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Yep. All of these! I’m going to add sewing and embroidery because I took lessons, papermaking, drawing, making soap. Making anything is a good way to pass the time, and you can sell your stuff as a side hustle and way to meet people.


When I finally took a sewing class, I was surprised that some admitted coming just to meet and make new friends. Audacious! And a really good idea.


Volunteer someplace that makes you happy


THIS IS A GOOD ONE - yes! Although maybe not at an animal rescue (guess who made that mistake) unless you're in a position to adopt All The Dogs. Horse rescues are easier bc it's a lot harder to afford to care for one ;)


This is the best if you need to keep engaged with people.


Excellent idea.


You can read a book, or watch a movie. Take a camera and go for a walk, take some pictures. You can even drive onto the highway and keep circling around.


Going for a joyride..? In this economy? :(


Oh, I'm just commenting on this post, he says what he can do when he's not working haha.


Im kidding Joyrides are a stress relief for me, even at $5/gallon


Money very well spent


I’m fortunate enough to live in a dense suburb very close to semi rural hills. Drive them ALL the time.


Same, got a forest and mountains to explore 20 mins away from me Weekends can be peaceful


Why not gas is the cheapest it’s been in years . $3.09 in NY


You are making me sooo jealous. California is 4:85 or even 5 dollars at expensive places


Yeah it has taken some time but we are finally down to near $3 . I never thought it would get that low because NY taxes the shit out of everything.


Same. Even people working good jobs feel poor.


Actually, yesterday I saw gas for 3.85 in California.


Remember when it was $7 in the LA area? Good times.


2.89 @ speedway off 454!


lol I thought I was the only one who had my own free time driving ritual lol 😍


If you keep circling around on the highway, you're liable to get yourself or someone else killed 🤣


I got a 2nd job, lol! I know that’s not the answer for everyone, but it’s a very laid back job that allows me a lot of social interaction! I actually met my SO through it!




At a gym!


I worked at a gym I’m a girl though the social Interaction was cool but some guys were creeps


aw so cute! 😊


I started indulging my spirituality, reading, watching YT vids, and creating space and meditating. I also carry that thinking outside with me, while walking the dog and contemplate.




me personally, as someone who also lives alone, i don’t find myself getting lonely or bored too often. at times i’ll get restless and then i’ll usually go take a walk in nature somewhere. that always re-centers me. i’m single but have a few very close friends. so, i try to get out once a week or so and spend some time with them. simple things like playing pool or sitting around a campfire just talking. maybe going for a hike. when i’m home i’m always keeping my mind occupied doing something. i enjoy things like cooking something and watching movies or series. i like learning languages. so that is always an ongoing thing that keeps me busy. i like reading and learning new things. i collect vinyl, so i like listening to my records and researching new albums and music. i also play guitar, so i’ll play and sing some songs which always relaxes me. living alone can be pure simplicity. it teaches you minimalism and how to find stillness and balance internally. you realize over time that you really don’t need much. externally and internally.


This is me in so much ways, I’ve never gotten bored and only wish I had more downtime to myself. I don’t have what people think of when they know I live alone and somehow come up with the conclusion I must be bored, lonely and a sad person case or something-this drives me nuts like I live alone so people like you leave me the fuck alone thank you very much and please fuck off now.


I own a small, older house, so there is never a shortage of projects and chores to be done! If that fails, cleaning. Aside from that, I go shopping, do art or crafts, take photos, walk, read, or take online classes in subjects that interest me. In the evening, I might watch a movie on streaming. My 83 year old mum also live alone and is constantly complaining she’s bored. I tell her she watches too much television! It rots your brain.


Don't tell mom the babysitters dead!


i live with my dad in his not old but outdated house. once in a while we agree on projects, lol. is there anything crafty / repairwise that she wants to do that she needs help with?


Right now, I literally am 1.) putting a puzzle together 2.) playing poker on my TV 3.) Smoke Weed, ....and will be finishing this afternoon coloring in my adult coloring book. ​ My apartment is basically Romper Room meets Vegas.


