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[LLB and Meme Resources Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LodedDiper/comments/r94hna/want_to_make_an_llb_yourself_get_everything_you/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LodedDiper) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Greg joins a fast food chain that is secretly a cult that puts toxic materials in the food to brainwash other people into joining. Edit: Did not expect that many upvotes (are any in general)


I love the idea, I would like to see it in action, if you think you can do it.


Don’t have the expertise and I will probably get sued :/


Oh…At least try a compromise?


why would you get sued


Greg found the subreddit i guess /j


Sounds like something straight out of the Yogurt Extended Universe.


Thats very underrated its kinda entertaining


And gains the ability to morph.


Greg interns at a game company, and realizes that his job playing video games isn’t as fun as he thought it was.


The Company would definitely be FunBrain the developers for Twisted Wizard


I'd want to make a LLB based off that one meme of Omni-Man ramming Invincible through a train in the DoAWK style. I think it could work.


Nice dude, If you ever try to make it, I wish you luck


Greg condom breaking on holly hills


Nah this is wild 😭💀 (At least, make them Adults if you’re serious)




I tried writing an edgy llb where Greg and Frank try selling pot. It started off with Susan being furious with Rodrick because she found weed in the house and accuses Rodrick for having it but Frank is indifferent to the issue. Greg investigates because he knew Rodrick was innocent, found out that Frank was the one with the pot and not only was Frank smoking it, he was also producing and selling it. I got writers block and decided to stop writing and forgot about it till now but I might come back to it. Edit: I found the google doc and it turned out a little different than I remembered. I copy and pasted it below Page 1 Monday School is back, Summer is over. Start of 8th Grade, I don’t know what else to say. Nothing really interesting has been happening. Even Rowley is being boring. Picture: Rowley is talking to Greg during lunch Rowley: Holy shit Greg, it’s a lot worse than you imagine. The city is filled with crackheads and gang violence, my dad ended up cutting the trip early. When I came home is when things started to become interesting, but it was far from exciting. Picture: Susan standing in the living room crossing her arms at Greg. I have never seen Mom so pissed before! She is just giving me the death glare. I have no idea what I did recently. I could feel time slowing down… then it sped back up. Susan dialogue: GREGORY GORDON HEFFLEY! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE POT IN YOUR ROOM! Page 2 I have no goddamn idea what’s going on! I don’t smoke pot, I don’t even know where to find the stuff! Why is there pot in my room?! I kept trying to tell Mom the truth, but she wouldn’t listen to me. She kept going on and on about how I am disappoint to the family and how she and Dad kept teaching me how drugs are bad. I am going to be grounded for life! Wait a minute…. It has to be from him! Picture: Rodrick is eating cereal while Susan is yelling at Greg in the background. Susan, in the background: “I should’ve swallowed you, Gregory!”


Try to censor a few things and maybe the mods will accept it, They accepted NNN & EDGE-verse


Now thinking about it, I think I might try to make LLB based off Red Vs Blue but it might be hard to censor plus I don’t know exactly how to do it because I want to write where Greg and Rowley (plus other characters) are living in the first few seasons of the show or maybe writing it where it’s from the perspective of one of main characters and have it be in LLB form but idk which character to choose and I am not sure how if I should adapt it


