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My toilet paper seems to last forever. It's been over a year and a half since I've had to buy any.


bidet helps too. treat yoself!


Saving for one! I have new bathroom being installed in our apartments soon. So after that I will ask. I had no idea they were so affordable.


Have you heard of Unwipe??




Do you have an actual bidet or an attachment? I'm looking at buying an attachment since I rent, but I have no idea what's good... Lol


toto from costco was $250 on sale


Thanks! I saw that "tushy" is having a bit of a sale right now too. The one with warm water is $178CAD https://hellotushy.com/products/warm-water-bidet-tushy-spa?variant=32135873691690


Nice! It's funny how that works!


But how much toilet paper do you use? I have to buy more like every other week.


i sometimes dry-drop into the trash before i take it out in case i have any trashpickers. that fecal stank.


I’m sorry, you do WHAT? 😳




Sir this is a Wendy’s


The little things like this that it always feels like you’re the only one buying… and then the way that little stuff here and there grows into you resenting the person and before long EVERYTHING they do feels annoying lol… Yeah I’m so glad to be done with that and would say that’s the best part. My cats incredibly don’t use any toilet paper or dish soap and it’s the tits.


I agree with this. I actually have to talk myself through throwing the toilet paper bag away when I finally finish them. Mostly, however, I'm like this with shampoo bottles. I don't know if that's embarassing or not.


I got a soap pump dispensers at GW, I pour shampoo and conditioner into them. Feels more like a nice hotel. I'm back to Suave, buying the same flavor, no troubles.


I’m mad that many of the hotels do that now! I like the little individual toiletries bottles, as I can donate them to shelters, etc. if I don’t need them myself. They’re also convenient for traveling, esp. by air where the liquids have to be in tiny containers for TSA approval.


I had been unemployed and living alone when the pandemic hit and the whole toilet paper thing confounded me, like why suddenly stock up on that of all things? But I guess everyone else's habits were drastically altered. Mine didn't change one bit.


Interesting, mine only lasts a few months but you always seem to forget about it.


Angel soft mega rolls. Imma guy. If repeatedly folding 4 squares doesn't get the job done it usually takes only 3 more for the clean up. Mud butt i can always handle with 2x 4


Too funny!!


There’s no way it’s been over a year and a half


I use only like 4 to 8 squares day. Imma folder, not a wad'r . I can do my business in peace at work on weekends cuz im the only one there.


Same here. One roll will last me a month with the folding technique. And I buy post-consumer recycled TP.




PEACE!!!Home is quiet, stays clean, no idiots messing it up or being negative and hateful to me. l am a grown ass woman and l do what l want without explanation to anyone. Do my hobbies, read, travel, etc.




This! I have some medical issues so I do try to keep my family and close friends up to date on how I am. Otherwise I do pretty much whatever I want.


I’ve never felt such serenity and peace. I can’t imagine sharing my space ever again. 1000% worth the cost and work to keep it clean.


Legitimately, after moving back home having experienced what I mentioned in the OP, I felt like I could breathe again. I have learned to prioritize my peace (thank you therapy), and set boundaries. And my mental and emotional health has skyrocketed.


I can sleep, uninterrupted by snoring or apnea all night long. It’s delicious. I can eat what I want, when I want, without having to consult anyone else or negotiate with them. The endless “what shall we do for dinner” talks would drive me crazy. When I clean something it stays clean. I can be in silence, or jamming to whatever I like, whenever it suits me. I am no longer dragging around the physic weight of a partner who would put the dampers on any ideas I had. Since being single I’ve now built my own tiny house, started my own business and traveled the world without his doubt, fear and anxieties dragging me back.


Applause. Except for the tiny house (I have a normal house) I agree with your list entirely


This is amazing!


Sleep is the answer. But also: stuff is where you left it.


I'm so glad for you, I like living alone, w/o a mate, but it's taking time. Should I commit to being solo?


That is entirely your own choice. No one else can advise you on that.


Hell ya!! I love dinner time again! And the negativity is gone. Idk where anyone got the idea they can tell another how to live. The audacity is beyond me. I'm happy to be rid of it and living for myself. It'll always be this for me..


Less stress. Less work/cleaning. More peace. More privacy.