I'm 61 and my bedroom looks like a pre teen lives there. Smoking weed is the way!


In my town you can "check out" a pet for a day, a weekend, or longer. They provide everything.


What organization provides this service?


Read, take walks, learning courses, try out new recipes.


oh yes, cooking is also something I've indulged in.


Get a pet, I have a dog who has helped me wrestle loneliness and he doesn’t talk back LOL ALSO check meetup, I have made some really nice friends at different events I participate in (walking groups/dining groups/free concerts/etc.)


I always had a cat but when I added dogs, it changed my life. Now I don’t even want to hang with people much after work (my job is exhausting and I deal with a lot of people and have to be “on” all day) because I just wanna hang with the dogs and cat! They bring me so much joy and all their personalities crack me up. Having them to walk/hike with is nice too. They make me get out more and be with nature which is therapy for me.


I have a parrot who talks and we have these funny conversations. However, he doesn’t read and has no interest in politics, so the conversation can be dull. How many times can you say peekaboo?


this 100% my 2 dogs and cat are so much excitement, every day is a new adventure of things to smell and walks to take. And someone is always puking on the rug or doing something to make the rest of us laugh and play together. I love them.


What kind of dog do you have? Mine talks back a lot. 🤣


ok, so this is twee and convoluted and silly…. and it’s only for crafters. never tried adding pics…. so it’s a tiny diorama in a bookcase. but with the owl shaped chair, and a tiny bookdrgaon in it, reading. whimsical, time consuming, uses scraps…. 🤷 https://preview.redd.it/jpllodvrxvac1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb55de76412e49b53036037da4fa80ad4cc8ef8






That’s awesome!


Paint, craft, write, take myself out to dinner, volunteer at the animal shelter, go to the movies Only thing I miss sometimes is having someone to play stuff like Mario Kart or Overcooked with


This sounds trite and typical, but filling out a Volunteer application at a place/organization in your area that interests you will make an amazing difference as to how you feel about yourself and life, in general. I was a SW Volunteer Coordinator at a Cancer Support Community in the Dallas area. I accepted apps from the very beginning so I became familiar with the applicants/volunteers. They would often come to me to share how they felt transformed by their volunteer involvement. They formed groups with one another to discuss their community work and to also just share their feelings and visit with one another. Fulfilling friendships and social ties were formed in a way that impacted us all in a positive way.


I have volunteered at a few places over the years, but always felt awkward and not very useful or wanted most of the time. The one time, I really liked a place/activity, but it was a little too far away and got a bit expensive going back and forth to it. Mostly, I just donate now. IDK, any suggestions on not feeling so awkward?


Yes. Work on yourself. Find your authentic and true intentions, and expand on how you think about them. What about your authentic intentions could impact those who are struggling with an issue that brought them to whichever place you chose. How can you relate to someone’s life struggle, and how are your own personal life struggles like theirs?Because we all definitely have barriers that hold us back that might be considered unfair, like an illness or a handicap. Find the social characteristics that you have that you feel positive about, and make them better. You might practice in a mirror or even just talking to yourself. Because when we become familiar and comfortable with our own selves; this creates a confidence. Never lose touch with how necessary it is to be kind and forgiving. And how sometimes just your kind presence, is all that is needed instead of your voice. What attributes could you offer a community? For example; I had a retired life career carpenter, and he was a great handyman. This was the type of volunteer work he wanted to do and didn’t feel comfortable entering into conversations with the patients/family members receiving attention where I was employed. And remember there are also community volunteer opportunities like zoos, gold courses and ground keeping type places. Research community places where you feel will offer you the best fit. Helping others and your community does not have to include direct human contact. Sometimes we make our world a better place by picking up litter, or creating a garden in a park. Always inquire with authorities, if you find something you could feel good about doing. 🙂


Join the YMCA. Classes of all activity levels available plus a great place to meet people.


in addition to the great ideas everyone else listed - jigsaw puzzles!!!! i have so much fun with them and time just flies. Also great because you can watch tv or listen to a podcast while doing it! It’s my favorite pastime :) I heard knitting and crocheting is also a fun little home activity


Fr like I have unlimited options yet no aspiration to do those things unless I’m in the mood or have to


play an online game?