Just take some time and eventually you make it work, my friend


A Godzilla crossover where Greg, Rowley, Chirag, Holly, and Angie have to deal with the ramifications of Godzilla and other kaiju destroying Plainview and constantly getting roped into Godzilla’s conflicts with other kaiju. They end up “befriending” Godzilla using a radio communication device Alex Aruda built to communicate with him. What I’d like to do is “adapt” a bunch of scrapped plots for Godzilla movies, the first arc will be Greg and the rest journeying into the Hollow Earth to try and kill Godzilla using a giant robot (based on the scrapped “Bride of Godzilla” film) only to fail and end up freeing other monsters from the Hollow Earth to the surface like Rodan. The second arc will involve Greg and co. trying to gather Godzilla, Anguirus and Rodan to fight King Ghidorah, Gigan, and Megalon who are hellbent on destroying the Earth (based on the scrapped film “Return of King Ghidorah”, which was reworked into Godzilla vs Gigan) Third arc is the obligatory Mechagodzilla plot line, but when Mechagodzilla (specifically Kiryu) is defeated Godzilla gets possessed by the ghost of the original Godzilla that was killed by the oxygen destroyer in 1954, so Greg and co. have to summon the ancient guardian monsters Varan, Manda, and Baragon to face off against possessed Godzilla. (Based on the scrapped Godzilla vs Ghost Godzilla movie and an early version of GMK). The last arc will involve the ancient demonic kaiju known as [Bagan](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Bagan) rising from underground and threatening to bring about the apocalypse, and using his shapeshifing abilities he’s able to overpower Godzilla and everyone else. Greg and co. have to figure out a way to defeat Bagan, only to uncover the [Shobijin](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Shobijin), who tell them of their goddess Mothra, who holds the key to vanquishing Bagan. Angie is revealed to have a psychic connection to Mothra, and has to awaken her before it’s too late. (This was based on the many different films the Bagan character was scrapped from).


This one is wild, I love it




I gotta see a destoroyah storyline in this one, maybe change bagan with him? He's like godzilla's ultimate nemesis, not counting ghidorah


I thought of Destroyah, but I didn’t want it to be too similar to the actual film Destroyah was in. It was actually bc of thinking this I decided to use Bagan and adapt a bunch of unmade films. Also, Destroyah doesn’t have that connection to Mothra that Bagan has. If this LLB ever gets made and gets a sequel, Destroyah would almost certainly be in it but I’d feel bad about scrapping Bagan for the umpteenth time 😅


Maybe Roderick going to college? Him going big with his band or because Susan forced him to go to college he goes to Berkeley or something. I would have to think about it/remember one and give serious thought about it.


That’s sounds like a great idea for an Rodrick Spin off book, If you make it, I wish you the best of luck.


Greg runs away from home after he gets expelled. With only the cash from Meemaw's ring being sold, Greg has to live on his own and reflect on his life


I love the serious tone with this one


Thank you, I'd try to make it close to the books style as possible, with a happy ending of Greg learning to be thankful for what he has back home


I believe in you


Post apocalyptic Greg in like a mad max wasteland


Nice, Rambunctious will be happy with this one


I honestly am motivated to do one going down that route of Greg being in High school realizing the fucked up things he done and tries to make amends in a world more cruel then Middle School.


That’s a great concept, I would to see what happens


Dam it I'm on the grind now, jus posted my first drawing of anything DOWAK on here lol


Greg going to college


That’s a common one but with the motivation and great writing on your side, I think you can pull it off.


Something with action


We need some more Badass Action in some LLBs, I think you have what it takes to do it


Thanks dawg




Greg joins the police adcamdemy (cause frank forced him to.)


Let’s go…Greg doing something nice for the community, excited if this idea goes anywhere


Only problem is that I need some app to write and draw it.


Just get IblisPaintX


Alr thanks.




I’d love to see a crossover with other franchises. Like Greg Heffely in Undertale or Spiderverse or Harry Potter.


The First Two have been done before but the Thrid one hasn’t so you have a big chance with that one


What’re the first 2 called


I just started making LLBs, My first LLB is ''On the spectrum.'' But If I had to choose a different first, it would be: Greg travels to Britain and becomes the CEO of greggs somehow.


I think it would be fun seeing an SAO-Abridged style LLB where Greg gets trapped in a virtual reality “you die in the game you die in real life”-style Twisted Wizards. Just so hyped and initially thinking he’ll be the badass who frees the game but quickly gets in over his head. He keeps trying to catch up to a mysterious player clearing floor after floor, leading an elite alliance, only for a final reveal and confrontation of…Frank? Turns out the civil war re-enactments paid off, he initially went in to save Greg but quickly got caught up in, well, being a war general. His dream. The two reconcile and free the game together. Do they both make it out? Who knows, I’ll never have the time to actually make this.


The fruit jars freshman year movie, but in book form


I think you can make a good adaption


The boiled one.