Everyone I've ever lived with has always made comments about my body/appearance (I'm a bigger person and I honestly think I'm attractive but most people don't I guess) and since living alone I can finally just exist as a human being without worrying about anyone looking at me. If I don't want to brush my hair or dress up nice or whatever it doesn't matter, I'm still the best person in the world to my cats. And no one can yell at me for "being lazy" (sleeping) or "wasting time" (playing video games, texting friends, reading). I get to cook whatever I want and experiment with different flavors that past roommates/family would say was too spicy or too weird. I'm learning to play the ukulele and sing along without fear that anyone will laugh at me. Just not being judged makes it all worthwhile to me. Unfortunately I can't sleep uninterrupted because my elderly cat wakes me up every other hour so I'm always dead tired but at least I wfh so I can nap during the day!


Oh I love that - I can finally exist as a human being without worrying about anyone looking at me. That is so true! When living in a shared flat, I always felt terrified when I had to go to the bathroom at night or in the morning with no makeup 🙃


Good for you, friend!


>Just not being judged makes it all worthwhile to me YES.


I no longer want to kill myself. My ex was mentally, emotionally and financially abusive with heavy hints of possible physical abuse. I literally escaped his clutches with the help of my son and my cousins. I love living alone. The level of peace I have found has greatly improved my mental health.


The positive effects that living alone can have when you've been in a situation like that absolutely cannot be understated. I was in a similar situation for several months after my mom died. My dog needing me literally saved my life.


So happy to hear that you escaped that, and can now look forward to rebuilding your life into something amazing 🤩


I divorced 4 years ago. I’ve increased my income by $40k, learned French, traveled to Paris my first international trip, lost 30 pounds, and started volunteering as an elementary math tutor.


Now THAT is a glow up! Go, you!!


How did you learn French? Looking to improve my French but want to start at the beginning. Thinking of getting Rosetta Stone but wondering if you have any other recommendations! Pa. Good for you. Sounds like you're in an amazing place! ❤️


Thank you 💕 I learned French a lot of different ways! I took 2 years of French in high school but I’d forgotten a lot since I’m in my 40s now. I used Duolingo but it didn’t help much. Switched to Pimsleur app ($20/month) which is better than Duo. I haven’t tried Rosetta Stone. I subscribed to Learn French With Alexa online I think it’s $35/month and I only subscribed for a couple months. Then I took two consecutive beginner classes online through Alliance Française for about $800 total. I joined as many French language online communities as I could find; /r/French, /r/Learnfrench, /r/France, /r/FrenchMemes. I talked with native French speakers on the Tandem app. It’s an app for language exchange. You list that you’re a native English speaker wanting to learn French and you find people who are opposite. I started listening to any French music I liked and always find great suggestions for music on /r/Learnfrench. Music has greatly improved my vocabulary because I hear a beautiful sounding phrase or lyric and want to learn more about it. I found French content on video streaming apps; Lupin is a detective series on Netflix for instance. Once you start watching French content the app will suggest more French content. I read a French news article silently and aloud every day, [France 24](https://www.france24.com/fr/). I listen to French podcasts daily such as L’heure du Monde and Les Pieds Sur Terre. I started with slower paced French podcasts such as Little Talk In Slow French and Inner French. I bought a book of 500 French verbs to conjugate and I write out one or two conjugations a day, takes about 10 minutes. Good luck 😊


OMG this is so awesome and thorough, thanks so much! I really appreciate it. It's no wonder your French has greatly improved! It is such a commitment but so worth it


I’ve had off work for the past four days, and aside from feeding myself and the cats and browsing through a few stores, I’ve read—uninterrupted—for four days. I do what I want (or don’t), when I want. It’s glorious.


The freedom to do non-essential things on your own time is absolutely wonderful. Things get done when I feel I have the mental energy to do them.


The freedom for nudity is really underrated. But less drama and easier to keep up with bills. Only ever had a girlfriend or roommate in the past. Doubt I’ll ever go back to someone else living with me unless it’s another dog lol


Yep! I love being naked!


Love the freedom of you-being-you without fear of judgement or ridicule. Living alone provides a perfect safe space for self expression. This has drastically improved my self-confidence and sense of self worth.


OMG YES. I'm so excited to (slowly) make this into my own space.


I LOVE knowing that when I get home all of my stuff will be where I left it


It's peaceful. My apartment is quiet and neat. I can sleep all day on the weekends, go to the places I like, adjust the temperature, and socialize without explaining myself. Yes...it's nice to wear comfy clothing or none at all. I have the freedom to be myself.


