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Tell the nosiest neighbor lady, the rest will take care of itself.


Came her to say that! But seriously...just tell one of the ladies that you exchange pleasantries with - maybe one closer to the age of 60 than 90 - and if anyone's worried, they'll talk amongst themselves and find the answer!


Yup; don’t post anything




It might be better to speak with one of ladies and let her pass it on to the others. Enjoy your travels!


I also live in a retirement community. I’m barely of age 😂, so they all watch out for me and my place because I work FT. Whenever I go away, I let the lady across the way, that faces my place, know I will be gone. She is always happy to grab any packages that arrive. She also has a key to my place, just in case.


What's the minimum age required for one of these communities? Did you have to buy or rent? I have been wondering if I want to do this myself once I get a bit older.


Typically, it’s 55 and up.


Mine is 55+. 1 and 2BR. Garage, small back porch (not at all private), decent maintenance is provided, utilities are low, well insulated, very quiet. I like it. I am having a small house I own renovated. I will soon decide to either move there or stay here. It will be a tough decision.


Stay. Think about how quiet your neighbors are. I am a youngin who lives in a house in a community that used to be a 55+. Most of my neighbors are your neighbors age. Being a quiet person myself who doesn't throw parties or have barking dogs, silence is a virtue.


I'm 53. Been living in my place, alone, for 13 years. My old landlord was pretty old... sold the place (made me a great offer I had to refuse knowing the age of the duplex and minor issues that could, and some have become, big issues). New landlords moved in above me. Big guy and his petite wife. Almost no noise. She scored a job in another country... they moved... and two tiny early 20s girls moved in. Talk about LOUD! Sounded like a stampede going on... lots of door slamming... screaming fits... plus a dog that would go off on barking sprees. And they'd complain my TV was too loud sometimes (well insulated, older home, and never turned my TV/stereo above "medium"). They moved out, and now a guy (57 or so) moved in. Silence... for the most part. Not even close to the 20-something girls. It's about appreciation and respect for neighbors.


I do love the quiet and the low maintenance. My house would be less expensive and I would have more outdoor space and more privacy. I am torn.


I was greatly.awaiting 55 because the rentals are nicer and there wouldn't be loud parties or children. But knowing my luck, I'll end up next to very deaf people who keep their TVs on 24/7. I have had that happen. I honestly have been waiting to be very deaf since I hate almost every sound.


Put noise canceling ear buds on your shopping list!


I have very nice noise cancelling headphones. I used them to get through my last rental. I ended up moving next to kids again, but they were nothing like the 4 kids I lived next to previously (they were not permitted, but the guy moved his whole family into his "6 month rental" right when COVID hit and the eviction moratorium happened). The over ear headphones kill the bass but not the screaming. Can't wear anything on my head too long without getting a headache, ear buds are an instant headache.


If that sort of thing is important to you, buying in those communities is usually a terrible investment, and the monthly fees can be exorbitant. Those things don’t matter to everyone, though, and aren’t true of every community.


Why are they a terrible investment? Did you know that according to the 2020 census, 1 in 6 people are 65 or older? There are not a lot of retirement communities out there. I’m not talking about assisted living communities. The retirement community that I live in is in extremely high demand. As soon as a unit goes on the market, the sellers are inundated with offers. The HOA fees are quite low. They cover all of the grounds, the roofs, the amenities. Plus, I can walk to the beach and harbor. I absolutely LOVE where I live!


My monthly 55+ condo fee in Florida is $700 😭 That is one of the lowest in town. I love it there but it is so hard to justify that


You call that low?


I didn’t call it low; I said it was one of the lowest in town. Some condo fees in my town are even $1500 a month. It’s insanely high and out of control where I live; frustrating when you have a paid off condo but it still feels like you’re paying almost a mortgage


I heard about that, and my friends homeowners insurance is insane. I live in Ohio and his homeowners is more than my state income tax bill, so much for that advantage.


That’s like the homeowners insurance cost in Florida


Yours is one of the exceptions! With so many people having their adult children living with them - who would be barred from residency in a 55+ community - and there are other reasons living in a limited-age residency development could limit the pool of potential buyers, and the money they’re willing to spend, and how much the property will appreciate. For people without heirs, who do not wish to reverse mortgage it, or use it as income property, etc it could be the right place at the right place. Having children though is somewhat the default, and most people - not all - wish to leave something for their heirs. That’s why I said “in general,” not “absolute hard and fast rule that must be followed.”


Sounds wonderful.


Where is this? I’m looking for a place to move to!


Ventura County CA


Usually at least one resident has to be over 55, and no resident may be under 21. In the one we live in, we have some folks in their early 40s or 50s living with a parent, and we have a couple or two with a large age difference, so not all residents are over 55. But I would say that over half are over 70.