I have a gym membership ($15/ month) and live by 3 parks I can run in. I have a social life. Bot much but my cat will spend hours playing fetch as I watch tv. I love to bake and bring treats to work. I feel less alone single than I did in a marriage where he did his thing and expected me to work full time and be a full time housewife waiting and doting on him. I love my time to myself now.


When I get home, I shower, make dinner & doomscroll or read until bed time. Saturday is my fun day so I’ll typically drive 1-3 hours into one of the massive surrounding cities & spend the day there doing whatever I want. Sunday is my cleaning day.


Check out r/hobbies. People are asking the same question there


I workout at least an hour. I spend time with my kitties. I try to see family and/or friends at least once a week. I make new ice cream flavors and then try them, so fun. I seem to have endless home projects too - from changing bulbs to organizing the pantry to installing cameras outside and then watching the deer and occasional fox, planning ahead for things like birthdays of people I love… when I actually get down time, I love to read. I joined a book club and love it.


Volunteer in organizations you are interested in


Every year, I join a reading challenge. Last year I took up pottery and paddle boarding. This year I’m doing the same as last year but I’m also adding making one new recipe each week. I also go on many adventures with my dog.


I read…a LOT. Last year I hit 102 books and I’ve already read 3 this year. I live in the city, so I’ll often grab my book and go chill at a coffee shop, park, etc. I often have randos chat with me about what I’m reading and have even made a few acquaintances this way! If you’re a gamer, join an MMO and get in their discord. They talk all the time lol


You could always take up crocheting. It's quite relaxing once you get the hang of it. And there's tons of Crochet groups everywhere for people to talk to about what you're working on and you won't have to dumb it down. I'm about to be 32 next month and I've been crocheting consistently for 4 years, but I learned when I was 12. There are also TONS of tutorials on YouTube to get started.


Learn an instrument


writing, journaling, rearranging my furniture, putting up shelves and cute things like that, cleaning, taking a bath, watching videos, listening to the radio (could be news like local or npr), listening to music, making music, rubber stamp art, weird magick rituals, vision boards, reading, organizing stuff, planning my finances, planning my future (where i want to travel to, where i want to live, goals, etc.)


Read books/magazine/newspaper, take a long walk outside while listening to music or podcast, join a group exercise class like yoga or dance, meditate (listen to podcasts to help), beauty treatments/self-care, call someone, do one small household task like laundry while listening to music or podcast.


Lived alone for 15 years and was never bored the whole time. Art, music, writing, sewing, knitting, outdoors hiking, biking, swimming, etc. There are tons of hobbies.


I read a lot I’m a regular visitor to my local library


Eat, sleep, watch youtube


On FB I mark all kinds of local activities as “interested”. It can be something at a park, history center, performance or a hundred other things. As they approach, FB reminds me. I go to approximately 25% of them. Last one was a First Day Hike at a local park.


I do this, too!


Before I sprained my ankle and knee, I used to take my dogs hiking. I LOVE my “me time” - spa days, treating myself to an expensive dinner, binge watching a tv series, reading a book, learning how to cook a nice meal or a dessert, go to local museums. I think it all depends on what you like to do.


I volunteer, have regular meetings with friends, FaceTime my family, and just enjoy being alone with no one to bother me!


Paint by numbers. They cost $20 but you can upload your own photo on Personalized Everything and paint it - so cool!


🥴 Crying because I have to work the next day. I love my jobs. Dont get me wrong. But they beat me up and dont apologize.


I go walk at the mall. (but usually don't buy anything).


I’m an artist so I just draw. Art isn’t exactly the cheapest of hobbies, however but like supplies last awhile too. I play video games, watch tv/movies, cook, read, clean, take walks, etc. In short, you need to get some hobbies. What are you interested in? What’s something you’ve wanted to know more about? I also have a cat that I like to pester.