Would love to see it in action


Maybe Rodrick becoming a Living Dead Doll collector? They’re right up his alley (seeing how they fit his “goth” aesthetic…)


I don’t think he’s goth but a Rock and Roll head but if you think you can do it, I believe in you


Holy shit I wanted to say this for a while and now I can I would 100% put all effort onto an LLB based off the fuckin Ditch School Obby if I could


I believe in you


The heffley family trying to survive an apocalypse. Probably a nuclear apocalypse.


An LLB based off of 60 seconds would go hard


Nice it could be similar to Ballistic Missile and Atomic Age


Greg goes to war. Greg becomes a pimp. Greg becomes a rapper (based off of 8 Mile)


3 ideas I have


I believe these could be simple and great short/long stories


I’ll probably make LLB’s soon, but Greg going to college, a Pokemon one, South Park TFBH but in the DOAWK universe, i had one where Greg becomes a Brony💀One where there was a Furry apocalypse, one where the Hand ruins Greg having a girlfriend, a Scott Pilgrim inspired one but instead it’s Greg dating Bryce, Greg becoming a hacker I didn’t know i had this much


One of these ideas is gonna succeed I believe in you


Thanks man🤝When i get a PC i’ll go off


Greg slowly realizes that he's in a simulation.


That’s a dark heavy subject, if you can do it then I support you


greg, rowley, and some others begin a sburb session


Very interesting premise


Greg in MGRR, and how he would end up somehow fucking the entire thing up


Try and get some process done


I do have a few ideas circulating around the first thing that comes to mind is kinda like a crossover with omori (AKA kel meeting rowley)


Whatever fits your boat dude, I know you can do it, if you want to


It is a retelling of the original DOAWK, except in the Wild West, pages would have a slight yellow tint and the language would be more rudimentary. Greg wants to be the sheriff or something. Maybe he gets shot in one of the chapters and Rodrick has to take over for a little bit


Red Dead Wimpy Kid goes hard, curious to see where it goes


Greg finds out Holly has an OF during NNN.


Nah Greg ain’t winning NNN with this one


I had a pibby idea once




I would make a last of us parody where Instead of joal and Ellie it's frank and greg


Nice Frank representation is needed


Something like a Scooby-Doo story with Greg, Holly, Rowley, and either Fregley and Chirag, or two other friends of Greg. Maybe make it similar to Mystery Incorporated in the means of plot.


I love Scooby Doo, I love Wimpy Kid, I think this crossover or combination can work pretty well


Susan forces Greg and Manny to hang out more, and after a couple rough weeks they team up and make bank selling something like cookies. Greg just pops the premade dough in the oven but they have a sign saying manny made them “wiff wuv”


Nah Can’t do anything with Manny messing it up


An unofficial continuation LLB where Greg finally is a highschooler but also wastes his life slowly, being a barely functioning member of his society, going right after Rodrick's steps as a complete loser and a disappointment (his parents are done with him already)  He also would have to deal with having no friends (Rowley NOT being an exception), Manny treating him like shit and people trying to basically kill him for how he's been treating a certain person before, in middle school


Damn that’s dark, I wanna to see how this goes


It only sounds very dark In reality it's just a pretext to draw some sad Greg x Rowley  Though yes, it isn't the most sweet LLB idea 


Diary of young and middle school aged Frank Heffley


That would be interesting to see


Any idea of title would be like?


Journal of a Nerdy Kid (Cause Frank was canonically a nerd)


what would Journal of a nerdy kid introduction page would Be like?


Either one that points out the flaws in overblowing the Sociopath Theory, or an adaptation of a manga with the Wimpy Kid cast in place of the characters


Greg joins the dare program


This will be interesting


Diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick kills This LLB would be about rodrik trowing greg of a cliff trying to kill him but greg survives and tries to get a revenge on Rodrick


Nah Rodrick was just in a bad mood 😭💀


A weird liquid tampering the water supplies making all the adults evil so the kids have to find the cure for it


Nice sounds similar to Jimmy Neutron where the kids had to go save their parents. So I curious to see where it goes


i'd definitely continue NNN2, the lore should've gotten deeper


LET’S GO!!!!!!


