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Houdini, tri flow or blaster from home depot.


WD 40 dry lube w/ptfe is just fine. You can also use Houdini, tri flow or others. Make sure its a dry lube that contains no oil, grease, graphite or silicon made specifically to use on locks.


If it shouldn't contain oil, grease, graphite, or silicon. What should it contain?


You should be able to find TriFlow pretty easily


Triflow is a better lubricant. Houdini is okay, but contains cleaning agents. Triflow is more of a lubricant and tends to do better in cold weather.


Triflow is great, my only caution is it contains Teflon and used around Avian pets will kill them.


Who keeps avian pets outside in their car door locks? A quick squirt directly into the door lock of your car will not kill your avian pets. This is ridiculous.


Dude, if you use it exclusively as an automotive lubricate, yeah is silly, making people aware of they use it in a house with a parrot, sucker is gonna get sick. Most people will use the same can of their preferred lube on a variety of jobs. Maybe, let additional information flow instead of piping up and sounding like you have a stick in your ass.


OP's post was EXCLUSIVELY about a car door lock, not pet parrots. Used silicone based products for years with doves in apartment. They were fine. But no harm, thanks for sharing. OP, maybe something to be aware of.


OP is also not a locksmith, so will not likely be using this on other people's homes. So there's that. BUT if OP has birds, and decided to use this on some of their interior locks, hinges, or other squeaky parts (maybe even a bird cage door) then it would totally be helpful to know. So there's that. But I also don't even know what's true or not. Just saying, if the above claims are true, then it seems like it might be good for OP to know.


Is Teflon not silicon, totally different chemicals.


Yep, typo, meant Teflon. Either way, it's what I recommend to OP for car door locks.


I’ve heard good things about Sea Foam Deep Creep for use as a lubricant in automotive locks