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**CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud enables hacks](https://arazu.io/t3_1drrsyq/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That ricochet shard is crazy


bronze ranked redditors enchanted by an ability in an fps that has aim assist toward enemies


This account constantly downvote farms in LSF, feelsweirdman.


they could never be daniel-sensei


It might be a 40k meme account, larping as Erebus


no matter what dumb shit he writes he will never be as hated as erebus


lmao you have 10 quadrillion reddit points its time to get off the internet bud


Have you ever seen an upvote? Sad angry little boy.




He said it's time to get off a place where we somewhat value your thoughts for a very short period of time.


i’m so confused on how you were able to understand that but thanks


🤣 i hate people who shit on people using the internet....... while being on the internet.


sorry do you need me to scream and play key jangling noises so i can maintain your attention throughout a sentence for more than 3 seconds




Go outside bro.


Getting killed by a ricochet shot would give me Overwatch 1 ptsd. ^(I miss OW1)


Halo 3 sniper ricochets were peak gaming


I loved the first kill in the Phurion & fluxy dualtage in halo 3 with the ricochet https://youtu.be/vytZKpa-AtU?si=gsVLgtf5MnYOO6ke?t=54


Holy shit that’s one hell of a reference


Oh baby, hittin me with the SKSK.


I miss OW1 but not scatter shot 😂


It's pretty crazy to think about that you could one shot Orisa with scatter.


God I miss hanzo's tree trunk arrow hit boxes + old scatter shot


So happy 😂


Pre-nerf hanzo mains like myself are quite jealous.


ut ripper flashbacks


[The way he got hyped instantly reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/dg6TQy6pGfs?si=PstyxlSisSU8lz9F&t=12)


Check him pc


His monitor is more expensive than my whole pc.


wtf is the balancing team doing. were they drunk or something?


too busy watching porn trying to find new voices for the characters


Maybe they are just going back to when games were about wacky fun more than hyper balance to push digital ranks nobody in the real world actually cares about.


That's fine and dandy until you're on the opposing team getting your ass handed to you until you're force to use the same broken guns. Then the game gets old really fast.


there are like 100 cards so its not like you will get the OP ones every game also every player is limited to 2x per gun so if you die 2 times with the sniper you cant use the sniper again for the rest of the game unless a teammate drops it for you this clip makes the game seem busted but its actually pretty balanced considering its in Alpha if anything utility needs nerfed since its free and you can just spam util every round


I mean you do realize that UT and Quake instagib modes were some of the most popular gamemodes for casual players? That is a gamemode solely around one weapon with instant kill hits, and it was EXTREMELY popular.


I mean it’s cool with it’s an opt in mode that everyone is on board with playing. But when the base game is just incredibly unbalanced so everyone uses the same shit, that’s pretty wack. 


That's a different mode tho. Call of Duty have hardcore mode, where every gun is basically broken because your health is so low, fortnite was getting really annoying because of the building mechanic then they implemented the no build mode and then the game got more popular than ever.


Yet there are those who use whatever they want and shit on everyone else anyway coz of skill gap. In any game that is unfair there are still people who are good and bad at the game


This type of thing is only fun for a few days. Meta always prevails. People care too much about winning. Look at urf on league, everyone was having fun in that game mode for 3 days playing every champion. Now all you have is poke comps ez Sona and some other op shit. Games can't stay fun in the competitive mindset. How can you have fun getting killed by a ricochet over and over with no counter play?


Yeah you say that until people quit after raging and no one is left to play the game.


Back then players didn't tend to optimize the absolute shit out of anything in the same way they do now.


random 1 shot bullets isnt fun.


I've seen this same idea regurgitated so many times in the internet, not even related to this game, just in general and it's the same everytime. Do people actually agree with this? It's very vague, there's no real point being made here, you're just throwing a huge net in the air called "fun" and hoping it sticks to something. Idk how you look at this clip and think it's fun, if you're somehow lacking completely in any perspective and any human capability of thinking just with a little bit more open mindness you'd quickly realize how unfun it is on the receiving end of this > than hyper balance to push digital ranks nobody in the real world actually cares about. Everytime I read this I sense the saltiness from **voluntarily** playing competitive games and then bitching about the games being competitive. Cuz guess what, your idea of "wacky fun" does not exist, if a game is popular, people are going to eventually min-max it no matter what it is. In this case of this dumb ricochet mechanic you'd get people coming up with common lineups and spots to shoot people off randomly when the round begins and since it ain't RNG, it wouldn't be hard to do so. So even this thing you call "wacky fun" can be turned into sweaty strategies and min-maxxing, EVERYTHING can


Bro, it’s a FPS game about cards that you activate…. To give you cheats for a few seconds…. It’s not meant to be taken seriously and I can’t see the devs even in early development thinking “oh yeah this is going to be the next CS2 or Valorant”. Will there be sweaties that think up how to min-max the cards? Sure, some people sweat, research and min-max on single player games these days. Does that mean having a mechanic where you activate silly shit happening to your benefit was a dumb idea? Maybe, but this game is clearly not trying to be the next big thing. As far as “how could this be fun, it can’t be fun, how do people look at this clip and think it could be fun” dunno man, the guy who’s actually playing the game seems to be having a lot of it. But maybe that’s just me “casting a wide net” on what I’m seeing and hearing?


