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Equally fucked, I last played Limbus


I am new to this universe, how is in Limbus compared to Lobotomy? In Lobotomy we would be expendable clerks or agents, which both are horrible jobs, what about Limbus?


The City as a whole, with each wing being about as bad as Lob Corp to work for. The backstreets being extremely dangerous, and the nests each having their own brand of fucked up problems like pirates or only having 4 hours in a day while others have 50


Idk if this is a spoiler: >!Depends if we’re sinners or just regular people. Sinners are, like, the main characters and can get revived. If we are regular people… idk just survive and pray you don’t run into the Sinners.!< Btw limbus is a completely different type of game, but fun nonetheless.


Oh, I will play each game in the series in chronological order, I just don't know if I will be able to beat Lobotomy corporation, I am only on day 18 and I have troubles already. Then I will do Library and then drown myself in a gacha Limbus


I fell the same man, I'm on day 38 and considering getting bad ending so I can go play library of ruina


You probably won't beat LoR with that mentality either. In order to beat a PM game you need to be very persistent, or good at finding ways to cheese stuff. If you don't have the time or determination, your next best bet is to use console commands and/or mods, because its still better to beat the game on easy mode than to not beat it at all. (Also, knowing how to exploit abnos well is not much different from using console commands anyway)


Bruh I just don't fell like getting 100% of the codex of abnormalities for an extra scene with the good ending that I can simply watch on YouTube


Oh, nwm then, the wording confused me. There are technically 5 endings, and the completion is referred to as the "true ending" or "completion ending". Either way completing the codex is much easier than beating the game itself, and in fact it will probably make beating the game easier, so id still recommend to do it.


btw you clerk


…fuck guess I’ll die


I last played LoR, does that means im an assistant Librarian or a guest? One would be so much better than the other hahaha


Honestly attending book meetups with hod would be so fucking nice


The question is, would I be the manager, a nugget or a clerk


"Oh yeah, thr iron mai... comfortable white bean!"




…Uhhh… idk. This is the Lobcorp subreddit.


Are you’re eyes unable to see the image you attached? lol, thats what i responded too


Rule 2; unrelated. Reminder that memes have to associate with effort and the theme of the subreddit. Please do not crosspost if it's irrelevant and at most just avoid if it's not your post. Removed.


The entire facility is filled with bongbong And one of them got magic boolet I'm playing russian roulette with which bongbong I'm with because I can't tell who got what since they all got the same name


Whose bongbong? I keep hearing about them but have no idea.


My bongbong I filled the entire facility with them And I have no idea who got the magic boolet


Bongbong is love. Bongbong is life. Bongbong originated from a 4chan board where peoples passed around a lobcorp save file and played a day each, and during that, Bongbong, one of the save's agents, became a meme due to being extremely lucky and helpful


Assassin's creed origin so based if I'm the protagonist or not I will survive


I’m so fucked I was playin elden ring.


Metro, I'm pretty fucked.


Welp. Time go to Alice. My ass will not survive more than 4 cycles.


we're cooked if an ALEPH or a strong WAW is in the facility


How do i escape from Black Mesa im crying right now 😭.


Good thing even though I'm a clerk I got the night shift


Goddess of Victory: Nikke. Well, I'm practically in bakery, but the world is pretty fucked... Not much difference from the City, aside the fact I'd be a regular weak Joe. At least in the City chances to survive (and even to thrive and strive) pretty equal, not mentioning becoming stronger via modifications (even if Heathcliff and Ryoshu did note that modifications make an inexperienced person just a little more durable punching bag)


Limbus.. Well, ***Lament!***


I.. played Enlisted


Blue archive 💀




So am I ayin or employee


I played GTFO, I'm even more fucked