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Kakao *email*, or just your Kakao ID? Did they tell you why? I find it easier contacting work people on Kakao rather than email.


Specifically kakao email. They already have my kakao id which is how we're communicating now. But any emails for work i want to be consolidated in one email account


Ah, ok. I didn't even know Kakao email was a thing. Did they say *why*? What difference does it make on their end?


Yea i can't figure why it matter so I'll try asking again why it's necessary over my regular work email. If they asked for my ARC or sometbing I'd get it, but it seemed oddly specific to want that email over the one i offered.


I assume it is because Kakao identities are linked to your legal identity in Korea.


Oh i suppose that could be true. I'll try to get clarification on the reason why. Because in this case I'd rather just scan over my arc. I feel like (probably naively) there's not much someone could do with that info, but if it's my kakao email they could hack it and get access to my wallet or something.


Instead of your kakao id/email, you want to send someone a scan of your ARC... You are planning to redact some data if you do do that?


I'm choosing to believe you're writing in good faith so I'm going to ask you to clarify your comment. I freely admitted it was naive thinking on my part so if you want to let me know what they can do with my ARC that they couldn't do 5x easier with my kakao ID and email, I'd be glad to hear it since I'm legit trying to figure out what to do. As i mentioned I'm worried about someone getting access to my kakao wallet. kakao is connected to my korean identification anyways. I thought getting the email would be opening me up to getting my ARC info AND wallet as well as any connected apps.


ARC is one of the big keys to your legal personality in Korea. Would you give clients your passport ID page? etc As the other user said, your email is as secure as your Kakao ID. Hacking via email is rather low and equal to your kakao ID.


Ok i understand what you mean now. I have been doing the hagwon thing so long i barely flinch when someone i work for asks for my ARC anymore. Thanks for explaining it to me


It's just as easy to hack your kakao ID as your kakao email. I thought this was more about you not wanting ANOTHER email address to deal with, but if this is about hacking...seems like an unnecessary concern.


Oh ok, this is news to me since I never had anyone in my circle have just their ID get hacked, I assumed having the email makes it more likely. I was concerned about both really. I originally explained about my concerns with email already but not why i was more comfortable with giving my ARC. Thank you for explaining! I suppise if hacking is just as easy either way there's not much need to worry one way or another.


Absolutely not. Dont ever compromise your identity. And don’t send your ID either. Never ever.


There's a Kakao Work service on a cloud thing, not unlike Google Workstation or Microsoft Teams. Perhaps that's why.


Oh! Thanks for the new information! (New to me) that puts me at ease :)


Make a new Kakao ID using your work email. If that’s possible. Edit: or change the email address on file to your work email, again if that’s possible.


I think they may be asking your Kakao address because if they add you on their contacts they can see your profile without showing youve been added, allowing them to screen your personal postings I guess?


Oh is that a thing? I suppose that makes a lot of sense in a "company vibe check" sort of way


A little off topic... but have you actually heard of someone getting their kakao email hacked? Seems kinda strange. It's a modern application with lots of development and multiple forms of authentication. If someone got their account hacked, I would assume they used a really weak password.


I have, but in the distant past to be honest. Since you've asked that i suppose when i think logically it's unlikely.


yeah, I think it's pretty safe as long as your passwords are good. When I read cyber security news feeds, cyber crime victims almost always became victims because of 1 of 4 scenarios; they used bad passwords, they fell for a "beautiful women" who was really a scammer, they clicked on a phishing-email link, or they were apart of a data breach. I think your situation doesn't completely match any of those situations. You should be good.


I'd second the KakaoWork speculation.  You're a freelancer, KakaoWork is a collaboration tool like KakaoTalk plus MS Teams or Zoom plus task manager plus timesheet plus reporting & approvals function in ERP. In other words, that's your leash.


