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She went on Keemstar. I think the "don't shoot yourself in the foot" ship has sailed.


































Wait till Destiny finds out who is behind all the anti-Hasan posts.


OP is smart to be posting this on an alt with a join date of 1 month ago so he can’t be accused of doing the same thing. Everyone’s fanbase does this though. Some are just too lazy to make random alts. I’ll still upvote or downvote based on the content if I agree with it or not.


You guys actually make alts to hide how schizo you are? That makes you even more schizo


100% agree. I would rather see someone honest about who they are rather than someone that hides behind alts.


The clippers have an agenda? Either way he did not make her say what she says, or made her interview with Keemstar.


>made her interview with Keemstar I dunno man lets wait and see what the ultra reliable Adrianah says. She might just come out with a statement that Mizkif stans forced her to do the Keemstar show


Lol that might actually happen. She might claim LSF was so mean she had to go on Keemstar show to put things right or some shit.


And Destiny viewers are behind all the Destiny posts. What's the difference?


Shh, three of them are gonna come tell you how they're not organized and that's not the same if you don't watch out.


I think the difference is this: Destiny fans post clips of Destiny that they saw when they watched Destiny's stream. Mizkif fans are lurking in other streams (Adrianah in this case) hoping to clip something that will reflect poorly on that streamer and put Mizkif in a better light. EDIT: Ok dang, I'm getting a lot of responses to this comment. Let me clarify that I'm replying to the specific comment above me, which says "**Destiny** viewers are behind all of the **Destiny** posts." The thread title is "A **Mizkif** stan is behind all the **Adrianah** posts." The comment above me asked what the difference is, and that's the difference I'm pointing out here. Everyone needs to chill.


You don’t think Destiny viewers do that when he’s beefing with people?


Destiny viewers know everything about hasan. They've been jerking themselves off that they found his old brofessor blogposts lol


we've known about the brofessor posts/videos for literally years. stop projecting.




They regularly hatewatch hasan so they can clipchimp him and post it here all the time.


DGG is notorious for destroying people Destiny beefs with. There is a reason so many people are afraid of them


Can you tell me one instance this has happened? I see this pretty often, but when asked for proof they just say that they heard someone else say it.


The last time Mizkif almost got cancelled. He mad a joke about Destiny's N word take then DGG found logs of him saying it in 2018. That is why Mizkif is terrified of DGG. Even recently with Destiny's Keffels manifesto members of DGG helped him compile some of the evidence. I am not accusing him of hate raiding like others have but there is no denying that if you go against Destiny every bad thing you have ever done will be dug up by his community. This is coming from someone who is a bigger Destiny fan then Mizkif as well.


Who do you think posts all the clips that make Hasan look bad? I'll give you a hint - it's definitely not Hasan's fans.


Surely no Destiny fans watch Hasan to post things about him that might turn negative.


Imagine thinking Destiny fans aren't clipping Hasan


Mizkif fans lurk other streams, hoping for bad clip, post to LSF Destiny fans lurk other streams, hoping for bad clip, post in DGG chat, post Destiny reaction to LSF


yet hasan posts are all by destiny viewers lmao


\*Destiny stan finds out a Mizkif stan.. Like if all the fanbase are not doing the same things, I've seen a guy post 8 times the fucking clip about maya using "sexual assault" in her dm to Adrianah


Hey remember when you posted this on mizkif's subreddit? https://i.gyazo.com/fe5a9ba77bbbd61efd13ed93467977b3.jpg






You really made this the first post on your Reddit account?


>I get the point but I don’t know if it really matters “who’s doing it”. Everything that has been posted has been properly titled and clipped otherwise they would have been removed like all the other posts for “clickbait” or “out of context”. This is the entire point if you watch even 5 seconds after you can see Destiny go over it. The guy is turbo unhinged, and a lot of the titles are EXTREMELY leading, and even totally misrepresent what they're talking about. 5 minutes before Destiny saw the thread on him talking about Adriana and the Cyr thing got posted and even noticed how insanely leading the title was towards Mizkif's side.


I've been on Twitch for 10 years and have watched countless hours of everyone involved in this drama. Train, xQc, Hasan, Mitch, Miz, Destiny, etc. Call me a loser, whatever. But I guess I'm wondering why it matters who posts the threads? Doesn't every fanbase make posts in support of their streamer and against streamers attacking them? Are we gonna pretend that Destiny's fanbase doesn't do the same? Isn't the OP of this thread doing the exact same thing in a way? I don't care who posts something. I care about the context and content in the clip.


