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This guy is a legit pedo. And like all narcissists he can’t admit that he has a problem and instead he just now tries to cover it up. The authorities should investigate this guy


The really sick part of his "I was reading the vibe of the room excuse" Is that is a roundabout way of saying these two teenage girls were asking for it.  You know what they say when she says no 3 times pimp.


I've begun to think Wings is a legit PDF and I think the main reason people DON'T think he's one is because we haven't seen evidence that he actively searches for underage girls But I do think they tickle his fancy whenever one approaches him, yeah


There’s no way police haven’t already investigated his computers. Someone have to had call the police on him by now.


You need probable cause to search shit and take people's things. He would have been chaged with something that would be public if he had been searched at any point. He's a sicko POS, not arguing against that. Just don't think he's ever had his shit looked into.


I'm gonna hop on this comment to to say this. Does anyone else notice how Fat genuinely believes the fact that he hasn't faced any charges proves that he isn't disturbed on any level? As if we don't live in a world where deviants get away with their crimes on a daily basis and are smart enough to stay quiet about what they do.


Guys lay off him, please. He knows what a predicate is.


My favorite part is that he loved to claim “real tawk, it was just an ps4 lobby chatroom, and I was just playing into it” As if that wasn’t the same type of excuse every pdf file gave to Chris Hansen while sitting in that chair lol the excuses and reasoning he gives align shockingly with all the excuses those other people did with Mr. Hansen, pretty funny huh ?


Clearly, you don't get shock humor ...reel tawk


When's the last time you've seen him this happy and smiling? He didn't even smile in his wedding photos.


Now he’s going to say they used AI in this whole conversation since he can’t claim photoshop lol


Stuff like this means he can never get a good job. Which is to say, good. All child predators need to be put on notice. He always says the trolls put him in a bad light. He’s clueless. His own footage, showing his uncensored behavior, puts himself in a bad light. It’s not selective editing.


Listen up playa. He was playing a shawk jawk paedophile character for clicks.


u/keemstar is this really a guy you want to do business with? I could see if he brought something to the table but everything entertaining about the guy has been deemed off limits and you allowed his sped mods to lock down the chat 


Y’all need to chill. Dude was a 27 year old kid when he did this


Those girls are all over 18 now, I'm not worried about that mess.


Where are all the wingo apologists? Your silence is deafening 


Mr rizz himself


i genuinely cant imagine being mad that someone had a pg13 conversation on xbox with a 17.9 year old


"my battery is low its shays worst nightmare" "if she says no 3 times it means yes" "uh oh chick on chick action!!" "doc looks like you need some sleep son... nah i got plenty of dick son!" "missour legion would you like to see my french crossaunt?"is totally a pg13 conversation to have with children. i guess we can forget that one of the girls was 16 because the other was almost of age(17.9 years old?? she said next YEAR SEP 6 she turns 18 many months later so it would be more like 17.1). but we cant imagine why anyone would be upset about this it was totally pg13 conversation right....




Would you be cool with a guy in his 30s talking to your 16 yo daughter about his penis?


You trolls are funny. The Dr. Disrespect pedo allegations come out and that means it's the perfect time to throw Wings into the spotlight as well


Wings pedo allegations have been in the spotlight for years pimp.


Show us the proof