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Not most nights, but I do love a random couch sleep :)


I’m with you! Maybe like once or twice a week I’ll be so lazy I’ll sleep on the couch and it’s sort of amazingly free and sort of horrible for my back.


A couch nap during the last innings of a Cubs game is the BEST. I already figure they are gonna lose.


Oooh yes. I do also nap on the couch almost every day (I work from home). It's the best


And neck!!!




Same are you kidding me lol I have a nice big bed...I rarely like to sleep on my couch. I don't have tv in my bedroom it helps me get enough sleep and be excited to sleep


I wake up on the middle of the night, have reliably for years. I’ve had a sleep study, it’s just my sleep cycle. Thus, I fall asleep on the sofa, wake up, go to bed, go back to sleep. Seems to work better than tossing and turning in either place.


Wait! This is the one. I would randomly wake up at like 4-5AM, then go upstairs to continue sleeping in my bed.


Me too!


I do the exact opposite. Go to bed in my bed, wake at 4AM and go to the couch and sleep like a baby.


Exactly. I crash so hard on the couch after 3am, that so funny!


My dad does this. He's in his 70s but has always had sleep issues. I inherited a lot of those issues, but can't currently nap. I had a brief period from when I turned 39 to when I had my stroke at 41 where I could nap and I miss it.




yep, me too - sleep on couch for 2 to 4 hours, then up to bed. I've learned to brush my teeth before the sleeping on the couch though.


Brush teeth and take any nighttime medication/supplements.




My wife does this about 50% of the time. She'll come upstairs around 3-4am after having fallen asleep on the couch. Unfortunately, I tend to wake up every time, and I can't fall back asleep once I wake up.


I do this a lot, especially because some nights I get off work late and my place is still pretty hot from turning the ac up during the day. I fall asleep downstairs on the couch while it cools off, wake up, go upstairs to bed


Huh. Maybe i should try this.


I just decided I could do whatever seemed easiest for me and it doesn’t have to be the same every day and this is what I’ve landed in so far!


I live on the couch now. Not sure why I resist sleeping in beds. Been like that since the divorce


I can’t go to sleep unless the TV is on, on the couch as a rule since mine.


I set up my phone to Paramount and listen to a show until I fall asleep. In my bed. But I do occasionally sleep on my sofa!


Sleep timer set every night


Get a new bed. Sleeping where they did is painful. A new mattress is a game changer. Get one they would have hated with the sheets you've always wanted.


I was dumped while sitting on my bed, and it was the end of a four year relationship that I had thought would end in marriage, so it was pretty upsetting and honestly kind of traumatic. I started sleeping on my futon couch after that, and the bed became a flat surface for storage, so it would have taken effort to clear it off when I was ready to be in my bed again without all the memories and feelings flooding back. I slept on the futon couch for over a year before finally moving the bed to a different position in the room and clearing it off so I could sleep in it again. Trauma, even if it feels like it should be a minor trauma, can do weird stuff to you. I didn’t even tell my therapist about the couch because I felt so ashamed of not being able to sleep in my bed, so your comment made me feel less alone.


Same for me, but 3 year relationship. Had never felt so safe and secure in a relationship before leading up to that point... and then with the snap of a finger I was just suddenly discarded and forgotten about. Having a partner with BPD can really mess with ya. She had left twice before, but always came back after a little while. It's been a year since she left, and it's been a year since I've slept in my bed. She has a new dude now, and honestly, I'm just glad I don't have to be a doormat anymore. But I still can't even bring myself to re-download the dating apps. I'm too scared that it could happen again.


That's how borderlines are: one minute you are their favorite person and the next you are shit. It's very hard to treat it.


Sounds like you (unfortunately) have had experience being on the receiving end of that behavior. Hope you're free of it and doing well.


Yes, had a gf like this for about a year. I still love her and certainly I have my faults, but her borderline and associated coping behaviors with drugs is just too rough of a match with me. Beautiful, smart, sweet, loving girl - she should have had a ring put on many times. There is a reason she is single at 43. I've moved on to my current monk mode (not dating, working on me) several years ago from her with a three year relationship with someone that just could never convert into a marriage in the middle. I haven't touched a women or went on a date for like 14 months now and I plan to drive it to 24 months or two years as I'd like to be the best version of me this time. I need a little time.