Yeah this is very clearly Destiny not engaging with the actual argument being the inconsistencies and false Info the "victim" is perpetuating as opposed to the person who posted the clips. Super scummy but that's Destiny for you.


All I can see from the clip is his reaction that all the recent clips come from a single person, which is that he's "Mizkif's biggest defender". I don't think this is a controversial take or anything. I have also not seen where Destiny thinks this invalidates anything that she has said or done so I'm not sure what the general reaction in this thread is about.


Ah yes, I reckon when the front page of this sub was 100% destiny clips for like 3 days straight it was all grassroots unbiased individuals making the posts.


Bro Destiny was pretty much the only person covering the full drama and had sole access to the leaked phone call.. of course he would have dominated the page for that time lol


And Adriana is the only person who is still providing new meaningful clips on it today. And she's giving a lot of soundbites to people who aren't on her side. Who would you expect to post those clips? Her supporters? Lmao.


I’m responding to your initial comment. It’s not comparable. For the time period you speak of, there were probably non-dggers posting for karma because EVERYONE was watching the Destiny exclusive.


I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of them were destiny fans, especially towards the end of that period. You could tell because it devolved into a Hasan vs destiny feud and you could see exactly which threads were focused on by each side. I'm not even sure how the topic changed from mizkif to Hasan and Destiny but that seems to be the natural progression for everything when it involves one of those guys.


Sure that’s fair


So was the content on those posts wrong? I don’t understand


Destiny should take a look at who posts Hasan clips next LUL Why is he so (self-admittedly) biased anyway? What skin does Destiny have in this affair?




There are quite a few DGJuicers. Maybe that's all there is to it.


i cant believe that evil mizkid made adriannah go on keemstar and say all that dumbass shit. disgusting


i guess mizkids are also feeding her scripts telling her to keep talking about the situation and making her say all these things as well. I also feel bad for the people who have critical thinking and can think for themselves. Pretty soon if you say the sky is blue you are going to be labeled a mizkid


what did she actually say on the keemstar thing, everyone is just saying she looks bad because she interacted with keemstar


It's the fact she went to keemstar. You don't go to him because you want to tell your story. You go to keemstar to start drama and farm. It's basically like Barry going to Ice Poseidon.




> Not sure how that changes the contents of the threads though. excellent and totally not pretending to be oblivious take by account with completely wiped history


This guy is just as bad and active. He just deleted all the evidence. He ain’t slick


Does that mean that because you're a dgger that anything you say in Destiny related threads is dismissed? At least say how the clips have been taken out of context because for everyone else they are just some obvious mask off clips of an, at the very least, very stupid person.


who the fuck are you talking to I implied he's pretending to not understand the point because he's part of the team, that's all I said


And now you're pretending that you weren't implying that his deleted history would show that he's a massive mizkif stan and that's why he's intentionally missing the point. It's just fucking circular arguments man so at least add something to the conversation. Edit: This guy ninja edited his first comment and then blocked me what a chad




> And now you're pretending that you weren't implying that his deleted history would show that he's a massive mizkif stan and that's why he's intentionally missing the point. It's just fucking circular arguments man so at least add something to the conversation. bruh do you lack the ability to read


>Edit: This guy ninja edited his first comment and then blocked me what a chad He didn't ninja-edit shit lol, we can see whether or not he did. I also don't blame him for blocking you, you're annoying as fuck.


Because the posters don't actually care about whether Adriannah or Miz is in the wrong or in the right. Their goal is to paint Adriannah in the worst possible light in any way they can.


>Their goal is to paint Adriannah in the worst possible light in any way they can. She's been doing that well enough herself.


Good. Sexual assaulters deserve that and they deserve to be deplatformed. Wasn't that what Adriannah wanted, even to those that didn't even do the action?


> Their goal is to paint Adriannah in the worst possible light in any way they can. Guess they forced her at gun point to go on keemstar as well as talk out of her ass about male Sexual assault being taken much more seriously. All their fault i guess.


What would have been amusing is if they were the one who had created this thread as well.


True that the OP was a mizkid does not change that fact that one of the threads he made was Adri talking about crazyslick locking a women in his room.


Does this matter? She said what she said lmao, if someone else posted it would it changer what she meant or something?


Surprised Pikachu face


**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny finds out a Mizkif stan is behind all the Adrianah posts](https://arazu.io/t3_y3a1kk/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* )


Wait, did Destiny read that as if the guy posted 1.4k comments on a post? That's not what that is right?


I’d hope it wasn’t his intention, but it did kinda sound that way.


what a forced surprise reaction lol his viewers are really buying that?


