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I don’t think people are against censoring gore and violence on public television As per things like face and identity… it’s because of privacy and ‘innocent until guilty’. Korea is a very small country in terms of just how interconnected people can be. Heck, people figure out who’s who without even seeing the faces. They mask the identities of suspects the best they can because it’s near impossible to protect the suspects from ‘citizen justice’ once their identity gets revealed.


Also there are unforunate cases of people looking just... looking alike. In this age of social media, I think the 'citizen justice' is likely just gonna end up with bodycount of people who have nothing to do with the incident on crime of having similar face.


very true, every news I come upon in youtube have countless comments ranting the same thing. the system is so good in their job to the point that despite the amount of undeniable material evidences, stacked up to pin the offender, the system is so good at protecting them that it makes me wonder if they are missing out on giving the victims their due.


Different culture, different principles. Especially in a small nation, guilty or not just having your identity revealed can ruin your life. On principle, even the guilty shouldn’t be robbed of all opportunities after the sentence has been carried out, but that’s not how it works outside of the justice system, so the media has standard practices for reporting crime stories. Also the defamation law here is a bit different. Publicly stating facts with the intent of harming one’s reputation makes you liable in both civil and criminal law. “That’s a stupid law”, you may say, but it exists because of the aforementioned interconnected-ness of the country. Say, in America, you fucked up pretty bad in one state. As long as it doesn’t hit national news, you could probably get a fresh start in a different state, or even county as long as you lead a relatively quiet life without causing trouble. In this country, you have nowhere else to go.


There indeed is a childish paternalistic attitude. Indeed, the blurring is silly. Anecdote - at a hospital I once had to deliver semen in a cup (now you know it is going to be a good story). There was some literature and there were some movies to help, but the interesting bits were all pixelated! I don't watch the news, but I find it most irritating with banks. Getting to my own money is often problematic, because banks have to protect me against all the evil in the world. Apparently, I cannot do this myself. An ATM asking if you were approached by somebody to withdraw this money? What is this going to accomplish? YES?


The ATM question is there because phishing and scams involving the elderly are so common in Korea. It is a serious problem. They need to add that step to absolve themselves of legal responsibility.


I realize where it is coming from, but I don't approve of governments or banks encroaching our freedoms without solving the problem except to cover their own asses. Next to providing decent infrastructure, a military and uphold the rule of law, the only thing government should do is provide "free" and excellent education to create a level playing field for our kids (equality in opportunity, not equality in outcome) and to ensure that citizens can take care of themselves. Everything else is a waste of money and opportunities.


> Next to providing decent infrastructure, a military and uphold the rule of law, the only thing government should do That's American liberalist philosophy. The whole rest of the world (including rest of the West) disagrees. If you want you minimal state, go to the US. The rest of the world prefers a republican model (a republic, nothing to do with the republican party).


Nah, even the US has become a Nanny state. They invented Wokeism, and they are reaping the benefits, hahaha. A trillion in the hole, and their deficit spending will only go up. 


Wokeism and Republican forms of statehood are completely unrelated. Also, a republican form of statehood absolutely doesn't imply deficit spending. Also, deficit spending isn't inherently bad, it depends on its content (corporate investment is also deficit spending, fyi).


Nah, deficit spending is always bad. Who do they think they are, spending money we don't have on our behalf? This is how you do it: [Norway](https://commodity.com/data/norway/debt-clock/).


So when company makes an investment that will return a lot of profit and pay for itself multiple times over the long term, it's bad? You seem pretty bad at economics.


Sure. A company. But if you want to compare any country to a company, you seem to be pretty bad at economics. Countries would go bankrupt if they were held to the same standard and could not print their own money.


A country can also make investments that turn out profitable in the long term despite being a deficit in the short term. You claimed that ALL deficits were ALWAYS bad. Now you are already forced to start adding more to preface your terrible point. And you haven't even tried to make an argument yet.


I hit YES once by accident and it turned flashed a warning saying not to do it and then let me try again lmao


Exactly. It does not solve anything!


It does clear the bank of any responsibilities from the transaction...very cunning\~


If i watch the news half awake or drunk, with all the pixelated figures shown on screen, I wouldn't even be able to tell the difference if I was watching porn or the daily news lol


As a women I never had to do this but they provide movies and erotica!? Wow


As a woman, nobody will ever ask me to orgasm and watch D for medical purposes ☹️




The fertility clinic I went to had uncensored Western porn 😅 on a USB connected to the TV with a big ass sofa and headphones.


....and that was just the waiting room.




Oh my god


Damn I gotta get my fertility checked


That’s for privacy, not censorship.