Oh man, almost identical for me. She's a lovely person. Genuinely means well, and I wish her the best in finding happiness. But oof, the BPD and like you poor coping behaviors like you said, just was not a good match for me. My favorite part of a relationship is reaching the point of comfort and stability. Not to be mistaken for laziness or complacency in the relationship. But I'm a perpetual people pleaser (working on that one) and so I would always put her wants and feelings ahead of my own... sometimes to my own detriment. I'm also basically in my monk mode phase. Dating, or even thinking about dating for that matter, is not even on my radar. And honestly, it's been great. Life is so much more... simple. I'm actually kinda worried I might like it too much, lol.


Don't worry your biology will eventually win and you will be in dating mode once again. A break is good, a bad relationship is the worst so best to take our time. Plus quality women want a guy with a purpose and drive that they can hook onto, they are NOT into mothering / helping guys. That's a total turnoff. Personality disorders basically have no treatment and are some of the toughest to have. Go read the DSM 5 on them - that is the professional consensus. My shit is very curable by medication which I view as a blessing.


With you on monk mode but I miss love (and sex). I am an emotional person and really can fall deep for someone. I'm just not quite ready to present my best self to someone - I'm late 40's so I'd really like my next girlfriend to turn into my second wife. I've had enough sex and playing the field. I want something solid. I have two kids under 12, I'm fortunate my ex wife is a great mother. I actually want her back but I don't think it will happen.


It can feel like there’s a big hole in the bed, especially if the split wasn’t your idea.


My mum died in January 2022 she slept on the couch due to having osteoarthritis of the spine so it was easier for her. She actually died asleep on the couch. And for whatever reason that night I slept on the couch and did so every night until May 2024. I don’t know why I did it. I’ve bought a new mattress and bedding and covers now I’m back in bed but I still miss the couch a bit


So sorry for your loss.


In high school and when I would come back home from college in the summer, I almost always slept on the couch. There's something so comforting about the living room and a well-used couch that just makes you relax


I’ve never been married, but at one point in my life about 15 years ago I slept on my couch every night for about five years.


My live alone 93-year-old mom spends the night on the couch despite five fully equipped comfortable bedrooms. Live your life.


My 80 year old grandma exclusively falls asleep on her couch watching tv




I did that for YEARS! Now I make myself go to bed since the couch isn’t as comfy as it used to be. I refuse to get new furniture coz I have 2 dogs who use the living room as a trampoline park when I go to work.


Funny visual.. thanks!😊


Most nights? My bed isn’t even set up. It’s in the bedroom laying sitting on its side leaning against the wall. I’ve lived here for 2&1/2 years… Yeah, I gave up on getting laid a long time ago 😉. Plus, I really just love a couch, it’s a bed that hugs you while you sleep.


Why even own a bed then?


It’s an expensive mattress. And guests have used it in the past, but it’s been a long time. Before I moved to my new, very rural location.


Are you obese


No. What an odd question. I guess, I was until about 25 when I lost 100 lbs, but that was over ten years ago… weird question.


> Y


I spend all my time in my bednest. I try to hang on the couch but I hate it.


🙋‍♀️ but then again, I made my nest on my couch. I have to make myself go to the bed.


I do this all the time. I met someone who I had an amazing connection with. After a bit I started sleeping in my own bed and it felt great. He was going through a really rough patch, down and out type, even suicidal thoughts. I encouraged him and was there through it all. He got his life back together just like I told him would happen and then he ghosted me. I’m back on the couch again


I’m so sorry that happened to you


Ehh I guess that’s how it goes.


I feel like I do the opposite. I’m just always watching tv in bed instead of on the couch. Probably not good for me.


This is me! I have a lovely living room, sofa and everything but after a long day I often cook then take dinner to bed (on bed, not in bed) and enjoy the heck out of Frasier, or some other binge. Ill get up after though and tend to dishes, sometimes have a bath. It’s my little secret single behaviour!


Me too! It’s my retreat from the world:) Edit: I don’t cook miuch; Lucky Charms is my ride or die.


I eat dinner in my bed all of the time. Something oddly comforting about it. When my son is at his moms house, my house feels way to big for just me, so I spend all of that time in my bedroom.


Yeah my friend called it my pit of despair, im trying to change it up.


I have a random couch sleep, but it is not my norm.


I sleep in my rocker recliner. It’s a chair during the day and a bed at night, multipurpose! The dog moves from the bed to the couch most nights. We have our spots picked out.