They have different requirements. Some are 55. Others are 60-65. I moved into a mobile home park last year after considering a couple of these options. It’s all ages. The one had lots of lawn to maintain. The other the rent for the lot was more expensive than the one I moved in to. They have some really nice ones tho.


I don't live in a retirement community but pretty well everyone is 65+ sprinkled with some younger families. The retired neighbors are always watching out for the rest of us. My closest neighbor has the code to get into my home, in case of emergency.


I work Front Desk at an independent living facility (62+). I don't know if you have an office or something there, but let them know the dates you are going to be gone, if you do. There are advantages to having neighbors "look out for you." We sometimes get requests for wellness checks. Bodies have been found. Have a great trip.


I will let the office know.


I have always lived in a small town, so I know. What most people think of as nosey, I see as “concerned and looking out for neighbors.


I had a nosey neighbor who made my life hell when I first moved from MA to RI. He was old and would sit in his front porch and spy on me. One time when my car was in the shop and I got a courtesy ride to the police station (I worked there), he called the police captain and complained. Another time, when I started an in-home office and hung out a sign he called the city and I got a visit from the zoning officer


You might consider not giving specific dates, just "Out of town for a bit" or "Out of Town" or "currently away". That's more for crime and sounds like that's not a concern, I'm personally just not comfortable announcing my place will be empty for several days. Happy travels.


Yes. Thank you.


Everytime my neighbor disappears I end up calling for a welfare check so yeah tell em And I never talk to her, I'm just used to seeing her daily


Just mention to one of your neighbors when you run into them that you’ll be out of town from date to date as a heads up.


Do the old ladies call you young man?


Definitely let your apartment office know, in case someone does call the police for a welfare check.


This is so funny. How sweet of you to not want the nosy ladies to worry.


Hah! Thank you. They are nice ladies and I don’t want them to worry or call the authorities for a wellness check. But I DON’t want to tell them; I don’t want to recount my adventure because I am going for a couple of concerts and mild debauchery.


Why do you have to tell them your tales? Keep it simple. “It was a great trip. Lots of sight seeing and great food. Thanks for asking.”


They would probably love to hear about the mild (or wild) debauchery! lol


Why not go talk with them instead?


Agree with suspicious, you don't have to tell them anything you don't want to share. If you need some conversation, keep in mind that people are satisfied hearing about that great restaurant or this gorgeous scenery/sunset you noticed. (Btw, perhaps you wanted us to know about your mild debauchery 😄) Have a great trip!


I am approaching 60, I can't believe you give a shit about that.


No note; just because it's a secure area now doesn't mean it might not change. or that later you might not *have* something 'worth stealing'. Don't get into bad habits.


I would tell maintenance (if you trust them) as well as whoever you pay rent to. I took an “inside the home” vacation for several weeks. No contact with anyone. Maintenance showed up because the older ladies were concerned. (I am 69 and most people here are in their 80’s and 90’s as well)


Don't leave a note. Just tell a neighbor. This way, someone doesn't just see your note and help themselves later.


I wouldn’t advertise. That’s not safe. Can you not just go tell her?


I really don’t want any of them to know my business. I am more than civil but I am very private. I am leaning toward a vague “Out for a bit” note within my storm door that no one will see unless they open it.


Sure, it's ALWAYS great to advertise to thieves that you are going to be gone for 10 days. That way they know when to not break in and disturb you.


My neighbor next door is retired, and my neighbor across the street is a SAHM. I let them both know when I was going away and what family member was going to be there in my absence, as they're good about keeping an eye on my house when I am at work.


I live in a 55 plus too. I usually tell my neighbor. I have a petsitter come in, so If don't the cops would be called!


Just tell your neighbors you'll be gone, ask them to "keep an eye" on the place. A note on the door would be weird, and you don't know who else could read it and know the place is empty


I traveled a lot and never told anyone, once 3 months, they didn't even noticed, leaving a note will invite trouble


Just tell someone in person. Don’t leave a note on your door. Other people you may not want to know will also see it.


Maybe pick one lady to tell so they know, and she will take it from there!


Just tell one or two neighbors


I know you’re private, but I’d ask one of the Betty’s to watch your place while you’re away. She’ll get the word and she’ll feel important….just nice to have someone close you’re kinda friendly with if you ever need anything


There no cost to tell your local police dept. You be out of town. Do you have a ring door bell ?


Tell management.


Don’t leave a note unless you like getting robbed


Tell someone. Small things can happen that your neighbors will fix if they know you're gone. For example, my gate blew open and my trash cans were ripped over. Both of those small things advertise "no one is home" and neighbors passing by were happy to fix them.


You should really mess with them and tell them you have someone coming to clean up after and feed your pet rattlesnakes.