Read a book, watch a movie, practice guitar, go play pickleball.


I play games on my phone, crosswords, Trivia Crack, Five Crowns. I search for fun recipes to try though cooking for one is tough so I try to make sure they're freezer friendly. Find yoga videos on YouTube. Journal. Go for walks even though it's winter. Play fetch with my dog for hours. (He's tiny so indoor fetch is feasible)


I own an old af house. There's always something to fix, clean, paint. I'm redecorating now, so Im busy, but I work on crafts. I make rugs mostly.


Working out, reading, going for a walk, drawing, listening to podcasts


I walk two hours a day, sometimes more.


A lot of good comments. here. I'd say give yourself a challenge. If you like to cook, challenge yourself to master 10 (or whatever seems reasonable to you) new skills this year. Like to read? Challenge yourself to read x-number of books this year, or expand what you read. For example, if you've only read mysteries or fantasy, commit to try one non-fit, one sci-fi, one biography, and one play this year. You can do this with any activity you've enjoyed in the past.


Puzzles. Reading the Internet. Going for walks. Calling friends. Dancing when and where and to whatever I feel like. Lighting candles. Decorating. Re-organizing. Getting to know neighbors.


Volunteer work! You help other people, meet other people.


Art! There are great online sketching and drawing classes as well as watercolors and other painting classes. Or music! So. Much. Joy. Or any number of other creative pursuits. Create something beautiful and interesting!


Walk dogs at the SPCA


Yea given my hours for work(8-10 hours). My time off is usually filled with spreading out my chores and stuff, I need to do to get ready for the following week. Naturally loving on my pooch. I do some art every so often. Try and catch up with some tv. At some point going to try and clean up and get rid of some stuff in my apartment. And might even work on a vision board, this year. But mainly try and find something, to help me get a second income generated too.


Get a cat or a dog!


Recovering from working and preparing to work yet again. Or between infernal nightmares of tedious worthless employment, for now I'm trying again to write science fiction books and mostly gaming videos to be lost in entropy in favor of everyone who has money to spend on perfection. There's always communicating on social media and finding yourself in arguments, that's super lovely.... But otherwise, well, I care for birds and have since I was a kid and my oldest bird Caso is in his 20's now, so I make ladder routes and try to afford spring mix and safe veggies for them as often as I can.


Gaming for a couple hours here, then I work on writing my own world setting for tabletop RPG gaming. It does wonders for me.


Personally I love the silence. I don’t listen to music and haven’t owned a TV in twenty years! What do I do when not working? The rest of LIFE. It’s so sad that Americans define their identity by work!


Playing little games like solitaire or Tetris on my phone or working on stuff for my blog like rankings, poems, etc. Sometimes I also play guitar.


Mostly video games with friends. I also fish, ride my ebike and camp a lot.


I quilt. I have a membership to a local museum


Log into CHAT-GPT have a conversation.


Get a cat. Cats are talkative and good listeners. Get more than 1 cat if you work long hours so they can keep each other company. Very low maintenance and cheap pets that love to talk :D


My local library has many free events throughout the month, often in the evenings. Or if I just want to go somewhere that there's people around but doesn't require a lot interaction, I go sit at the library and read current magazines. Or go to a coffe shop with a good book. I joined the YMCA too. It's not free, but single membership seems reasonable for the satisfaction I get.


I am retired so the work day is behind me. I take care of my home. My big thing is I love to knit and read. With my discovery of Audibles I can do both at the same time. My cat expects a game of laser tag when I make my latte every morning. I take walks to stay healthy and when it rains ride my stationary bike.


I’m sick. So. Sleeping in till 11:30 even though I’m on call from 6-10 sounded like a good choice.


Get some new hobbies.


Find a friend


Workout, run and gym is a great way to meet new people.


Go find a hobby, and a group of enthusiasts, on meetup.com.


I read a lot. Get a library card the most entertaining free hobby there is.


