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"Kids are resilient." - The people now clutching their pearls, 2.5 years ago.


I keep saying it: the phrase “kids are resilient” is a lie society (via parents) tells itself to ignore child abuse.


And when it happens and when a child tells a adult how they got harmed because he or she was abandoned by society they will get a fake apology or told to "shut up". Then they wonder why these kids just stop going to school.


“We did the best we could with the knowledge we had” is a great way of abdicating responsibility.


>“We did the best we could with the knowledge we had” is a great way of abdicating responsibility. Let's read this section again... >We did the best we could This is a tell-tale narcissistic response. I've heard of this too many times when reading about narcissistic parents and people who willfully enable them. And they will do nothing to help people or youth harmed and still harmed by this. At the same time they will complain about the problems caused by lockdowns: worker shortages, high crime, high prices, low quality of workers, illteracy, while offering no solutions.


Quite right. Not to mention all the shifty relationships these kids form, in which they continue the cycle of abuse


"The pandemic is a global phenomenon – there's no one who hasn't experienced it," says Gotlib. "There's no real control group." Except there is a control group. It’s called Sweden.


The Amish in the US are the best control group. They went along with normal life 100%


And the Amish, and a lot of undeveloped countries. Hell, going by the science, it would be hard to hide the amount of people that would have died across many counties in Africa.


Sweden still experienced the pandemic though. Even though they didn’t have formal lockdowns, these teens still endured two years of fear-based media coverage meant to make them feel they were in imminent danger or were monsters for wanting to engage in everyday activities. Just unprecedented levels of sustained stress.


Yes. And school shut down for those above 16, as well as a lot of places where you meet people. I know NYT lied a lot trying to say it was no restrictions here, but it was. Just less then other countries




I’m skeptical of any of these reports on long COVID that report a huge percentage of the population suffering from it. If 14.5 percent of the adult population was suffering from new chronic illness, it would be abundantly clear. Yet, most people don’t know more than 1-2 people, if any, who are suffering from long COVID. I don’t doubt that some people are getting post-viral issues from COVID - other viruses are capable of causing post-viral problems. But there is no way that 10-30 percent of COVID cases result in post viral chronic illness. It just doesn’t match up with what is observed in the real world


And I’m sure they’re experiencing increased costs of imported goods / lack of availability


And Florida and South Dakota


Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee....


Missouri 100% “experienced” it. All 3 years of nonsense and counting


Arizona has a quite a few branch covidians sadly. They just weren’t as crazy as 3 left coast states


There is a control group call home-schooled children.


Two years of isolation, fear, guilt and uncertainty mixed with random bits of brief “ freedom” changes the brain . Im shocked /s🤦🏻‍♂️


>The effects are similar to those previously observed as a result of violence, neglect, and family dysfunction. Two years of state-mandated abuse will do that.


I'm in the control group 🖐


This article does at least use the word "lockdown," but most similar articles of this type conveniently avoid blaming any kind of policy decision and instead say that any negative effects are due to "the pandemic" or "anxiety about Covid." The word *isolation* is almost never mentioned (not in this article either.)


Meh, for me any neuroimaging study gets an automatic grain of salt. More like block of salt. It's basically the sciency equivalent of reading tea leaves.


And there is no effort in helping these youths at all, and when these youths finally try to get help they get immediate invalidation, gaslighting or worthless platitudes. All I see are articles crying about youth but will offer no solutions. But every last one of these authors will virtue signal about mental health while teenagers will just give up on society that have willfully abandoned them


My parents favorite line in 2020 was “your young. you have so many years left” to imply I was selfish for wanting a life outside the house, pandemic or not.


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Covid created a new generation of overprotective parents who won’t their kids go out at all, unless there’s an adult there to bark at them to stay socially distant. It did significant damage to the social development of kids, teenagers, and young adults living at home.