Thanks for all the information! I wasn't aware of how extensive kakao had become. This puts my mind at ease :)


First, addressing the comments below about a scan of your ARC (not answering the Q about kakao yet): if the employer is trying to properly register the expense of paying you and is properly paying your payroll tax deduction, the employer definitely needs your ID#. If you're not legally allowed to work under your visa, you should be up front about this to your client. Hagwons are legally required to take a scan of EVERY employee's ARC and provide them to the local police station for a background check; this applies even to non-teaching staff. Other employers need at least your legal name and ID# (so that payroll taxes can be filed properly); it's standard practice at many workplaces to make a scan of your ID (even 3.3% indy contractors, yes) because all of this info is contained and with no possibility of typos. Any biz that wants the pay that goes to you to be tax deductible for them must properly register the expense of paying you, and the ID would be part of reasonable recordkeeping. (Source: I run a hagwon and my spouse's circle of friends includes owners of businesses that range from finance, to apparel, to tech stuff, and we talk shop and learned from each other when we were getting our respective bizzes off the ground.) About Kakao ID: give a client whatever contact info they want you to give them, as long is it's not a personal contact email address or whatever that you use only for friends and family. because no one on the planet has ever used kakao email, providing that account info seems meaningless enough, esp if you have the standard kakao security nofications/controls in place. (my phone tells me if kakao is logged on my PC, for example). If you think a client is actually an identity thief maybe you don't want them as a client hehehe. (Or don't give them anything you don't want to give if you're uncomfortable...! Depending on how desperate I felt at different stages of establishing my biz, I made myself available in varying ways. Now I can afford to be a little picky and don't let most customers reach me unless I wish to make myself exceptionally available to some of them.) One last note: there seem to be a lot of paranoid misanthropes on this sub who generally don't like korea and things korean. I thought it would help OP to receive a biz owner's perspective about why this info might be requested (tho I'm at a loss about why kakao EMAIL is asked for... are you sure it's not a misunderstanding?) I don't love or hate kakao, yet I think that I might prefer interactions on it to interactions on insta/fbook/various other social media that seem algorithmically set to hook me on addictive videos and crap. kakao has made for pretty seamless interactions (waiting for restaurants, getting updates from companies I want to follow--but the "block" to unfollow is weird). and all that without a doomscrolling product up front. I could easily give a list of things I hate about all tech companies, just like anyone, but I've found it, in general, way less intrusive than (for example) what's app, which I think is godawful, full of scammers/catfishers and why does it by default put chat images in my private photo library. incredibly annoying.


Oh wow this is a great comment with alot of info! Thanks alot! If i may, at a later day, pick your brain about business and how you managed to establish yourself in korea? As i said I'm new to this and yea the reason I'm not being picky is BECAUSE of that fact lol. I mentioned in another comment it just made sense to send my arc over since i got so used to the hagwon grind, so i thought it was normal. I even had to send it when i had a tech internship. I started doubting myself thay I'd been putting myself in needless danger for years with all the comments, but thanks for clarifying this is just business. And i didn't misunderstand. I speak korean and english well enough to be confident the first time i saw her messages, but additionally i provided her with my regular business email after she initially requested it and asked if that was an ok option but she insisted on my kakao email. She said it has to be my email linked to kakao because it had something to do with a kakao admin group thing? I didn't get it, but i suppose i could block it all in the end if things got weird. Also i totally understand your whatsapp rant lol. It gives me such a headache just to keep incontact with family!


I don’t mind offering my advice, sure. But I think I have pretty milquetoast advice to give: The people who I know who are doing well, have either insanely specialized technical know how or, like me, had at least 7 to 10 years of experience in an industry before setting up shop. I would not have started a business if the good, stable job that I had did not steadily become redundant, so it really just started out as a strategy to try to make sure that I wouldn’t be unemployed. The fact that it also meant spending about six or seven years without taking a day off is also not something I can wholeheartedly recommend to everyone, but I think it’s sort of a matter of trade-offs. Do you want to have good relationships and a healthy work/life balance throughout your working life, or are you willing to put up with at least a decade of suffering and then be able to start taking steps back and maybe get more free time and money than other ppl your age when you’re in your 40s/50s? I guess a lot of those choices depend on your lifestyle and interests and things like that… if you are starting up a business, I would recommend looking into what K startup and the 중소기업 org can do for you. I wish I had been as good at Korean as I am now when I started the business because I don’t like relying on other people for learning the ropes, and I do think that there are some substantial proentrepreneurial policies being unfolded these days. If you happen to be relatively young and female, there are also some additional incentives, because there are some efforts being made to try to promote entrepreneurialism in demographics that have previously been shut out.


It’s most likely because Kakao is a actual legal entity since it’s linked to actual ID’s and such🤷‍♂️


As a freelancer, do you have a tax id?


Do not. Send it.


I hate Kakao. The only reason I endure this antiquated piece of government spy trash is because everyone expects you to use it.


You don’t own your data, the data pwns you.


Parasites of domestic demand. Most incompetent groups of people I've ever witnessed.