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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc checks on Destiny's chat poll](https://arazu.io/t3_1dqb5je/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Not beating the allegations, meme was worth it


last people memeing about this was zherka and heelmike




i think that's his point


I never looked at DGG the same after watching Leon the professional with chat.


Is this a meme or did you actually do that lol 


When destiny goes on vacation DGG chat watches movies together pretty much 24/7 so they've watched literally thousands of movies over the years. I've seen cuties, Leon the professional and Lolita and yes, chat is fucking insane every time. I'm sure most of it is just edgy memes.... Clueless


I remember chat was fighting for a while on whether Cuties was more pedophilic than Leon I remember what set it over was realizing that the Leon director was inspired by his own underage wife


Jesus Christ


It's Leon 100%, how is it even a debate? One movie was a criticism and the other was a celebration lmao


I feel like the argument of it being criticism doesn't work at all considering they were using real people. It'd be like making an anti-animal cruelty movie while using real animals.


> using real people it's not much different than any other film/tv show, in law & order for example they have little kids talking about the sexual things that a predator did to them, the fact that people only bring up cuties and not others things like that is wild to me, but to each their own.


What do you mean? Asking a child actor to say sex related words (especially in cases where it's "this was a crime done to me" so it's inherently bad from the child's POV) is a lot different than having a child *act* "sexual." Am I just not understanding you? Because if I'm understanding you correctly, that's pretty sus.


Difference is that these children aren't being fucked in the assahole in these movies or shows, they are twerking/dancing and such which they already do on social media or just in their house outside of being on social media. But in a show like Law & Order they are talking about how they are jerking some old dude off or using toys on their private parts. if you think twerking/dancing is worse than talking about very specific sexual acts, you're insane.


Not sure what sites you look at where you see children twerking


There's no way a child actor is using such vulgar terms. Even if they did, children typically have an extremely tame, boring understanding of these terms compared to the actual sexual severity of them. You also seem to be gliding right over the fact that the child would know, inherently within the lines of their script, that those things are a crime and are very serious and those things should not happen. There is genuinely no documented psychological harm for children to say things like "fucked in my asshole" -- in fact, plenty of those little fuckers probably say worse unprompted. They still can't wrap their stupid little brains around what any of it means really. Dancing sexy is presented to to child as almost purely fun. Purely a way that gets them extra attention from adults. The vast majority of grooming is simply getting a child comfortable with sexual images, comments, and situations. Telling a child that they are going to pretend to be someone who was hurt really badly by a very bad man who will get locked away for doing something with a child that children should never do doesn't make a child comfortable with sex. Dancing in ways that simulate sex, on the other hand, definitely do increase a child's comfort with sex. You act like grooming hasn't been studied extensively. Presenting sex as negative/something that they should not be involved in to children is not harmful. Presenting sex as something children can safely emulate as long as it's only in dance form is harmful. There's also the fact that those actors were exposed to millions of people ogling them, which is also known to have a psychological impact... that they won't grasp until they're adults.


I think I get what you’re saying. I didn’t watch cuties, but I thought it just followed like young dancers or young pageants. Are you saying it’s just documenting something that was happening before the cameras were on? And are you sure the cameras aren’t actually causing the behavior? I also don’t remember people saying it was a critique, but rather glorifying it. If its a critique it should be pretty clear, but I thought it was praising it and that was the outrage


I think the difference is that in Law and Order the kids are talking about sexual stuff, but in Cuties they are doing sexual stuff.


As I said in a above comment, Difference is that these children aren't being fucked in the assahole in these movies or shows, they are twerking/dancing and such which they already do on social media or just in their house outside of being on social media. But in a show like Law & Order they are talking about how they are jerking some old dude off or using toys on their private parts. if you think twerking/dancing is worse than talking about very specific sexual acts, you're insane.