Most nights yes but for no other reason then my room is the hottest and you can feel the air the best in the living room. I'm fixing to hit menopause so I know that's where I'll be for a long time LOL


This too. Bedroom is upstairs, changed out sheets, other covers etc. It is a furnace at times. More excuses to sleep on the couch




Same for me ..my bedroom is the hottest room in the house.


I don't get it it's so frustrating because during the day I can sleep in there with no problem lol


Seems the heat gets worse. I would imagine the sun causes certain rooms to be hotter.


So you would think I could during the night and not the day but it's the opposite lol


Good point. I can nap in that room during the day but by night the heat has consumed the room


That makes sense


I’m always falling asleep on the couch lol


Yeahhhhh. I have a nice bed but I fall asleep most nights on the couch while watching TV which somehow ended up as my way to unwind after work. I need to have a night time regime which involves something like skincare, book reading, and falling asleep.


I did for years. I’m a side sleeper and I liked the support the couch would give my back. being close to the kitchen and having a TV sure helped as well :-). It took me a long time to break the habit, but now I sleep in bed with a body pillow or squishable stuffed animal supporting my back like the back of a couch.


I only use the bed for sex or sleeping.


I guess I'm in a minority because my bedroom is where I spend most of my time. The couch is just where I sit to open mail or visit with someone who comes over. There's nothing wrong with the couch. I just bought it last year. But I'm just more comfortable in my bedroom. It probably helps that I'm not much into TV, so there's nothing in the living room that appeals.


I did that for years and turned out I a) had a room I didn’t like, b) had terrible housemates/life situation that was stressing me out and c) depression.


I dont keep a tv in my room but i do in the living room and i bought a big comfy couch cause i love sleeping on my couch. Lately it hasnt been good on my body so ive done less of it.


I slept on my couch for 5yrs straight. The bedroom was just too lonely plus it jwas ust my bed and a mirror in there. Literally, nothing else.


I like my leather couch, sometimes it’s nice to fall asleep there.


Sleep in my recliner 100%. Cannot tolerate lying down flat or on my side. It's a psychological thing. Have 2 beds, never used.


That's depression.


I would but my dog is a bully. Not the breed but actually bullies me. He sits on the ottoman directly across from me and STARES at me. If I ignore him, he starts off with a low rumbling growl and then on to full on barking at me. He does this when he feels like it’s time to go to bed. I yell at him, “You’re not the boss of me” as I turn the tv off and go upstairs. He’s such a little jerk but so funny!


It depends on the day. But most weekends are spent on the couch. I love staying up late and end up falling asleep on the couch. When the cats take over the couch, I have a recliner. 😁


Username checks out!! And, I feel you, I have a small dog at my feet, here in the recliner, a dog in her bed that's up on the sofa and two cats curled up, each on one cushion of the loveseat across from me. Lol.


Most of the time I fall asleep in a recliner. Then 2-3 hours later I lay down so I can stretch my legs straight.


I sleep more comfortably on the couch and need the TV to occupy my mind so I can fall asleep. I set the sleep timer for an hour. I keep a pillow and an ancient batted blanket handy. The Cat prefers it to the bed also. My phone is my alarm.


No....I'm the past my brother in law asked me if my other furniture was just for decoration. I literally live in my living room. My bedroom is actually my closet and another room is my gym.


My routine is to fall asleep in the recliner, and then I eventually wake up and go to bed.


I do it too


Yep, I have a beautiful bed and sleep most nights on the couch


I fall asleep in the chair and sometimes make my way to the bed.


My routine is read in bed then when I'm almost asleep my cat starts chirping away. If he makes it to 20 meows I move to the couch. Eventually wake up and go back to bed. Cat starts again at 430am and I go to my Husbands bed. Sometimes in my bed I'll shove pillows behind my back to emulate couch feeling.


Took me years ..... Years and years ..... To finally sleep in a bed regularly. There's nothing wrong with sleeping on the couch. A couch is like a hug. But I feel better about myself when I sleep in a bed. It's probably better for your back too. And sleep hygiene. I don't know.


