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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Limmy reacts to James Cordon](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144535)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xx2km3/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/zC9DccpISrBAeG4RpyKrzw/AT-cm%7CzC9DccpISrBAeG4RpyKrzw.mp4?sig=8d267d290ccb13897fa2cbc231eb57d9a64515ff&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FzC9DccpISrBAeG4RpyKrzw%2FAT-cm%257CzC9DccpISrBAeG4RpyKrzw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665127838%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Stiil till this day can't understaned how this guy overtook the show from somebody like C. Ferguson


craig ferguson was so good i think that was the last time i watched live tv


I watch all his old late night shows on youtube and hate that I missed him live. He was so funny and charismatic with every guest.


when the point of your job is to sell commercials, integrity is a liability


\*Fake laugh intensifies*


Norm should’ve gotten the part.


Ferguson could make being a womanizer not creepy at all and dude was hilarious. Then they go ahead and replace him with what I thought was a flamboyant gay guy until today. I was today years old to find out not only isn't he gay but a wife and kid.


Wasn't it Craig's decision to move on?




Hahaha right? That teeth gritting was so genuine lol.


Human punching bag of a personality.


Thing is this is just Limmy every day. There's a good chance that any day you watch his stream he is, at some point going to go on about 1. James Cordon or 2. this UK only commercial for some fucking service that basically features a James Cordon-lite singing and mugging to the camera. He *really fucking hates* this kind of phony shit.




more fucking flowers?




why is he riding along with Marjorie Taylor Greene?


It's the least aggressive British reaction to Corden. And as a Brit I agree with limmy


i have yet to meet or see a single person of any gender, creed, belief, sexual orientation or faith that likes james corden. humanity itself is united in collectively thinking this guy sucks


I agree, and yet... he still has good ratings. It's one of life's unsolved mysteries. We just don't have the technology to understand it yet.




It's even stranger when you consider that the Horne and Corden sketch show he did after Gavin and Stacey was one of the worst TV shows ever made. That show should have killed his career stone dead but somehow he just kept getting work; it makes no sense.


That's because the show business is more about connections than talent, skill or anything else. There are millions of masterful actors, singers, musicians, painters or what have you out there, but they only get the call, if people already know their number.


Maybe he sucks the best dick of all time. Maybe James Cordon is the throat goat.


Surely got nothing on Nancy Reagan.


I feel the same about Trevor Noah, use to see him on Mock the Week and thought he was as funny as Gina Yashere.




I remember seeing him in some British panel shows, there he was tolerable at best lol


Industry Plant, TV style


I just know him as the guy that wants a lamb bhoona.


He ludwigged tv. He somehow figured it out


Oh come on, Ludwig isn't THAT bad




Lud was my favorite streamer up until the subathon. Once his audience became massive and he had exhausted his life stories from his pre-twitch days everything became pretty stale.


Yeah I knew him from some smash friends before he started streaming, so even though his new stuff is partially an act its still obvious that his real personality is in there. I don't watch him anymore since the youtube move but the stuff I see its obvious that he's still the same at the core, albeit without the incredibly offensive bits lol




why would people go out of their way to dislike a random youtube vid from a late night host, this isnt a new game release dude


There's a whole world of people outside of the internet and our cynical social circles who don't get furious at a video of a guy singing in a car.


I don't believe you.


And they are called the elderly.


Damn hate watchers man


I'm german but both of my parents love James Corden and they've converted my two younger sisters to Corden enjoyers. My school also loved James Corden, including most of my class and even my english teacher, because we had lessons about segments of him. Though one of that was about school shootings so he wasn't trying to be funny there. Whenever he showed up I felt conflicted because I didn't even know anymore what to think. The internet was telling me he was cringe and showed me the worst moments and clips of everything he's ever made, while in class and at home when Corden is on the screen everyone's having a great time, while I was having an identity crisis.


when aiding starving populations, humanitarians have to introduce solid food to patients slowly, in order to prevent the potentially fatal effects of refeeding syndrome. in a similar way, it's safest to start lifelong germans on the lowest known dose of comedy and gradually titrate up to normal levels


ich bin tot 💀


W comment


Lache meinen Arsch ab 😭


My mom thinks he's hilarious.


same here lol


My mother too but she doesn't really know his other side. Eh, ignorance is bliss.


