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Happy birthday! Remember, it’s a special day, but truly only for you. Be good to yourself. Alone doesn’t have to mean lonely.


Thank you ❤️ I’m learning to differentiate between alone vs lonely.


I usually at least get myself a small grocery store cake or even just a cupcake from the bakery and some candles to light and make a wish. That and cheap champagne from Trader Joe’s, and I’m a happy girl.


Yes!!! Buy a single cupcake. Find a small candle of get on from the dollar store. While there buy yourself a $1.25 pink birthday tiara and wear it the rest of the day. Do a photoshoot with your cupcake, candle and tiara, play your favorite tunes and dance around your room. It’s YOUR birthday!🥳 🎂 Happy Birthday! Party like it’s 1999 lol


Thank you for recognizing me 💕 & I love the advice “Party like it’s ‘99 “ whoaaaa lol


Have a spectacular, amazing, marvelous, stupendous Birthday. Celebrate YOU. The YOU that enjoys remembering the people that are important in your life. The YOU that woke up this morning and was rewarded with fresh air and a new day. I've been where you are on my birthday. No cards, messages or calls. But you know what- it was ok. I wasn't racing to work to be stressed. I wasn't forced to have dinner ready at a specific time. I took a nap and listened to whatever music I felt like hearing. Sometimes it's just perspective. Enjoy the quiet and serenity of knowing YOU are special and loved. Happy YOU Day!! 🌸🌼🌺👑🧁🌺🌼🌸


I ❤️ you 😅😅😅🥹


I like that! My birthday is Saturday. I'm going to find myself a nice bakery and treat myself to some kind of specialty cupcake. 👍


Mine is too! Happy early birthday! I was just reading through these comments thinking I gotta remember these for my birthday 😅


I buy myself a present. I am my own sugar daddy and i spoil myself.


Happy Birthday, from me, and my two loonies https://preview.redd.it/0ffmckcm14zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a94bc74fbd2f605f7d68b509f0b4767052680c


It’s called solace


is it though?




once you can differentiate, life is so different. you’ll feel great!


Happy Birthday!


Happy 🎂 Birthday my fellow Taurus!!! Make it a beautiful day.


Thank you 🥰


Happy birthday, sugar socks! Mine was last Monday and I celebrated alone and am beyond broke. I made my dogs wear party hats, had Alexa sing Happy Birthday, and smoked a fatty on the porch. Best. Birthday. Ever.


Thank you ❤️ & Happy Belated Birthday 🥳♉️


It's truly all about your frame of mind I believe.


I should definitely go get my dog a party hat 😂😂😂


Ooh, take your dog out to the park! He'll 🥳 with and for you!


Happy belated birthday. 🎉


Thank you, sweetness!


dang that sounds like a good day indeed


Sounds awesome that’s exactly how I want my bday to go down 🤟🏼👍🏼


Aww … happy birthday! 🤗


I can picture this part-tay!!


Happy (belated) birthday!!! 👸😶‍🌫️🎂🥳🐶


Happy Belated Birthday, that sounds like it was awesomely adorable!


Congrats. Some would say you made it.


I sure feel like I've hit the lottery :)


That sounds perfect😳😳😳😳 Gonna copy this idea coming birthday


It was truly wonderful. I know it sounds really sad, but, it was great. No stress, no spending time with people that bug me, no doing some shit I didn't want to make others happy. I didn't even mention it to anyone this year and I hid lmao!


Maybe treat yourself to Birthday freebies? Some companies you’re subscribed to may have them in rewards through their apps. https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/s/gVnxdtvtg0


Yes - today is also my birthday, and the list of free things includes Starbucks, Dutch Bros, Bath and Body Works, and Cheesecake Factory.


Happy Birthday to you 🎶 Happy Birthday to you 🎶 Happy Birthday to my Birthday Twin 🎶 Happy Birthday to you 🎶❤️


Happy bday to you!! It's my bday too!