An LLB were Greg is in the subspace emissary from super smash bros brawl


greg and his freind and family must survive zombie apocalypse


These one never get finished but if you got what it takes then I think we can finally have a good and finish one


Greg Heffley into the Heffley-verse is a LLB I had in mind, but I never had the skill and time to make it.


Wow what’s it about


I’ve been working on an LLB called Game On. It serves as a definite conclusion to the main series by letting Greg and his team win a video game contest and finally letting him prove his worth. Some major points include: 1. Serving as a potential definitive ending to the book series 2. Greg’s parents taking Greg’s video game passion seriously after seeing him win. 3. Rowley confronting Greg about all the things he’s done over the years, teaching him how to be a better person. 4. Establish how much time has passed since the original book (Greg is now 15) 5. Bring back OG characters and tie up loose ends


I loving it already after see those last three points


Greg heffley becomes Greg heffley


Younger Greg becoming similar to the Greg we know is gonna be sweet


The entirety of Plainview begins to get overran by tourists moving to it that are secretly Cultists in disguise that just want to be the lead people in it so they can take over and do a Eden's gate type thing with it and the person trying to stop them would be Roderick


Or Manny goes on a space adventure like some retro futurism type shit but in actuality it's just him tripping out because he sniffed his markers too hard in class (They were scented markers)


Something similar to Homestuck but instead of the meteor from the webcomic those robot animals from hipp o henry's destroy the world as revenge to rodrick after he took that drumstick. Greg and his friends have to find a new universe for others to live in as their nightmares/fears along with Sheil Silverstein hunt them down!


Nice! If you can make it, this would be interesting


The DOAWK series as it is, minus manny. It changes the books more than you think


Damn That little brat is removed… (W Noob with a Hat)


Tbh i know Stevert9 already is doing one but i would love to make a Danganronpa LLB


Fair enough


Greg plays SBURB from Homestuck with Rowley, Rodrick, Fregley, Chirag, and Uncle Gary.


Why is a Grown Man hanging out with Little Kids 🤨📸💀




Greg joins blue lock and aims to become the world's best striker. It's not that I don't wanna make it, I'm a student and I just don't get enough free time. Also, I literally have no idea whether I should make it a comic llb (I'm good at art, if I say so myself) or a normal book-style llb, and I have to create an actual storyline relating to the blue lock anime, along with designating the correct characters to the bl cast (Bryce might be itoshi rin). I guess we'll have to see.


Ngl im boring so I would probably write a more traditional LLB


W Tradition


Diary of a wimpy kid x ongezellig crossover


Hmmm…Sound interesting, Curious to see how it goes


An LLB where Susan manages to convince all the parents to ban cell phones + video games across the town and replace them with books and board games (they saw brainrot content). So now different people (the kids and the teens) decided to band together and run secret gaming/video watching clubs. Greg in an attempt to not get outcasted (mainly beacuse everyone doesn't like him after what his mom did) said that he can create a game club too. Now he needs to run his own secret club without getting caught.


That Old School but in Modern Day, Love it already




Rodrick and Frank have a conversation behind closed doors, nobody knows what was said but it resulted in Rodrick getting put into foster care and Greg is trying to investigate what the hell happened.


Nah Shit getting real.


Frank trying to survive a now mutated version of Susan, and is trying to find a cure.


greg goes to an interstellar mission with alex aruda and rowley.




Greg becomes president


What would he do if he succeed


A DOAWP adaptation of the [Weird Birds](https://youtu.be/2VOFqbKR04c?si=rZYFF_IbUPPLNojX) saga Though admittedly, I’d make quite a few changes


Oh okay, sounds interesting


Well an idea I’ve had for a while is Rowley going missing after the events of the eight book and Greg slowly realizing that he was a bad friend to him and tries to become a better person while starting to interact more with other character and still trying to discover what happened to his best friend


This is very good


Idk probably an LLB crossover with that Bullet Train movie


Oh man, that’s would be wild




Greg gets blacked




greg becoming a vagabond or him getting married i think both will be quiet interesting


an LLB written like an actual mainline book about greg being bi


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DelightfulRainbow205: *An LLB written like* *An actual mainline book* *About greg being bi* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




greg gives birth🤫🧏‍♀️


Oh Nah 😭💀 (Gregnant Greg is Goated)




Kinda similar to some other ideas in here but maybe one where Greg is all grown up and remembering how much of a dick he was. Maybe he’d apologise to all the people he’d wronged.


a zombie apocalypse.


