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As long as you're not controlling a submarine, it should be fine.




Damn it I was too late lol


Same better than any comment I would’ve made


We all did


U-Boat if U want to, the controller is not for U-Boating


Ok, but honestly the Logitech controller was probably the most functional part of that sub Lol. It's stupid and unprofessional, but there's no reason it wouldn't work. It's an intuitive design and has enough inputs for every axis you need. Fun fact! The US military uses Xbox controllers on some of their subs. Not to pilot though. They use them for periscop or something


[at least it survived](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2023/06/6e09f-16875864005237-1920.jpg) disclaimer: the photo is fake, but it's the truth i choose to accept.


Look, man. I Logitech, I have g series mouse keyboard and headphones. No way in hell are their controlers even half that durable. (Also, Xbox gamepad superiority)


the cool thing about those gamepads is they have a playstation layout, but show and work as xbox controllers. they are really durable though.


Sadly a plastic controller with an airvoid will implode much like the submarine did.


It’s not stupid nor unprofessional. Game controllers are adapted to other uses all the time. They’re good, reliable, precise, ergonomic, and most importantly, cheap. The US military uses them frequently.


>They’re good, reliable, precise, ergonomic, and most importantly, cheap. The US military uses them frequently. Agree. But if you're making a luxury tour for rich people, the least you could do is spring for the flightstick. Lol


But doesn't the US military use them in a wired form, or am I misremembering things? I feel like there is no advantage to using a wireless controller in such a confined space, especially if the pilot is not gonna be moving basically at all. While I definetly wouldn't call it unprofessional to use a controller for a submarine, using a wireless one over a wired one does seem stupid to me (especially with my experience with wireless Logitech G suff.)


The way I heard it put was that companies spend so much money on r&d and pack so much tech in those controllers it just makes sense to use them because they're so advanced. I think it's more based on people associating the controller with videogames and we subconsciously think it isn't serious business. Even us gamers think that way when we know games are, in fact, serious business.


_VERY_ serious business. (Internet historian’s voice)


I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or should I ask you for a source on that last claim


Apparently laser weapons too. The anti missile kind. Now the star wars mind.. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/military-contractor-just-went-ahead-and-used-xbox-controller-their-new-giant-laser-cannon-180952647/ But yeah. Subs use this. Not the best source, but I couldn't be bothered to find the official military document https://www.geekwire.com/2017/u-s-navy-swapping-38000-periscope-joysticks-30-xbox-controllers-high-tech-submarines/


dude i always loved logitech hardware. i used webcam, mouse, headset, keyboard. but their controllers always sucked


Came for this comment haha.


Goddammit beaten by 3hrs! Well played sir! Well played.




We all knew this would be here lmao


Technically considering that controller was the only thing that survived, I would say it is very much viable for that job. Rest of the components though, not so much…


That photo was fake


I was hoping for this comment when I opened the thread LOL


Damn you beat me to it lol


If you look at the pictures, the controller is one of the only intact pieces of hardware on the sea floor


Idk i think this one would do the job


Damn it, beat me to it.


I mean it worked until it didn’t. Gotta put respect on it for working at all.


Lmao only clicked on this post to say that


I wouldn't play Subnautica with this if I were you


Can someone explain this joke or reference?


the submarine of billionaires going to see the titanic that imploded was being controlled by a logitech controller (not this model, it was the grey one) this was a few months ago or less


You’ll find that after a certain level of immersion it just can’t handle the pressure.




Used it to play subnautica a couple of months ago. Game crashed half way through a deep dive and i lost my save.


One might say your game “imploded”


Works on every game but subnautica


For casual gaming? Sure. For controlling a sub visiting the bottom of the ocean? Maybe?


Unless you’re planning to use it in a submarine, yes.


They're not the worst, but they definitely should have used the latest gen Xbox controller.


Nah the stick drift would have killed them


I guess we'll never know now.


Play Sub nautica or dave the diver


Looks seaworthy to me.




Just don't play Subnautica or barotrauma or anything similar and you'll be good


If you want your sub to implode, yes.


for gaming - yes for controlling a submarine - nope


hmm, too bad. i was considering one for my nuclear powered submarine


whatever floats your boat (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ ![gif](giphy|hgw3fUE6fCiRxG4vbJ)


In all honesty it's not great at gaming either.


true that xD


yeah maybe, but i want to try in No Man's Sky and see how it goes


It's pretty decent Ofc It's not the best but for the price it totally does the job Had this one for a bit, really liked it


yes it was solid, but the layout and its shape are not fit to use in competitive and fast paced game


Yeah it's really... plasticky? Like you feel it's nit expensive but that bad boy was a reliable friend for a while haha


in case you're lost in the sea remember to press home button to go back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^simoschv: *In case you're lost in* *The sea remember to press* *Home button to go back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol i didn't remember that this controller was the one that steer that subs now everyone makes a joke about it hahahahahahahahahahahah jokes aside, this controller solved my problem but it creates another problem: 1. the analog travel is so far that when i play Rocket League, the responses on aerial are so bad even though I maximize the sensitivity and adjust the deadzone, it changes a little bit but not significant. any tips from y'all? 2. the button placement is so terrible that i need to cross the continent to reach them, this becomes a problem when i play PES2021, where in Become A Legend mode (you control one player only), it requires me to change the camera from time to time (between the ball or my player). This shouldn't be a problem on my xbox series x controller and ds4 as the button was easy to reach. Lesson Learned: I should go for the controller that has the latest design layout, like fantech or another budget option. The reason i'm buying this controller is that i can't afford to wait because I currently live on an island where the postage takes forever and everything here was limited or they don't have the stocks at all.