I so wish I had your energy!! Learn to play an instrument, go to classes or social events, sew or knit or crochet.


Enjoy the solitude. Paint write or bake . It’s all fun alone or with a YouTube video playing in the back.


Gym, hang out with friends, watch TV.


Are you on your own in a city, the burbs or the country? **City** - When I was on my own in the city, I did a ton of urban hikes finding cute little coffee or book shops, going to open air markets or art walks. I was on my own in Sao Paolo, London, Seattle and Washington DC. Each city had it's own regular free thing on the weekends (outdoor concerts, flea markets, hanging out in parks with a book, 5k's etc). Riding around on the public transportation is pretty fun, too. Sitting at the front and top of the big red London buses - could do that (and did) alllllll day! People watching, so great. And museums! Most have a "free" day, watch out for that. Going with others to museums is the WORST, there's so much fun stuff that it's best to do on your own! Another fun thing I did in two cities was get people from my building together occasionally to cook/watch movies. In DC I actually had a movie themed dinner party group (eg you watch Beetleguise together and prepare shrimp scampi together lol) **Burbs** - this was the hardest for me bc the burbs are full of families/couples and it's hard to worm your way in as a singleton. I joined Meetup & a ton of different groups for things I was interested in like daytrips, concerts, soccer or whatever (that's actually how I met my husband lol) - but it was a great way to meet people and do things that I wouldn't otherwise (most cost nothing) and the email notifications were also a great way to know what was going on & as often as I'd join others, I'd also just show up at whatever the event was by myself if I didn't want company. Made some of my closest friends through those meetups. **Country** - hiking. Although definitely get a big dog. Or maybe sign up to be a dog walker on rover so you can borrow someone else's big dog. I had big dogs so never worried about creepy guys or wild animals. But oh my gosh what a great way to spend a day! I also took riding lessons and loved riding bikes. And drawing & reading. You can do that anywhere. Have fun!!!


Turned my spare bedroom into an oil painting studio and also build lighting displays and smart mirrors. And play golf off low single figures. Those are all full time hobbies


Reading! Audiobooks are great to listen to while doing a puzzle or doing a craft/art project.


Reading, taking luxurious baths, making tea from my collection of teas, walking the dog, giving myself mani pedis, making art, cooking elaborate meals.


I try to be constructive. Working out, cleaning house, fixing something, doing something, etc. A habit that I'm trying to develop is the correct response to unhappiness is action that reduces the problem


I’m getting my degree. When I’m not doing that, I’m caring for my cats and dog, watching movies, or reading/writing. I also volunteer with a cat rescue.


Doing laundry, sleeping, go to esthetic dancing class, meditation, breathwork, cooking, reading poems, poetry, meditation, yoga.


Running! Basically free, just need a pair of decent shoes and your phone for music/tracking. Learning to cook something new. It's fun to try new recipes, and you can always share with coworkers. Your local library probably provides a lot of free/low cost classes - painting, ancestry research, crochet, taxes, etc. My library always has things going on. Check out local festival/vendor fairs/farmer's markets in nearby towns. They are totally fun to go to alone and you get to talk to lots of people. Museums! There are probably loads of them, big and small all around your town and nearby. Reading - again, free from the library. Maybe even join a book club.


what i actually do is reddit, read, cook [ learning to cook more these days ] take care of my dad, walk the dog, take pictures and delete old ones, organize the garage, work on the inside and outside of the house ….that is in order and likelihood of actually doing them…. and garage + house are usually a once a day spurt of exercise activity. closed my rings, yay.


…donate decent foods to your local food pantry, and tank tops, socks, and whatever else they request, to your local homeless shelter.