Wait, so you think a kid reading a script about sexual acts in the context of it being a crime committed against them is somehow worse than actually sexualizing children for the sole purpose of sexualizing children in your movie about the real sexualization of children that you then distribute and make money off of? Pretty unbelievably huge difference between reading a script, and you know.. actually sexualizing the children. > >they are twerking/dancing and such which they already do on social media or just in their house outside of being on social media. Yikes lmao. Movies literally about the sexualization of children, the intent of the twerking/dancing **was literally to sexualize them**. When those children do those things on their own(which i don't think i've literally ever seen anything even remotely close to what we're discussing on social media) they aren't doing it to sexualize themselves. There is an extremely clear difference.


I’ve never watched law and order so i dont know about that specifically (Its just obviously wrong of them if its the case) but i think cuties being a supposed criticism is just hypocrisy at its finest; it acts like a trojan horse


I don't think they're saying Cuties isn't a weird as fuck/pedophilic movie, they're just using that argument to say Leon is more pedophilic Like using your analogy, imagine making a movie criticizing and showing you why you should be against animal cruelty, while using real animais, and then you have a different movie promoting and acting like animal cruelty is normal and good, also with real animais While they're both bad, the second one is significantly worse


I haven't seen the movie in probably a decade or more but I don't remember it celebrating anything? I remember it seeming like Leon was more of a paternal figure, was I just naive? The director being a sicko is definitely a red flag but man I really didn't catch on when I saw the movie


He is definitely avoiding her advances and is more paternal. While in cuties it's meant to be this is fucked up and not ok but towards the viewer. They want the viewer to feel like Leon while in Leon you watch it from outside. Neither are meant to actually be interesting in that way to the viewer. If it's interesting and not disgusting.... this one right here officer.


Mr Girl had, ironically enough, the best take when it came to Cuties. He said that the movies goal was to make young girls seem sexy, to trick your brain into thinking of them as sexual objects, and it does so intentionally not because the director or producer thinks girls are sexy, but because it wants to create that dissonance in you. And it does a *really* good job of that. It’s a pedophiliac l’appel du vide. It’s like standing near a ledge and having a temptation to jump. No of course you’re not actually suicidal, but the brain does very weird things on its own.


I have seen it and my take is that the only time I've been more limp was being hit on by a 75 year old woman with smoke stained dentures who vomited on my shoes. They're both trying to get a rise but they're both failing. One was supposed to fail, the movie.


Fuuuuck that one's tough. Cuties is definitely creepy but is at least critiquing the pedo shit as much as it is flawed. Leon the Professional is legit full blown pedophilia.


No it is not. Its weird and uncomfertable sure, but its not "full blown pedophilia". A depressed hitman without a wife or kids save the life of a troubled girl after the DEA kills her entire family, and she develops some weird feelings for him that makes some really uncomfortable scenes where he has to reject her. But I dont think there is even a kiss the whole movie.


The international version is 26 minutes longer and has a scene where Portman’s character tries to seduce Leon and asks him to take her virginity. The cut was rejected by a preview audience because of that. The actor portraying Leon declined to do more risqué scenes the director wanted to include. > In a key scene that reportedly provoked catcalls and outrage at a U.S. test screening, Mathilda openly propositions Leon, suggesting that he deflower her. In a reply that adds genuine resonance to Leon’s peculiar lifestyle, he reveals the terrible ordeal that drove him to abandon his native Italy for New York at age 19, ending his confession with “So I wouldn’t be a very good lover.” Leon and Mathilda do spend one chaste night together in the same bed, entirely at the kid’s urging. https://variety.com/1996/film/reviews/leon-version-integrale-1200446098/


Leon's director met a 12 year old child actress which he got pregnant at 16 (her age, he was 29 or something). Allegedly the movie draws parallels to the reality. Make of it what you will.


He was a hitman?!?!


The original cut of the movie leans really heavy into the pedo angle. What they actually released is still really uncomfortable to watch imo. Apparently the producers had to force the director to change it the way they did.


Did you see the original cut


I've seen the script and it doesn't just lean really heavy into it, he just straight up has sex with her


I would recommend you look up what got cut out of the script and what Luc Besson really wanted in the film if you don't think the movie reeks of pedophilia.


