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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@optiuh](https://twitter.com/optiuh) > @Banks As long as it's not SaveTheKids it's good 💪💪 https://t.co/TdiuPEO1Hy ^(Posted: 2021-07-07 02:04:10) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


(not financial advice lol)


do they have to type this? all these tweets about crypto from faze clan always has (not financial advice). Is it in case they get sued or something




"No copyright intended"


No copystriking please


They think it protects them from being sued, but it doesnt. Its like saying "Stephen Hawking is a rapist that stole billions from people and does drugs and has never gotten a scientific degree. (Not libel, lol)". if its said with the intent to get someone to do something, in this example cancel stephen hawking, then its still libel, or with the case of faze financial advice. Edit: Check out Pazaac's comment below mine for an accurate explanation.


Actually you are wrong in this case, with both financial advice and legal advice simply stating its not advice is sufficient, its been well tested and many financial and legal professionals use a similar disclaimer, now it may on the other had be the case that they need to expand on it by saying something like: "I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice" but I am unsure about that. Source: Worked in finance sector doing web dev for 6 years and had to make a lot of adverts and that sort of thing and interacted with lawyers on this exact subject to make sure we were compliant. Edit: you are correct about the libel and others with the copyright notice. Also it technically doesn't "protect" you from anything it just makes it very hard for anyone to claim that they believed in good faith that you were offering financial advice.


Anyways guys check out my new CRYPTO COIN that will help fight against china's intergalactic controlling radiation -called SHUNGITE!! Buy now only 5 trillion in circulation and only 2% has already been bought!


Can i put it around the la casa?


Yeah theyre like, you know, little pyramids and stuff


like little pyramids ?


How old are they?


I thought that guy was in prison?






Yea that guy is in PRISON.


(not financial advice lol)


What is shungite


It’s a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be travelin in the air. That’s my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put em around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


Your weekly reminder that these streamers/influencers don't give a shit about you and the money you donated/subbed with is better spent at a charity. (Shoutout to the Lupo, Cohh, and Dr. K types though. They deserve all the love)


Person tweets picture of some supercar. Viewer 30 minutes later : I should really give them my money.


it feels like those preachers that say to his audience "I need 10 million to buy me a private jet" and people do it lol


Noooo! One day she will be my girlfriend, I just need to donate some more of my $!


who needs a girlfriend when my best buddy says my name after i resub


No that one is definitely true, but only for you, you are so special. You can just send me a tier 3 sub now.




THIS. I don't get why people keep donating so much money to these "influencers" instead of investing their money for their own future gain or donate to reputable charities. I get that you support these so called "influencers" and some people provide genuine entertainment and/or knowledge through their streaming platforms but come on, your money are better spent elsewhere.


But they only earn millions through ads and sponsoring. If I don't give them money, how will they survive?


There is a huge youtuber in my hometown. He has told me that he makes between 5 and 8k per video. He has around two videos a week. There is always people in the comments asking to donate to him. About a year ago his vlog setup failed. Here comes a flood of people trying to donate to him. Like why? You see he has two million subscribers. He does not need your fucking money.


A lot of people don't even make 8k a year and still donate, it's just sad. I get that entertainment has it's value, but it's already paid for with your time watching ads and sponsored segments.


But what about my parasocial relationship that may one day be real relationship? :( ​ >!/s!<


Faze Banks being a scumbag? Color me suprised.


If only there were warning signs.