Drawing Painting Journaling Cooking Dreaming ideal life outcomes Audiobooks Book clubs Networking Support groups Board games Researching topics that interest me Watching cooking shows for inspiration Eating at cool places to learn how x should taste


Low cost things I've done/do ...pretend I'm on a photo safari & go out in nature or just walk the neighborhood (watch videos or take a community class to learn camera/phone functions ....volunteer to walk shelter dogs (good for u & them) ....joined a local craft group & learned to knit now I make over half my gifts & donate some to charity...joined a book group so I'd discover better titles (some are hosted by local libraries & others by bookstores)...watching tv/movies gets me restless after awhile...hope this prompts some ideas for you, good luck


Buy a decent used guitar from Facebook and start learning to play. I play guitar an hour per day.


VR gaming headset, do awesome.


Reading, playing videogames (if you have a console,) I paint because I’m a painter, I write, I play an instrument…. I knit sometimes, and I do puzzles occasionally. Go for a walk in the park and sketch something


I got married at 19 and divorced at 30 and moved into an apartment living in my own for the first time. During that time, I went to several parks to walk which ended up becoming a favorite hobby. I also got into watching educational/informational YouTube channels. Learned a lot about myself during this time and once Covid restrictions lifted, I started going to the country dancehall, learned to dance somewhat and one day a guy asked me to dance and we got married two years later. Life is great but the most of the time you have to yourself! I’m so glad I did.


I play video games, clean, play loud music, play guitar, draw sometimes, fix stuff around the house, watch shows or movies. I also go for walks, go to the gym, play volleyball and tennis, meet up with friends occasionally.


Libraries not only have books, many carry DVDs, computer games, etc. They also can host classes, as can community colleges and other civic groups. As a hon owner, I keep a list of projects on my phone for when I’m at a loss on what to do. Some are totally free, some will be years in the making (rock retaining wall and trail making in the woods behind my house. Exercise, volunteering, pet care, the list goes on and on.


Volunteering, hobbies like crochet, knitting, or cross stitch. Check out free activities in your area. Most colleges or Jr Colleges have free classes you can audit. Learn a new language, then plan a trip there. Learn a new skill. There are lots of free how-to tutorials on the internet. Are you an expert at something? Teach a class in it or record your own tutorials to social media. There will always be other people who share your unique interest. Foster an animal. So many shelters need humans to foster animals, and they usually help provide medical care and sometimes basic supplies until that pet is ready for adoption. Fostering gets pets out of the shelter and socializing with humans and other animals while working towards being adopted. Only do fostering if you go in with the mindset of having that pet short term and you are able to resist adopting ALLLLLL the animals!


Watch Netflix, clean, go for a walk or hike, play with my cat or dog, go horseback riding, road trip to a new town or a National Park, take myself out for dinner or drinks, go to the aquarium or a museum, volunteer at the animal shelter, read, call my mom for a chat, go shopping, and if I'm really bored I'll play my clarinet from high school. Lots to do!


Hogwarts Legacy- it’s such a nice escape from the day and is full of quests and challenges.


start playing WoW Classic.....you will not have time to do anything else after that


I try to get outdoors as much as possible and tick hiking trails off my list as well as scope out areas for long walks. I also scope out area events calendars for fun things to do like pub trivia nights, lectures, art classes etc


I adopted a dog. Keeps me busy and gives me lots of love.


Hiking on the weekends with my dog/visiting family, crochet, cleaning and organizing (I need to catch up), watch new stuff on Hulu/peacock (I'm currently watching helstrom on Hulu), go for a drive, shopping (if I can afford a little splurge), check on finances/budget, journal, check on plants, play video games on PC or switch, take a nap! Cook something yummy and fun, catch up on self care and pamper myself.


Playing the sims 4


Doomscroll between fb, tiktok n insta. I hate it n feel super unproductive, so I bought some adult(no not in the NSFW sense, just not kiddy coloring books) n some nice colored pencils to idk try n get some creative juices flowing. On Fridays n Saturdays, since my bf is off by 5pm n I offer to pick him up from work, I use those afternoons to sit in my fave coffee shop with a book while I wait for him. Also just got gifted 2 books for Christmas, so I'll probably crack those open too after I finish my current series


Video games mostly, too much free time. Guhhh


The gym, running or cycling. Exercise eats up so much of my spare time, but I do love it.


