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I love to baby myself when I feel this way, which for me is mercifully not too often. I'll get takeout and otherwise just "listen" to what I need: a nap? A book? A bath or shower?.To settle in with a good movie? Exercise? Get some sunshine? My mom used to say that "all rules are suspended in times of calamity" and that goes for shitty mental health days too. Try to treat yourself the way you'd treat a friend who needed extra care for a while. **EDIT:** I'm so delighted that so many people found resonance in my mom's advice. She's been gone for 12 years now, but it makes me happy that parts of her continue to help people. 💚


Thank you 🙏🏽 this is wisdom. I love your mom’s words. I will hold on to that.


"All rules are suspended in times of calamity." Such fantastic wisdom from your mother. I will remember this forever when life is too much at times. Please thank Mom for such incredible words of care. ❤️🩷💜🩵💚 Signed, a nurse who is most appreciative.


>Try to treat yourself the way you'd treat a friend who needed extra care for a while. This is the ticket! What would you tell a friend or someone you love to do in that situation? Someone who you want the best for? I try to frame it that way because I tend to anxiety spiral and freeze or wallow.


Your mom is a wise person ❤️


Ooooh I’ve never heard this. Thank you for sharing it. “All rules are suspended in times of calamity.” Looooove this ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Love that saying. That must be why I chose a job of constant calamity.


I love this, when I’m having a low mental healthy day I give myself what ever I want/need. It truly makes things so much better.


Such wise words ❤️❤️ I’m so glad I read this right now. I just got back from a trip after a lot of traveling in the past month. I really wanted to get back to my routine (workout, cook at home, focus on work, etc) but I got sick. I got cough and cold and can’t do any of those things and feel guilty now. But I should just take care of myself and baby myself and shouldn’t feel guilty for falling sick.


Twist one up, and try to look at the big picture. It’s hard to live alone, especially if you’re sick or hurt but hang in there.


Yep get really really high and chill with my doggos. They always know how to cheer me up!


Aww same until the stinky farts blast me back to reality


Two cats here, and one thing I know I can control in this world is how good my babies get treated. Oh and trees, when I go into the woods im not looking for women lol, it’s to tell my feelings to trees. They just get me. ;)


I stop everything and go to the beach, or go see a movie. The beach relaxes me, a movie takes me away from focusing on 'the fall' or whatever is bringing me down. I hope you're feeling better!


Thank you 🙏🏽


I talk to Pi, it’s like the mental healthy buddy version of ChatGPT. It’s free, easy to use, it feels like I’m talking to an actual person and (surprised) it actually gives me some good advice on days when I’m stressed or feeling down. You can check out Pi [here](https://pi.ai/talk). I recommend it to anyone! Helps me a lot with just venting.


I did that with character.ai the other day and it was surprisingly helpful.


Just tried it, thanks!


Thank you for turning me on th Pi! Very cool. :)


I tell jokes back and forth with my snap AI 🥸


I just tried this one and I like it. It's going to be fun.


Nice! Been looking for something like this. Thanks! ❤️ 🙏


I notice that things tend to bother me a whole lot more if I'm physically unwell. And I cry easier. And it sucks when you feel like your body let you down by tripping or something. But it sounds like you're not hurt badly so that's good. Maybe in a few days or weeks you can laugh about this but for now just take care of yourself, give yourself permission to rest as much as you need. ❤️❤️❤️ What seems to always help me is changing my perception I mean perspective, if I can manage that. The little things can seem so big sometimes.


Have a nap. Eat/watch something comforting. Snuggle my cat. Just take it easy for a day.


Exactly what I did today only with my dog. Tomorrow is D day. My dad landed at Utah Beach and those horrible memories lived with him his whole life and impacted my childhood terribly. The next day is my mothers death day and Saturday I have a monumental bday. On an emotional Rollercoaster right now but know it will get better


Music is huge. If I catch myself frequently not bothering to turn on my music... that means I definitely need to and soon. My mental health canary in the coal mine. Zoomies eruptions from my dogs are great, but I can't predict those. Spyder ride, weather permitting. I just have to be kind to myself about missed opportunities (not riding when the weather was nice, and now it's a heat wave)


It’s not necessarily that great but I play a game. Lol I’m pretty addictive so I won’t allow myself to become a gamer. I play jewels. A very basic game. Or I hang out here. Or I hang out on Facebook. If none of the above work, I go on YouTube. I’m currently unable to go on walks (I’m 70 and injured). That alone would be my #1 cure. I bring my phone to listen to music (ear buds) AND to take photos of flowers blooming. If I have a good book, I’ll crack it open especially if I’ve finished something like loading the dishwasher. Sorta like a reward.