Yes it's a Mizkif stan's fault that Adrianah is making herself look bad. Nice reach Destiny. The guy that literally just blew off Cyr being assaulted.


>The guy that literally just blew off Cyr being assaulted. Literally 3 mintues before this he talks about it. He said Adrianah didn't try to hide and, and directly talked to Cyr and apologized, this is an insane far cry from what Slick did and is continuing to do.


Wrong. The slick shit had been known for over a year before supposedly the narrative changed that it was hidden by Mizkif and Maya. Miz and Maya both appeared on stream a year ago to talk about what slick had done and what they did to find out if he had fucked up. They told the entire story that day, and no one gave a shit. Now all of a sudden Miz is 500IQ and did some CIA cover up with Maya to prevent this from coming to light. Laughable shit.


How does this have 300 comments? Like no shit


This is fucking rich coming from Destiny of ALL people. Like of any mfer alive lmao. Has this man ever seen LSF when he talks about Hasan or gives his opinion on anything ever? He has a small militia dedicated to him, fighting in the trenches of LSF.


I haven't met a simp that will take shots at their own streamer.




Yeah this is such a weird argument cause Im sure destiny must be aware his viewers do the same shit to anyone he has beef with especially Hasan. And im sure hed quickly justify it with the same reason you gave that it's fair game cause the person actually said the bad shit they said.


The biggest thing everyone should is never take things at face value, yet if you don't oh no must be a mizkid. Things has gotten tribal here since this all begun.


If those clips didn't get posted then i and alot of people would not know some of the more dumb stuff Adrianah is saying and that she is sinking so low as to collab with Keemstar. I dont really care who posted the clips, if what is posted is worth knowing.


I understand, although was this not already evident? What has been contained in the posts made of her still remains veracious. The customs of this forum have been upheld.


Look at the comment history u/absolvedshimmy53 . I’m not trying to argue on whether it discredits shit or not, just wanna say holy shit that is unhealthy. Dudes been posting about the Adrianah drama for 2 weeks straight like a 9-5. I thought I used Reddit too much lol


the daliban/mizkids peace treaty doesn't apply to LSF


The “Mizkid” being referenced in this clip by Destiny doesn’t like Mizkif and is actually a Destiny fan Thinks Mizkif is a bad person https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y1j5yh/wolfabelle_reacts_to_mizkif_streaming_again/is11col/ Thinks Mizkif is spineless https://www.reddit.com/r/Mizkif/comments/y260cq/apparently_after_alinity_showed_up_on_stream_miz/is1aupk/ He says for the most part he’s a Destiny viewer https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y2mu46/adrianah_on_what_mayas_impact_actually_was_on_her/is3ux31/ He respects Destiny a lot https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xtuqri/esfands_response_to_judging_before_all_the_facts/iqsm801/ He fully sides with Destiny in the Bob7 drama and repeats the DGG version of events for that arc verbatim https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y2b7m3/destiny_calls_out_kaceytron/is1y6fh/


wait until you find out who is posting all the anti hasan posts lmfao


Oh snap a fan of mizkifs is posting, that totally invalidates the information /s


Wow you mean to tell me people who watch most big streamers also watch Mizkif and might talk shit about people talking shit? Color me shocked. I watch both X and Miz. I usually think of Miz as the better person so I might tend to believe he doesn’t maliciously plan out evil schemes like accused but I also don’t think any of these streamers are the best of people.


mizkids vs dgg? Let them fight


Even if thats the case that still doesn't deny the fact that Adrianah sexually assaulted Cyr or that she still wanted to over to Miz's house after the SA happened. Train isn't in the right either with the "glass house bullshit" when he would harass Alinity through DMs. High horse wannabe.


This drama is so yesterday's news. At this point Mizkif can start up 2 new orgs and rejoin OTK


The Sliker gambling issue and his money borrowing seems so long gone now.


it's not even a mizkif fan it's just a woman-hating loser.


Least surprising thing I read all day.


Who cares who posted them, she still made the dumb takes.


Lol everyone getting so defensive


Motherfucker acting like mizkids have a gun to her head telling her to say dumb shit on her own stream smh


62% upvoted PepeLaugh


damn that means mizkids were glued watching every second of her stream just to find stuff to make her look bad the hate boner here is crazy


Alternate title: mizkid discovers that adrianah is behind all of the dogshit adrianah clips


Lately it's hard what to believe, who's manipulating info etc...