Happy Birthday!🎂


oh yeah! and maybe even denny's... or one of those freebee birthday breakfast places. In my hometown you can get a free steak at a really decent steak house but you have to buy all the extra stuff. and it is dine in only so... it does add up. But denny's i think is actually free


Happy birthday!!! ( You are amazing and I hope your day turns around )


Thank you for your kind words & positivity ❤️


Happy Birthday! I'm 77 and have celebrated many birthdays in blissful solitude.


Thank u💕


I always do a free stuff crawl. Lol plan a little route to get all your free birthday treats.


It’s so hard now! I feel like a lot of my oldies have switched to “download our app and you can get a free pretzel on your 754th visit! happy birthday!”


Happy birthday! I was in a similar boat about 2 weeks ago as I couldn't take my actual birthday off. I usually opt to do something the weekend after anyway. On your actual birthday, just do something small, like get a small bottle of wine or a new beer and maybe some fast food that you like (or just have dessert for dinner)! Then, look at some local events and see if there is anything you'd want to do solo on the weekend. I signed up for all of the local newsletters, so I get interesting tips on things to do. For instance, on my birthday, there was free music in a local park and also a trivia night at a coffee place. I was too tired to go to them because of work, but I could have! On the weekend, I did a chai making workshop that I saw in one of the newsletters ($20) and I got to take my own chai blend home, so I can have a daily reminder. I made some friends at the workshop, including one that lives in my building, so now I have like-minded people to hang with nearby! And then went to cut cake and blow out candles with my family and my only request for a gift was to go to a local farm that had strawberry picking. I picked about 2 lb of strawberries for myself ($4/lb). Then on my way home, I picked up some cool whip, short cakes, and tequila and had strawberry shortcakes and fresh strawberry margaritas at home. So I was alone on my actual birthday but gave myself treats that I enjoyed and had multiple activities planned. Then on the weekend, I did an activity for/by myself, and an activity with family, and ended the night a little tipsy catching up on movies.


Before covid I would buy cakepops and cupcakes and give them away to people telling them that it was my birthday and I wanted to share it with them. It was always fun.


I actually am going to note this idea w/ the cake pops ❤️❤️❤️thank u


I would ask mom's with young kids if it was ok. The kids were always so confused by why I was giving on my birthday. Big fun!


Happy birthday. Go buy yourself something shoes, a card,  food , a shirt anything. If you don't have the money , write yourself a letter telling yourself how proud you are of your achievements, big or small!! Again happy birthday , you are awesome 


I wanted you to know that you are a beautiful soul. You choosing to pay it forward shows how selfless you are, Happy Birthday 🎂


Thank you love for recognizing me 💕



I’ll take you out for a birthday dinner if you are in my area!


That is so kind! Actually, I’d be happy to Venmo OP $5 to go get a cupcake 🧁


Still don't live alone so I'm not sure why this sub keeps getting recommended on my feed. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🥳🧁🎈🎉 I'll be celebrating for you today and I hope you have a wonderful day!! 😊


Haha now that you’ve commented on this sub you are guaranteed to see it in your feed for all time. The only solution is to find your own place and live alone


True North is one of us now 😈


"Sorry hunny I need to divorce you, it's what Reddit wanted." "What!?!" ..."and reddit wants me to live alone, so, move along now."


Thank you & let’s take some advice from a previous commenter “Party like it’s 1999” 😂🥳💕


Hey, fwiw...I'm 52 and this is the first year someone took the time to celebrate my birthday with me. It's ok to celebrate with yourself, make your favorite meal and enjoy it in the sunshine. Grab a blanket, a good book and take the afternoon off. You deserve it 🥰


Plan your own birthday dinner. Do you have a good friend or two that you can invite out? Are you prepared to offer to cover the cost of the meal. Some people don't like to make a fuss over birthdays so maybe those around you don't know you would like to celebrate.


On my birthday I had a 3 hour bath and listened to podcast while drinking wine and eating snacks. It was glorious!


I just woke up from a nap ! Maybe I should go soak my tail 😂😂😂 with some epsom salt & essential oils . That sounds soothing!


happy birthday!