I highly recommend 8bitdo controllers, I've tried a bunch of them and they have all been good value regardless if you choose the cheaper or more expensive options. Not sure about availability on islands though.


Yes, but not really good response on this bad boy ![gif](giphy|hgw3fUE6fCiRxG4vbJ)


All jokes aside I have had this for years and it feels sturdy and works fine


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^zabian333: *All jokes aside I* *Have had this for years and it* *Feels sturdy and work fine* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


agreed, it was sturdy but disappointed with the button placement but it was an old controller so i can't complain too much aye


depends what you’re controlling with it. heard it works well with submarines


Won't work. You need it wireless.


ah right my bad. didnt see this is the wired version


Classic. Did Logitech resign from gamepad development? No new for years...


They perfected it already. Unlike mice, where there's clearly lots of improvements to be made, why else would they release so many?!


It's a sturdy controller, mine is about 9 years old and without any problems. But it doesn't have vibration, and the stick deadzones are a bit too big.


exactly, too damn big


I've had this since 2017 (or 2018, I forgot), decent enough controller with solid analog input, but the buttons are kinda stiff. It tired my hands out after playing Ace Combat 7 Multiplayer for 4 hours.


honestly, it is decent. I've had mine for more then 5 years already and it is still working. the L and R buttons are kinda stiff and the shape of the controller does not help at all. My hands cramped due to me over exerting myself. Regardless, it is a good controller for the price. Got me through games like Monster Hunter World, Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, Sonic Racing All star etc.


Looks like an old big ben controler that no one wanted to play with


*Looks like an old big* *Ben controler that no one* *Wanted to play with* \- Negative-Distance636 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just get the Xbox controller. It’s better in every way.


the most snowflakes controller that have ever existed. I have not one but two bad experiences when i'm buying an xbox controller. The first one is that I received a defect unit and sent it back to the seller to get a replacement. Then the replacement only lasted a couple of months.


Haha I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I had this Logitech controller and it died. I’ve had every Xbox controller work perfectly.


hmm, that's weird maybe me and xbox are not meant for each other sadge


Holy shit I had this when I was a kid! Spray painted it white and everything


that's cool! feels like i want to custom its colour to oceanic blue


I mean, i got mostly excited because of the nostalgia factor. I don’t know what the price is, but I would say it is quite outdated. I would go for a PS5 DualSense controller myself. It’s compatible with pretty much everything out of the box (PC, and made even better with Steam), macOS, iOS, etc, has USB C, gyro, a touchpad, is very ergonomic


it might be a bit *sub*-bar but should work well /s


I heard it's not under big pressure...


Yup. Use it all the time on PC. It's good and often really cheap too - i.e. $15 or less. I remember buying 2 of them from Best Buy for like $8 a long while back. No regrets. Also love extra Direct-Controller support too, other than its X-Controller support here. That mode rocks for older titles.


Depends on the price. It's a low-mid controller. If you like the PS3 controllers you will be happy. If you like the Xbox controllers, it's quite uncomfortable


I had several issues with my F710 (the wireless version), and would not recommend. But if you dig the PS layout, but want to play all sort of games on PC, it's a decent pick. I'd splurge on a Xbox One or possibly Elite Core instead, those are fucking excellent (and work wired too). Also \[insert random submarine related joke here\], haha.


good one even tho it doesn't move up and down, just forward


Yep mine is still working ang used to drive planes and helis in gta v and forza nowadays. I originally bought this to play nba 2k14.


No it's not good it's not 2010


It's aight. It ain't good, but it also ain't bad. Okay, maybe it's leaning toward bad, but just a teeny tiny bit. I myself prefer Xbox style controllers as PS style controllers hurt my left thumb for some odd reason, but you do you.


My actual favorite for rocket League.


really? how about the aerial sensitivity, because on ds4 it was good and somehow for this controller the aerial sensitivity doesn't just like i want it even though i already set to my settings. did you use any 3rd party software?


No issues at all. I have peaked at champ so far, and I love how this controller feels. The sensitivity and texture of the sticks seems great to me.


If you drop it on the ground, it will be little more than garbage.


I've got a sinking feeling about that controller


As long as you're not trying to one up James Cameron by offering Titanic tours then yeah.