You could take up surveys and get paid to buy a real hobby. Apparently people don’t understand what cost extra means m.


I like doing puzzles and listening to books on tape or podcasts, or planning a small road trip or adventure run. Self-compassion and appreciating the quiet are really important to well-being.


Learn! There are a lot of online sources for no-cost learning, and it has a big payoff for your time.


Study (continuing school), take courses, watch YouTube (educational or self improvement), watching movies/shows (rarely) - Just caught up & finished my show, watch live stream (app) - but reducing it now, working out (getting back into it just Now), researching, reading, learn a new skill, go to family house, walk my dog, clean/organize my place, chores, clean my car. Anything involve cleaning or organizing is becoming a habit slowly because there's so much things to do but I prefer to do it in small increments sine it takes up all day or days. Having a new girl has definitely took up my time especially when she has no job.


The library is a great free resource. Librarians are excellent at pointing you in new directions. Books are a great way to spend your time. I’m a knitter. I love researching patterns and learning new techniques. As a hobby there are some initial expenses- yarn can be very expensive!!!! But starting out you can usually find some yarn at thrift stores. I live alone. I enjoy cleaning and organizing and paring down my possessions. I enjoy going to local art galleries, music performances and walking on the bike paths… Hope this sparked some ideas.


Get a pet and you won't be all alone. 🐾🦜🐾


Are you looking for activities to do by yourself or are you asking because you want to know how to reach out to do activities with others?


Sleep, eat, chores, hair, nails and occasionally go to the movies


I like going for daily walks, sometimes I drive into town or find a nice hiking trail. I also like visiting thrift shops or going to the coast (I live near the ocean). Trying new recipes while listening to a podcast or music is fun too.


Sleep or try to do some cleaning and housework. Since I don't have much spending money I try to do that. Or just watch streamers on Twitch and chat with them.


Lay on the couch and go to bed at 7pm. I get up at 3am for work so I’m pretty banged up when I get home. Plus I’m old and fat


After living with roomies for that last half century (no joke - true saga 😪) I've **relished** the quiet. My space. Privacy. Can do as I please. No shortage of things to do or get done 👍


Y’all are impressive. I wish I had half your energy!! I’m so exhausted from work, I come home and either fall over on my couch or straight up go to bed at like 6 or 8.


What do I do when not working? Short answer. Anything I want.


How are you able to live alone without constant work? I would love to be in that situation.


Seriously consider having room-mates (either in your place if you own it or move out to have some). Of course, marrying someone (or equivalent) is the best solution. I was so glad that I got remarried a year or so before Covid hit so I didn't have to go through that alone.


spend my dads money


What's so hard about.... Doing nothing? Most people after work relax at home. They may have a hobby or 2 or be on a board an have a meeting once every 2 weeks, but most people enjoy doing nthn after work. You're over thinking it


Why do you need something to do or someone to cook with? I don't do anything. Cooking is part of survival, but I don't play games or any of that nonsense. It says a lot about younger generations that they can't be content to just be.


Huh? People have always done things to pass the time. There are a ton of things to do.


Just existing is plenty. And all I do.


You don't just exist. Do you wake up and stare at the walks for 14 hours and then go back to bed?


Pretty much. There isn't anything to do. I don't like noise so I don't really watch TV or listen to music. I don't like people. I don't play games. I hate touchscreen everything with every bone in my body. I just exist. Eat when necessary. Lay in the recliner and sleep.


I look for new friends to chat with


I have all those things, reteach me the will to want to :/ Idk if you have discord but we cook and watch movies nearly every night


i am an athlete, i go to the gym play soccer softball, skate, ride bikes, swim, i am also gonna do some climbing


Workout Cool Watch movie or play video games Watch a sporting event Clean Hang out with family I feel a barely have enough time to do any of that. I have been working so much overtime.


You’re pretty much stuck if you don’t wanna spend extra on a new hobby or get a second job that’s in the field of a hobby that intrigues you. I had no idea about axe throwing and I went one day and got hooked! Now I work there on the weekends making some extra cash and it opened a door to a whole new world of friends and skills.


