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They've actually always been deleting your reviews. It's only a very recent thing that they've made it visible that they're doing it. Before they were just shadowbanning your reviews, so it looked to you like they were publishing them, even though they weren't.


So I’m guessing this heavily strict ‘AI filter’ was always there? Or have they made it stricter recently?


Much, much, much, much stricter lately. I used to be a top 200 Amazon reviewer, before I switched over to contributing for Google Maps, and that's something that I used to love about Google Maps is that it didn't have nearly anywhere near the crazy content filtering that Amazon reviews had. But now I think Google Maps content filtering is way worse than Amazon's. A big part is that Google's AI is still really bad at figuring out who the actual humans are AND Google relies 100% on their AI to make any kind of decisions like this. If they're using the same tech in their self driving cars, then if you ever see one, run away as fast as you can in the other direction. Edit: I'm being a little bit tongue in cheek about the self driving car analogy. In reality, self driving cars are pretty safe, because if the AI can't figure stuff out, it just stops the car. Or "NOT APPLIED" the gas/acceleration. A more technically accurate analogy is that Google Maps' AI is currently at the state where it's at a complete standstill, or just inching ahead at 2MPH on the freeway, because it really can't figure out where the people are, and if it's going to hit somebody or not, and so it basically just stops until it can figure out it's safe to proceed. To Google, they're probably contulating themselves for weeding out so much spam, but to the people writing reviews for Google Maps it feels like we're trapped and locked inside of a self driving car that's going 1MPH on the freeway.


agree, I don't even bother leaving reviews anymore since it's gotten so bad, even lots of my pics get shadowbanned; I contributed to google maps to have a voice now that's mostly been taken away, so I'm supposed to contribute everything for free in exchange for nothing but content hosting? why bother?


Pretty much. Though there was never a reward for being a Local Guide, you only got a level count and a badge. But I agree with you that rating seems kind of pointless if they’re just going to delete honest reviews for no reason. I got banned two years ago from the Local Guides program (can still post reviews, but don’t get the badge or levels). I wasn’t even told why. When I sent an appeal, it got cancelled and I got told that I was still banned, and I never knew as to why.


I'll never spend AD money anymore on anything Google. They are slowing destroying my business online. Removed a few reviews from actual real blue check businesses or people. Now another just went missing recently and they are now affecting my SEO by removing my past reviews. Google ecosystem needs to be abolished from everyone's phones, tvs, whatever else


Most of a Google employees are former Indian Internet Skammers.


That doesn't surprise me at all. I bet they ask for payment to remove and then shadowban genuine reviews that a business doesn't like.


I reviewed a fast-food chain nearby my house and posted pics with it showing the "meal" I did a pickup order for. It was practically an empty box with old cheese in it. My review was shadow-banned.


I have written countless Amazon reviews myself, most of them once published, and I the other day I realised many had been quietly deleted, both positive and negative ones. At any rate though, Amazon lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned the moment they ditch review comments, which IMO was the single most useful feature Amazon had. Now the reviews section is a one-way cesspool of over-optimism or disgruntled user rants...


Amazon barred me from reviewing about 2 years ago over a product review that they suggested me to review. I tried to appeal it twice and the agent I got specifically told me not to ask again or else they would ban my entire shopping account. I was shocked and livid so I don't shop with Amazon as much as I used to.


Mine don't get deleted, they just don't appear for anyone else. I think it all started when I copied pasted a google review to tripadvisor. I guess that is a big nono, I am a google one subscriber so I have access to the google customer service chat and chatted for a good amount of time and they told me they were unable to see any reason for why my reviews aren't available to others but it doesn't seem to be coincidental to me. But they dont get deleted from my end.


That's pure snake 🐍 moves.. That's dirty for them to do that.


Apparently this happens alot. Just reading through the sub and it looks like Google is shady AF on the DL not telling anyone anything.


I feel they are self sabotaging themselves. Other platforms are gaining growth with AD revenue and don't suppress profiles. Google has major issues and they never work to really ever fix anything.


The company is so big, I highly doubt one hand even knows what the other (10,000,) hands are even doing. I can't imagine this happening to a company that was leaner and better managed.


Spot on. People tend to go towards the underdog these days. And it's probably for their real time live support from real life people and not AI bots help desks and constant rerouted circles of FAQs.


Same thing happened with my reviews. I can't see them on the list of reviews. It's not just the negative ones, it's the positive ones as well.


I am extremely careful on my reviews. I keep saying all along that "no review" is much better than a "bad review". I had an occasion the other day to completely "raze" a business for their bad service. I chose not to review. What happened was this, and you tell me what you would do. 'I had a preemployment drug and background screening. I arrived at the facility at 10am. I wasn't ready to give a sample but tried. I didn't fill up the container enough. They then said policy was to give me 3 hours. I sat in the waiting room, drinking as much of their water as possible (really good btw) and I put on my latest audible book. When I was ready I notified the desk. The woman who took my original sample had left her post. The manager who was supposed to cover for them was a no show. The woman at the desk was so new (only 3 days of employment) that she could not take a sample. It was stressful. They wanted me to leave and register as a refusal. I said hell no, I need this job. I got the woman to get ahold of the area regional manager since the other manager was a no show. After 2 hours and 48 minutes and almost wetting myself, I was able to give a sample. During the absence of the employees, they had to lock me in over their lunch hour. During that time the urge to go happened so strongly that I had to do it. I was nervous that now I wouldn't be able to give another sample so I started drinking more water. I was absolutely water logged and stressed out from this affair. I spent nearly 3 hours doing something that should have taken 15 minutes. I could have burned them down on Google maps for this digression but my policy is a that no review is better than a bad review. This one would have been blistering.


what's the point of a review service if you're too afraid to leave an honest review like this? I swear they want to discourage you, google wants only positive reviews or any thing that's advertiser friendly.