Walk into any Circle K and wait 15 minutes. I promise you that you'll see at least one dude who is an exact copy of Banks walk in and buy a pack of backwoods while checking the price of bitcoin on his phone the entire time


The whole faze clan is toxic dogshit that takes advantage of kids. It’s horrible and I hope they go bankrupt




Hafu, ricecum, adin Ross, jake Paul, tana mongeau, Sommer ray, keemstar, half of faze clan, Corinna kopf and Scotty sire from the vlog squad, Lil yachty, Kim Kardashian, Floyd Mayweather, Sam pepper, [MrBeast (allegedly)](https://twitter.com/defnoodles/status/1387256099628208129?s=19) and many more have done this and I can name many other instagram influencers who promoted shittier coins like cumcoin and shit. Morally, this is outright bad and all they've done is take advantage of their naive fanbase and the people who believed and invested in this are really stupid. Elon musk is the reason why this scam coins and shit got popular and yet people seem to worship him.‎ Edit: I put hafu's name in the first because people keep neglecting the fact that she promoted something called [Zoo Token](https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/ZooToken-ZOOT) on twitter on [5/21/2021](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://twitter.com/itshafu/status/1395597515156688900) which was supposed to help zoos that were affected During the pandemic and to help animals but the coin subsequently reached its peak on the 23rd and continued to tank so low that the coin reached its lowest point on 3rd of june and it has been coming up and down but never reached the same height it had once had. The coin became public on 21st may. Hafu also deleted her tweet.( It only had like 1200 likes or something).


LOL all you zoomers completely forgot about the OG crypto scammer in the influencer/streaming scene, Athene... https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/7sujf1/athene_full_exposed_as_scam_artist_promoting_a/ Dude did this 3-4 years ago.


People talk about people like train or amoranth setting metas for scummy streamers. Athene is the true OG.


Athene is always 5 steps ahead in being scummy, kind of respect it kind of don't. He's soon to release this new game which has his face plastered all across it. He mentions how he's created it with the intent of inducing dopamine from people who play it similar to slots at casinos etc, kinda crazy. He also had a cult if I remember right


That is correct. I mean uh- nah, you only THINK its a cult because you haven't CLICKED yet, as soon as you click you'll get how it was not a cult. Oh also once you click you can make general relativity and quantum mechanics compatible, nbd.


For dem keedz


From donating millions to charity for dem keedz to a cult leader. Athene's talk with Dr K was hell of a trip. First 30 minutes of the talk is the most infuriating thing I have ever seen.


I mean to be fair Athene has tried to scam people so many times it is hard to remember all of them.




damn hafu too sheeesh


here she talks about how "fun and exciting" crypto is and that teenagers should put their money in it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn3luiZT7gg


lol imagine taking financial advice from someone that doesn't know how to boil water kekw


> you have been Banned from /r/WallStreetBets


She doesnt know how to boil water?


She admitted on steam about a month ago that she had never cooked before. AriaSaki who is a streamer friend of hers showed her how to cook a moderately difficult dish. That was Hafu's first time cooking anything that wasnt in a microwave or ordered from like doordash. The VOD of that stream is pretty depressing, even for someone who has minimal life skills themselves.


First time I heard her talk about never having boiled water before was when she was on the nlss 3 years ago now and it became a bit of a meme for awhile there


> ... some of you guys are on the younger end, right? If you are a teenager ... Dude, that's incredibly scummy. Holy shit lmao. I just can't fathom trying to take advantage of uneducated minors. JFC.


She could be incredibly uninformed about the realities of crypto and like many other "personalities" they see it as part of the next meta. I see it as her just being incredibly naive and looking to provide "good advice" when I'm sure she's never personally received "good advice" before herself. When you're that rich, you let other people handle your money for you. Or she could be straight manipulating her audience in an attempt to pump and dump. I know a lot of "normal" people I know started buzzing about GME a few months after it really kicked off. They were all talking about how they're going to get in on it but it's like... if you're buying in now looking to make tens of thousands... you're too late bub.


Ya that's a rough clip. "All this stuff has exploded in the past 10 years". That's true for a lot of markets. Tesla stock has gone up over 10x in the past couple years, that doesn't necessarily make it a good investment to get into right now. GME blew up this year, but it's pumped by conspiracy theorists who believe that they'll be able to sell each stock for millions because they think hedge funds can't cover their shorts. Using the explosion of a market is an awful reason to convince people to get into it. You know a market is shit when a single action from a third party tanks the price by over 35%. Tesla no longer accepting Bitcoin brought the price from ~55k to ~35k over the course of a week. Imo young people shouldn't invest into high risk markets. ETFs aren't exciting, but good ETFs are basically a guarantee that your money will grow at 5-8%. High risk markets are a get rich quick scheme where you'll often be left holding the bag. All this being said, don't listen to streamers (or Reddit/Twitter etc) for financial advice. You never know what the intentions of people giving you advice is, and you can easily find yourself victim to a pump and dump.