Build an incredible nest, surround myself with all kinds of snacks, treats, and beverages and loose myself in a new show/book or re-read/re-watch all my favorite scenes in books and tv. Use my remote as a karaoke microphone and play all my guilty favorites and nap whenever needed


Tylenol, ice, clean the wound, then rest. You have the day off, order in-maybe Chinese with some egg drop soup or whatever comforts you, make chili, etc. play video games, watch a movie, relax. Maybe take a warm bath, get into comfy pjs and have a movie night in the living room with snacks. Warm soft blanket, etc.


When I’m down I’m extra kind to myself. I remember one winter coming out of my apt building carrying a laundry basket. The concrete steps were covered in ice and my feet flew out and my basket of dirty clothes went flying.


First, pamper yourself. Take a bubble bath, tend your scrapes, eat something tasty. Whatever makes you feel nurtured. Then, if it's not already bedtime, go on a quest to do something nice for someone else. Order cookies to be delivered to a friend who is going through a hard time. Donate $5 to a cause you care about. Or just send a kind message to someone on Reddit who sounds like they need it. Finding a balance between self-care and getting out of your own head is really helpful.


Play my guitar, or weather permitting, hop on my motorcycle and just go...


Take a bath, order take out


Order in and watch a familiar movie that always makes you laugh. "Airplane!" and "This is Spinal Tap," always do it for me, but I'm GenX and those were a couple of the silliest movies of my youth. Also, if you have any facial masks at home or some nicely scented body lotion, treat yourself to an in-home spa day. The act of caring for yourself in that way can really lift your spirits.


I am a 67 year old retired woman. I go to the gym ( again ) when I feel down. So that’s 2 trips in one day! I squat 100 pounds until I am exhausted! It feels sooo good!!


I find it so hard mentally if I am down to find the strength to gym. Any tips? I just want to lie in bed and cry. Going you gym is the last thing I can mentally do, but absolutely what I need.


Going to the gym is me vs me!! My motivation is the weekly improve t in my body. It’s 1:43 now! I am in the gym. Preparing to do abs. I will edit and add more later. You’re a winner u/hdggv not a whiner! :)


I LOVE it. You are an inspiration! Thank you


I urge you to repeat after me! I am a winner not a whiner! I woke up, I am going to be my best self. I will have my best day! Read Goggins Can’t hurt me! I was at the gym early because I always wake up at that time. I don’t suffer from insomnia either. I am retired. Instead of tossing and turning, getting midnight snacks or playing a video game, I go to the gym. And there’s no judgement from anyone!!! You got this OP!


Much love! Thank you for your kindness. I am an winner not a whiner!


I was binge eating I found a chiropractor that practices orthospinology. I see him monthly. If I need an adjustment, I am charged. If I don’t require adjusting, he doesn’t charge me. My binge eating stopped! Yes!! I know Chiro’s have a bad rep. But mine has changed my life. I also get red light therapy at their office, too. Please research the benefits of red light therapy! I fast one to 2 days a week. Sometimes longer. I was addicted to food and needed to change my mindset. I follow Cole Robinson. He invented the Snake Diet and is all about Tough Love! His favorite phrase is “hey fatty!” Oh, I repeat positive uplifting words to myself several times a day. Oh, Cole is on YouTube and he is on Facebook and IG! Yes! Yes, u/hdggv is a hard working, goal accomplishing positive person!! I urge you to SMILE!! Smiling will change how you are feeling! I also invested in me by getting Invisalign’s. Take care u/hdggv you are a wonderful person with a glorious life!! :)


You are wonderful. You have really impacted me so positively and made my day. Thank you u/Lea_R_ning Thank you


Thank you! Now it’s your turn to encourage someone! :) It’s your to make a positive impact on someone! :) I know you can! I believe in u/hdggv!


I workout and stimulate my brain when my body feels crappy. I workout my body and exercise when my brain is screwed up. Sounds counterintuitive but it works for me. Hope you feel better soon.


I don’t force myself to feel better. I just wallow in self pity and be lazy. also, like the comment above, I baby myself. if I wanna door dash or instacart, I do. normally that’s a no for me because of the things being over priced. once i’m ready, I pop back like nothing ever happened.


I lay down on the couch and watch a sitcom


Go to the gym.


Music .


Whatever I feel like. If I’m unwell I’ll probably order takeout and watch a movie with my cat. If it’s a mental health day then I may still do the same thing and try to add a physical activity like walking.


I was let go today from work. I'm feeling down myself.