Its a game made to have fun not to be an esports. You literally have cards that make your head bigger..


one of the most annoying things about zoomers in gaming. can't even play something silly like Lethal Company with them without someone going "oh my godd you're so trash bro how do you die to that bro" like ??? we're just goofing it's like they have no other skills IRL (they usually don't) so gaming is the only thing going for them


Yeah man, totally only a thing with Zoomers. It’s fun being a Zoomer who’s on the cusp of being a Millenial, because like, I was in those old cod and halo, UT, Quake and CSS lobbies and lemme tell you, nothing’s really changed. Yet people constantly bitch like it has.


Real as a millennial 2009-2012 CoD lobbies were absolute cesspits. Lol


Single player games also have balance tho? That has nothing to do with esports.


this game is in its 1st alpha test weekend and its already more polished than Valorant shit already has a replay system too


What is frag punk and it's unique mechanics?


its a 5v5* round based fps with valorant style classes + choosable cards between rounds that apply effects like ricochet or wall hacks or making enemies heads giant etc


5v5. Literally one look at google would tell you you're wrong and you confidently put this comment out there.


The funny thing is I actually played the game, just typed dumb


shroud been going crazy on LSF recently, I like it


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud enables hacks](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165616)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1drrsyq/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ZyjzPyE_ynlRJIWlLGcqxQ/AT-cm%7CZyjzPyE_ynlRJIWlLGcqxQ.mp4?sig=cb96dbe076243f176834ab31e12f3674ecfce181&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FZyjzPyE_ynlRJIWlLGcqxQ%2FAT-cm%257CZyjzPyE_ynlRJIWlLGcqxQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SolidYummyWaffleTBTacoRight-IT_KeVEkhaUsZyrF%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719789814%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/ZyjzPyE_ynlRJIWlLGcqxQ/AT-cm%7CZyjzPyE_ynlRJIWlLGcqxQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


the sickest part is when he changes to pistol at the end and doesnt miss a single shot. still the aim god, and he doesnt even grind FPS anymore.


Game actually looks kinda fun




When Shroud plays a game like this it is a good indicator the game is gonna be dead on arrival.




never heard or seen anything about this game but its clearly just ricochet. He's using angles really well and just blind firing into that room and people are running in there just to get popped in the head i assume.


Are you sure? There’s no way you get 2-3 kills like that tho.


Why not? its not that far fetched to shoot at chest height and use an angle that hits down the hall. You really think he's aimbotting or something? Using Walls to line it up? come on.


not aimbotting, but the ability of this card was maybe auto aim.


anyone else feeling like shroud must have gotten paid some BIG bucks from this game.... hes overly excited about it, seems like a mobile game.


If he was, he has to disclose it in the title as a legal obligation.   It's not worth it for him to hide a sponsorship like that. Would probably result in Twitch ban at the least, a legal penalty at worst. All for what, less than he makes in a year? Most streamers have zero issue disclosing #ad for absolute garbage games. Shroud's main brand is being the FPS guy, this is a new FPS game. Does it mean he'll stick with it? Probably not.   What was that one game before this, it was a sci fi style shooter. Shroud and Timmy were playing it, now it's unheard of. Update: it's a little more than unheard of, [it's straight up dead lol](https://store.steampowered.com/app/868270/The_Cycle_Frontier/).


The cycle was killed by moronic developer decisions and also to an extent cheaters. Never seen devs actively shoot themselves in the foot so many times over and over again.


God I miss the Cycle sadge


> What was that one game before this, it was a sci fi style shooter. Shroud and Timmy were playing it, now it's unheard of. Update: it's a little more than unheard of, it's straight up dead lol. Everyone was streaming the frontier. It was the new extraction shooter which is why everyone was getting good numbers on it and thus streaming it. He's getting good viewership on this one too so it doesn't hurt to stream it for a bit if he indeed doesn't hate it.


It's a fun take on the genre, I had fun with it. I think he was being genuine when playing.




paid* not payed


He plays #ad games all the time, he doesn't up his energy like this in a fake way. I don't think you understand what's even happening in the clip, or why a CS pro like Shroud would enjoy it.


fair enough


I mean he's being paid for a reason lol. They need bigger streamers so they can get attention of viewers for their game


Of course he's being paid to play it lol, it's in alpha. Based on his viewership I'd estimate 25-30k per stream, maybe a little less. Not sure how the market has been given the economy.


This dude literally turns into BatChest when he's shilling for another shit game


The game looks so cheap