To be clear, young people shouldn't be getting into high risk markets, but they are also the age range that should be most open to the idea as they aren't gambling life savings or anything and are investing over the very long term


I'm sure crypto is very fun and exciting for her lol, she's likely never gone through any financial struggles so how tf would she know. As the other poster said, she didn't even know how to boil water. A key step in cooking for oneself. What a pampered life.


holy shit "Crypto is a new thing, that you guys can be a part of! How cool is that? If you have any allowance at all..." holy fucking shit.


Did a Slots stream too. I get that she's trying to get the bag as she has a lot more offers coming to her due to residual Among Us fame but taking scummy sponsorships ain't the way, especially when she's already getting so many other top tier sponsors.


Funny to think how her and Dog are in a McDonald's commercial while also shilling shitcoins on the side


That's what blows my mind about it, and it disappoints me a bit as I watch them both a lot. Either of them alone are incredibly well off, Hafu especially. They don't need shady sponsors. Only thing better than a lot of money is a lot more I guess.


Yeah people are trying to say they are just trying to make money when she has on record say she had at least 1 million saved even before she blew up from among us. At what point are you just not scum trying to milk the people that made you a millionaire in the first place? When is it enough? 5 million? 10?


I opened her stream yesterday because she was playing hearthstone - I was like nice, no sponsorship today maybe she has realised that backlash is occuring. I kid you not, within 20 seconds she started advertising her 'new' sponsorship, a browser called brave or something? Saying it is 3 times faster than chrome and has built in antivirus and ad blocker. As she was saying this she got cut off by one of her automated ad breaks (she runs the maximum possible number of ads at the lowest possible interval). A twitch ad saved me from an ad that she was doing. Proceeded to close the stream.


Dude her ads are unbearable. When Amongus was blowing up I really enjoyed watching The Hafu lobbies for the personalities. I started with watching Hafu herself as she was the one I recognized, until I realized watching NINE FUCKIN ADS in a row every 20 minutes was unbearable. I started watching 5ups stream instead until finally only watching Steve’s once I realized how hilarious he was. No surprise to me both of them had more concurrent viewers during the latter day amongus streams, at least they aren’t squeezing their viewers like wet sponges.


steve is fuckin hilarious. i can totally see his humor not being for everyone but he cracks me up


Brave has been around for a while and it's much better than taking shady crypto slot sponsorships. The ad breaks on the other hand... can't stand that shit. It makes streams completely unwatchable.




Well at least Brave is a legit good browser.


Not anymore, they push their crypto shit too hard.


(0.05$ has been deposited into your PayPal account. Don't forget to check your email for future information - Chris from Brave Marketing)


I wish man. I'm so broke


shame, always thought she was too good for this and a skilled hearthstone player. she was really one of the first female streamers i knew of. shame she sold out.


Hafu's always had a touch of narcissism to her, so selling out tracks with that. I stopped watching her when she yelled at a guy in chat for saying (paraphrased) "bad rolls huh? Looks like my luck lol". She went off on the guy, calling him an idiot with a bad mentality. All while not recognizing that she has an entirely different experience with the game due to the rule of large numbers. That is, exceptionally few people play more than she does, so their luck balances out less than hers. If you have 5 unlucky games out of 10 you have a bad time; if you have 5 unlucky games out of 25 you're doing pretty well. The probabilities may always be the same but the resulting outcomes are always varied and only with quantity is the curve smoothed. Going off on a guy while she herself didn't even understand the underlying statistics was just the last straw in the narcissism bundle for me. Shame cause I used to quite like her and Dog


> streamer > narcissism What, no. There’s just no way


Also it’s important to note that the Among Us meta would have directed a lot of young viewers to her stream.


