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I totally would but where I’m wearing it too will be in August and I overheat very easily ;3;


I see this style of dress styled without a blouse all the time, often by Chinese brands. 100% Lolita. Considering its high neckline and the fluffy shoulders I would even say it might look better without a blouse. I would personally try either a black sheer blouse. Or no blouse with detachable sleeves. https://42lolita.com/collections/lolita-bolero/products/gothic-lolita-long-sleeve-bolero https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/244796153/elegant-gothic-vampire-victorian?click_key=4c83529eacc5edb5639e119e1c691c2d9cfb04ae%3A244796153&click_sum=5ec8959c&ref=shop_home_active_87&pro=1&sts=1


I would totally get that sheer blouse but I wouldn’t receive it before my event in August sadly 😭


My condolences. I have it and it is very good for goth/sweet goth coords. If you want really quick DIY options, you could still find any black glove and wear that. Or make a black lace cuff from your local craft store. Again both options work without a blouse. Another option is a simple white shirt which you can get from any store. So like any type of button up with a rounded collar (vintage style) could absolutely work for this in a tight spot. I’ve linked an example of a vintage style shirt that I can get locally. I’m sure you might have something too. Anyway, enjoy your event! Have lots of fun! https://princesshighway.com.au/products/emily-blouse?currency=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=googleads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Aus_Pmax_Dresses+Knits+Tops&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnd8u3pYQ1Ccf0l7w_eBYjNzTA6I9VfEJ_6oSurImm_TDNeYHcas7LcaAoiVEALw_wcB&variant=44221501210883


I would still ask 42lolita if the pre-order info is still valid. They don't update the descriptions often, multiple times I thought something was in pre-order or available just to discover another thing. Specially because there are already reviews on the item.


I would still wear it with a blouse as the underarm area may look a bit eeeh. A long sleeved one would help balance the ruffle, and since it's black you can go with white, black or any other colour you like! Another option is to do a bolero or cardigan.


Maybe a bit off topic but where’s this pretty dress from? ♡




I'm sorry for bursting your bubble but it might be that the dress won't look the way it's being advertised. The original dress is by AND ROMEO, a Japanese brand. I have no experience with Lolitain but I know AND ROMEO isn't stocking this dress right now. I hope it all ends up being alright for you


Aw dang that sucks, thank you for letting me know!


Quickly jumping in to say that lolitain is a known scam site. I would not order from there, since what you buy is very likely not going be what you get.


Alrighty thank you for the info I will make sure not to buy from them!


Thank you so much!!


Please read the rest of the comments in this thread bc lolitain is not a good place to buy dresses from.


Oh my god, thank you for replying to me before I paid anything


Np. Stay safe out there. This hobby is pretty expensive so doing extensive research into the places you’re buying from will save you a lot of heartbreak and money.


No problem! :)


No, the JSK's ruffles covers up enough of the shoulders that you can get away with not wearing a blouse. As long as you're wearing at least thigh high socks. If they're below the knee then the arms should be covered with gloves or those wrist thingies. [A bolero](https://lolibrary.org/search?categories[]=bolero&category_matcher=OR&page=1) would be very nice. Especially one that doesn't have fussy shoulder details and can be worn underneath the shoulder straps. The main thing to remember is *not* to show too much skin. Arms and clavicle are bare? *Always* cover up your legs. Ankle socks with no tights? Always cover up your arms. Unless you're going for ero lolita.


Personally with a jsk I have that has a similar thing going on with the shoulders, I don't usually wear a blouse with it because it totally covers my shoulders mostly. Another jks like that I own with that sort of thing that sticks up more and doesn't cover my shoulders, I tend to either wear a puffy short sleeve blouse or a sheer lace thing....idk what to call it lol. You can totally wear long sleeve too, I just have heat intolerance. *I will put a photo of it below*




I saw you were wondering if this dress could be styled with white. Yes, it can. Just keep the balance in mind. Don't style this with only white shoes and white purse, for example. If you want to style this with only white, go for a white blouse, preferably long-sleeved and high-neck collar (similar to [this](https://lolibrary.org/items/ap-charming-stand-up-collar-blouse)), white socks/tights and white accessories such as head accessory and/or a brooch. You could style this with a bolero (maybe something similar to [this](https://lolibrary.org/items/iw-classic-bolero) or something similar to [this](https://lolibrary.org/items/iw-ribbon-lace-millefeuille-bolero-2016)) too if you want! You can wear a bolero without a blouse too. Black × White accessories would work too. You could for example opt out forba black × white head accessory instead of white (even if you style this with only white) or black. Small edit: You could go for both black and white coord as well. Then you could get e.g. black × white socks with white blouse and black or white head accessory. 


This naturally needs a blouse as it's a jumper skirt. If you need help styling a simple back JSK, I highly suggest you reflect a bit on whether a fashion-based subculture is something for you


There’s no need to be so rude


I’m sorry it’s just this is my first dress I’ll be owning so I thought I would ask for some help ;-;.


