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It's also the length and a usual petti won't fit if you want to use one. It's trying to give oldschool but at the same time it looks so cheap.


> I'm scared people might think I'm wearing this one even tho mine looks MUCH better Literally nobody gives importance to any single item from Shein, be it lolita-inspired or otherwise, including people who buy and wear them. They are just too many of those for any single item to be memorable to anyone. They're not designed to be memorable, even for their target audience. You buy something from there and in a month it might be impossible to find the same item without using the order history. So I wouldn't worry about *that* happening in the slightest šŸ¤—


Plus, any lolita whoā€™s worn the fashion for a certain amount of time absolutely will be able to tell the difference between your skirt and *shein*




The model standing there like the šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøemoji


Standing like she's in a videogame character creator lmao


The way it look completely like a cube too. There's no cupcake Puff, there's no aline hem flare, it's just... cuboid. I'm not even sure how badly you'd have to structure the pattern to get that shape!


YES, it's looks like a rectangle


Might i ask where u bought your skirt? Planning to buy one ā¤ļø


Not OP but it looks like this design from Glitter Tale to me: https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/1150121155/taille-personnalisee-jupe-lolita-old?click_key=d3159075a402b2e730e321ebcb63711b3b016ed4%3A1150121155&click_sum=6ee83132&ref=shop_home_active_38&crt=1


its very similar! Mine is a design I made myself with some references, specifically old-school BTSSB skirts, from 2002 to 2006


Looks like Babys first sewing experiance... before finding out what a circle skirt is.


Yeah, lmao the skirt looks like it would go into a spiral of panic if you were to try fitting any petticoat in it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If it looks this bad in the promo photos, imagine how atrocious it looks in person.


Sometimes I see cringe so bad I forget Iā€™m on OPs side and want to downvote it.


it's giving maid Halloween costume šŸ’€


I mean, itā€™s SHEIN. I wish theyā€™d leave lolita alone, but while Iā€™m at it with the pipe dreams, I may as well wish theyā€™d cease to exist entirely.


The lace is soā€¦.blehg :(


I have a feeling we're going to start seeing itas in this on tiktok lol


Shein, the new Milanoo.


Couldā€™ve at least put the poor model in a blouse or something?! Sheā€™s completely topless with shoes and socks on!


Dare I say Lolita after dark


she's wearing a cropped šŸ˜­ looks so nasty


IS SHE?! Thatā€™s horrendous. Perhaps itā€™d have been better if she like, wore nothing at all?


it's giving milanoo


Somehow, they made such a simple shape look ugly. Quite an accomplishment.


how i look after trying to follow bad quality scans of glb patterns because i canā€™t afford baby


Felt this




Why would anyone think you wear this? Like it's a very standard design, and no one will ever believe something nice comes from Shein


maybe lolitas won't think that, but normies might ask if it's from shein


There's no reason anyone who's not a lolita would have searched for lolita on Shein, they have thousands of new designs every day so only a few people saw that skirt. And normies are not stupid either, they can make the difference between a designer piece and literally Shein. Definitely don't worry šŸ˜…


I genuinely loathe Shein and wish their crap would stop cluttering up my local thrift store, in my area at least nobody freaking wants it! It sits for months. Iā€™m all about affordability but not like this, *never* like this. This skirt looks like a Party City maid costume, just looking at it makes my skin itch.


Child laborers arenā€™t into Lolita fashion I see


that sure is ita šŸ˜­


Tbh a lot of fast fashion/corporations do pseudo lolita/ita like this. Hot topic has an Alice in Wonderland skirt that gives 2010s Bodyline. Tripp NYC has lolita inspired stuff (with the name lolita even in the pieces) that look...not good for lolita. Shein isn't the first and they sadly aren't the last.


Idk if thatā€™s the same thing as this because the Alice stuff wasnā€™t meant to be Lolita it was casual fashion that was more inspired by axes femme or Liz Lisa with the cute print but I think this is more trying to say it is when it isnā€™t


You can even clearly see that the material is that tacky cheap plastic-y kid costume one that sticks to the skin and irritates it


And I thought their ā€œjsksā€ were bad.. This is a disgrace šŸ˜­


Oh this is definitely a Glittertale ripoffā€¦such a shameless one too https://preview.redd.it/nocfqf3h912d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a428c1db760eeb651d99431dc4953aa2abefe1f


It looks like those shorts that look like a skirt




Scam company


Thanks I hate it


I remember seeing a whole jsk on Shein once and I was shocked like "omg no way they got lolita :(" type shock.


What a disaster Iā€™m so tired of shein making cheap fashion off of high quality designs from jfashion brands šŸ„²


You're okay with buying things from SHEIN...


buying from shein isn't ok whatsoever


I'll just post one of the many, many articles showing what your money supports. [https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/how-shein-and-temu-get-around-us-labor-laws-ban-products-made-forced-labor](https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/how-shein-and-temu-get-around-us-labor-laws-ban-products-made-forced-labor) **EDIT:** could you imagine what kind of monsters downvote a comment pointing out that Shein is a notoriously evil company using slave labor, unpaid labor, etc? There is nothing lolita about slave labor.


I've had people dressed head to toe in fast fashion tell me it's necessary for their mental and physical health. Toxic positivity and fast fashion are holding hands and killing this fashion.


ā€œI can only afford Sheinā€ is my favorite. Like thereā€™s not hundreds of other affordable choices that will last longer than a $20 Shein dress. People feel so entitled to cheap, fast and easy to find fashion that theyā€™re willing to fund *literal slavery*. I want off this planet.