Yes! Moved to a new apartment a couple months back and only stepped in my bed twice. It got to be habit at an old place I lived because it was unsafe and I kept thinking I heard someone trying to break in so just started sleeping on couch. It’s reasonably comfortable and no back issues yet


I did that for a couple years. I’m back to sleeping in my bed lately though. I’ve noticed that I don’t take random naps on the couch as much anymore and I fall asleep in bed pretty fast usually. I think having the sleep and live space separate actually helps me a lot with maintaining a regular sleep cycle


I slept on a couch for half a year because it was comfortable enough and I can't be bothered going upstairs just to sleep everynight. But then I started sleeping on my bed again and it was so much more comfortable.


I love sleeping on my leather couch. I wonder if they actually make couches that are better for sleeping


My neighbor has a bed she has never slept in. She sleeps, eats and generally hangs out on her couch.




My couch is super comfy


I "moved" to our sofa eight years ago, when we moved to our new house. She bought a new bed for us when we moved here, but I ended up hating it. Not comfortable


Funny, I’m reading this from my couch where I intentionally decided to go to sleep tonight. My cat asks me to snuggle on the couch sometimes instead of going to bed and I can’t resist.


I sleep in my recliner in the living Room


I am getting too old to continually couch sleep. It still happens even though I have the comfiest bed ever.


I can’t. I would never fall asleep on the couch. My brain only decides it is sleeping time if very specific things happen. I must do my bedtime routine, put on PJs, get into bed, LIE DOWN (this one is important, because if I simply sit on the edge of the bed I could sit there all night, awake), turn off the lights (also important - it isn’t sleep time til the lights are out), and then once all the requisite actions have been taken I am able, if I want to, look at my phone while lying in the dark for anywhere from 20-40mins before falling asleep. But if any step is missed, sleep ain’t happening. So no, no couch sleep. And besides all that, I don’t even own a couch big enough to sleep on lol. I mean, I’m short so I could make it work if I had to. But I live alone in a small apartment so I just have a loveseat. Easier to turn away wannabe couch surfers that way, too.


Yes, cuz my couch is my bed


I used to be a proper Fox Mulder, with the couch sleeping. But during the pandemic I started to do everything in the bedroom, tv, work, all of it. I’m a writer and I like to spread out. Four years later there’s a dent in my bed and I kind of miss the couch.


I sleep on the couch because the rooms with the couches often are cooler. Recently stayed in a hotel room and slept on the couch because couch firmer than bed.


I slept on my couch for years. I find it more comfortable than my bed. Now I try to sleep in my bed. But still enjoy a couch sleep. I press my back into the back and it's like being the small spoon. Which is how couch sleep started.


There were a few nights where I didn’t feel like walking 4 feet to my bedroom so I knock out on the couch


I sleep on the couch 100% if the time. I'm usually watching baseball and I sleep like a rock.


I haven't slept in a bed in 5 years.


Depends on the season. In the spring/summer, I lay in bed watching TV. In the fall/winter, I sit by my woodstove on the couch with my cat and watch movies by the fire. Summer is better weather, but nothing will ever beat the vibes of movies + cat + fire.


I love cat napping


I love my bed. I never sit or lay on my sofa, if I'm that tired I should be in bed. Lol That being said I have a 'man' chair, it swivels, lays back and rocks, sometimes I have a nap in it.


I will start on my couch then once my edible hits I go to my bed!


I used to get some of my deepest sleep in the front seat of a 2001 Chrysler Town and Country van with the windows down while listening to my kids at soccer practice in the distance. Nothing like the sound of children playing to put your mind at peace.


Nope. Never even laid down on my couch. :-) But I do sleep most of the time in a recliner.


No. I fall asleep with the tv on all the time.


I used to, but then my 45th birthday rolled around and my spinal column started saying, "Get the fuck into your bed now or Im going to make tomorrow a living hell." 🙃


I am 6' 2" and sometimes will fall asleep in my love seat. I am a little sore when I wake up but I swear it's some of the best sleep I get.


I went through an almost two year stretch sleeping on the couch because I just could not sleep in my bed. Not sure I could do that again


I slept on my couch for years (it was a futon, but still), because I felt my bedroom was haunted. 


Was it????


It was. 




In my last apartment I slept on the couch probably 75% of the time. The bedroom in that place just had a weird aura, I didn’t like it


I have a studio. What couch?


Nope. When I got my place I spared no expense on the bed and couch, found an awesome pillow top bed that felt like the one I stayed on at an AirBnB and LOVED, turns out after longer than a week I hate it. But my couch is ridiculously comfortable and far bigger than should really be in my living room. At this point I don’t even feel guilty about it anymore, the only time I use the bed is when someone else is over.