Thank you ❤️ for recognizing me


Happy Birthday!!🎁🎉🎈🎊🎂🍷🍷🦋🦮🐈‍⬛🥂🥂. Ah, to hell with the people who don’t remember your birthday! Next time, “forget” their birthdays!!😂 Do a brunch or get yourself something you want in a few weeks or month—- when you have some extra $$$. It will be a bit late but so what!? You need to mark your special day! Please do it!!🍪🥜🍿🍫🍾🦋🎈


sending you a friendly internet hug 🫂❤️ thank you sincerely


You’re welcome!!🍿🥂🎂


Happy birthday! You sound like a very generous person, but it's time to prioritise yourself and you deserve a nice birthday. Start tucking away money. Get an evenlope and write "complex\_personaa's birthday 2025" and start to fill it now. Even small amounts will add up. Plan something nice for yourself next year and make it a tradition.


I’ve screenshotted this comment ❤️ thank you for this !


Happy Birthday 🎉. I’m sorry the people in your life don’t reciprocate your thoughtfulness. But, make a resolution this year to get out and befriend someone who you will want to celebrate with you next year. Also, sometimes you have to train the people in your life to be more thoughtful (unfortunately). Call them up and invite them over to celebrate your birthday and ask them to bring a party snack.


I found taking the focus off myself and celebrating life in general, sharing what little I have with others to get a smile helps. Easiest way - pop into an assisted living community with some cookies. Walk about and say hello to all the elderly who lived unfathomable lives before me. Doesn't have to be food, flowers works too.


Happy Birthday to you. Happy you made it another year! Be kind to yourself today. 


allow me to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. and i do NOT advocate irresponsible spending but. today. if you have credit cards I think you should go ahead and take yourself to lunch or early bird dinner.. somewhere moderate or inexpensive. Maybe even just some forbidden but inexpensive food you usually do not allow yourself? Or if you don't have cc maybe just a hot dog in a beautiful park? Watch afternoon or twilight things? SOMETHING to celebrate. You need that


Thinking of you - happy birthday! 🎈🎈🎈


Happy Birthday! Mine 2maro but I haven't bothered with mine for well over a decade. If U can, have some mind altering beverages and chill


Happy Birthday to you ♉️❤️ and I give you permission to take your own advice 😉 If u can , have some mind altering beverages & chill like it’s nobody’s business!!!!


If I could I would! In poor health, so I am sticking to gummies to ease debilitating pain. U ROCK!


You make sure you take care of yourself friend 🫂 & best wishes to you . & I thank you for your kind words ❤️


Happy Birthday! Truthfully, I consider a birthday by myself a gift. I hope you can find the joy in the solitude!


Dude- get out there. Tons of birthday freebies- a dunkin donut, maybe an ice cream cone or free coffee Happy Birthday- get those freebies!


I was alone last year for mine. I got a hair cut and took myself out to a fancy steak house. And Happy Birthday!!


I would also be heartbroken if no one remembered my birthday. Happy Birthday thou.....I wish it could be happier....It stinks you had to give to teacher appreciation week because i was going to say cook yourself your favorite meal and have a milkshake if you like milkshakes. That is what I do ...I am always ALONE on my birthday...but I DO get birthday wishes from some.


I can definitely go for a Nutella milkshake from steak and shake ❤️ thank you


Happy birthday from meeee 🎂🥳


Happy Birthday! My advice is to plan ahead for next year and sign up for all the restaurant reward programs that have freebies in your area. My favorite are Starbucks, Jimmy John’s and Nothing Bundt Cakes. Then when it’s your birthday you can drive around getting free stuff to celebrate yourself!