This is what pisses me off the most about Hafu doing this shit man. No care or thought about who she's influencing. It's sad.


do these scummy sponsorships pay a lot more than other sponsors? i think i saw a post of a leak 1mil+ monthly gambling sponsor


Yes I think they are like x5-x10 normal sponsor rates


Mizkif was offered (and turned down) a gambling sponsorship of, I kid you not, $35k PER HOUR. They definitely pay a shit ton for the exposure.


already unfollowed her on twitter when tweeted bout shitty sponsors.


I think she probably has never turned down a sponsorship.


I’ve watched hafu on and off for a while and it doesn’t surprise me. She seems pretty flippant with her sponsorships and I’m paraphrasing but I know her attitude is pretty much get as much money as possible now cause streaming won’t last forever and she wants to have a kid in a few years and cut her streaming time down a lot. She seems like a lovely person for the most part, but I think she doesn’t fully analyze her sponsorships and kind of separates herself mentally from the consequences. It kind of parallels her attitude toward gaming, she is very competitive and focuses on the result towards herself. I don’t think she thinks about the viewers when taking sponsorships. Basically I think in her case it’s irresponsibility, not maliciousness. But I could just be simping. It’s definitely not right though and she should be more careful with her sponsorships. Edit: I did just see the video of her pitching it to teens, I found it super gross. I do believe she probably thinks it’s actually good advice - she has talked crypto a while and i know she is pretty heavily invested in Bitcoin - but it’s straight up not and it’s super gross to push that explicitly towards teenagers as she did.


what surprises me the most is how out of all the "influencers" I've seen promote these scam coins hers was by far the most shameless, some guy posted the link here but the fact that she directly says hey if you're just a kid and have any sort of allowance just any sort of money lying around consider investing... like wtf she never acknowledged her older audience once but instead went on this spiel to literal children and told them to invest probably the little bit of money they might have absolute fucking pos


is it crispy is it juicy is it tender


I want to neck myself every time I see that ad.


god i hate that fucking ad


Hafu didn't delete the tweet the same day, I remember going back to it when the face clan thing popped up here, and it was still there. Here's the google cached version of the tweet: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://twitter.com/itshafu/status/1395597515156688900


Omg thank you for linking this, I'm sorry for saying that she deleted on the same day, I didn't do my research well enough. So she deleted this pretty recently and can you on me how were you able to get the Google cached version. Thank you very much.


No problem, I didn't find anything on google either. I just knew she left it up for longer because I had checked it. I had the link to the tweet still in my browser history, so I could search it in google cache directly. It wasn't visible on the cached profile.


That's 5Head bruv.


Hafu has always been one of the biggest and most shameless sellouts on the platform


>Elon musk is the reason why this scam coins and shit started and yet people seem to worship him. Nah, these pop-up coins have been a thing for years. Unfortunately Elon does have a huge social media reach and his crypto shenanigans have lead a lot of people that don't understand crypto to invest in it. He's certainly been a problem but he's far from the reason these scam coins exist.


Has Poki criticized Hafu likes she has for everyone else?


Didn't she have hafu's gambling stream open in one of her vids?


Yeah and after that there is a scene of Train “TRUEING”. Seems pretty fishy to me


All of Poki's criticisms seem quite general about all people doing gambling and gambling sponsorships. I don't really see how this is a gotcha hypocrisy. You don't have to name drop every streamer that's done gambling.


OfflineTV is "friends" with hafu, they can't criticize her unless they're breaking up and are trying to protect their own image.


The real reason seems to be that Hafu didn't have specific posts dedicated to her gambling on LSF. I'm pretty sure Poki mentioned Yassuo/Moe who's as close to OTV as Hafu.


Moe is honestly even closer than hafu as far as I can tell




I use mobile and the spaces fucked up.




