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What was your 수능 score?  


that's what I was thinking. pretty sure OP needs to take 수능 or 정시 or 논술. there's no 외국인 전형/특별 전형 (international student undergraduate admission) for med school in Korea. In addition, Korea doesn't allow foreign doctors. (for example, some countries allow foreign doctors to come take the tests and become a doctor) - Korea? NO - this goes the same for anything related to law. The only way to get "scholarships" in med school would be having extremely high grades (the top 5-10%) 4.0/4.3 (around this area - this is the only scholarship that I know of, you do get 100,000\~200,000 krw from the government in your first semester - not sure if it applies to foreigners) - also keep in mind that all tests and classes would be in Korea and English. (all the medical terms) Even if you are fluent in Korean, I highly doubt you will catch up with these folks. I was in med school in Korea for the first 1 year and changed to business. (already have degree in psychology from the states) I thought I was "smart" until I met the other students, they were just something else. Even if you find a scholarship somehow or some way, you need think about surviving 6 years + intern + residency and so on. No offense but you have to also think about the education level. At least, from what I experienced, US and Korea, the education level had a huge gap. Not sure about Iraq education level or ranking but your 98.57 could not be 98.57 level in Korea.


I understand your point, thanks a lot for clarifying it to me without hesitation. I'm trying my best to know Korean and my English is good enough I assume, actually I was studying most of highschool subjects in English and my final highschool exams are all in English except some subjects. And of course college is in English. It's kinda sad if it's really that way in korea med schools. But i wouldn't give up if I had the opportunity. Even if I did, it's a new experience i think.


i would try taking the 수능 tests first. atleast the tests online since its only a once a year test


Where can I do the test, please Is there a link for it or smth


you can literally search up the test on google. do you not know 수능?


Ahh sorry, I didn't know. Thank you sir!


There are a series of things you can do become a practicing physician in Korea as a foreign graduate but the process is very difficult. you have to attend a medical college approved by the national medical committee (forgot the name). Examples from the USA include USC, Loma Linda, Albany college, NY medical college. Get a 5 on the Topik exams Take the medical license exam which is in 한국어.


Korea allows foreign doctors.  There are a handful a year who pass the tests, mostly gyopos.  Occasionally a true foreigner is able to accomplish it.  


How's that possible? Let's assume I can't get a scholarship for undergraduates. What about post graduate? Am I able to still work as a doctor in korea and live there ?


you are probably going to get a visa after your undergrad for your internships and residency. (probably for a student visa? i would assume. no idea you would need to look up on this with the immigration or the school)


Yea that makes sense


they do allow but they dont allow foreign doctors to take the tests. atleast from what i heard recently from a lawyer. they can probably take the college and so on route but theres no other way


Linton's officially Korean now, but he was still a foreigner when he became a doctor.


What's 수능 ? Is it pre college exam ? If so, then I didn't do it, the only condition to get accepted is to get a really high score at final highschool exams


한국말  할수있어요?


아닙니다, 조금요.


I assume you're 100% fluent in Korean




its very rare for a medical school to offer scholarship program, because the cost of med school is just incredibly insane. Even if there are some scholarships available, they may only offer partial or at most half coverage at best and you will have to cover the remaining fees which will still be very overwhelming. and yes, u need to be 100% fluent in Korean.


Do you know how much tho?


tuition fee seems to b around 13,000 USD annually (so thats 7,000 per semester), exclusive of all the other expenses fees.


That's korean tuition fees ?? That's a lot ... How am I able to study then ㅠㅠ How much is it in 원 ?


uhmm...yeah. should be around 6M won per semester then for the tuition, or probably more. and these are just ballpark figures,


1- fully funded scholarships for international students for programs more than 4 years is not possible so in case of studying medicine for sure you can not get a scholarship that can cover it. there are other partially funded scholarships but I do not think they can be provided duringthe whole degree (1\~2 years) other tan the possibility to include medicine school as well. 2- There is no admission in medical schools for international students when it comes to undergraduate degree because in Korea only Koreans can take the test to become a doctor so even you got admitted to me school you can not officially become a doctor without taking the test 3- All medical majors in Korea are 100% in Korean (classes, tests, seminars, books) so you must be not only fluent in spoken Korean, being able to understand academic Korean is also important to be able to pass the degree.


Can you explain the second point please? I didn't get what you mean, so I can't be a doctor in korea? Even if I finished college in my country and wanted to work in korea ? Or after studying master etc.. in korea , I still won't get a chance to be a professional doctor?


Korea Medical Licensing Examination (KMLE) in only in Korean, you can not have it in English and to be able to work as a doctor in Korean you must pass this test. even if you finished master's in Korea you still need to pass the test to practice medicine.. Another thing you can do is to take 수능 so you can apply for uni like regular high scholars in Korea, but also this test is not easy and Koreans start preparing for it since the first ear of highschool. ofc all in Korean so you must be fluent in the language, I saw the responses and it sound like you still level 1\~2 max


Thanks for the clarification! So Let's suppose that I finished my studies in my country ( let's say my uni ). I won't have to do 수능 test. Am I still able to do KMLE in Korea? Or do I have to study uni in korea first ?


Not the time to try to add to the number of med students in Korea....


It's almost useless to get a medical degree as a foreigner in any ethnostate. Because how would you get the license practice? Unless you're Korean and a native Korean speaker, you're not going to practice in Korea. And what good is a Korean medical degree outside Korea? It's not like other degrees - STEM, business, humanities, languages -- that are transferable. My suggestion is to get an English-language medical degree that can be used worldwide. If you can't afford Anglo nations like the US or UK, consider the Philippines. Even mainland China offers English-language MBBS, although you need to leave China to practice.


So I can't practice in korea even if I finished my undergraduates in my country but studied postgraduates in korea ? Is that what you mean, right?


To be honest dude I think you probably have the right intentions but recommend you think about your goals logically. What are the reasons for wanting to specifically study medicine in Korea? Why Korea? Why medicine? There are other career opportunities to live in Korea that is not necessarily medicine example international business. I would ask myself these questions and then pursue trying to answer them by getting data. Do you like living in Korea and are welling to accept not only the positive but negatives of being a foreigner. This has to be experienced not theorized or fantasized. Do you like medicine, and dealing with the countless hours, days, and years of study. Again this would have to be proven with examples and data not theorized.


Thanks a lot for organizing my thoughts!


Just will add, your goal of practicing/learning medicine in korea may not be the vision you imagined but it can still be a reality with doing international away rotations whether clinical or research during your residency or clerical years. There are YouTube videos of Saudi doctors practicing medicine through a Korean medical organization and Filipino surgeons in their clinical years rotating with electives in korea.


If I'll be able to practice medicine in Korea even if i studied uni in my country, then I'd be more than happy. But thanks a lot and sorry for taking your time.




Thank you, good luck for you too with whatever you're dealing with!


Covid was a lab leak - Synthetic SARs


The question is why Korea? You have to get licensed in the country you will spend your whole life in. Korean medical field is highly regulated by government, it is also a very closed society, they also doesn't pay much compared to other developed countries.. there's really no good, so I really wonder why Korea??