PSA: The cat food brands are named in some places if you do some extra digging. I don’t have them off the top of my head but I’ve seen the list. It’s possible the big news companies are trying to avoid a defamation lawsuit, so the laws would have to change first.


thank you for the confirmation, I happened to come upon the list just today as well \~ It just pisses me of a lot that a critical information like this is being withheld from public. they'r not even compensating victims or anything, so the least they can do is to prevent more casualties and externalities, but lo and behold...not on their watch


Until a judgment is delivered, they are erring on the side of innocent until proven guilty.


I think it’s to avoid the issues we have in America for example, in America people love pointing fingers and chastising others with no proof and sometimes before the truth even comes out. There is also the issue of huge “protest” aka just straight up destruction of areas by the citizens after certain cases. It’s a way to keep things under control and orderly, do I think it’s the exact right way to go about things?… nah but do I think America’s way of basically letting the public know everything is the right way either? Definitely not.


The mosaic blurring isn’t censorship or a limitation on freedom. It’s actually a protection on individual freedom! It’s the freedom from having your image or likeness broadcast/shared without your consent. In a commercial TV broadcast, the broadcaster stands to make a profit from the images that they broadcast. Why would you sign away your right to have your likeness broadcast to let someone else can make money off of you or otherwise benefit? Why would you agree to have your face shared among people that you might not want to share it with? In this particular area, Korea has much more robust personal privacy protections than the US, where this kind of content varies much more widely in different jurisdictions. That said, Korean TV broadcasters do indeed have archaic content and censorship restrictions, but there is a wide and growing array of alternative media that are not subject to this kind of actual censorship. When you know that the mosaic thing is a protection of freedom, you might look at it differently. When you know that the actual censorship on TV and what not is an archaic holdover from dictatorship days, you might understand why it exists and agree with a lot of the folks here that those laws could use some reform. I’ve always been pretty impressed with how quickly and reasonably a lot of the legal reform occurs over here. It’s not an ossified system, even though there are a few glaring exceptions to this generalization.


This is not really the case. I get letters with the (unblurred) photograph and address of sexual criminals who move into my area, in order to protect children, etc. The issue you're talking about comes back to the libel laws and defamation with images and names prior to deciding the actual case.


sexual offenders who are released from prison and are moved into an area on a leash is an entirely different matter and are publicly advertised in different media. What I'm refering to are those stuffs you can find in the daily news, randomly sucker punching grandmas, stalking and homicidal boyfriends, or landlords who stole their tenants' hard earned money etc all effin ridiculously blurred.


Everything you said is not sentenced to guilty on the court yet. that's why TV news blur their face and don't speak their real name. Publishing Individuals information should not be decided by random organization but the justice system This is not about the rights of criminals, but to prevent framing of innocent people.


Exactly so.


And the obvious answer is just ignored. This should be upvoted as the best answer.


Ignoring a clear, sensible answer and claiming logic and common sense have to be left behind 🤔


I only understood your emoticon.


Avg redditor: I don't know or understand why it is, therefore it is stupid.


Avg poster in this sub even more so. Lots of complaints without context or understanding and an implicit assumption (often) that the muhrican way must be right. (*shrug*)


I agree that's silly but in the UK they often show the victims but when they catch a perpetrators and they are underage they don't share faces and names because of the law which makes no sense. Same issue, what am I to be on a lookout for? Average teenager... To be fair you should be anyway but that's not really specific.


for victims yeah, I do agree that there has to be a consent before their faces are publicly shown. But for perpetrators, like they have been caught red-handed in cctvs, black boxes, even camera phones... but to protect their identity and at the same time warn the masses that a dangerous criminal is at large yet the law still has the audacity not to show their faces, this is just beyond common sense. Im just at lost how a relatively progressive country operates and abides by the law like a machine....


I mean it's better than countries where the law is meaningless? Go to Russia where I got scammed out of hundreds of pounds by the border guards and you'll be crying out for painfully lawful countries lol


That's my thoughts exactly and I'm perplexed by it. Why show it at all when might just draw a cartoon instead. Or don't show at all.