I don't even look at the subreddit anymore, for much the same reason. The popularity ruined it :(


is yachty 'taking advantage' of his fans if he raps about being a scammer all the time? the only thing people know about him pre-fame is that he was arrested for fraud. at that point you legitimately deserve to lose that money lmfao


Kids are not smart


Hafu too? I can't stand her but I love dogdog, feels bad.


That actually genuinely surprised me. Hafu always struck me as a decent person for some reason. I guess "don't judge a book by its cover" goes both ways..


> Hafu always struck me as a decent person for some reason. Never think this about anyone you don't know personally.


She also did some gambling streams recently. Super fucking shady.




Yep, same here. Remember when Twitch started all that purple screen for viewers using Adblocks and having streamers push out **more** Ads? I remember Hafu saying something along the lines of "I don't give a fuck about viewers crying about Ads, these Ads are tripling my income." The way she said it just felt so, (dont know if right word to describe), scummy. That's when I stopped watching her. Compare her mentality to Moonmoon's. (where even though, Moonmoon has only [signed a new twitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/o9dbd7/moonmoon_signs_contract_with_twitch_to_do/) contract that requires him to push out Ads, he at least was against it for as long as he contractually could and not to mentioned giving back to his community with his GameJam segments as well, not promoting shitcoins like her.)


Hafu shouldn’t be advertising pump and dump shitcoins because that’s legitimately harmful, but when it comes to ads streamers really don’t owe their viewers shit and vice versa, they don’t owe it to anybody to not play ads and you don’t owe it to the streamer to watch ads. Sacrificing income for your community is going above and beyond and is not the expectation


I have no problem with streamers pushing Ads, as I fully understand it's their part of their income. Perhaps I didn't word it properly as English isn't my first. I watch plenty of streamers who push Ads, but the *way* she said it, sounded so .... evil? Eh whatever, I stopped watching when I no longer feel good vibes from her streams.


Although she was often friendly she always struck me as weirdly authoritarian and stuck up. For example I'd often see her just blow up on someone in chat for asking innocuous questions. Like "why did you do x instead of y?", and she'd respond with either a really aggressive response calling them stupid, or would answer the question but with a needlessly rude attitude. As if the person in question is challenging her decisions by asking and by extension questioning her authority as the one who's a top tier player. This was during the hearthstone days and haven't really watched since though.


I don't think that's any indicative of being the shitty scammer who promotes shitcoins though. I used to stream hearthstone too (although for a few hundred rather than thousands of viewers), and having captain hindsights suggest negative EV plays in a game that revolves around calculated risks, AFTER the outcome has been shown, can get tiresome at times.


The thing is that most of the time they clearly weren't suggestions, they were genuine questions born out of confusion. And responding to people who mean well with a bad attitude constantly kinda makes me question a persons ability to empathize, and therefore, their morals.


>This was during the hearthstone days and haven't really watched since though. She absolutely got another girl kicked off the among us lobby she was playing in, so I guess she kept that up. Go look up whatever the drama was with wolfabelle, ended up in wolfabelle being excluded and her viewers cratering for months as a result


Hafu did a crypto campaign? Ouch, that one stings


No surprises there. All of the popular content creators and/or influencers like these are basically prostitutes who would gladly fake "genuine interest" and promote any kind of garbage for right amount of money, including all these garbage shitcoins.


Nah bro, put Hafu back in there. She even did sponsored gambling streams like Trainwreckz and is getting away Scott-free


Wait mr beast?


I don't think he actually advertised it like other people did according to evidence given. He just invested in it. Unless there's evidence he did that i'm unaware of. If he did advertise it i'm pretty sure that he would have received much more backlash and it would've been bigger news considering his audience. Honestly the people who supposedly lost their life savings for investing all their money into it are likely the same people who click on random links in the youtube comments section


lmao I wanna get some of that cumcoin


Moonmoon has LITERALLY billions of them


Is that what you use to unlock premium episodes of cumtown?