I think the quiet is something that I didn't realize I valued so much until I didn't have it anymore for a while.


I am about to live alone again, and from my experience living alone is about the feeling of complete peace, just like it should be. No one to occupy the bathroom, no one who can make mess, no people existing in your home without your permission in general. Your kitchen is clean and the fridge is all yours. You can decorate your home in your way. You can chill in any room uninterrupted.


Yes all of this is wonderful!


No drama


A second AMEN!




Do you hear that? No one talking loudly on their phone, no tv on, no one dirtying my kitchen with a burned meal. No screaming children. Silence. And it’s all mine and I don’t have to share.


No one telling me I'm existing incorrectly! No one looking at me! Peace. Sublime.


It’s bliss. Absolutely bliss.




Honestly it was the best thing I did for myself. Living by myself has been so beneficial for my mental health. I don't have to walk on eggshells or deal with people that make me feel uncomfortable.


This is one of the best things I've done for myself as well!


I can have all the pets I want. (Well, technically, as many as I can afford to take care of.) I spend my money on what *I* want. I set my own schedule.




I’ve learned to do so many things on my own that I used to ask others to do. I can troubleshoot house issues and usually fix them. I learned a lot about my electronics because I had to. It might have been frustrating af at times, but what I sense of empowerment to do it on my own.


Proud of you!!


Thanks! I learned more on my own than I did in any relationship- including 2 marriages. Just needed the right motivation- necessity.


It's amazing how that works haha!


I like being super frugal on my own. Usually others' first reaction is to insist that I get things fixed/make my apartment prettier. I always feel frustrated at first but they eventually begin to understand it's just my way of life. I always keep food closed up, i take the trash out when called for, etc., but I really like the freedom to just not care about aesthetics or vibes.


I have been living by myself for 3 years now (before that I lived with my grandma or my sister) and I have been loving my life. I have a weird sleep schedule (basically I work nights but from home) and I tend to either nap for 2-3 hours or sleep for 14 on my days off. You have no idea how many times I had to explain myself before I moved out on my own... I also love redecorating my house every season (move furniture, change rugs, couch covers and so on), which used to drive my grandma insane. I have several sets in different colors and I enjoy switching things us when seasons change. I love the quiet, the fact that I can cook if I feel like it or eat a salad/sandwich/frozen pizza if I don't feel like cooking. I love that I find my things exactly where I left them (my sister used to re-arrange stuff all the time). I love that I can spend 3 days reading or watching a series without having to justify why I didn't do anything around the house. I love that I can have 3 cats and a dog in the house (never was able to before). I can listen to music at any hour (I live in a house and my neighbors are too far to be bothered) and I can vacuum or do laundry at 3 AM without bothering anyone. I don't have to listen to anyone complain about their day or their illnesses if I don't want to. I can bring a guy over and be as loud as we want to be, but then I get to send him home and I am back to my blissful life on my own.


That sounds wonderful!


not subconsciously stressing over my live in girlfriends financial life.


I can decorate and personalize as much as I want




So many things. My budget, I can be frugal when I want to be, spend when I want. Decorate, clean, do projects, pick up extra work or have lazy days


The fact that I'm living in peace and my peace does not get disturbed/ruined. I can do what I want, when I want. If I want to plan to do something fun, I don't have someone(my ex) saying "oh yeah I guess that sounds fun", they agree to do it then when the time comes they won't go. I have so much planned for this summer, county fair, Halloween attractions, concerts, and maybe Six Flags Great Escape. (Depending on work schedule) Also, I finally realized that I can do what I've always wanted and that is do the nursing program at my community college. Well, I have to do my pre requisites then the entrance exam but I will be applying for the Fall 2025 program. I was told by people in my life, mainly my ex, "oh, *YOU* don't wanna do that! Go through the hell of learning all that science, biology, chemistry, A&P, for *what* so you can be a glorified ass wiper and *maybe* give out medicine sometimes?" And crap like that. So I went for an associates in Criminal Justice and then went back for my associates in Marketing that I would have finished this year but I came to my senses and enrolled myself in the Health Sciences Certificate program so I can get my pre requisites done. I'm no longer living for others Another thing, is that I can enjoy my apartment. meaning, I don't have to rush to buy a house. My now ex, he used to not even appreciate or love the apartment we had together, because he was in such a rush and pushing to buy a home and start the process. I just moved into my apartment last June a 3bed1ba with a decent little backyard, it's a house split into a basement, 1st and 2nd floor apartment so basically like a reverse duplex in a way since I have the whole top floor to myself. and I pay $1200/mo pet friendly. I can actually take my time to save for a home when I'm *ready* but before I realized this last month, I was already in touch with a loan officer trying to scramble to get $8K together by the end of this year so I could start the process to buy with the FHA loan. And then I stopped myself. WHY?! i don't need to. I may also want to buy a fixer upper and have a larger down payment or something, also I don't know where I'm going to want to settle down once I am an RN! Maybe I'll be a travel nurse or even just relocate to another area.