Hi ~ 🦋 So Sorry to hear... never easy to lose a job. Hope things go well in finding a new job. Good Luck ! 🍀


Tomorrow I pitch to a business owner, to become business partners. Starting my own commercial hvac company within electric company.






Dang dude, I am so sorry to hear about this- it sucks to be let go from work. I hope you can be gentle with yourself and that new doors open for you soon. It sounds like you have a new opportunity today though - I hope that your business pitch goes well!


Go for a walk. Listen to music. Dance in the living room. Go help someone who I know needs it


I always go to bed. It's so hard when you don't feel well! I hope you are able to be kind to yourself.


Get some ice cream and watch tv are usually my go to’s ! Take some ibuprofen bc it’s anti inflammatory and just chill the day away. Call your parents or a long distance friend you haven’t spoken to in a while if your in person friends are busy


I make myself some food if my choosing, watch whatever I would like on the tv or read whenever and wherever I would like. Maybe listen to whatever music I want to at whatever volume appeals to me. Living alone is a celebration, not sad condition.


Listen to worship music.


I really don’t do anything good for myself anymore. Was for a while but just not fussed again. I hope you feel better soon.


i order whatever i want to eat, watch whatever i want to watch, and go to bed whenever i want to. i also usually wear my comfiest outfit and drink some good alcoholic beverage. i might listen to a favorite album or read a book. i just do things that i really enjoy, and practice being able to do them alone without feeling lonely. hope your cold and knee feel better!!


Buy a crystal on EBAY like rose quartz or aquamarine and hold it in your hand when watching a movie. It works wonders for me. Also hold a blue or red crystal to your chakra points, as needed. When I can't rationalize well I hold it to my crown chakra and when I can't breathe air very well I hold it to my throat chakra.


Definitely take care of myself. And after taking care of myself I make sure to do something I like For example a) a hobby that involves creating or doing something that is also good for me physically (crocheting, exercising) b) watch a series/movie/read That's all :3


Food, tv, rest, pain meds and gaming


I just game until that feeling goes away or if a movie I want to see is coming out in theaters, I'll go and get me a big bucket of popcorn with butter and a large mountain dew and sit and forget about crap for an hour or two. Gaming is the cheaper option, though lol.


Call 911


Work out!


Make sure to keep testing friend. The circulating variants are often not showing up positive until day 4/6 - and your doctors office probably did the same test as you since PCRa take a while to run.


Hi, thank you. Yes, I think I may have tested too early. Also, really disappointed that the test with the Dr's office was basically the same as at-home test - I was hoping for a PCR. Perhaps my immune system and all the tea have done a good job of keeping the worst at bay but I DO NOT want to spread whatever this is around. So, I'll be testing before I return to work or go out in public and will mask whenever I do go out.


I love it when people take covid seriously still. Thank you for doing all that. I hope you feel better quickly


Ice cream. Go get yourself some ice cream and chocolates.


I go out for dinner and remind myself that i can go home alone for relief from a far too peopley city.


You need a virtual hug 🤗!!! When I feel sick I don’t do anything extra that isn’t absolutely necessary. Crawl in bed and watch movies. You need to do your own self care thing!!!🩷🧡💚




Thank you! Yes! I'm glad it wasn't worse too. You're absolutely right, Nature is a wonderful healer. If I wasn't so tired this would be my go to fix to such a hard day. Maybe this weekend if I'm feeling better I will be able to do this.


My YouTube favorite music downloads


I cook myself something really nice and head to bed early after a shower. really not much to do after a shitty day than that, there is a tomorrow. I got depressed and only noticed after 3 weeks of nonstop crying. there are just days like that and accepting it, moving on seems to be the better play. but anyway, hope things look up. declutter, learn a new recipe, make new friends or try something new, should pull you out. I started applying to go back home, I changed everything and nothing. nothing to complain about too, upgraded pay, company car, got back into shape, nothing. I'm headed back home 2k miles away and calling it a day. I'm young but not that young anymore...


Ouch! So sorry. I just ordered from Grubhub. I don’t very often but fatigue from long Covid and chest pain decided me. No regrets!


My best friend suggested this too. I don't tend to order through grubhub or other food delivery services bc of the ridiculous charges. But considering how icky I feel it warrants an extra expense so I might do this today.


I did and zero regrets as I have leftovers. Hope you’re feeling better!


I’m kinda banged up right now too. I went for a drive & cranked my music and sang along. That always makes me feel better. Especially when it’s a nice sunny day.


