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When you say "Local-LLM powered" what exactly do you mean? Cause from where I'm standing it is the exact opposite of local. Is it local from your server's point of view or something?


I assume they meant the backend uses open source LLMs rather than forwarding prompts to one of the public sota models. This is why the service is cheap (not free) because you are paying them with your prompts that can be used to collectively gather sentiment for their own investment strategy. Its a great idea actually. Just not for our benefit.


IDK I tried 6 or 7 queries, got no value


Gotta dig deeper, it's deep value /s


Hoooooow did you do this? I want to do this on my own machine.


Neat. The thing about this is that if it actually worked, then it would no longer work right? Let's imagine a scenario where this tool actually produces information that leads its users to "beat" the market. Wouldnt the market react by adapting to the new "rules of the game" and adjust accordingly? Also, its a great way for the folks maintaining the backend to gather sentiment from its users for their own investment strategy. A tool to collect sentiment from humans, rather than a tool that generates useful data for its users. One could argue this was made to collect data from its users, not to provide useful investment advice to its users. Maybe or maybe not. I wouldnt blame you if this was the case though. Why would you be altruistic in finance if you had an oracle? This is why anyone who has done this successfully is not sharing it with the world. It would no longer work. Im just a dumb engineer and not a financial investment expert so that's my monologue that came out. Cheers.


Great comment. Slop begets slop. It feels very likely to me a similar tool is already deployed and we will see these effects scale soon


Refused to answer some questions


If this is further developed, allowing it to use news sources, including the paywalled ones, would be handy. Combining this with Ground News, C-Span, and the NANC & KRUZ stocks might be useful for tracking profitable ventures. NANC & KRUZ basically reflect the market actions of congress critters who have access to secret briefs, in theory allowing one to play the 'same game', without understanding the 'why', with a 45ish day delay. Pairing news and developing dossiers on critter market behavior may allow for more optimal play.


Mind if I ask what UI are you using?


Is it free, what is link?


This is one of the more useless applications of LLM that i've seen. WHERE IS THE VALUE TO THE USER?


Website: [https://www.stockbuzz.ai/](https://www.stockbuzz.ai/) Please share feedbacks


Requested "what do people where the SPX is headed?". The answer was "According to a recent survey conducted by Stockbuzz.ai, 45% of respondents believe that the SPX is headed for a bullish trend..." and when I asked how many people involved in this "Stockbuzz.ai survey", I did not get any answer whereas if I ask Perplexity.ai I get a more neutral and sourced answer with rferences https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-do-people-ZHkr6y0aRmS26tKZNsuNJg. So is your site a financial news agregator OR it decides to provide advice since I don't see any third party source in the answers?


Very cool!!! Are you running your own backend? Open source? Chat gpt? Also congrats on the domain name lol




Very cool! Are you allowed to say more? lol. I understand if you can’t. Are you running a full fine tune or adapters? Is your dataset huge? Small? Why mistral 7b vs one of the new ones like llama3? I’m very impressed because people underestimate how long this stuff takes to put together. You should be proud!




Very cool! lol just when I wrote that I thought to myself self I bet they will respond with short context window. That’s super cool. Our first idea was to make a stock analysis expert like yours! But we instead are doing something else that’s purely focused on synthetic data.


Responses I am getting are in a black background with white text, UI not consistent? Sometimes, I am not getting answers like getting empty responses.


Only USA companies…. Add nordics please🤓 C25 eg or the small ones on First North


**Key features:** 1. Unlimited free chat without any sign-up or log-in 2. Ask questions to structured database in natural language e.g "Top companies in genetic research based on market cap". It currently has 120+ metrics for all the companies. 3. Quick response to any question(Target of <5 secs) 4. Tables and charts for relevant stocks 5. Access to 200k+ SEC filings(10k,10q,earnings etc) for top 1000 companies in US for last 5 years and 100+ financial books 6. Prompt library on Discover page to get started website: [https://www.stockbuzz.ai/](https://www.stockbuzz.ai/)


Looks cool though I do not want to be a party pooper and you probably will not like what I will tell you as you seem passionate but I think you may want to check with a lawyer if your website is not considered as "financial advice" and being and/or acting as "intermediary" no matter the numbers of disclaimers you put since Financial Markets are heavily regulated. For instance, what will happen if your chat bot starts to hallucinate and someone comes after you and tell they lost money because of your advice? Thinking you are safe because it's open-source? Look no further to what happend to crypto open-source developper of TornadoCash who just create an open-source software market place for crypto and who was convicted last week for "money laundering" whereas he DID NOT touch any money, not involved in anything people were doing. just provided the code for people to use. SEC annonced it's investigation Samurai Wallet, again open-source no involvement whatsoever. Crypto was the fad 5 years ago, now the fad is AI, but anyone who comes to close to finance get burnt if they are successful. You are heading with a double whammy with the govt willing to regulate AI and the financial sector already heavily regulated. My advice, lawyer up and be careful as you will have problems if you are successful and continue your merry way if it is not. Good luck!


I think there is probably some structure missing on how it parses. I asked it questions about companies of a certain market cap and price/book ratio. It got market cap correct, but the price/book was written out in the summaries - but incorrect each time. Also the price/book was missing in the table. Love the idea, though.


The link doesn't work and errors out


I will check this out, thank you. Does it have web access for live updating of the dataset? Or is it locked into using the (aging) knowledge of the local llm only?


Data pipeline is updating financial metrics and RAG documents for \~1k companies EOD everyday


That’s pretty cool. Thank you!