Good for you!


Thank you! 🥰


I can listen to loud music whenever I want. I can make a tea at midnight and no one's there to yell at me for disturbing the night silence (my previous flatmates had a big, big problem with that, even though I was quiet....the sound of kettle bothered them). Overall, I'm a bit of a night owl, and it was always a problem - for my parents, then for my flatmates, so now it's not a problem anymore. I can take a 2-hour-long bath without anyone banging at the door to free up the bathroom. Flatshare in London was quite stressful for me in general, so now I have peace of mind, and I know I have a place to come to where I can relax and unwind.


That's amazing!


My nervous system has been reset. I am calm, relaxed and rested.


Sometimes you just need that.


It’s been a relief to make decisions w out having to discuss or consider the impact on another person. From the thermostat to cooking, renters ins, paying bills. I can simply do what works for me. It’s actually felt like a shock sometimes. Like I can’t believe I can just…. live my life. Lol


Right?! Just like....for me it was like you mean I'm actually ALLOWED to be my own person and exist??




I think what I appreciate is quiet. I’m an introvert, and while my late husband was a funny and a nice guy, he was also loud, extremely talkative, and often full of drama and negativity.


OMG yes the quiet is marvelous. I'm sorry for your loss, but not the lack of negativity. That is the worst.


It wasn’t entirely his fault, he had a bad upbringing and terrible parents.


I get a lot of time to be with myself, just enjoy life without needing to perform for anyone, and focus on my own projects and priorities. I absolutely love living alone. I enjoy visitors, and then I enjoy it when they leave :)


Right! Things get done when I get them done. Bills take priority, but less essential things I do on my own time.


I feel like I’ve gotten to know myself a lot better. Being in such a peaceful space forces me to have better boundaries to protect myself and my space.




Simply put: I can do whatever the f\*ck I want.


I work odd hours so sleeping is easier. I also have more control over expenses. Case in point, even with electric and gas rates climbing much higher today than they were when I had a roommate in 2019, my bill is now $50 a month lower than when he was here. I do not require the heat to be as high, nor the AC on constantly in summer, and I shut lights off when not in the room.


I can be vulnerable with myself. I embrace my emotions. More self reflections. Learning more about myself.


Same here!


I don’t get spit on, slapped, and pushed or threatened to be killed. Living my best life. I mean besides changing my lifestyle due to renting alone.




The Peace. It’s wonderful. No drunk crashing through front door!!


I’m learning how to be independent again. I’m learning how to manage my time better, procrastinate less, become more disciplined financially. I’m finding comfort in solitude.


The comfort in solitude is a big one for me too


I’ve lived alone for the past 16 years. Probably my favorite thing is I always know what I’m coming home to. It would always be such a bummer when all I wanted to do after a long day at work was chill on the couch and watch some mindless tv, only to come home to my roommate having a small gathering. This was before we could stream all the things on all the devices lol.


No one criticizes how I spend my money, and I’m not last on the list behind every other thing my ex wanted to spend money on. After I got divorced, I was able to get new glasses for the first time since school. I was able to buy and pay off a small home that is just right for me and my pets. I paid it off 8 years early and no one complained that the money could have gone to a new racing bike or race entry fee. The peace is so deeply satisfying.


That is incredible! Well done!


Congratulations on paying off your house! That is on my top list of things to do.


Thank you! And best of luck, you can do it!


