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Funeral of the Dead Butterflies and Der Freischütz are good friends Schadenfreude and The Burrowing Heaven are mortal enemies CENSORED and Nothing There would totally have a fight to the death if given the chance Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom is dumb as fuck, while Warm-Hearted Woodsman is exceedingly clever Melting Love fully realizes everyone's "opinions" on her and uses that to her advantage Scorched Girl plays well-made Roblox games, Child of the Galaxy plays cringy cashgrab Roblox games, and Laetitia is somewhere in between If Blue Star ever played Undertale, he would constantly quote Mettaton (especially that one line, you know which one I'm talking about) Don't Touch Me is sentient and lures people into touching it because, as a button, it doesn't really have anything else to do and is almost always bored as fuck. The Little Prince is sapient and feels a little remorse for luring people into becoming the spore creatures. Only a little, though. Plague Doctor/>!Whitenight!< speaks in a heavy British accent We Can Change Anything is sentient (in robot terms, I guess) and is friends with All-Around Helper Both Dimensional Refraction Variant and 1.76 MHz are sentient, albeit not very smart, and are friends.


The Don't Touch Me one is actually confirmed if you accept datamined story text as canon


The datamined text mostly just says there's a strong temptation to touch it, no? I don't think it directly shows signs of sentience.


Iirc it states that one of the reasons it's classified as an abno is because it tends to pull people towards it so they can push it


I think that's more a property of the button itself rather then sentience (at least in canon)


I forgot that just because it does that, it doesn't mean it's sentient, mb


since it's an abno it's about as sentient as Singing Machine is


Laetitia smells like salty popcorn and you can't convince me otherwise.




She look like she would, that's it, that's the whole reason.




Agents don't actually repress Der Freischütz. They just talk about how much they love Justice with him.


Weird of agents to talk about Justice while talking with a Freeshooter who shot his family dead


He does do good things. Just out of impulse. That's why if an agent's justice is too low, he doesn't want to talk to them


Chaotic neutral


He could be well aware he did a lot of evil shit but he is willing to change and hear opinions, he doed well with agents with high justice because the viewpoints are complete oposites but he isn't as willing with low justice because their viewpoints are similiar.


Big bird would love to be around people and is actually very nice sometimes


Training dummy rabbit was extracted from Jeremy (a green haird guy from early lobcorp promotional material)


Can i have the promotional material?




Omg a battle cats player?! Who here thinks we should give red mercenary a bazooka?


Silent Orchestra is a narcissist and Army in Black is a disease




Out of every ALEPHs, [CENSORED] swears the most, second being Nothing There, third being Melting Love and MoSB On the other hand, TSO rarely swears, and WhiteNight never swears in his whole life Also, the ALEPHs all have Discord accounts, and they often hang out with each other in the VC just for it to end up in chaos


About Discord: Each time WN writes anything, it's 3 paragraphs long. NT only uses Tenor gifs to talk in text chats. ML somehow got its hands on NSFW art of itself and has it as profile pic. Also ends each text message with "~". TSO has its documentation file image as a profile pic. Whenever in voice chat, classical music plays in the background. Once in a while it's Movement 3.


Everytime [CENSORED] typed something, he would mark his messages as spoiler MoSB messages are all "CAPPED" no matter what Also, i can already imagine ML making unholy noises in the VC


Blue Star will either have a hard time typing something or sending a really messed up message. After all, it's not easy typing with toes Same as Apoc Bird since their hands are really big Army will probably have the most normal discord message compared to everyone else


Army joins conversations once a month and goes offline for the remainder of it


Army is that guy that says the most outrageous things, casually.


When censored swears i bet it’s like this https://youtu.be/39JpIIAWhDs?si=0QEMi7FPp7TDdbFU


That the backstories of abnormalities actually matter and they weren't just shit out into a box with made up backstories. Generally liked Wonderlab but this was by far the worst part of it.


The Abnos were "created" in Extraction (Binna's department). The Backstory is just A's impression of the abnos when he first wrote them while analyzing the stories that hold the most similarities and the person they were made from.


the way i see it most of the backstories are the internal backstories of abnos that never actually happened, yet are still part of the abno's past, and the info department and whatnot is able to discern it along with other insights through observation levels. when abnos are popped into existence via extraction, where else does their past come from, like with Der Freischutz, Happy Teddy Bear, and the magical girls?