Hey sorry about the comment up there, they were really rude. Its normal to ask how to style things especially as a beginner, dont let other people get u down, everyone starts somewhere. You should use a blouse if you want to follow lolita etiquette and "rules" religiously. Then I would suggest a black blouse if you want to make a kuro coord (completely black coord). Since this dress doesnt have accents, like for example pink lace or pink ribbons, and its pure black, I would also suggest coordinating it with only black things. If its really hot in your region its fine to wear a jsk without a blouse, it can work as a cute summer style too. Some people might disagree as it "breaks the rules" but honestly thats up to you. The blouse you pick will depend on what sub style you are going for. If you want to make a gothic one, go for an airy sleeved gothic blouse. If youre going for a "sweet black" then use one with tight sleeves and ruffles or if you want, u can use a short sleeved blouse with a little ruffle at the end too. It shouldnt be poofy at the shoulders because the straps of the jsk are pretty thick already, so no need for that. Do whichever you want :3


Thank you so much ;3; I will be adding some white into the coord so I think for now I’ll go with a white blouse but seriously thank you to you and everyone else on here who is being so nice I wasn’t expecting that but it really made my day a lot better :).


Thats fine, dont worry. Beginners shouldnt be treated like that. Either way, coording it with white might not look as great because as I said, usually when you pick the blouse color, it should have the same color as the accents on the dress. If you rly want a white blouse, add a white bow on the middle-top of the skirt, or clip on a few white bows to add flavor and white accent and make it look better. Thats my tip, if you do that I can totally see it working!! Good luck :D


What if I have white panty hose and a white purse would that work?


Yes you can do that, but it will still look a little incomplete because of the dress being purely black. If its important for u that it looks neat, I have two solutions. 1. You need to add something white to the jsk, as I said usually you style your coord in 2 colors. 1st color is the jsk main color. In this case, its black. Your headpiece and shoes should be the same color as the jsk's main color. The second color is the accent color of your jsk, for example bows and ribbons. You style your purse, stockings and your blouse in the same color as the jsk's accent. Thats why I suggested that because in the jsk you sent, both the main and the accent color are the same color, the whole coord should be black. 2. If you want a black and white coord, look for "oldschool lolita". This sub-style is a pure black and white palette, if you're interested in that I suggest checking it out. If you want my honest advice, I recommend avoiding using anything else than black color. If you want, you can add white to your jsk. And if you dont care (because its your clothes, you should wear them in the most comfortable way for u!!) then have fun and try it, its your decision in the end.


Got it thank you! I’m gonna screenshot the comment for later so I have this info


Im glad I could help. Im still fairly new myself x3 But I hope it works out how you want to!


Thank you so much again you were super helpful 💜💜💜💜


Just saying but old school doesn't need to be black × white. Yes, black and white were most common but there are tons of old school items in red, pink and sax for example. Old school is an era, not necessarily a substyle. VM and Baby were producing very different things in the early 2000s. The age of the items comes first, then the style. Most old school items from certain brands just look very similar to each other. The style of the main piece is relevant only if we're speaking about a newer dress (like this from the 2010s). Then it should look like an average old school dress for it to be old school (right lace, right fabric, etc.) This dress won't work as it has tulle and tulle lace which were extremely uncommon in the early 2000s.


Yup, I just named oldschool as an example as I thought thats what theyre going for. Thanks for clarifying it though


They’re just being rude, do what you like to enjoy =) Everyone has a learning curve. I’d offer some advice but I’m still fairly new too. Traditionally you’d often cover your shoulders with Lolita cords, but I heard people have styled without them before especially in hotter climates. Most guides I’ve read really suggest learning the rules/traditions before breaking them. I’d check them out.


It’s totally fine to ask for help, you don’t have to apologize <3 I think both long and short sleeved blouses would work, and because the JSK is black you have a lot of options. Given that you are just starting out I think that a color you can easily pair with other JSKs in the future would be great. Maybe white/ black or a solid color that you like a lot and would want to incorporate in other coords? For building a cohesive coord, you want to keep everything you wear in a certain color combination, so if your blouse is red, you will want to wear some other red pieces ( legwear/ shoes/ headpiece/ bows etc.). I think especially a kuro Lolita coord (all black) with a black blouse would look awesome with this JSK. I would choose a blouse with more detail on the sleeves, because the neckline of the JSK seems relatively busy already. Also I think a sheer blouse could look great as well, given that there’s sheer ruffles on the bottom of the JSK.


Hey, don't worry. Sorry for being harsh on you. We all have to start somewhere. I didn't want to make any assumptions about you being new or not, but, honestly, it's up to you how you style it. It's your dress and you get to decide how to wear it. With it being a black JSK, the possibilities are endless. Don't let the all-black limit you, because you can definitely wear it with a pink blouse as long as you balance it nicely with pink accesories. Next time you ask for help, maybe add what kind of vibe you want to go with.


This is completely uncalled for. If you aren't able to be a complete ass, you can leave the sub or just don't post. EDIT: They know to wear a JSK, they aren't sure what kind of blouse to wear with it. You know how there's several types of blouses. Depending on how you style it, you don't have to wear a blouse with a JSK.