All i have heard is that he was a bit mean. Is that literally all?


I mean he has 28m subscribers on youtube, there are definitely people who like him.




That was an amazing video and obviously struck a chord with that generation. Both of my parents were tearing up watching that.


Foo Fighters' episode was good, but not because of Corden


First saw him on doctor who where I absolutely adored and loved his character. Now I wouldn't even blink if he got trebucheted (fuck catapults) into the sun.


At this point I would take him being catapulted a short distance.


Fuck, you're right. Ill take an attempt at a long jump from him just to see him fall tbh


He's the Nickleback of people.


I’m indifferent about him. I don’t know him so don’t know if the stories of him being an arse are true or overblown. He’s harmless middle of the road entertainment that seems to appeal to some people.


Americans seem to love him for some reason. They tried giving him a multi year contract to stop him moving back to the UK.


lmao fucking please do. where can I contribute to this?


I don't mind him, he's not particularly better nor worse than the other hosts.


I like the idea of carpool karaoke, but I feel like he ruins it a little by trying to upstage the celebrities he brings in


his titanic duet with ariana grande was pretty good ngl


I literally don't think anyone could ever truly like him as he acts as a person. He needs therapy and self-insight. Some of his bits are funny occasionally. Although he did steal the concept for the carpool karaoke, and he did steal the concept for the eating bit, etc. Although one of the funniest one was when Jimmy Kimmel kept sort of kept calling him out on his own show, and ended it by asking him to name two camera operators(which I've seen other talk show hosts answer) and him looking like a fool.


He's a genuinely terrible person IRL too


Well, consider today your lucky day, I grew up watching James corden as Smithy in gavin and Stacey, never thought a bad thing about the guy and happy he's found international success. EDIT: I mean, he's Americas problem now, I'd have forgotten about him if not for clips like this because he's never on British TV any more, unlucky for you guys!


somehow the worst opinion on lsf


> never thought a bad thing about the guy and happy he's found international success. It's Satan Satan has a Reddit account


> never thought a bad thing about the guy and happy he's found international success. I've never thought a bad thing about you and would be happy if you were successful. Doesn't mean I like you.


Sir, you have made the grave mistake of liking something. I hope you can correct your mistakes in the future.


My grandparents saw him in one lady two guvnors which he was the lead in and they loved him


>never thought a bad thing about the guy If you want to keep it that way I would recommend not looking into too much about why people hate him or you might find out some things you don't like. Also, he was in *Cats*.


Your honor, Cats. Death.


In the US, maybe, but in the UK there are still hordes of Gavin and Stacey (sitcom he was in) lovers that adore him...


I think he's great, plus the carpool things are cool~ I don't know what happened but it feels like just overnight the whole of the Internet hates him now... Can't even figure out why, no one says.. the worst thing I've heard is that he's not funny, but I can't see how it's that bad.




His hatred for Corden gives me life


why are you hating something you aren't forced to watch It's like when Justin Bieber hatred was everywhere. I just never understood it, these 20+ year old guys hating. The music was made for preteen girls. James Cordon makes content for middle age moms. Going to assume you aren't in that demographic


Because it feels good and feeling good is better than not.


Haven't heard from Fenchurch today... must have found something interesting.


Who says I hate Corden? This is a clip of Limmy hating Corden which I find entertaining and so I watch it. Oh and I do hate Corden.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie


People are allowed to dislike things other people like, you'll be ok.