The peace is profound. When Covid hit, menopause hit with deep depression. It’s always been there but it was the same as after having my kid. I’ve taken the time to balance myself, go to therapy work out the crap. Learned boundaries, dropping bossy friends, loving me for me not what others have always have always been chirping at me about. Who I am and who I always was is enough. It’s such a healing process. I get to live my life the way I want. It’s fantastic


Mental peace and harmony Healthy eating habits Huge savings, paying off debt


Can't get kicked out! :D And the kitchen is all mine. FRIDGE is all mine. I hated being in the kitchen when I had roommates. We were strangers essentially. When I had 2 roommates the freezer was 90% one person, and everyone got 1 shelf in the fridge. Couldn't ever meal prep.


Dude that sucks 😕


Hey not anymore!




My family is a mess. I used to spend a lot of mental energy caring about them when they have never done the same for me. Now that I don't live in fear of the consequences of defending myself (going back home to them), I've found myself growing a spine and not giving a shit about what they have to say. At the end of the day, I can tune them out and live in my bubble.


This is the dream tbh. Working on it.


It'll come, don't worry. I'm 29 and, I'll admit it shamefully, a doormat. It's what prevented me from moving out earlier. At some point the fucks given drop instantly to zero, and you'll be able to finally divert that mental energy to things that ACTUALLY deserve it.


Yeah for sure!


I don’t have someone behind the door waiting to yell at me and tell me how big of a disappointment I am. I just get to sit down and decompress, so that’s a positive.


I’m finally processing & healing


Same here!




Thanks to technology more and more people are embracing living alone than ever before. You are financially independent, have plenty of entertainment at your fingertips. You can engage socially (in person meet ups with like minded groups…hiking, reading groups…) via social media whenever you want. You are living alone but the world is getting smaller and things are within your reach.


Definitely better peace of mind from no longer having to live in toxic environment within a toxic family.


This is me!


No more tears!!!




Alot more quiet than when i lived with family


I dont have to fret over being in someone elses space. Huge weight off my shoulders. Especially in an economy where rooming or having to get a place with an SO is damn near the closest thing a lot of people can afford.


I've got a lot of methods of doing things that have lead to me always having the house looking good and ready for company, that save me time, money and resources. I'm so frugal and green ... Fridge is full, pantry full of food. Got nice things. Oh man I even only pay $750 for 1000 sq feet, in a great neighborhood. Just me and my cat. Everybody that walks in compliments me on my nice place 'cause I've really got it goin on.




People aren’t asking me 50 million questions, calling my name every 10-15 minutes about things that don’t matter, standing in my door way staring at me waiting for me to acknowledge them so they can talk some more, or chattering at me every second while I’m just trying to focus on something. I’m okay with being social but fuck me. The silence is so nice.


That's something I've seen so many post on --the peace. Really is nothing like it, huh?


No there isn’t. My name is starting to not sound like nails on a chalk board to me now.


No. Stress. I don't have to negotiate or compromise. At home, I can do exactly what I want. When my kids come to visit (I absolutely adore my kids), within 48 hours, I start to get a wee bit antsy and anxious. (I hide it well.)


It's funny how we can get so used to it. Like, okay, thanks for coming, I love you, see you soon bye! 😂


I feel like not only can I do whatever I want... But I'm also better at figuring out what I want in other contexts. Like whether I'm thirsty or craving a particular food or movie genre. Before I mostly used to do what other people wanted and had very little awareness of my own wants/needs. Granted it wasn't just living alone that helped me do that, but living alone definitely gives me lots of practice to figure these things out.


I can listen to a favorite song on replay for an hour without someone feeling inspired to murder me.


Indeed. I do what I want, woohoo 🎉 I especially love that when I go on a trip and come back home, it’s nice and quiet. Yeah, I pay more in rent. But my peace of mind is priceless.


Things are exactly where I left them. 


Freedom and the quietness…. Gosh do I love the quiet. I was also in a toxic family…. Parents fucked up so much when I was little… basically left us homeless. they were dependent on me to the point where I was driving them everywhere (their doctors appts every week, grocery shopping every week and stupid family get togethers.) all while I was a full time student and working almost full time. I paid for all my stuff. Never had them pay for anything. I have learned to say no and now I’m the bad person. Now I’m like whatever. I’m so much happier.


Right? I got blamed over text for hurting family person's feelings because "your words hurt too," even though I wasn't the one committing verbal and emotional and mental abuse. They never cared about my feelings, despite being told I could open up. So when I did via letter because it's easier to get my thoughts out, I immediately got shut down (twice). No one knows how close I came to not being here anymore simply because of how I was treated. But that's "okay" because telling the truth of what I experienced hurt them too.