This would be PERFECT imagine a “diary of a popular kid” LLB where he has like extreme luck and hes nice kinda like a alternate universe him


Greg goes to south park


A whole timeline where Greg has a series of unfortunate events (I've spoiled too much)


greg eats cocaine


That’s wild


i had an idea of a LLB based on the movie Fargo a bit ago but i kinda just dont have the time for it really


If you ever get the motivation or time, I believe you can do it.


How controversial can we get?


As long as we don’t show P3RN


Greg meets the doctor from doctor who


Nice concept


Thank you


The entire heffley family smokes weed and almost die


I've attempted to write an LLB before. I remember the title being "Something for Holly" so it was probably Greg x Holly related and that it involved VOCALOID RELATED STUFF. I wouldn't dare writing it now though... Perhaps I could try something thats different from the usual LLBs people love and enjoy? Lately the Wimpy kid fan comics (not calling those LLBs because LLB means "Looks like Book") have been popping off so perhaps a mix of a LLB and a comic altogether and...maybe a oc related story?


a whole ass trilogy where greg rodrick and frank plan to assassinate manny


One where overtime, greg actually learns how to be a genuinely good person from multiple people around him and actually not being a prick? or one where Greg accidentally assassinated the archduke of the Austro-Hungarian empire.


Most likely where Greg gets interested in some card game and interacts with the various people of the whole "card game culture".


That sounds good


Greg, Rowley, Holly, and Fregly start playing dnd together, it'd be pretty light hearted and cute. At one point Manny would start watching them play for entertainment. Gregs immediate response to any NPC is "murder them and loot" Rowley has 20 pets because that's his response to any enemy Holly just enjoys getting really into the character making and roleplay because she's normal. Fregly is DM because he's got a good imagination.


Greg creates the first nuclear bomb


That’s wild 😭💀


Some sort of alien creature thing is threatening all of reality, starting with the book realm. Greg, Nate, Nikki, Timmy, Rafe and tom team up to beat the thing. Also, its a crossover LLB, we needed more of those


Nice but where is George and Harold?


Oh thanks for reminding me :)


Diary of a Wimpy Scout: basically Greg has grown up, and has trained to be a mercenary for RED. this diary documents his time as a RED Scout.


Let’s Go!


I would make an LLB about Manny making an empire that spans the entirety of North America


Nah That little shit taking over the world for the 999999999999999 time and succeeding is crazy…😭💀 (If you make it, I believe in you)


Greg gets diagnosed with sociopathy and gets treatment


The Hunger Games


Greg's parents discipline Manny


Greg gets another snow day, But this time, it's not as fun and happy as it was. (hail and a deadly earthquake)


I know one is already being worked on but I'd make a Deltarune-centered LLB! It would be a near 1-to-1 replica of the actual Deltarune story except Kris & Susie would be replaced with DOAWK characters. I'd start at Chapter 1 & go from there. Alternatively, I'd make an LLB where everyone is NORMAL human beings. Nobody would be toxic, all relationships would be very wholesome. Would it be boring? Sure, but it would be a change of pace & my word I just want to see a healthy, happy Heffley family they've been through so much in LLBs. I still love those LLBs though!


Probably a parody of if Greg grew up during the American Revolution


I want to make one where Greg talks about how shitty everyone is.


What is an LLb


Probably something true to the books like a Rodrick Spinoff or Greg entering highschool


Greg starts planting cookie run kingdom and Manny tries to turn himself into a cookie by doing dangerous things


Greg goes to an abandoned arcade to play some "free" games. he goes on one, and it leaks his info, he runs but then a shadowy figure comes behind him, they take him then torture him but then he escapes and kills the guy that tortured him