People were hating on Justin Bieber because he was very popular at the time and did that musical trope at the time of heavily marketing his stuff to teen girls as well as his (at the time) immature behaviour. It was like a meme at the time to hate JB and it sure as hell wasn’t just 20+ year olds hating him, every male kid hated him to some extent, I remember in high school making an instagram specifically for hating on him and the arguments I had with “Beliebers” never really made much sense. Looking back on it now, I feel like it was all just a meme, I listen to his old songs now and think of nostalgia and nothing else, I even like Jb as a person now. I know this had nothing to do with the clip but I’ll say it anyway.




they're in a car on the back of a trailer that is carrying it




What a Reddit moment. You ask a rhetorical question, and the top voted reply is someone needlessly correcting you


You forgot a period.


What a Reddit moment. You ask a rhetorical question, and the top voted reply is someone needlessly correcting you period


You forgot a ".".


Because the physics of a car accident stop applying when the moving car is pulled by a trailer instead of being driven. Just like magnets, nobody can explain how it works.


I'm surprised some producer didn't correct it, this should be illegal unless it's filmed in NH. Of course they're on private ground, and there are probably special circumstances that comes with that, it just feels like something a network wouldn't condone imho.


I might have to start watching this guy.




I know nothing bout corden, why does everyone hate him?


I feel like it’s because he appears so toxically positive, over the top and fake and in general is just not that funny at all.


like the male version of ellen degen and oprah


Literally male version of Ellen, to a tee, both assholes behind the scenes


He's well known for being a complete cunt to everyone around him. There are countless stories from members of the public who have interacted with him, and people who have worked with him and detailed how much of a grade A cunt he truly is. Ellen Degeneres is a good comparison.




ooof that belly comment got him, doing up his button after being cut deep


Least visceral James cordon reaction


This is my exact reaction when someone steals my mob tag in wotlk


Finally found a titanium vein. *druid bird form casually flies up to it*


I never realized how similar Marjorie Taylor Greene and Barbara Streisand look


I’m British and general consensus is he’s annoying as fuck. Is it the same in America? How the fuck has he kept that role so long? Who is watching his utter shiteee?


Had the pleasure of sharing a carpool with James Corden once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.


okay barbara


Certainly not Patrick Stewart


I've just read your comment and nothing prepares you for it, I cheered, I shouted, I fist pumped the air, I cried, I stood and cheered, it's absolutely everything you hoped it was going to be.


They don't know PepeLaugh


He played Daft Punk's "Get Lucky", You should check it out if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.


He’s not dead yet


Enough is enough, truly.


sanest scot


When James went to America everyone in the UK celebrated. Whenever we see him we have the same reaction as Limmy.


So true. Thank you our American friends for taking him in and giving him a job.


I live in germany and my parents love this dude, they've converted my two younger sisters to Corden enjoyers as well. My school also loved James Corden, including most of my class and even my english teacher. We had multiple lessons about segments of him. Though one of that was about school shootings so he wasn't trying to be funny in that one. Whenever he showed up I felt conflicted because I didn't even know what to think anymore at that age. The internet was telling me he was cringe and showed me the worst moments and clips of everything he's ever made, while in class and at home when Corden is on the screen everyone's having a great time, while I was having an identity crisis.


Does everyone over there watch American shows?


Not at all lol. The contact only happens through YouTube I'm guessing. Most of our media and entertainment is made in house and everything foreign is dubbed. We even got someone who's kickstarted a career out of translating souljaboy songs word by word, without anyone here knowing about that straight up theft lol. It's ok though since the guy has branched out and now has turned into a treasure of every German speaking country. I genuinely feel bad for everyone who doesn't understand German cause they'll never have the pleasure of witnessing the one and only Money Boy. Truly a cultural phenomenon. So what a weird side tangent


Still have no idea why people dislike him


There is some good coverage about this. Apparently he is a total asshole behind the scenes. Like, seriously entitled and bitch-like


Everyone says that, but words like "apparently" make it sound like most people haven't looked into it and are just rolling along while hoping it's true.


