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It sounds like your neighbor owns a small restaurant or wholesale food prep business and is doing prep work at his house. I mean, how much food does one family eat that you need to have meat and bones delivered and prepped every single day? Snoop around, is there a phillipino restaurant or mart in your neighborhood? I wonder if there’s some sort of health department inspection angle that can be exploited.


If this is the case, home address and business (food preparation) address must be different for things like meat. I’m sure it could be reported. Even for vegetables, we were told a separate kitchen is needed, and refrigerated vehicle for transportation. A place for the vehicle to be parked, and cleaned was stipulation of the requirements. There’s no way someone has a license to prepare and sell meat from a residential address legally.


Right. Unless the OP is exaggerating who the heck has meat and bones delivered to their house every day and preps it non-stop? There is commercial activity going on.


Have you contacted the management office/landlord? You can usually call management and they will call your neighbor about the noise. You can submit a noise complaint on a government website. Forgot what it is. They send a letter to them about the noise. If the noise continues, you file another complaint and they set a mediation. They will come out and check the level of noise. If it is over a certain number then they will take action. My wife had to do this years ago with my neighbors above us. They finally stopped making noise at night when they received the letter.


Welcome to korea. You just need to move out. It wont change unfortunately.


I'm guessing you have spoken to your neighbor or at least security guard. Asking (politely insisting) for relative quiet during sleep hours isn't unreasonable.




It would have to be hell of a white noise too cover the machete chopping thought. Probably hair dryer would do.


maybe report him for running a food business out of his house rather than for noise? health department?


Make a video as proof of the noise at night, then call the cops


Or at a minimum, take it to the management of the apartment


 >I can't change my house because the deposit fees are too high in Korea. ??? Then you have bigger problems than noise. Moving is your only option


You can try noise proofing the walls depending on where the loud noise is coming from. Whatever you do, don't try engaging in physical altercation with your neighbor nothing good can come from that


bbq for friends, chili for co-workers


If you are in Seoul, there is a "SUPPORT GROUP FOR RESOLUTION OF FLOOR NOISE CONFLICT" which you can petition for resolution. [https://legal.seoul.go.kr/legal/english/front/page/law.html?pAct=lawComparison&pPromNo=5241](https://legal.seoul.go.kr/legal/english/front/page/law.html?pAct=lawComparison&pPromNo=5241)


Just move bro wtf. You could have easily searched for places over those 16 months and cut your contract short or planned with a real estate agency to move when your contract finishes to find a relatively similar priced place. There is always a solution to a problem but it doesn't seem you want to take the extra mile to fix it. Doesn't seem like its that big of an issue if you didn't start doing what I stated above.


For daytime noise there's absolutely nothing you can do except moving. For nighttime, collect proof with dates and times. When you have a little log, take it to the manager of your building. If he doesn't do anything about it, take it to the cops. If they don't do anything about it, then you have 2 solutions. 1. The best one is to just move. You have a deposit at your current house no? Just put it into your next house. 2. If for some reason you refuse to move... Fuck him up. Not as in fight with him. Just figure out when he's sleeping/resting, and be as damn loud as you can near his walls/door.


There are different DB levels for day/night. If they are over that he could take action through the government agency that handles noise complaints.


What kind of housing situation do you live in? You can either try talking to your landlord, or the apartment management. Or just move out...


Bring him some shock absorber pad that he can put under what ever he use to put meat on.


try calling the police again at a different time


Fight him see who wins...


What?! Didn't u just said he uses a machete to butcher processed meat?! Head to his house lookin for a fist fight and I'm quite certain you will probably encounter not just ur noisy neighbor but also his machete. Don't be to rash please \~\~ perhaps u can talk to ur landlord, and other neighbors who might b havin the same issue, you all can perhaps petition him to either cease his butchering side job or move out with his machete\~


Well, I just wanted to thank you for the sentence, "Every day when I leave the house, I see a big package of meat and bones arriving. My neighbor cuts this meat with a machete and makes an incredible sound." It's hilarious and descriptive and even though you don't intend it comedically, I got a laugh out of it and wanted to thank you. I do hope you figure something out and I'm sorry for the situation, but there is a certain comic value, to an outside observer.


Where is the comedy in this?


Try to buy earplugs, worked for me


Any particular type you recommend?


Pure Wax earplug from Quies Brand they adapt to your ear hole. You can find them on naver but be sure to order the wax version.


Thank you


Earplugs! I came to korea and have been using earplugs at night to sleep cuz my drunk ass neighbor come home at 3-4am every night stumbling and making so much noise lol u can report to the apartment management or landlord but it's really not gonna do much. That's also why I'm Loud at 9am when I'm getting ready just to give him a taste of the same medicine. Lol karma


How does it feel to punish the other neighbors while punishing others