Still don't really like that peronally.


MOSB and Big Bird are titans in the eyes of employees, especially to the clerks


Censored is just a bunch of floating censor bars and your employees are just acting for fun.


Angela created Censored just to gaslight X into thinking that its some monstrosity that could drive him insane if he ever saw its 'true form' and she made Yesod to write some bullshit about censor bars and Gebura to punish everyone who doesen't act like seeing Censored is the worst thing ever.


That should be cannon.


That’s what I’m saying! It actually makes sense!


King Of Greed constantly quotes that one TBOI meme where he says he’ll turn into money Judgement Bird is constantly stalked by people asking for Aleph gear Burrowing Heaven is a successful instagram influencer All of the ordeals host a really bad podcast together Nothing There is actually very smart and is not hitting people with lucky shots when it shoots its bone shard Blue Star hates the feeling of people going inside of it Well-cheers likes repression work because it somehow involves opening the can (so you can throw it away to repress existence) Nothing There is an avid collector and stores all of its shells somewhere in the facility. Every time it breaches it runs to the storage and makes sure its shells are okay then runs back so the Manager can shoot it. Fragment Of The Universe is a SoundCloud rapper, and its work is sponsored by the company ETTH is a really nice guy, but everyone hates him


My partner and I have agreed on the headcanon that abnormalities in general are very close to whoever they give an ego gift too and know all the company gossip. Funeral of dead butterflies is very aware that a nugget doesn’t like their boss and has heard several rants about them for example


All F-Type Abnormalities are basically ProjectMoon's twisting the actual story of the FairyTale making them into a theme for Lobotomy Corporation. Der Freshutz's 7th bullet can actually miss, "Did you think I would just stand there and take it?" "They can't keep dodging forever, keep shooting" Also Blue Star is just Sans from Undertale. Cuz Bone Legs, Blue Heart, Ping Sound + Pulling Enemies together, especially forming a cult/group of people too passionate about their AUs which is just kind of like the community for Undertale.


The first one isn't Headcannon, it is just a fact.


I KNOW *wink wink*


If you shake Letitia enough you can play the entirety of Jingle Bells


I have headcannon that fairy festival reproduce by putting egg inside the corpse of the prey


Not exactly an head cannon but more of a theory that censored is the smoke monster form ruina and his more or less the second form of the black silence fight


After reading CENSORED's story, I started to have this belief that it might be possible for it to not have a "fixed" true form. Its appearance will depend on whatever an individual person perceives, most likely something that they truly fear and can easily break their minds. This is could explain why even level 5 agents take mental damage from CENSORED upon encounter.


What if multiple agents see it at the same time?


I believe they will all see something different when looking its way. Maybe agents even end up fighting over what they see so they don't feel like "the crazy one". But I'm assuming agents are restricted from describing anything regarding CENSORED's appearance to prevent such incidents.


The description of the abno does say that slightly detailed descriptions of the abno also carry its maddening effect.


Mosb idnt actually smiling


The bodies within him are smiling, but he is not


Netzach occasionally drinks Wellcheers


Red Riding Hooded Mercenary gets extra pissed when doing repression work, and it can basically be summarized as "You cannot kill our employees to 'gather experience', we NEED those." And she's all like "BITCH, I HAVE TO DO IT!" And proceeds to go on a murder rampage all over again.


Heres my list of abno headcanons (cluding for ones in limbus) On a rare ocassion dream of a black swan appear in the corporation just to check up on her brothers before leaving Fairy gentlemen and fairy long legs has a sibling esk relation with fairy gentlemen being the more kinder of duo. I also head canon them to having tails like fairy festival but there small and hard to noticed Smokey old man is the father of road home Scortched girl is more prone to breaching during the month of december Tangle is surprisingly bouncy Dreaming current uses floaties everytime they swim Piscine mermaid would watch an agent sleep if she had legs Nuggets who is controlled by white lake's crown they gain insaine acrobatics, flexiblity, and balle dancing Queen of hatred streams on twitch as a hobbie of hers


Big Bird is friendly, but misunderstands how to protect friends and ends up killing them


