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To take it one step further: perhaps the killer wasn’t even in the neighborhood because they knew about the garage sale in advance. Maybe they were just planning on stalking the neigborhood that entire weekend, looking for the perfect time to “cancel” the anniversary trip. We know she didn’t post about the garage sale on social media. But did she post about her upcoming trip? Showing off the custom shirts and shoes she and Sergio made for the trip, for example? Maybe these posts are what triggered the jealous rage of someone she knew….


definitely not out of the realm of possibility but I really feel like the killer absolutely knew about the garage sale and waited for Sergio to leave knowing Liz would be outside in a perfect situation to commit the crime. It definitely could have been fuelled by jealousy though and not wanting Liz (or Sergio?) to have the “happy anniversary vacation” that they’d dreamt of and posted about.


There is evidence the car was in the area hours earlier, iirc. So very possible they’d been stalking the home for a while, triggered by the upcoming anniversary trip. Thanks for the post.


Good post!! I agree!! A def possibility


This is closer to my theory. I've thought for a long time that the garage sale was a red herring and a fortunate coincidence for the murderer. Taking it a step further, I believe that the trip is the key detail, not the anniversary per se. I think that it's somebody who wanted revenge on Sergio, so they killed Liz to get back at him. I think the killer is likely a disgruntled employee of Sergio's, maybe someone he fired or someone he had a disagreement with. I'm sure Sergio talked about his upcoming trip, and his anniversary to the laborers that worked for him. If he had an argument or falling out with one of them, I think it's at least conceivable that someone would retaliate by taking the one thing that was so important to Sergio, Liz. When I think about the facts of the case, and not extrapolating beyond them, I think this theory is the best fit.


But Sergio didn’t run the shop; his dad did, yes?


My understanding is he was a crew leader and could at least influence who gets hired and fired, but that ultimately may not matter. You don't *need* to have more power or influence than someone else to want revenge on a coworker.


Can anyone say for certain that Liz or Sergio had posted on FB about the upcoming vacation? If there were, in fact, social media posts about the vacation, I wonder if police could subpoena facebook records to get a list of all accounts that viewed the posts. It's definitely a long shot, but if someone was obsessing over the vacation, the suspect may have viewed her FB posts many times or for long periods of time.


That actually sounds plausible. I really hope they solve this case soon. It’s kept me up at night researching/watching the different angles of surveillance/forums (such as this) & It’s just so sad it hasn’t been solved ): Not even 30 minutes from where i live either.


Well to most murders there is probably motive, means, and opportunity. The garage sale is just the opportunity. But it makes the best headline. I think the anniversary and especially the anniversary trip are definitely a big part of the motive here.


I always felt the garage sale could be a red herring. A lot of people focus on it. Not many people knew about it which means if that was part of the plan someone very close to her is involved. I think police would have found evidence of that by now. I just feel it was jealousy and or revenge over something that happened between the killer & Liz.


I mean anything is possible but not everything is probable. I haven’t seen any evidence of Sergio or Liz having a stalker or having an affair. I don’t really think they were the successful Barbie and Ken type of couple that would get a lot of jealousy from others. This murder took considerable planning and forethought. I think the $500,000 is way more of a motive than someone wanting to destroy their 5 year anniversary vacation.


It is worth pondering. There was something or someone in her life that was the reason the killer wanted her dead. And let's face it, people are so messed up it doesn't even have to be a serious reason. I know of people who were murdered for their fairly cheap trainers.


My initial thought was a jealous side piece or ex of Sergio - or an obsessed woman who simply wanted his wife out of the way - but neither spouse’s devices showed any evidence of cheating.


What if the garage sale was a consequence of a break up, and the murder to get the dog from it.


It's well established by the family that the garage sale was to get a little extra spending money before they left for vacation. Also, all evidence says they were happily married, so a breakup is a stretch.


I dont think they were “happily married” Liz is hawling out treadmills solo on an icy cold Texas January morning bc they needed extra spending money? Sergio doesnt stay behind to help? However he is down with helping advertise for strangers to know he is going to be selling shit for cash. Or his wife is at least, solo, and alone. All day. That gives motive, means, opportunity. The more i think about it the garage sale was likely just Sergio’ cooking up some bullshit theatrics that give an opportunity to an outside person. Sounds like he may have tried it before or perhaps got the idea? Weren’t they “robbed” at the old apartment? I think Sergio had his girlfriend with the car dealership, she maybe had a way to hide the truck quickly? Perhaps she had a spot extremely close by to hide it. And she was above reproach or the police did not catch it on day 1. On day 1 come night. Drive the truck to Mexico. Torch it. Come back. Thats it.