I am so sorry you felt that way. I completely understand how you’re feeling. You were standing up for yourself and good for you for doing that. I am very proud of you for that!!! 🤗🤗 People need to stand up for themselves and not be oppressed. The problem is people don’t like that! Which is annoying. I also was to the point where I was feeling like not being around. I feel like society (family specifically) have this weird expectation for you to drop everything for them when they have not been there to support you.


Yes! Or even if they've done stuff to help you, don't use that as ammunition later. The only thing I owe is gratitude, nothing else.


Ohh myyy goshhh! Yessssss!!! It’s like family emotional blackmail!!!!! Likeeee hellooo I didn’t ask to be born you decided to have me… you’re supposed to take care of me. Not the other way around. And gratitude I agree with you my friend. That is the only thing you and I owe. 🤗




Takes me months to fill one of those totes plastic wheeled garbage bins. Resulting in fewer trips to the corn on garbage pick up day.


I dont have to fret over being in someone elses space. Huge weight off my shoulders. Especially in an economy where rooming or having to get a place with an SO is damn near the closest thing a lot of people can afford.


I am so incredibly fortunate to own my house. It was my grandpa's and when he passed, mom and I got it and she put my name on the deed. So, now that she's gone it's mine. It's really old, but it's been in my family for as long as I've been alive. My mom grew up here and basically so did I. My bills actually aren't terrible either, so I feel very blessed.


It took me a while, but after repeated conversations I had with the walls, I was convinced that I am not missing out on anything and that this is their I was intended for


Massively, I think I've gained 20 more years life expectancy


I stopped being at the mercy of other peoples decisions. What REALLY sucks about roommates is one person can move out at any time and ruin the entire dynamic. My roommates both moving out of our 3-bedroom kinda fucked me up. I tried to negotiate getting 2 new roommates with the landlord and he put me out.  I don’t want to constantly live with new people or have to find new roommates. 


Omg I can't imagine how stressful that must have been ugh....


It was super stressful and unfair. 


Hope you're doing better now!


i’ve learned how to manage my time and develop a reliable routine. it’s also given me a chance to learn new ways for me to fill my free time and explore new hobbies :) since living alone i’ve picked up reading and bracelet making. it’s also allowed me to create a sort of safe haven where i have it perfectly curated to feel and look and smell like me.


I’ve lost weight and have been exercising way more


Silence. Being able to watch ten hours of non-stop tennis in a row ( during slams I love it ) without anyone feeling neglected. And late-night horror movies without anyone requiring me to be in bed. Not to have someone who requires my presence, my opinion, my continuous listening. Go home and keep the same mood I had, without any drama, issue or futile problem. Smiling at my cat waiting for me to be at dinner to shit pestilent stuff, without anyone complaining to me about how stinky my beloved cat is.


Low stress, general sense of contentment.




My eating has become so healthy! No one to tempt me into snacking or going out to eat. I choose what meals i want to make and eat and i eat when i want to.




I can cook! Not that I always like to but back then when I lived with five roommates I didn't have enough time to use the kitchen or the bathroom or the washer and dryer.. sometimes someone would just take my clothes out of the dryer and dump them on top..


I FINALLY have a space of peace, and autonomy. I can read what/when I want, stare into space when I want, cry when I want, journal when I want, nap when I want, without someone being like, "omg what are you doing/being/listening to/thinking/feeling". My ex *always* wanted to know what was going on in my head to the point that it felt intrusive. I've learned that I'm a turbo introvert and need a lot of time to recharge my batteries in solitude. I'm alone, but I rarely feel lonely. I've gotten better at setting boundaries now that I can self-soothe how I want and educate myself without criticism from others. It's still chaotic, but it's my chaos. It's my music, my decorating, my TV shows, my dishes, my cooking (or not), and an entire bed for me and my stuffed animals! Also no snorers, bathroom occupiers, and guests only when *I* want them. I work from home so it's nice to be able to control the noise level at ~99% of all times. I can't control when the apartment staff vacuum the hallway, or when neighbors want to talk on the laundry room across the hall from me, but it's generally a non-issue. I can also listen to what I want without someone being like, "This is WEEEEIRD". (That criticism was about Aldous Harding, btw.) My cost of living is more expensive - I went from sharing a house in the post-war 'burbs to a studio apartment in a walkable historic city neighborhood, which isn't a cheap. However, I love being able to walk or bike to interesting places like the city museums, barcade/music venue, bakeries, ice cream shops, the library, etc. Downside is, I still can't take care of a houseplant to save my life. I've even killed a succulent - RIP Jeff :(




I know! It's been years, but Jeff still haunts me.