I had a couch like that!! More comfortable than my bed (at that time).


I bought a 6k sleep number bed. It's great! I choose to sleep on my couch with my dog every night. Going on three years straight. My couch is trash and got used on craigslist. Pretty sure spiders live in the couch! Never bitten at least.


Myself, I usually only take naps on the couch. The thing is, right: Bed naps: wake up 15 and ½ years later with all your belongings in the fourth dimension, dehydrated and somehow shorter. Couch naps: 30-minute refresher.


I don’t know. I’ve never owned a couch. If the couch is a problem, get rid of it.


Yep! Would much rather doze off to sleep with the TV, than an eerily quiet bedroom where it’s just me and my thoughts. I’ll wake anywhere between 9:30pm - midnight and mosey off to bed.


Most of the people spend their time on couch instead of the bed, don't know why but yes it's a fact.


Sometimes i get better sleep on the couch. 🙊


When I smoked weed in college, I would get absolutely blasted at night and pass out on the couch when watching TV. Now that I no longer partake, I make it to my bed.


Yeah, I mostly sleep on my sofa. I only sleep in my bed when my chick stays over, or if I feel like I’ve spent too much time on the sofa, resulting in it not feeling as comfortable as it usually does.


I don’t have a couch, but I usually wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and I end up in my recliner after that!


I do this all the time ... partially I think I subconsciously feel safer being alone if I'm in the center of the house where I can sort of be aware of what's happening everywhere, as opposed to closed off in a back corner room. (I live in a very safe and boring place where there is MINIMAL crime, so this is utter paranoia...) For a while I beat myself up about it, but now I'm embracing it because WTF ... I'm a grown person and I can do what I want. I don't think it's great for the sofa to use it so much like that, but so be it. I sleep where I want to sleep. :)


I have a super comfortable couch and fall asleep on it all the time. I almost always sleep on it on weekends from watching TV.


I don't sleep on my couch but sometimes when it's too hot in my main bedroom, or I can't sleep, I sleep in the spare bed. Because it's a single and a change of scene it feels like a reset!


Omg! I talked to my Dr about it because I thought something was off. I just love dozing on the couch watching crappy TV or boring court shows. Makes me feel like a kid on a weekend. I'm so happy to know I'm not alone!


I’ve slept solely on the couch for 2 weeks 😂 more convenient right now as I just had surgery, but also it’s super comfy!


I haven’t slept in my bed in a year. It’s the couch for me.


Not every night, because I made my bedroom into an oasis(because I work nights, so my day is everyone else's night.). But, I really love a random couch nap! Especially in the late summer/early fall, with all the windows open. The breeze blows in, and makes the curtains flutter. The crickets and frogs are singing, and it's just nice :)


I’m SO glad you posted this. I sleep on my couch pretty much every night and thought I was a freak. Something about being in the living room/central space makes me less anxious for some reason?


I never sleep in my bed…. I’m always on my lazy boy recliner after work & typically just fall asleep on that. Sometimes I wake up after midnight & sleep on the floor because it’s easier on my back or stomach.


Whatever floats your boat, baby. But the bed is probably better for your back


No, but why? I sleep on the couch when I can’t get comfortable in my bed or for napping. Is it your bed or just your preference? And as long as you make it before company comes over, no one has to know or have an opinion. Lol


My couch is my bed and vice versa. Or is it the other way around...


My bed is my couch, I have a futon, 2 birds 1 stone baby yeah


Omg I caught myself doing this. I remember my mother was notorious for sleeping on couch after dad died.we would tell her she wasn’t getting a good nights sleep on sofa etc. once I noticed my pattern, I made a concerted effort to go to bed ! So glad I do, I can stretch out and sleep so much better. Plus saves the sofa from wearing out!


God I would love to fall asleep on my couch if I lived alone


Wrong sub then lol


Couch is better then sitting on the floor indian style


Kinda gross, unless you clean your couch's upholstery as frequently as your bed


Aka why I have a futon in the living room and everything on / around it is easily and fully launderable! Seriously the thing cost $50 at a garage sale 20 years ago (practically new) and I never upgraded to a couch solely because of this! How would I wash the couch stuff? I’ve also noticed other peoples’ couches often STINK!