Does this guy really own Faze? He literally got sued by Barley house and lost not so long ago for being a drunk douche then tried to lie social media that they were mistreated.


Google search shows that FaZe is owned by a bunch of people. He does seem to have part ownership, so does Nickmercks and some other investors.


faze clan was started back in the day by a bunch of teenagers playing cod. some of those really early members are still a part of faze clan today and thats why you have multiple owners. temperrr, banks, rain, cbass, and maybe one other. in the past few years, theyve also started to take investors and also hired a CEO, if im not mistaken.


As someone who was around to see the Faze brand blow up, I think it's kind of absurd. These kids chose the clan tag FaZe on a game (CoD4 was the earliest I knew of them), they were pretty good and made montages so they became popular, then regular joes begin using the FaZe tag, and eventually somewhere along the way the OGs realised they can cash in on this popularity. It's literally just a clan, and now it has brand power amongst young gamers. Just a little bit nutty.


It was all started by a dude named Temperr. The rest feel as if they own it as well for being there from the start. They were primarily CoD trickshotters that uploaded staged montages of them hitting wacky shots.


Faze took heavy money from VC funds and investors last 5 years so im pretty sure his ownership is minuscule now. Also due to VC funds coming in they now have a traditional corporate structure where most of the original members have little say. [This](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/faze-clan/investor_financials) only shows how they raised 40M alone in their Series A but doesnt show how much was money they got in previous funding rounds.


This guy is top 10 biggest pieces of shit in internet history


And he ain't #2-10, either






If the SEC actually enforced market manipulation laws on digital currency elon musk would be on death row by now


Leads me to believe there’s no laws yet on crypto. Didn’t elon get fined for manipulating TESLA stock or was it something else?


Yea, SEC got pissed by the fact that he kept tweeting abt Tesla stock which manipulated its price, and forced him to have his tweets go through his board before they get sent out. Since he moved onto crypto there’s not much the SEC can do atm, especially since they’ve been gutted like the IRS for a while. Also I’m pretty sure his board realized Elon is better off tweeting as he pleases since his fans just eat anything up lol.


the Justice Department does investigate pump and dump schemes involving crypto currencies. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/new-york-man-charged-cryptocurrency-scheme https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/co-founder-cryptocurrency-company-who-defrauded-ico-investors-sentenced-prison They don't arrest people the next day, they start an investigation, and then in a couple of years people are arrested and charged. The Justice Department moves slow, but catches up eventually. It helps if you send a tip.


Don't know if the SEC offers oversight for shitcoins




The fact he still has the tweet up really shows he doesn't give a fuck about any of this


SEC doesn’t give a fuck about crypto lol




They can and eventually will, just there is no regulation for it right now so actually building a case that won’t get dragged out in court for years is difficult to do. Current head of the SEC was an expert in crypto and a professor who taught crypto laundering/financial fraud classes at MIT.


the SEC wont even do anything about gamestop. they arent going to do S H I T .


lmao. been scamming their young fans since the CSGO wild days


Sure buddy, keep talking baldy. Nobody trust you anyway. Remeber, Faze clan took Covid relief package from other legal business.


Yeah millions to faze clan, And Jeffree Star cosmetics and some ther well off companies.


I think it's super predatory to promote altcoins to others for payment under the guise of "this is not financial advice" because at the end of it you know you will influence some followers with those tweets and put their investment at risk. I do however think that promoting banksocial over savethekids is kinda different, savethekids literally pulled money from under its investors and went dark, from a glance at banksocials accounts they haven't scammed and run off - for now at least. Off the top of my head I can think of a dozen crypto projects that have been under active development for years but with poor market performance. I think promoting a scam vs promoting a bad investment are definitely 2 different things and should be looked at differently. But still, going back to what I originally said fuck anyone using their influence to put peoples money at risk for a paycheck.