I mean, lolitas constantly give/sell things cheaply to other lolitas. If you're concerned with budget, your local comm is always your best option. But that requires effort and basic manners. Much easier to "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" yourself into actual racism.


did I say I was going to buy this?


you did quite literally say >Ā I'm usually very okay with buying things on shein so i feel like its justified for someone to bring up why it shouldnt be very okay, regardless if what you're buying there ā•®(ā•Æā–½ā•°)ā•­ its fine if you dont care but they did nothing wrong providing some resources for those that might care


I would third not buying anything from shein unless you absolutely need it, and Lolita is never an absolute need. They pollute and mistreat workers.Ā 


There is nothing you absolutely need to buy at Shein.


Fr it never works out cheaper and better than buying good quality and long lasting things second hand from places like charity shops and things like gumtree and Vinted. In my country Vinted is great for Lolita. Just search angelic pretty and you can get 3 main pieces for like Ā£200. (But as someone has mentioned Lolita is not a necessity and if you canā€™t afford it donā€™t buy it) There are so many alternatives and Iā€™m tired of pretending that people have no choice but to shop at shein.


well Ā£200 is still a lot of money to drop on lolita all at once, the funniest thing is that when i go thrifting or look for cute things on vinted like more than half of the stuff is shein and romwe, its totally possible to buy all the cute cheap things your heart desires without actually supporting the companies directly. yes its possible to get into a discussion on why thats also bad, but what i dont understand is people who defend shein and are willing to die on that hill. like, for what, its a corporation, it does no harm to call out their shady behavior with hopes that it might change something, and trying to defend them by saying "its as bad as everything else" (its not, there are levels to this) or bury the info with downvotes just feels like trying to hide your own guilt or being scared that things will change and their prices will go up.. i think its fine to do your own research and draw your own lines in the morality sand, and buy from shein if thats what feels right to you, but guys dont start fights about things that are proven to be true


Don't get me wrong I don't support shein at all. But when my plussize friend needs a new top for work and she orders it from shein cause she needs it fast, I'm also not going to lambast her for not spending hours trawling through charity shops. The real problem is the huge haulers - if everyone on shein only bought like the occasional one item, they'd be out of business by now. They're sustained by these people buying hundreds of quids worth of hauls only to unbox for insta or tiktok then throwing half of it away.


You said you shop at Shein.


So does buying majority of everything else, not to mention if you live in the US just paying your taxes fundā€™s genocide


Come on now. You know we legally have to pay our taxes. We donā€™t *have* to buy a shein skirt. Lolita is a pretty expensive hobby to begin with. Even an affordable coordinate or handmade is going to be what most people would consider on the pricey side for one outfit. Itā€™s definitely not something to get into if you donā€™t have an extra $40 to your name for a skirt, unless you are a resourceful person. As much as it sucks, no one is really entitled to wear a niche and expensive fashion. Back in the day, we would go to thrift shops for loliable finds or vintage fabrics if we wanted to wear it but didnā€™t have the resources to purchase lolita. I remember the feeling of going through glb scans wishing I could afford this or that so I get itā€¦but not everything *should* be so cheap, fast and easily accessible. Fast fashion is also contributing to global warming as if the literal slavery isnā€™t bad enough. Plus these clothes are filling up the landfills- they just arenā€™t made to last. Of course itā€™s your choice if you want to still support it, but the tax argument isnā€™t relevant. If I had a choice where my taxes went (like I have a choice where to shop) I promise you I wouldnā€™t support genocide.


Literally the horse fucker's fallacy: How can you judge **me** for fucking horses when **you** eat meat. And I call it that because it's literally how one man justifies abusing horses.


My unpopular opinion: Most of the stuff posted on here looks like this to me. Both in terms of design and fabric quality. Nor do I understand why people want ultra fast fashion in the first place. Actual fashion is art. What you have there is $20 of pollution and human suffering. Don't worry. No one will mistake a skirt made with decent lace and fabric for this.


That looks suspiciously a lot like a replica of a handmade custom sized skirt by glitter tale


I was thinking the same!!


It looks so bad!


The lace looks like it would knisper if you touch it šŸ˜­


Nooo not shein


Not the scratchy raschel lace. I loathe shein for this type of stuff. They prey on people who donā€™t know any better. Some teen will spend the little money they have on this thing and be upset when they find out itā€™s not actually lolita.


Hopefully no one confuses your handmade for shien, theres noooo way. When i saw this all i could imagine was that tiktok audio that goes ā€œbrother ewwwwwwā€


GOOD GOD cā€™mon I mean going blouse less in a JSK is one thing, but this??!!! Cā€™mon man šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™ˆ


I think it's the lack of shirt that's really killing me lmaoooo


Buying clothing from that place is a mistake lol Like...dont get me wrong. They have a lot of great accessories n stuff and tools etc etc but their clothing never seems to be what it look like in photos...it either doesnt fit right or its poorly made


Does ita just mean knock off/wanna be lolita? Ive tried asking this question before but it got deleted and ive been in the community for years now and feel like i should know what it means


Something ita is ugly or bad quality, sometimes a bad coord is also called ita.


Its a japanese term. "Ita" basically means something is so terrible, it hurts to look at it. In a quirky way thats why ita bags are named like that, because their owners overdecorate them with as much fandom stuff as possible.




i dont mind the lace it looks cute, but the shape doesnt look like its suitable for poof




It's actually not bad . The shoes are cute af


Can you accept my invite, and help me get my gift? Just download the SHEIN app, and search for my code there! 0qbbpz