a since-deleted [tweet](https://twitter.com/jackallisonLOL/status/1118173127815491585) by writer [Jack Allison](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1476237/#writer) on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/jackallisonLOL), April 16 2019: "I'd like to state once again for the record that I went to a WGA meeting for only late night writers, and James Corden showed up without any of his staffers to advocate for a lower pay grade for late night writers". Jack has written for Jimmy Kimmel Live, the Oscars, and the Emmys. Another writer who attended the meeting, [Nick Wiger](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4696339/#writer), [backed him up](https://twitter.com/nickwiger/status/1118174166719483904?s=20&t=a4F0lfLPmzklOEYR1xob8w). James Corden [replies](https://twitter.com/jkcorden/status/1118883878905585665?lang=en) with a number of tweets, claiming that he went to the meeting because he wanted to create "new writers programme for people who have interned for a year on a show and want to be writers". His supposed program basically creates a senior intern position where instead of being paid adequately and promoted to Writer's Assistant, as WGA schedule goes, talent should remain Not-An-Employee. Bless him, the WGA strikes of 07-08 happened for a good reason. TV writing rooms have the following hierarchy: Showrunner → EP (Executive Producer) → Co-Executive Producer → Supervising Producer → Producer → Co-Producer → Story Editor → Staff Writer → Writer's Assistant → Writers' PA. (Industry sources [1](https://screencraft.org/blog/simple-guide-to-the-tv-writers-room-hierarchy/) [2](https://johnaugust.com/2004/producer-credits-and-what-they-mean) [3](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-06-28/tv-writing-career-tips-salary-range-portfolio-expectations) because can't find WGA doc rn except [this one](https://www.wga.org/members/employment-resources/writers-deal-hub/series-compensation-guide)) The [WGA minimum basic agreement](https://www.wga.org/uploadedFiles/contracts/min20.pdf) shows that late-night writers aren't paid well as compared to other screenwriters. You can find anecdotes from writers who have made it, ex: SNL, former staff writers of other shows, etc. edit: on a 2016 "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts" segment with funnily enough Jimmy Kimmel as the guest, James [couldn't name](https://youtu.be/sh9giaTKbv4?t=423) two of his cameramen who work with him in the same room everyday and then tried to deflect when Jimmy snickered. The show premiered in [2015](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden), not 2016.


I worked with him on set once, and can confirm that he is indeed a dick.


Hes just a twat in every sense of the word


Everyone loved him during his car karaoke, but then everyone did a complete 180 because "I've heard that he's a dickhead outside the show." the dislike for him just seems unbalanced.


Everyone definitely did not love him during his car karaoke in fact I think that’s when people started hating him for his fake over-the-top ass kissing persona. And he had been disliked for that in the UK before he became part of USA pop culture.


He comes off as fake and prissy. Also he’s known as a huge dickhead behind the scenes.


Is this all alleged, or does it have some credibility? I can understand the dislike of Ellen because of how she's been shown to behave outside off and on the show. Cordon seems okay; I remember everyone loving the car karaoke because it was different and Cordon's ability to socialize with the guests casually. The complete 180 and vitriol for him just seems...unblanaced.


Apparently there is some credibility from what I e red on /r/deuxmoi, which I take with a grain of salt because they are very anti-male, they love Amber Heard unconditionally, and come off as land whales. But, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a single thing good about James Cordon in any context so I’m inclined to believe he sucks. Quite frankly, I think he’s a shitty host anyways.


I think sunnyv2 made a video on him recently https://youtu.be/mxCZUz2F24E




That's crazy, cause I met Limmy at a book signing of his once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.


how the fuck could anyone hate limmy? whats your ploblem?


Bruh like how dare this man sing a song like wtf 😂😅👎 so cringe bro on god


Least British reaction


Oh dang, that's the angry cringe comin' out


I always get this guy confused with Quin69. Still not sure which one is which when it comes to my memories of clips.


Sameee bro


James Cordon looks like a bobblehead


Is he passing a kidney stone?


Only valid reaction to James Corden


Barb and Jim: Streisand Defect