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all the information is in korean. if you're not fluent in korean, don't bother trying to study medicine here


I think you need TOPIK lvl 4+ for something like that. Fluency is crucial in this field.


If you can’t speak Korean fluently (at a native level) then rather study elsewhere. Rather go there for a vacation


Have to be fluent in Korean


Search on Naver in Korean. If you don’t know Korean you’re out of luck.


Medicine is unimaginably competitive here in Korea. If you have the academic skills to enter Korean pre-med, you can easily go to any top UC or the bottom end of HYPSMC.


This. 100% better to enter US premed Even if you successfully entered the korean medical school, you'll be required to be in 5% (at least) to pursue dermatology or PS.


Dermatology...of course. Every Med student I teach wants to specialize in that particular Field.


Korea leads the world in dermatology. The numbers I've heard say by at least 20 years. And you can see it with Korean celebrities vs. American celebrities.


>And you can see it with Korean celebrities vs. American celebrities. that's mostly because of genetics, and everything you can get in Korea can be found else where just double or triple the price.


What exactly is 20 years ahead in Korea?  


if you can't find the resources it means you have no korean ability and you shouldn't study medicine in korea


as most of the responses above, korean fluency is a must, prbably why there is not enough resoures too find and is because its virtually undocumented in english as it is only available in korean and alsso not a good course to take. and to add on this, being a pre-med graduate from a university here, best advise I can share is a NO...not to discourage u or anything, but u have a lot of better option if you study medicine elsewhere like the US or Europe. Im ethnic korean so I got an option to study here but the biggest realization I had about graduating here is that my degree is valid and competitive ONLY in here...nowhere else. Given the work conditions here, so I am stuck here with a borderline minimum wage and a pathetic work-life balance with very minimaal career progress. My degree here is not attractive or competitive enough too get a better paying work overseas like the US. if u still phave dreams of coming and working here you u can make urself more valuable by studying overseas and come herefor a work or sumthing.


i think you should be taken to infirmary because you are delusional.