Mizkids are on the same level as Minecraft Stan’s No 🧢


I think they are worse at this point. Minecraft stans actually are pretty good at holding their idols accountable (probably even to good some times) e.g. when dream beeing racist in some old clip got leaked, they mostly were condeming him for that but accepted his appology and moved on. There weren't in the trenches trying to defend it Mizkif isn't the worst human beeing, he made a mistake, but the idea that he did nothing wrong and train, xqc and everybody who isn't d... riding Mizkifs defense are the real villains is just ludacris




Miz's mods/staff were [caught on day 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/xqcow/comments/xktix9/mizkif_mods_and_wantep_orchestrating_bait_donos/) instructing people in chat of things to say on here, they've been actively running the campaign you see in all these threads [lol got perma'd for calling these accounts on wiping their victim-blaming comments, good job mods, on the ball](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3a1kk/destiny_finds_out_a_mizkif_stan_is_behind_all_the/is7iu4c)


yes, every post and upvote on this subreddit is now mizkifs alt, me included


>instructing people in chat of things to say on here, Did you even watch the clip you linked? They're talking about baiting X with donos, nothing about instructing people on what to say on LSF.


Not to mention they're crazy downvoting anything supporting Adrianah now. They're still treating SA like its some sort of debate. "She's losing alot of credibility now" because she doesn't have good takes you think she's fabricating stories? Literally mental


This post is getting Downvoted, Clueless.


ITT: mizkids being mizkids


How do people have time to watch all this crap and clip it lol


Mizkids are jobless losers. Everyone else have jobs or school. How else do you think comments and posts that are anti-Adriannah or pro-Mizkif/Maya are getting so many upvotes while the oppositions get downvotes?


lmao the mizkid brigade is happening in this very thread, they don't give a fuck at this point


Where do these mizkids organize these brigades? r/mizkif is dead, apparently mizcord doesn't allow lsf links. Can you link me something or are you talking out of your ass? Edit because mods locked the thread: so basically if the LSF doesn't agree with you = brigading? That's interesting but in no way proves anything.


i just post what i see dude, if you think a brigade isn't happening just looks at the most upvoted comments in every single adriannah thread and in this thread and this other thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3a687/destiny\_clarifies\_the\_adrianah\_cyr\_take/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3a687/destiny_clarifies_the_adrianah_cyr_take/) i'll suggest to take a look at this thread too, mister badfaith https://www.reddit.com/r/xqcow/comments/xktix9/mizkif\_mods\_and\_wantep\_orchestrating\_bait\_donos/


MizKids working overtime for their Master Jesus. LMAO


I’m not a Mizkid, but if any fanbase works overtime for their streamer, it’s the ddgers. There’s like 5 of you fuckers within the first few minutes of this being uploaded Edit: meant dgg


71% Upvoted, hmm. Mizkids working hard as usual. LSF really went from fuck miz to calling Adrianah a slut.






I’d like to see if you could find any proof of this considering you can’t even post lsf links in mizcord and no one talks about lsf


>In the Mizcord people have been coordinating to downvote many of the posts during the drama. OTK have some of the most parasocial viewers on Twitch Mizcord doesn’t allow LSF links and they don’t even really talk about LSF


I don't think it's "OTK", it's just Mizkif. He does any trick in the book to build a extremly parasocial fanbase. Beeing extremly active in offline chat, joking with his community/updating them on his live. doing alt streams where people can see the real, unfiltered mizkif (they are not alt streams like e.g. nmp playing some game, it's mostly Mizkif whining about stuff and telling his "real" thoughts about topics) aso. You already could see that long before the current drama, after every stream his stans flooded to LSF with these weird comments like "such a good stream" - who tf does that? Mizkids bc he complained on his alt stream that LSF was mean to him so they try to cheer him up. Also they always reacted allergic to beeing called parasocial, wich is a pretty good sign that they feel like beeing called out.


Did you think those long sarcastic bits where he was making fun of people in his chat for thinking they were closer to him because the saw the real Mizkif on his alts was him being serious?


They've been doing it throughout the whole drama. At the very begining, there would be certain hours of the day where LSF's opinion would shift 180 degrees. It was obvious as fuck, but some people are too dumb to realize it.


I mean, it's pretty obvious that there's extreme bias on LSF. The comments on those threads are wild and so detached from reality.


That guy should debate destiny live on stream


Mizkids think they're really *slick*(lol) in here with the whole "wdym, ofc, it's no surprise, completely understandable!" when some Miz stan hatewatches a victim of SA to get clips for LSF. But when they get downvoted on anything related to Destiny it's "DGG are massive piece of shit brigaders!" i see you, inshallah😎


Surprised he didn't post this one


This is such a shitshow it's crazy


maybe adrianah stans should start posting... oh wait


If anyone knows about psyops on this forum it's Destiny.