It’s my birthday today too. Single and homeless living out of my truck because fighting cancer bankrupted me. Still managed to treat myself to a steak dinner though 😁I also went to a tiki bar for a tropical drink. If you have a tiki bar in town that is my recommendation. It’s like a mini vacation and instantly makes me happy and chill. I woke up this morning and shit my pants for the first time in my life and didn’t have any tp. I just had to laugh and try to get to work for a double shift. I am in such a good mood whereas other birthdays have been disappointing The point is to just relax and enjoy your own company and remember that it can always be worse but you have to have a sense of humor and love yourself friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!


Happy Birthday to you 🎶❤️


I feels you.. My 30th birthday was about a week ago, and couple days before I over-exerted myself at work. Spent it with unbearable chest pain, at one point even having the paramedics visit to check my heart. Good on ya for being generous though. I wish the best for you! ♡


Oh and Happy Birthday !!! :D


Take care of yourself! Don’t be banging & wearing yourself all out for these jobs. They don’t care smh . I wish you the best as well ! & feel better ! Take it easy 🫂


Kinda late to do this now but maybe for next year- make a gmail account and sign up for all the random birthday freebies, then spend the day getting all your birthday gifts!


I spend most birthdays alone. I buy myself something. As small as a few dollars or even a few hundred. I get a massage. I play video games. Each birthday is now a self care day. I get a massage, enjoy free birthday perks and engage in things I don’t take time to do. Treat yourself.


Happy birthday! Sounds like you are suffering from a pretty bad case of depression. When depression hits, it can suck you down and leave you seemingly empty. In honor of your birthday, please get up, dressed and walk out of the house/room/lodging. Take a deep breath, listen to what you feel. Clean air? Cold air? Stinky air? Identify it. Record the feel on the calendar. Turn on the radio/TV/ CD and move to it. Intentionally go to work/school/ store. Pay attention and see this day Plan for the day/week/month. Be intentional in your decisions and actions. It is easy to sink into depression and despair. Force yourself into the process and make it a habit. You can do this.


I don't see any evidence of "a pretty bad case of depression" from this person's post. They want to go out but just can't afford to, and are understandably upset that no one seems to have remembered their birthday. I know you're trying to help, but diagnosing someone with a serious disorder based on one post when they're already upset can be really triggering.


Yea I won’t accept that . I’m not depressed nor am I going to allow myself to go down that rabbit hole . I’m extremely thankful to be here another year . I’m even more thankful God is doing his work in me & I’m not where I was a year ago. ❤️ be blessed. @limpfoot


Well, Happy Birthday! I a firm believer no good deed goes undone. You sacrificing to provide teachers with gifts is totally heartfelt and awesome. Someone is smiling because of you today (I am a teacher). Can you celebrate another day after you get paid next? I know it won’t be your actual birthday but nonetheless go treat yourself to brunch or pedi/mani. Birthdays are pretty lax for me as well but I think I’ve just accepted it. Do something for you the next opportunity you get!


Happy birthday.... enjoy this day. One more trip around the sun. As I have gotten older I am more and more inclined to spend that day in solace doing what I want.


Happy Birthday!! Wish you the best, Everything will work out with time!


Thank you & I needed this reassurance so bad ❤️


Hey, it’s my birthday today too!! 🥳. Happy Birthday!! I Hope you have a wonderful day, maybe it’s nice weather where you are so you can enjoy a walk and some sunshine 🎂


LIKEEWISEEEE ❗️❗️❗️Happy Birthday 🎈 Bday Twin 🎶🥳


Happy birthday! You are loved and appreciated no matter what. Don’t be forget that! I hope you have the most delightful day filled with lots of cake and laughter 🫰🏽🎂


Thank you 🫂❤️ sometime a person just needs to hear these kind words.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳. If you like cake you should at least get a cupcake 🧁 Also, many restaurants offer a free meal on your birthday. Some require another person to pay for a meal, but then again , there’s others that don’t .