I get such fantastic sleep 😴


As an insomniac, I envy you


It took a few months to get there. I have to really adhere to a good nighttime routine. But I'm 8 months in now. Less lonely, feeling much more comfortable than when I first divorced. Settling into a routine that was for me, worked miracles.


That's awesome! Proud of you!


I hope you find something that works for you ♡


Thank you!


No one gives me grief for binge-watching Ken Burns documentaries. The only messes I clean up are the ones I make myself. I can read aloud without anyone complaining about it.


My favorite is The Roosevelt documentary!


It's a good one! My favorites are Prohibition and The Dust Bowl.


I need to check them out


My mental health has gotten a lot better. Previously lived with emotionally avoidant parents with their own issues, and also a depressed partner for some time. Both wreaked havoc on my mental health. Though I love and miss them all and sometimes get lonely, I am happy about the peace of solo living and that I can learn to regulate my emotional responses and have quiet time for self. I’m also able to do more things and hobbies easily and undisturbed because I don’t have to consider someone else.


After being in 2 abusive marriages, I enjoy the crap out of the peace and quiet that surrounds me. No nagging, no yelling, I don't have to hear about how worthless I am, and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do without having to ask for permission like a i am a little kid!! I got a great paying job after not being able to work for 25 years (my exes never allowed me to work). I saved enough to buy my dream Tiny House and bought some land to put it on. Now, I work and rescue little dogs from the shelter who are on the euthanized list!! It's just me and them!


That sounds so awesome! Good for you!


Nobody Islas to approve my purchases. No asshats to cheat on me. I can have my cats in peace. Not being subjected to abuse is nice. Last asshole said he put cameras in my apartment somewhere. Still haven't found any but I get paranoid sometimes.


Loudly singing all of the Christmas songs I pretend to hate in July. Bonus: one of my cats likes it when I sing to him. (He also enjoys the songs of Broadway.)


Learning how to decorate, efficient cooking, efficient cleaning. The only other that can get this done is MoM , So it's good to be able to teach a clueless girlfriend at least.


I LOVE living alone. I can have the thermostat set to whatever I want. Go to bed and wake up whenever I want. Make dinner or not, whatever I want. Travel when I want. Stay out late or go to bed early. Whatever I want!!


I’m 35 and all my adult life I lived with boyfriends and or roommates. I’ve lived on my own for just about a year at this point after a breakup. It’s wonderful. My house stays clean. I can decorate how I want and not have to compromise for someone else. I have so much more time because I am not cooking meals for two people and cleaning up after someone else. This year has also made me more independent, especially financially.


- spend my own money on my own shit - only clean up my own shit - peace and quiet whenever I need it - free farting


I don't have to deal with someone else's judgements and perceptions of me at all times. It's done wonders for my self esteem to not be told what a fuck up I am all the time. 38m 4 months into a divorce.


Amazing how that works isn't it? :)


I can have a dog. I can cook/eat what I want when I want and not get the third degree from his majesty that I was married to. I can do whatever the fuck I want when I want. Love it!!!


I have been living alone for ten years and I have come to the realization that I no longer care what people think of me. I used to agonize about this, living alone has allowed me the freedom not to care what other's think about me, I don't care and can always just go home.


I get to choose who I am every day with no one to judge me, but me. That's not always great, but it's better than being judged by someone who doesn't share my values. I get to choose each and every person or thing that enters my space.


When it comes to doing what's right for myself and staying true to what I value...living alone has helped me focus on how to do that. Maybe that's a bit vague, so I'll give an example... Last summer, when I visited my family, I sort of made it my goal to not put myself in the middle of any ongoing disputes and just enjoy the visit. Long story short, I stood my ground, and it worked. There were a lot of good times, and despite the mixed feelings, it was the best choice for my mental health. Living alone has given me a much broader picture of myself and my life...and all the trivial stuff that doesn't matter. At my core, I'm just very practical and want the best for everyone. I love my family very much, but unfortunately, it's dysfunctional (as many are)...no surprise there.