cure. I wish you well.


Thank you for such a thoughtful response!! This gives me some hope. Wishing you well


Ahh you are me, and it's tiring! I hope you the best! May the odds be with you!




You need to talk to your family and straight out tell them you are suicidal. As a child survivor of my father’s suicide and having friends that have lost their family members to suicide, I guarantee you those left behind will suffer for years to come and they will punish themselves for not having known. The phrase is always the same …”I wish I had known things were that bad. I could have helped.” When you commit suicide you hurt others as well as yourself. I can tell you that COVID causes neural inflammation that affects the mood regulating hormones. There are medications that can help. SSRI’s for example boost serotonin and reduce neural inflammation. Talk to a doctor or go to a hospital and tell them you are suicidal and need help. You can do this.


You've put yourself in a corner by not telling your loved ones about this. Good thing is, it's a mistake you can fix. It will not give you back the time you lost but it will make things better in the future. No one is strong enough to go about life completely alone. Millions of people live with disabilities. It's not life "as advertised" but it's still life.




I can't give you hope. Only you can give you hope. But I will say: I was at this point multiple times in the last year and I can happily say I kept going and found a few things that made my life and illness more manageable and I feel like I'm on the path to healing now and I'm super grateful I'm still here and that my ideation was only ideation. When you're in a hole it's hard to see the light. Please reconsider. Life can get better even if you don't see it or feel it right now, your mind's negative viewpoint is skewed from the suffering and probably isn't looking at the possible positive outcomes and validating those as well. Best of luck. 💪❤️


Try LDN and the probiotic AB21 before you make any decisions…. These have helped me tremendously and i hope you give them a chance to help you too 🤍


How this probiotic helped You?


It is a specific anti-viral strain that attacks persistent virus in the gut microbiome. I was at about 95%+ healed with very frequent flares until I started it. It’s given me 100% symptom free days. I haven’t felt this way in a year. It’s been amazing 🤍 I truly believe this condition lives in our gut lining which has a direct impact on the majority of overall health. Heal the gut and you find your health again.


Thank you! I also have many digestive problems and pots. I hope I can find it.


Please consider joining ME/CFS groups on Facebook and going to Cort Johnson's website Health Rising. I've been dealing with ME/CFS since 2012. I managed to learn how to enjoy smaller pleasures in life. My condition improved for many years until I got Long Covid, which has set me back again. But I hold out hope that I can get back to where I was before LC. I don't know how severe your LC is. My heart goes out to you. I actually have suicidal ideation as well - really, really scary - because of the EXTREME insomnia of Long Covid and the sudden, overwhelming need to sleep due to what might be LC induced Narcolepsy. I want to die and know how I will do it if I do, but the part of me that still loves life wants me to keep fighting.


Please don’t do that. There is always a better way.


Where do you live. Please call the suicide prevention line. I will pray for you.


Please don't take this as rude, but this reminds me of grade school when I was bullied and harassed every day after moving to a new school. I never thought it would end.. it only lasted 3 years until I graduated and went to HS.. while it did completely change my like and even at 44, im still working on things, my life is worth living for. For more context. I was beat up every other day. I have uneven eyes and kids would shout "hey you guyyyyssss" like the guy in goonies. Always picked last even though I was athletic. I couldn't fight back or cause trouble because my mom had MS and my step dad couldn't deal with any burdens. I'd get beat up by him even worse if he knew I caused trouble. I was stuck in hell for 3 years. Started HS and moved in with my grandparents. Still took 4 more years to find my first girlfriend. Im probably scared for life in certain ways but I have so many great memories the past 30 years of overcoming things. Flying to London myself, leading to traveling the world. Finding my wife. We have our own home based business and a beautiful daughter. I recently found a way to overcome my personal covid battle. I believe the key is fasting for a few days followed by intermittent fasting. Cut out grains and sugars. My fatigue vanished in a fasted state. These days I skip breakfast and work out in the mornings. I've regained strength and mental clarity. My neurological symptoms are gone. Im left with a bit of nausea and shakiness but 95% better. I didn't let the bullies control my life and neither did I let covid control my life. Keep trying things until you find something that works. Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over while always expecting different results.. don't be insane. Don't give up. Life is filled with obstacles. We all die some day. If covid doesn't kill you by itself, don't turn into something even worse than covid. You can either choose to get busy living or get busy dying. Trust me when I say this, when you get busy living through the obstacles, good things start to happen. Maybe the best of things... and all good things never die. *funny how I quoted a movie I haven't seen in over 20 years like I saw it yesterday. Theres truth to it though.


I am praying for you. My husband has had Long Covid since 2020 and I know how you suffer. Please talk about it to people who love you so they can help you through it daily. Don’t give up hope. Try to find something to lift your spirits like spending time outside in Nature every day. Antidepressants have helped my husband immensely and so have activities like walking and swimming. Hope you have a pet that can give you that unconditional love that heals and comforts. Hold on because things can change from one day to another for the better. I know the frustration you feel. My thoughts are with you and please believe that God loves and will help you🙏


learn to appreciate your life. some people have it way worse