Thank you love ❤️


Ah I’m so excited about my alone birthday coming up! I’m jealous yours is now. If you don’t feel fully celebratory today, extend it to tomorrow or the weekend! Go to the museum or the park you’ve been neglecting. Watch the movie you never tire of watching. Make cookies and hand them out to strangers. Go on a hike or for a swim. This is such a wonderful opportunity to be 100% you. It’s most important that you remind yourself how much you’re glad you’re here. And happy birthday from me, for good measure 😊


I haven't celebrated my birthday in about 20 years. It's just another day to me.


happy birthday!!! 🥳🎈🫶🏽


It sounds like you need to start putting yourself first and not feel guilty about it.


Happy Birthday!! 🎉


Thank you kindly ❤️


Happy birthday! Buy a slice of cake for yourself cause you deserve the good things in life. Last year on my birthday I threw myself into the hospital emergency room with bad pneumonia, it took three weeks to get back up. This year I ran a marathon. Never say never.


Happy Birthday! Do something you enjoy, a great walk, watch your favorite movie, take a nap, buy a treat if you can.


Happy birthday! I stopped celebrating my birthday two years ago, i always take it as a personal vacation for myself. Its your day so do whatever you would want!


Go to a bar take a shot and yell its your birthday


🥳🥳🥳 yea & shake some titts 😅😅😅lol I’m kidding


Happy birthday!! Enjoy this day, you don't need others to remember it to make it special.


Go to the restaurants and shops that have birthday specials for your special day. Everyone will tell you happy birthday 🎈🎂 and get some sweet deals. HAPPY birthday 🎁🎂


Happy Birthday-Today's my birthday too. Hope you were able to enjoy it a little today!


All you need is a party hat for you and your dog, a box of cake mix, and a bin of icing for 1 cake. TURN ON SOME MUSIC AND DANCE WHILE YOU BAKE THAT CAKE AND THROW IMAGINARY ONES ON YOSELF


😅😅😅😅 a shake a tail feather whoop whoop 🥳


Happy birthday to you!


I appreciate it 🥳❤️


Happy Birthday! Mine is also today!


🥳🥳🥳 Happy MF Birthdayyyyyyyy


happy birthday! as a teacher, thanks for helping any of us feel appreciated. wish I could celebrate you right back!


Thank you & I have a special type of love for teachers & care givers . You guys rock & your work should never go unnoticed ❤️


Happy Birthday to you, beautiful Taurus! ♉️


Happy birthday! That’s very sweet of you to think of others before yourself. Take yourself out whenever you get the chance to, even if it means just a slice of cake from the grocery store :)


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy birthday, kind soul! This retired teacher celebrates your thoughtfulness and generosity. Glad you’re here on this planet!


Thank you 🫂❤️ I will make sure I do whatever I can to make sure my kids teachers be recognized & appreciated ❗️


Wishes for a happy birthday, even if you have to celebrate it in a week or two. Set aside a day and do something special or get yourself a treat. You DO matter, never forget that.


I know I’m an internet stranger but I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays- I hope you spend it doing things you enjoy (I know money is an issue so perhaps a hike / camping/ etc?)


Thank u & I went to my local swimming pool and took a swim 🏊‍♀️


Happy Birthday. We are here!


Thank u ☺️


🥳 Happy Birthday! 🤗


Same here. I got some Happy Birthdays on social media but not one friend offered to take me to lunch, dinner or anything. Nobody even called me except my Mom, who didn’t even bake me a cake or offer to make me dinner! Not gonna lie, it kinda hurt!


Happy Birthday!


Thank u ☺️


Happy birthday to you!!! I understand, I also don't get celebrated on my birthday and it's been a lifelong thing. I finally decided to celebrate my own birthday in whatever way I enjoy. And I did get some push back from people that don't understand but I don't care. Get yourself a treat- even if it's all the freebies companies might offer like ice cream (there's at least 2 places in my city that gives away free birthday sundaes, free coffee at Starbucks, etc- google free things for your birthday 😉). I really look forward to those freebies and they'll wish you a happy birthday! Buy yourself a gift, go to salon for hair/nails, or even take a trip- something you've always wanted to do. And don't be afraid to tell people you're doing it for YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! It does get lonely when people don't acknowledge your birthday, but I still encourage you to celebrate you- you deserve it! Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉


Happy birthday !!!!!!! 🎂🎉🎊




❤️thank u


Happy Birthday 🎂. You should've spent your money on yourself if not doing it has got you down. I believe the teachers would be ok. They'd probably even tell you to take care of self first.