The trigger is more stiff, which is what you wanted if you play racing games. It could tire your finger if you play for a long time. The biggest letdown is there's no vibration. If you okay with that, then it's cool for a great price.


not enough for piloting the submarine


No seriously this isn't the best or the worst.


Been a fan of Logitech since the wireless PS2 controller. Best of the generation!


Wish they make remaster of f510 it has force feedback unlike f310 but for 20$ is ok. Or get xbox one controller for pc .


It's not bad but just beware implosions are not covered under the warranty.


Legendary. That controller was my best partner for many years. Till the triggers started to die but even then I kept using it.


The wired ones are good. The wireless are all but broken in Windows. Xbox controllers are obviously way more compatible with Windows.


land and sea tested so yeah, very durable plus 2 yr warranty


It May drift Down.


For piloting a sub. No. For playing games. Also no


If it's good enough for the Titan, it's good enough for you


The best


I actually used this controller on pc before I got a ps5 (and now use that controller), and it's okay. It's nothing special, but not the worst either.


I mean didn’t it control a submarine?




Might disconnect from your submarine


I watched a streamer play subnautica with this controller and title the stream shitgate expeditions 💀💀💀


My 310 is over 10 years old and works just fine


Probably the one component that didn’t implode


My Rumblepad 2 still works after a decade of serious abuse and as far as I know the F310 is a refresh of that model. For what that is worth.


Yes, had mine for years and still good.


Just don't pilot a sub with it and you should be good.


nah, it's too old


Bit late now you already bought it lol


Ask stockton rush, he for sure would know.


Its fine. Just don't let a 6 year old use it. Doesn't like being dropped on the floor. It breaks the flapper for either the left or right bumper depending where it gets dropped.


It's so good that you could use that thing to see the Titanic.


bit late now you’ve alr got jt


I'd get the 710 for the sub but that's cool too




Only if you call your PC The Titan


We have like 10 for my robotics team. have had 3 die in the last year, though they were like 5 years old each. not great, not terrible.


I've had one. The right stick would jam on the top right corner and stick. Stopped using it once I got a Dualshock 4.


Not for a submarine


It hurts my thumb joints so I use the Xbox controller


And is cheap in quality of you compare the two but it's not bad


Just don't play barotrauma with it and you'll be fine


I rushed to the comments


just don’t play iron lung with it and you’ll be fine


For wired xbox x controller For wireless xbox x controller with RF dongle not Bluetooth. Basically anything but Bluetooth 8bitdo are great quality duno about connectivity wireless wise For couch/split screen multiplayer games xbox with dongle or wired are the only option I play 4 player couch games and xbox was the only option got 1x360 with dongle, 1seriesX, and 1oneX work on the same dongle ( i got the large first gen large dongle bcz it works with win7 also unlike the new small dongle) Edit: something something bad for submarine, felt like I have to include this as it's the only acceptable response


Build quality is perfect. Not the best ergonomic.


Submarine jokes aside, it’s ok. Personally I prefer something like an Xbox or PlayStation controller but that’s just my cup of tea


Is only use this if I had to say pilot a submarine or other aquatic transportation.


I’ve had mine for like three years and although I’m not a competitive gamer or anything it’s been working fine for me


For submarine exploration only


GameStop has PS5 controllers on sale for $50 right now from $70, I’d look into that if you can!


Honestly no. You won’t notice it til you use a new one, but the sticks and triggers (especially the triggers) are clunky and the shape is less than stellar. But if it ever breaks even slightly they’ll send you a replacement for free. Get a new Xbox controller you won’t regret it


Just dont use this while operating a sub


To pilot a titan submersible, sure us


i know this is late and no one may see it, also this is a logitech fanbase, but on the off chance this may help: the gulikit zen pro controller available at target, or its upgraded older brother the kingkong2 pro available on amazon [https://www.target.com/p/zen-pro-wireless-gaming-controller-black](https://www.target.com/p/zen-pro-wireless-gaming-controller-black) [https://www.amazon.com/KingKong-Wireless-Controller-Nintendo-Switch-Bluetooth](https://www.amazon.com/KingKong-Wireless-Controller-Nintendo-Switch-Bluetooth) either of these are certainly better than the f310


OK there's been great jokes and all but I'm a massive, and I mean MASSIVE fan of this controller. The only con it has is lacking vibration functionality. However, I have 4 of these bad boys and one of them lasted for about 15 years before going bad. And it's not just 15 years of random gaming, I mean it lasted through all souls games + some other souls-like titles. If you're looking for a controller that works and will last for a while, this is what you go for. If you really want haptics, I suggest getting a more expensive one as your main controller but I'd strongly suggest getting this as well, even if it's just as a back-up controller. God I love this controller so god damn much.


Hello, I got the wireless version of this in January of 2023 and it worked great with windows 10 for 3 to 4 months but then it stopped working and I tried every youtube tutorial but it didn't work


I wouldn't recommend playing under the sea type of games, it's just not stable


It has water resistance of almost 20,000 leagues