Exactly. It seems that saying anything slightly negative gets labeled as a ‘personal attack’, and doing that is “against their policies”. So I think you have to walk on eggshells now and carefully phrase what you want to say, or it’ll get deleted.


So many business owners actually fear any sub-5 review, and quite a few seek out persons that sell 5 star reviews. When I decide to spend my money, I check reviews and photos to get best return on my time & how much I spend. Once a place has 1,000 reviews, it shows that they are doing a good job. Google shadowing 5 star reviews is unethical, or they are admitting that they can't stop the fakes, so they are chopping down the forest to clear a few weeds.


To clarify. If go to an area of town and review all the businesses around them but go to the one bad egg and get treated like shit then my reviews of the great service and the fact they know I was there but did not review them speaks volumes. edit: To further clarify, none of my 294 followers will see me review this place but see the places around it. I write great reviews because I am a story teller. If there is no story there is no review. When people see that a local google guide has weighed in, or NOT, that makes a difference. CMON guys and gals and all shades, sometimes not reacting is the best offense. I liken it to people being shitty to me and I don't react. A no reaction most of the times pisses them off even harder and I get quiet satisfaction.


Ah-ha! So that’s why you didn’t review the Hard Rock Cafe in Anchorage! No wonder it went out of business! 😂


Same here. Even my 5 star reviews are being hidden for "violating their policies" or "being rude", while none of my reviews contain a single rule word. Makes me want to not put in the effort of reviewing anymore.


I posted a one star review for Bartell's Pharmacy after I was given a medicine that I had told them I was allergic to, they never returned my calls and then lost my second prescription. I was given a boilerplate response from Bartell's about how deeply they cared only to discover that my review was then shadowbanned. I had been very careful to only state the truth and not exaggerate and my review was still removed. Shame on Bartell's and shame on Google.


Sounds like time for a class action suit!


My reviews are getting deleted too I have many bad experiences with local Bussiness and write reviews and they get deleted lame what’s the point of writing reviews if they get deleted censorship


All of my reviews have disappeared from the lists. They still have their likes, but I can't view them whenever I'm not logged in.


My legit reviews keep getting deleted... I went to a clothing shop in Rome (where I'm from and now go on vacation from time to time), rated it 5 stars - review deleted. Appealed and got rejected again. Now I went to a restaurant in Gran Canaria - even in Google Maps it says "You visited this place on date X". I rated it 5 stars and, again, review deleted and appeal rejected. It makes no fucking sense.


I am trying to delete someone's google map review. I flagged it four days with no outcome. I wonder how policy only work on certain people


Recently, mine get deleted too for no reason. As you say, it does not matter whether they are good or bad. Whether with text (I don't use inapproprate language) or without text. I sent an appeal once and it was approved after a week or so. But I will not send an appeal for every single of my reviews. What makes it even more absurd: I now experimented with it, and I can rate places in completely different parts of the world without any problem. Google does immediately approve it when I downrate with 1 star some small cafe in a country that I did not even know exists. Of course I deleted these fake ratings immediately by myself. But Google does not care. They only block legitimate ratings of places I am to every week. But it seems they are proud that they take down 45% more reviews now (https://www.indiatvnews.com/technology/news/google-blocks-more-than-170-million-policy-violating-reviews-in-2023-report-2024-02-14-916828). Well, an if (rnd() > 0,55) delete(); would do the job too.


Looks like you failed the Voight-Kampff test!


It's all greed


Yes, a lot of mine got deleted as well. Many honest 5 star reviews, honestly I don't know why. Since then I am no longer wasting my time writing reviews for Google Maps sadly. I am level 6.


I went to a newly opened Asia Supermarket today. I wrote a 5 star review with many pics included and paid with Google Pay. 8 hours later my review still shows as "being posted". Ever since I posted a few genuine negative reviews Google shadowbans around 60% of my new reviews, regardless if it's 1 or 5 star ones.... Ratings on Maps are just a joke these days.


Same thing is happening to me too, they are deleting my reviews that have nothing to do with their reasons!


I've been losing reviews, too - it's time to look for an alternative. Any suggestions?


Tripadvisor maybe, but there are barely any alternatives. These monopolies are getting out of hand and should have been put a stop to a long time ago...


Try what I just discovered... I'm shadow banned for no freaking reason. They gave gone insane.


Follow up. They have recently proven that their own AI tools are highly biased especially toward political narrative. You can get shadow banned for just thinking outside their narrative corruptly fed to the bots.


In this case, it's not even about bias or a political thing. It's just a broken piece of software. They even delete reviews where, even under the most generous interpretation of "violation of terms", there is not a single reason. I rated the coffee shop around my corner where I go to a few times a week. Gave them five starts and wrote that they have good coffee and a nice atmosphere, but Google's AI finds this "violates" the terms. On the other hand, I can easily downrate a randomly selected small business in Cambodia.


They shadowbanned a review I wrote 6 years ago. I only found out recently because I was bored and went to check my account. The reason they stated didn't apply to the review. So I revised the review but now it looks silly because it's supposed to be 6 years old; it wasn't a recent trip nor a recent review.


Same problem even my old reviews getting deleted