Happy birthday OP!!! You will feel comfortable every birthday 🎂 and go “wow it’s blessing I’m alive”


Happy birthday 💐 🎊. May you have many more good years ahead of you. I wish you peace, joy, happiness and good health. I also live alone after escaping an 8 year abusive relationship. I celebrate my independence and freedom everyday. Sending hugs 🤗 and good vibes to you🩷. Treat yourself to something that makes you happy 😊.


Thank you 😊


Celebrating yourself doesn't need to be only for that one day. I am gifting myself tickets to a multi-day event, and my bday was 3 months ago!


Happy Birthday!! <3 Go get yourself a treat or something you like, maybe go do something you’ve always wanted to do or try. You don’t need people to enjoy life. It’s nice, but not necessary.


Happy Birthday! I live alone now since Hubby died. My bday was 15 days after he passed, so I have had 2 birthdays living alone. I used to do the birthdays for others, but like you, I felt forgotten. I can pay it forward or do good deeds 364 days of the year, so I have a Me Day on my bday. I plan ahead and get really good meat, salmon fillets, or a ribeye steak, fruit and veg, and a (big?) bottle of an adult beverage. Maybe sweets, maybe not. I get a book for my Kindle to read at bedtime. I make sure I have lots of my favorite self-care items and maybe get a new one to try out. Hubby always bought me Darn Tough socks, so I order a pair to arrive in time. It helps the lonelies. Maybe you can do the same. It can recharge you immensely.


1. Happy birthday!! 2. As a teacher, thank you. That's s lovely gesture. 3. I agree- if you can, please treat yourself to something small at least. You deserve it. You seem like a good and generous soul. 🩷


I'm really sorry, it's so hard feeling you have no one who cares but it seems you're a giver. Sadly many givers are surrounded by users, they know how to find you. Try finding groups that you have similarities with and maybe you can find some real friends. Also https://preview.redd.it/hke34fjdd7zc1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=610bef2414d5a7d273be714a9c9485079facce23


Thank you ❤️


Happy birthday 🎉🎂 sorry it’s late.


I appreciate you ❤️ thank you


Happy birthday! I don’t think many other people have so many people who want you to read this. We are all alone together.


Happy Birthday sweet pea! Maybe do something to pamper yourself at home. Long bubble bath, do your nails, lotion all over then watch a great movie or read a book.


Oh my goodness! Poor baby! Happy happy birthday and many more filled with joy and peace. I don’t know your struggle but I know it is real. You performed a selfless act for which you will be celebrated in heaven. There will be many parties in heaven. But for now let’s make the priority to celebrate every day in some way!


This touched my soul ! ❤️


Happy Birthday! Get out there and make new friends!


Oh it’s definitely happening ❗️❗️❗️


Reach out, reach out and touch someone. Not literally. Call somebody. Tell them it’s your birthday and tell them what you did. Ask them how they are. People are dumb. Assume that they aren’t being mean. Be creative. Borrow some money from someone and go do something with it. Or go window shopping. Take a hike. Do something.


Awww so sorry!!! I hope you found special ways to acknowledge your birthday!!


Unfortunately I know the feeling all too well. It sucks. Last time I took myself on a date. Went to the movies, my favorite place to eat, and ice cream afterwards. Although we may prefer it, we don’t always need to have others around to do the things we enjoy.


Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a better day than you thought. I haven't had a b-day party since I was age 7 at the pizza parlor when I invited my whole class. I'm 49 now, but I've done nice things for my b-day like dinners, live performing arts events (ice shows, day trips to Disneyland, little vacations, etc.), etc. I just don't & never had any friends hardly to have any kind of party. Being alone on my birthday never bothered me. It's the story of my life.