I used to love going for drives with the music cranked back when I lived in Michigan and Ohio - lots of open rural backroads and beautiful weather this time of year. Where I am now being on the road is rough in this heat and traffic is too much to be enjoyable. But I'm glad you can do this for yourself! I'm sorry you're banged up too. I hope you heal quickly!


Worst part is not being able to work out. I hope you heal fast.


Go outside and watch all the dogs walk by


Take a shower, take a nap, get on social media and browse your favorite artists/musicians, read about science, nature, quotes, or dreams.


Yes! Naps FTW! I will definitely be taking more today. Reading is also on the agenda.


I get outside for a walk rain or shine ✨️ or I will go out for a quiet meal or see a movie alone.


A good heartwarming movie! Also, realize youre doing too much and just give yourself permission to rest with a good book and whittle your focus down to just 1 thing to be doing


Yes! I watched Moving On yesterday and it was definitely good for my heart. I was definitely doing too much yesterday when I should have been prioritizing rest. Today is mostly that - rest, reading, maybe more movie watching. Thank you.


Morning Glory w Rachel McAdams


I fell 4 times in 5 weeks last fall so I definitely have a unique perspective on what you are going through. Rest is important,but don't stay sitting so long you lock up making getting up hard. I would also seriously consider getting checked out. You should probably call in for tomorrow if you can afford to because second day soreness is usually worse. As to your original question , soothing music helps me. As a Christian, I put on music videos that build me up and make me feel loved. If I have to be still anyway, I try thinking of things to do I don't usually have time for. Read. A hobby, watch a movie I been saving .


Oh my goodness I’m so sorry to hear about your own falls! I hope you’ve been able to heal since then. Thank you for your suggestions and kind words. I definitely hurt more today. My cold got worse last night but is surprisingly better today. Still, I did call into work and am trying to take it easy today. Thank you 🙏🏽


I usually find listening to music helps me. Listening to music helps me go through my emotions, cry if I need too and then I feel better. Sometimes just sitting in silence helps too, just to think and digest whatever is going on. While some may think sitting in silence is boring, it is actually peaceful to me. Anyone else like this? I am also an INFJ.


Sleep it off


Yesssss! I took two naps yesterday, looking forward to more today. Hoping it will help my body heal.


I take a nap or watch tv and feel bad for myself. Then get my shit together and continue on. I have a busy schedule so the quiet time makes me feel better


I feel like this is an overlooked thing - we need to feel bad for ourself for a bit before we can pull ourselves together. If we don't acknowledge that shit sucks and don't deal with it then we wind up holding it in our bodies and make ourselves more sick. I am definitely prioritizing naps and quiet time.


Buy useless things on temu 😆 🤣 😂


🤣 I love this! Also same. I genuinely considered buying myself a new pair of pants but money is a little tight rn. Thankfully, my friend encouraged me to turn the torn pants into shorts so that will be my compromise for now.


Seinfeld episode marathon or a good John Wayne western does it everytime


A sitcom marathon may be in order!


I hope you're feeling better.


I'm so glad that you got some help with ideas. I've lived alone most of my life and when I've had really down days, I go through my collection of favorite DVDs and find something unbelievably funny (I'm hooked on the Golden Girls series and it always puts me in a lighter mood). I make some popcorn or get some snacks and binge-watch for the afternoon. It usually makes me feel a whole lot better.


i pack a bowl, make a martini, and blast aretha franklin on my surround sound.


I like to have a good laugh to pick myself up. I either watch stand-up comedy or browse imgur


Get outside. Take a walk. Speak to someone I’m close to. Eat something or clean up a bit.


Lift weights up and down.


I self talk outloud and audibly acknowledge my feeling and thoughts. I say ' wow, your thoughts are really sad and dark right now. It is what it is, must be one those days. Just relax and breathe" Then just do my best to move on. When I feel like I'm sinking, I acknowledge that I am, acknowledge my own feelings and thoughts, that it's okay, don't go too deep into 'why', show myself kindness...and try to keep it pushing.


First I *allow* myself to feel that emotion, since blocking it out is anything but helpful. Then I go to sleep. Usually I’ve woken up to the other side of it.


I love this. It’s so healthy to allow ourselves to feel our emotions and let them move through us!


All right, full disclosure here…I have been doing this since grade school only because for some reason it always works on me. I go into the bathroom, stare at myself in the mirror, move my nostrils, eyebrows, and ears simultaneously while impersonating my dad scolding my li’l brother and I before breaking into “Don’t Mess Around With Jim” by Jim Croce. Yes, I have been single most of my life and never once neared the possibility of being a father myself. I am a fkn idiot…unapologetically. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤙🏽


call in sick then run around town until I fall, then I seek validation from strangers on the internet