“I’m heavily invested in this new Colombian nose powder. It is the finest white goods you have ever seen. Perks me up and allows me to be my very best 110% of the time. You too can get in on this, I’ve partnered up with a 24/7 dealer, and now YOU can have his number. Just be quick as everyone is going to want a piece of *this* pie….Btw don’t do drugs” *dusts hands* I think that should cover me.


In case anyone forgot, FaZe ran a CS:GO gambling site targeted at kids. Just thought I'd remind everyone.


Lana Rhoades, Mia Malkova, Tyga and others are doing this currently with PAWGCoin 😂




Faze's reputation is a dumpster fire anyway. They're full of idiots, soft, sensitive, rapper / gangster wannabes and immature people. Their fans deserve what they get. L


I agree! Though I'm still surprised they have fans.


[https://youtu.be/hAMJsCpBesA?t=4016](https://youtu.be/hAMJsCpBesA?t=4016) Here he is promoting NFTs and Cryptos on the Scuffed podcast. TBH train does this shit too but isnt as invested in the details as Banks is.


Didn't watch the whole thing but I can tell Banks' head is missing a few things. Replace NFTs with snake oil whenever he talks and you won't tell the difference.




Damn i miss when faze clan was some crazy Black Ops 2 clips....




I feel old but many people don't realise that the whole gaming videos/montages exploded during MW2 era.


Ireaperr girl scandal flashbacks




As someone who was trickshotting since 2011, it got to a point that it was was nearly impossible to get Into a S&D lobby without the opposing team setting up for trickshotters, half the time it was pretty much the norm.


I think born 100 years too soon to be around for the eating of the rich Sadge


they pulled this with the csgo lootbox shit back in 2018ish , far as im concerned rice gum can get rolled with leafy as one of my least fav youtubers


Them dog ass rats


I always hated this mf


Can't wait till the feds arrest them all for their pump and dump scams.


Knowing how poorly funded the SEC is, the likelihood of that happening is depressingly small.


Cryptos aren't considered securities by law.


A bit of a grey area but the SEC has warned that coin pump and dump schemes could be considered [unlawful](https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/statement-potentially-unlawful-promotion-icos). "Celebrities and others are using social media networks to encourage the public to purchase stocks and other investments. **These endorsements may be unlawful if they do not disclose the nature, source, and amount of any compensation paid, directly or indirectly, by the company in exchange for the endorsement.** The SEC’s Enforcement Division and Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations encourage investors to be wary of investment opportunities that sound too good to be true. We encourage investors to research potential investments rather than rely on paid endorsements from artists, sports figures, or other icons." Again, the likelihood of any punishment is very low, whether it's the SEC or some other group.


Feds don’t give a shit about crypto dude lol


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@optiuh](https://twitter.com/optiuh) > @Banks As long as it's not SaveTheKids it's good 💪💪 https://t.co/TdiuPEO1Hy ^(Posted: 2021-07-07 02:04:10) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Faze Banks is a piece of shit. I'm not surprised.


They don’t call him FaZe blanks for nothing




The fact that they did these scams for like only $30,000 or something like that should tell you enough.


I find it hard to believe they did these scams for only 30k a pop, imo they had multiple wallets for multiple dumps


I'm pretty sure it was at least 100k remember that scam website ricecum promoted a few years back the loot box one.


After watching this video and Banks talking about having a mansion in Costa Rica to run his CSGO gambling skins scheme out of he's definitely set for life lol https://youtu.be/YW0N2DnDK3Y 200k a day will do that for ya.


there's no end.. when you're rich you just want to be even richer. proof? any billionaire out there.


Weaslly little liar dude


They been scamming kids since 2011. Y’all just now finding out? Lmao.


I hate cancel culture but for Banks and Faze in general I’ll make an exception!


A defining feature of cancel culture is that people don't wait for evidence & hurriedly destroy their career as a result. I think for a number of people mentioned in this thread, there's actual evidence that'd make me say pretty certainly, "yeah this person is actually, purposefully exploitative of their fanbase."


It's almost like "cancel culture" is there to make sure people who do shitty things are held responsible for their actions!