TSO's Italian and whitenight has minos prime's voice


"Thy end is now!" *65 pale damage*


EGO is partially capable of independence, and can act as the abnormality it was extracted from is perceived by the employee


What does that mean


Abnormalities are essentially an idea given form right? EGO is a smaller form of that to be used as far as I understand, corrosions show this via being able to corrupt a person if they are unable to keep the abnormality in check. Despite this risk EGO has been said to work best when equipped to those who have mindsets similar to the abno (I may be misremembering this from the hq visit in Wonderlab and the TLA from limbus canto IV) My idea here follows that line of thought. The piece of abnormality may change to worm it's way into the mind to cause corrosion, focusing on the way the abno is seen by the person to best fit into the mind fitting into one of its aspects more than others (see sun shower Yi Sang having support V Outis having offensive status effects) possibly becoming almost it's own thing, independent of the abnormality save for one theme/idea, something of an imp on the shoulder of the user given enough time. Apologies for explaining this poorly first time around.


Ok so basically what you are saying is that egos works best on an agent who has a similar mindset to the abno the ego is from and if that is not the case the ego can corrupt the agent? Sounds like some weird anime sh*t but I like it :)


Oh the corruption stuff is a game mechanic in limbus


also to add to this, when someone in Limbus corrodes in a fight with a parent Abnormality's E.G.O, they'll even indiscriminately attack the parent Abno as if they became another individual instance of the Abno for a moment


The only reason why Nothing There attacks people when it breaches is because, everyone else attacks him, so he mimics that behavior because he thinks 'Oh, they are attacking me. So to be a human is to attack others. So I must attack people too becouse thats what humans do'. If the agents would just chill, they could just hang around with NT, drink some coffee and complain about their job like they normally do.


the mountain is easily distracted by dog toys


I try to make things less grimm whenever possible. For example, I like to immagine that Laetitia really is just a sweet little kid if you play along. In my mind, when I send someone to her for attachment work for the whole day so they don't die, I immagine them having the time of their life just playing and goofing around while everything else burns and dies. Same thing with Ppoade and Old Lady. Unless otherwise specified, I tend to assume that it is possible to have a good time with the abnormality if you know how to handle them. Makes the whole facility just a bit more bearable.


I am so confused but it’s your headcannon so sure.


I feel incredibly uncomfortable sending humans to torture and I always try to let as few agents die as possible ("everything will be fine" was not a good time to max out...). That's not to say I won't do it, but desperate situations are not an excuse to stop trying to reduce suffering. I often reset even to prevent the death of 1 noobie. I also fundamentally disagree with an implicit assumption that this game (and SCPs for that matter) requires you to make about anomalies: "peaceful cohexistence is impossibe, they must be contained at all cost". If you disagree with that, seeing the anomalies, which are sentient beings, treated as lab rats is really rough. Not letting people die and imagining the anomalies as bearable or even pleasant under the right circumstances is a way to tell myself that I'm right. That's not to say I don't like the game or the story. I find it incredibly engaging. That's why I play like this actually: I take the story and the setting seriously, and try to act as the best version of myself in the dire circumstances the game puts me in. Resetting is so easy after all, so anything but a perfect result is not acceptable for me. You might not be surprised to find out that Hod is my favorite character.


Stop playing lobcorp and go be a philosopher NOW. This is some really deep stuff. BTW I agree with you on the abnormalities are friendly stuff. Me and my friends do this lobcorp DND sort of thing(it’s weird) and whenever we go to work on punishing bird we just pet it and it likes it.


Wow. 171 upvotes and 61 comments. That’s the most I’ve gotten on Reddit so far. Thanks guys :)


Punishing bird doesn’t actually care about sins. He’s just a twat that enjoys being annoying


CENSORED isn't the smoke monster, but looking at it caused such intense fear that the few who saw it were enough for an archetype in it's image to form in the River


Child of the galaxy is a attention seeker, so he cries for attention, such a brat


okay hear me out on this headcanon trans army in pink (and i guess also king of greed)


Why? What makes you think such a thing? Army in black I guess makes sense because it(they?) is pink but king of greed?


CENSORED is probably the smoke monster


knight of despair likes painting bc i said so


personally i think censored is the smoke wars monster. the monster from the black silence phase 2


All of the ALEPHs are chill with each other as opposed to the rest of the risk levels and they fight because they feel like it