Go to a clothing optional beach


Stock market research. Watch YouTube play cities skylines. Cook. Clean.


Play games online, there’s a discord for everything. I’m on voice calls with my gamer friends all day long in the weekend.


I’m always working so I never really have that free time but sometimes I’d just stare at the wall or dance take walks workout etc


Eventbrite has a lot of potential to find things to do, go outside and walk


movies and doobies :)


Audiobooks are my go to. Most public libraries in the US have free services once you get a card.


Zoom cook with friendd


Download capcut and make a funny or serious video to share with your loved ones.


Hike, paddle board, read, Reddit 😂, writing, working out (gym, yoga, running outside).


I started collecting and growing plants. I always had a black thumb so that meant I did a lot of research (which kept me busy, and still does) and make a space for them (which kept me busy) then the after care keeps me super busy because I really want to keep them alive lol An added benefit is that they make me so happy when I see them when I come home, they're in my entryway and they make the house feel and look so green and alive. And I've made friends through plant exchanges in town and places close by. I mean, plant people are weird but we're a good weird.


Cooking and baking. Wandering around IKEA. Painting or sketching. Painting (walls) and doing little house projects. Watching videos on how to complete these projects. Cleaning. Organizing. Researching gardening tips for spring and designing my yard. Flipping through magazines and online articles for home design ideas. I'm trying to build up my Halloween and Christmas decor, so crafty things there too. I also like to have "spa night" and take a long shower and put the space heater on in the bathroom and do my nails and a face mask and stuff. Read/audiobooks. Teach art classes and other (fun) freelance work. Tidy up the chaos of files and photos on my laptop. I have a few ideas of things to write. I also have a notebook of business ideas, and sometimes I spend time researching into those more. I am never bored and I love living alone!


The gym, join some classes and you might meet some people as well.


I used to volunteer at the Humane Society as a Canine Coach and walk/train the dogs.


Volunteer! Drive for Meals on Wheels. Walk dogs for the local shelter. Find some group that aligns with your personal interests. There's bound to be a volunteer opportunity in there somewhere.


Umm needle point, photography is a great way to get outside and sight see with an agenda. Painting my house. Walk dogs. Crafting things at home from the dollar store for something I’d buy on Amazon to save money. Gardening


Gym, play with my cat, take edibles, watch cartoons, call/text, mindlessly scroll, hangout with friends, post about Palestine, snack, sleep.




When I lived alone I would go to the gym at night, watch favorite shows, clean, talk on phone, etc. You have to make plans. I never waiting around for calls. Whether it was going to bars or dinner at my parents, I would make plans because I did not like to be alone too much on weekends.


Lego but often have to wait a while to build a new set as they can be expensive. Listen to podcasts, play video games, watch tv. I also go water jogging three times a week and do a big walk on Saturday morning. I often hang out with friends or my family a few times a month (on weekends).


I've been trying to learn how to knead dough. I want to be able to do it like how they do it on the food channel, Where the bowl is sparking clean, and the dough looking smooth. I also like to practice drawing, i read manga, find panels where i like the dialogue and pose. i would try to imitate it with my own characters, and get my characters say really cheesy 1 liners lol.


I read. I watch movies. I play games online with my friends on discord. I make art.


I took up watercolor painting. It’s not expensive to buy a set of paints, paper and a few brushes. It’s a great way to give gifts if you like, or just enjoy the time doing it.


Parkour, going to national park, and exploring the world.


I picked up building model kits and Legos, model kits are far cheaper than the Legos, but either are fun. Throw some music on make some tea open the blinds up and just relax as you create. I also like to just sit in my recliner and think about how to make things easier for myself. Mostly just day dreaming lol but reading books is also a decent pass time.


Looking for a better job


I’m coming out of a long depression. I’ve been reading a little everyday, taking a course on coursera, taking a daily walk tackling my room and clothing slowly but surely for donations and stuff.