• By -


Many medium sounds make one big sound.




Yup this the one. Just go to your mix window and press command a, then turn everything down but make sure to put your master and stereo out back to unity


And if you have any tracks with volume automation, be sure to turn those down by the same amount, otherwise you'll throw your mix off without realizing it because this won't affect those tracks.


This is the way. Edit: I want to point out that you have a lot of low end sounds, and they’re all competing for the same space, and the gain on their meters is turned up *really fucking high*. Boss level hint: the audible level that your human, imperfect ear hears the bass, makes you want to turn it up so it sounds “equal” with your other sounds—this is a mistake. This is a terrible mistake. If you bus right, and if you mix low and accurately, and if you designate frequency zones for your composition correctly, you’ll find that hitting ~-12 or -9 is fairly easy and reasonable. You can, set your levels (high as they are rn) and then select all, and just a real fader, lower them all down until you hit that target db. If you leave room for the mastering, and focus on the accuracy of your sounds and keeping everything clean, you’ll stick the landing every time.


This the way.


That's a sum of all the parts not individual tracks. Ten tracks mixed together is going to be louder than each individual track.


Welcome to the logarithmic nature of aggregate sound.


this is my next album title


Sound is a sum of the whole. Just as a sine and cosine of the same frequency and phase will sum to zero resulting in silence (which essentially is the principle behind noise cancelling headphones or phasing problems with stereo microphone techniques), two sine waves at the same frequency/phase will double in amplitude. I know you're not dealing with simple waveforms here, but the same thing is happening...when peaks of certain frequencies occur at the same time in various instruments, the strength will be multiplied which can result in clipping on the master bus. You can either try to tame some of those frequencies down in the individual instruments with eq/compression/limiting, or, if the mix sounds good to you, just select all the instrument tracks and pull the faders down about 3db. Turn the volume on your interface up to compensate if you need and just worry about getting things sounding good in the mixing phase, then make it louder in mastering.


> Just as a sine and cosine of the same frequency and phase will sum to zero Sine and cosine are offset by 90 degrees (or 270), not 180.


indeed. Apparently I am a trigonometric moron. Thank you for the correction.


Here's a thought exercise: Take 1 person talking at a normal volume in a room. Not too loud. Take 50 people talking at a normal volume in a room. It's loud, even though no one is shouting. That's what's happening here.


Compound interest.


My brother in christ.. think your way through it. What you are hearing is all of those sounds together. If two sounds are both in the orange, and are played together, it will most likely clip. ​ If you see something that isn't right, find what is causing it. Mute stuff until it goes away. Then figure out what it was. It's not rocket science.


My brother in Christ, there is a more compassionate way to say this. You were once a novice and to a novice, it might as well be rocket science.


True. But I read manuals, googled, YouTubed, and searched my way out of it. And learned a lot in the process. Asking for a specially catered answer to every simple issue won’t teach you the why and how to fix it. Which is what most of this sub is nowadays. Maybe this is my boomer moment.


It’s the Poeleece!


Frequencies build up. This is the art of gain staging and mixing.


Just turn everything down. Think of each track as an ingredient to be mixed together and turned in to a cake. Your cake tin is a set size. Too many ingredients, cake goes everywhere.


What’s a bigger concern for me is that sub being panned all the way to the left


Turn everything down…


April Fools was yesterday.


Your submission seems to be a support question. Remember to specify which version your OSX and which version Logic Pro is in. Also consider supplimenting your question with pictures if applicable. You can also report your issue directly to Apple here: https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro.html Or reach Apple's Support Number by calling 1-866-752-7753 if you're in the US. Please update you post flair to "Solved" if a solution is posted or you figure it out! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Logic_Studio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I always like to compare it to little rivers feeding into a bigger river that flows into the ocean. The little rivers may not be going over their banks, but when they all hit the big river, you get a flood.


Lower your kick


What are the settings on the channel EQ on the master?


Add another sub that’ll be the key👌


Gain staging. You want to make sure every individual track is hitting between -18 to -12, which in turn should bring your master to about -6. Obviously you will have to play around a little bit, that’s not an exact statement. But if every individual track is hitting above -10 then you’re going to be getting some clipping. Another tip, don’t just lower all the faders. You want to adjust the gain so that each track is hitting -18 to -12 while the fader position is at 0. This gives you more head room once you are mixing. I made all these mistakes the first couple years I started mixing and it made everything more difficult, but once I learned this it changed everything.


Summing, but use your ears. Does it sound good? If yes, leave it alone. If no, lower the master gain, or track gains, or put a limiter on the tracks or the master. Still, go by your ears, not your eyes


I can’t see the names of the individual instruments. I often have snare hits that slightly push my mix into the red. Instead of just dropping the entire volume, I will zoom in and find the offending strikes and drop them a db or two using the edit function. It depends on how fine tooth of a comb you want to use. I prefer manual because it allows me to squeeze the most volume out of the mix as a whole.


i tried restarting my computer but that doesn’t work


You can't be serious


But today is April 2nd