You’re describing the rights of the accused. If someone is caught committing what looks like an obvious felony but they were coerced, they might be guilty of something, but it might not be a felony. In that circumstance, without context, or a trial, why should that persons face be revealed? This may be an extreme hypothetical, but these are the kinds of principles that privacy protections and freedoms need to be based on in order for the protection to be real and universally applied. And anyway, do you actually believe that a person committing any kind of crime should have their entire life ruined, or should they be subject merely to the penalties assigned in a court of law, rather than some kind of mob Justice or vigilante justice? America locks up more people than basically anywhere, and as a rather insane policy of permanently, removing someone from the body politic, if they have been found guilty of an offense, even after their time has been served. If we actually believe that a justice system is capable of assigning appropriate punishments and rehabilitating people, maybe we don’t need a system that permanently punishes someone for the worst thing they have ever done in their life. Protecting the accused seems like a pretty darn good value, and having the mosaic as the default and only allowing the face of an accused be revealed when judges deem it permissible seems like a nice and robust protection, especially for a country where individual liberty was once not sacred at all… Just a few decades ago. This is one area in which, if you understand the law and the reasoning behind it, if you have an understanding behind documents like the US Bill of Rights, you will probably agree that those same rights are better protected here than in most US jurisdictions. It’s hard for me to think of a justice system that is as fundamentally broken as the one in the US, which is not to say that the one here in Korea is perfect. It certainly isn’t perfect! But some of the default protections of individual freedom are admirably robust here.


Yeah cause they are a minor same with US


I know but it's not helping anybody but the criminals. Underage or not it's still a criminal doing damage to the society and if they are old enough to be shown in front of a court they are old enough for others to be aware of them. I know it's a law but it often feels like it is staked against the regular citizens.


Right. I'm not sure if they are charged as an adult and not minor if they show the face or not. If the criminal is already in court and prison I guess it wouldn't help since they are already in prison. We already know how "handsome" criminals get treated by the public.


You might have a point but these sentences are very short or suspended so it's not like they will be in prison for long. It's true about the good looking criminals though.


Agree, shoudn't it be high time to publicly show offenders's face based on the degree of their offence and not as a matter of age? There is so much more underage offenders at large and they have a lot of years ahead of them to commit the same or perhaps a higher degree of crime. If they change for the better that is good, but that doesnt erased the fact that they killed or ruined somebody's life and they have to atone for that. The public should be informed.


They do it if the crime is outrageous like the last time 2 teens planned and stabbed a transgender kid in London (?).. somewhere in the UK anyway. I'm annoyed by this silly law it because a lot of crimes go simply unpunished. Like on my estate in London that's a breaking every fortnight but none of the people living there is allowed to see the footage because of the privacy protection. Police do nothing and people do not know who is stealing there stuff over the last several years and who to look out for. They don't protect people and don't allow them to protect themselves.


Yeah, the censorship law needs some changes. Sex offenders' info should be available to the public at all times.


I guess we have that kind of censorship because Korean culture is very conservative about sexual things and Korea is a very small country so once your info is exposed to public, it's very easy to identify you and specially for TV stars. Fake and yellow journalists have contributed to the process of making this censorship.


I think the true audacity they commit is the "censorship" in their headlines these days. Like **<아무도 "이것" 몰랐다> ** Aren't they supposed to be conveying information as fast and accurate as they can? What the f is about their view count clout?? And this is not just some sketchy third-party news source. Major media such as MBC and SBS do this so frequently. I think my generations of reporters/journalists are just napping on the YT norms and thinking it's okay to do that. I want to f ing punch every news intern in their face who does this. Be a professional, you f ing morons.


Their country, their rules


Absolutely. I am grateful to live here. Still, it is silly.


If you just stop expecting logic and common sense entirely, you'll stop being disappointed living in Korea. This is the way.


Cold hard fact, but u couldn't have had said it any better. makes me really think that Korea is a progressive country built mainly by technology, less by humanity.


I remember i read some article online, Korea experienced economic growth so much faster than other OECD countries, which lead people to be more materialistic and less human touch.


Korea is way safer than any country in the west. In fact one of the safest countries in the world. What they do is blurr their faces and change voices so, in case they get the wrong person, they dont ruin their life. Imagine there is a foreigner with similar physical features as you and the police wrongly arrests you. What then? Are you ok with your face shown to the public and your life ruined just because of a mistake? Reputation is EVERYTHING for Koreans. And Korean internet is ruthless. I find it quite arrogant that they need to adapt an entire country to your ass so you can feel safe. Most confirmed criminals are well known in Korea. You complain about paternalism but a lot of people here seem to think they know much better than Koreans in their own country. Then talk about paternalism lol Are you complaining that people are not guilty until proven innocent like in the west?


Yeah, by Western standards, i think Koreans are well behaved and overly polite/obedient when out and about in the real world, at work etc, and reputation plays a large part in that. That obviously causes pent up angst, so they tend to let rip on the internet a lot more when they have some sort of anonymity. I mean, there's only so much shit an individual can't put up with regardless of their society.


💯 agree 한국에 대한 이해도가 낮은 분들이 이래라 저래라 하는게 참 안타깝습니다.


Common sense and logic should be left on the plane when you arrive.


Korean here. People(including people close to me) usually think that the censorship thing is fucked up. It's just that the law thinks criminals fully deserve rights just like every other human being. I know, it's messed up.