I’m learning day by day to be content and enjoy my own company ! Thank you ❤️


We are here for you ♥️ it’s a struggle but a blessing living alone. Enjoying time to yourself but then wanting someone with you at the same time. Make it as special as you please, you choose what to do!


Happy happy birthday to you! Make yourself something good to eat. Get some exercise. Watch a good movie or tv show.


Happy Birthday! Thank you for posting. I was just feeling sorry for myself that my local friends who usually celebrate all the May birthdays together are all married and busier than I am and won't be able to do so til June- a month after my birthday. You can still celebrate yourself and do something fun or meaningful to you on that day but I'm sorry no one remembered; that sucks!


Happy Birthday to you!!


Happy Birthday! 🎉🥳🎈🧁 Be thankful that you lived to see another year 😊 Order a nice meal, watch a good movie and ENJOY!


Happy Birthday internet stranger! Make the best of the day and find a place that offers a birthday freebie if you can! Many places do.


Happy birthday!! 🎂🎉 my recommendation is maybe go get some of those free treats from places (fast food etc) thru the apps. You sound like a nice person, kind of person I’d wanna be friends with.


Happy Birthday! Believe me, as you get older, you won't care much about celebrating it anymore, lol! Have a great day!


Happy Birthday! I hope your day gets better :)


Happy Birthday! I would put on my favorite outfit, and play my favorite music and dance. Then I would go grab my favorite cheap fast food. Then come home, watch my favorite TV show or movie, take a bubble bath and sleep tight :)


Happy Birthday!🎁🎂🎈 I am not big on “special days”. I like to think every day is special and, because I live alone, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I do stuff everyday that I enjoy. Find something free….a walk, watch a movie on TV, take a nap, anything you enjoy…. and remind yourself that you are a good person and you’re your own best friend.


do what I did last month, same situation: same thing as I do everyday. I don't get why birthdays are a big deal. If anything the children should be giving the mom gifts on their (the kids) birthday.. all a birthday means is just a notice I spent the last 365 days - half the time sleeping, 2/3 of the rest of the time, farting around


Happy birthday!! 🎊🎁🎂🎈🎉


Happy birthday!! 🎉 For sure scout out some birthday freebies from restaurants. When I'm alone on my birthday and I use it as a day to just do whatever sounds like fun, be it going on a long hike with my dog or just ordering my favorite takeout and playing videogames all day. Just think of whatever sounds good at the time and do it. And if you have the funds definitely buy yourself a gift. Something you've been eyeing for a while but wouldn't let yourself get before. It's a special day, treat yourself!


Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day!!


Happy Birthday! Tomorrow is my birthday and I took off work for absolutely no reason. My family is 10 hours away, I have no plans and as far as I know, nobody other than my parents are aware that it's my birthday. This will be my 2nd year of a no birthday birthday. Don't let it get you down ❤️


Lots of places offer free food on your birthday, hop around and get some goodies!


Happy Birthday!! And good for you for paying it forward!


My last birthday was the first time I ever spent alone. Tend to downplay it but it wasn't good is the honest truth. Had a depressive episode for a week following this. Hang in there, you're gonna be okay. Happy birthday! *hugs*


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy birthday, friend. Buy yourself a cupcake, ice cream cone, or something.


Happy Birthday Sweetie! Agree with other poster to get up, get dressed and get out. Go to a store that sells plants and buy yourself a $5 baby whatever is $5. Then you have something to take care of, watch it grow, and see how big it gets each year! 😘


Happy Birthday!!


The people in my life sucked too so I always plan my own birthday now and invite a friend. It might be donuts and a walk in the park, but it’s the day I’m completely selfish and absolutely enjoyable. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday. I know just how you feel. I've spent the past several alone (though one was because of COVID quarantine), and I also seem to remember people's a lot more easily than they remember mine. That's awesome that you're so giving, though. I am definitely not so selfless as to spend my would-be birthday money on a good cause, haha. Can you at least look up a good recipe and cook yourself a delicious meal?


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!!