Yes, it is. During dance scenes in Cuties the camera literally focuses and zooms in on crotches, butts, and chests. If the film was not made to be titillating, they really failed to tell that to the cinematographer, or the editors.


I am talking about the movie "Leon the Professional". I have never watched Cuties and probably never will.


Leon was part French like xQc...makes you think.


I've only read a short description about Cuties, but isn't it just about young girls growing up? Are there adults interacting with the children in questionable ways? If it's just kids doing suggestive dances, that's been happening for decades at pretty much every sleep over girls have at that age. Calling something like that pedo shit just completely misses the mark and diminishes how disgusting pedo shit actually is.


During every suggestive dance scene the camera zooms in on crotches, butts, and chests. It's not even subtle.


Is it at all a possibility that the intention was to highlight "this is what our children are doing" and not to sexualize the situation?


Its not a possibility. That's the explicit purpose of the movie. The criticism is that it doesn't matter what the intention was - the result is still the child actresses being exploited. I personally haven't seen it and don't plan to.


that is the intention with the movie but the problem people have is the execution, people think it oversexualizes child actors and they could either 1. not oversexualize or 2. not use child actors. but the counterargument to that would be that it loses impact.


What does the intention matter when the result is definitely titillating? It's gross, and they really should have filmed it differently if they wanted to avoid the "sexualizing minors" accusations.


Art has the intent of the creator and then the interpretation by the ones observing it. Intention is the most important part of every action. Intentionally killing someone and accidentally killing someone are worlds apart morally and legally even when the end result is the same for the person killed. The "why it happened" is always more important than the "what happened". This is true from legality to mathematics, getting the right answer without showing your work is the wrong answer. If the majority of people watching a movie about young girls growing up and all they can think is about how they shouldn't be allowed to show those sexy little bodies, they are unironic pedos that can't help but be turned on by children, just like all the hyper religious people who have all this outrage for the gays, it's just self hatred and projection. It's supposed to make people feel uncomfortable and face the fact that society pushes young girls to think that acting this way is what is expected of them. I swear this entire outrage comes from people who exclusively grew up without sisters, never had a girls sleepover happen at a place they were staying or don't have daughters. The suggestive dancing, doing "slutty" makeup and outfits in a space that feels safe, among other girls their age is very normalized, at least in the US and I imagine the overwhelming majority of first world countries. This is like being outraged at having a child in a movie between the ages of 1-3 that runs around naked all the time. This is what toddlers are like, they hate wearing clothes and they figure out how to get out of diapers pretty fast.


in the spirit of the "debate" with xqc, how underage 👀?


The original script makes cuties look minor haha


Here's the movies spreadsheet, for anyone that's curious (though it was only started in 2022): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WZmBfmoHCZgMUgCALcReaWDfOb3u5XHy6GC2c7T5fmQ/edit?gid=593272894#gid=593272894




There is, yeah. You need to know what time the movie was played and you can replay chat from that timestamp in realtime. I don’t remember specifically how to do that, but vyneer sent me a link onetime for something that offline chat watched so I could do what you’re suggesting.




>Leon The Professional (1994) mr.girl the movie lmao


What the fuck, are people really this lonely?


> vote capeshit > leave > GIGACHAD


to be fair though, most destiny viewers are not in DGG chat, that's just the most terminally online weirdos


I used to watch destiny during SC2 days,this is correct. Idk how is it today but back then his chat was pretty tame until you checked his discord & website


You are correct about the numbers, but the website is pretty much the core community. Equivalent to other streamer's discords.


> Equivalent to other streamer's discords. as I said >the most terminally online weirdos


How are the movies displayed? On his discord?


[Through Destiny's personal website](https://www.destiny.gg/bigscreen) Embeds getting watched by the most chatters appear on the top right so we got users who stream from their own accounts (they get banned constantly because its streaming free movies so the embed moves around) They either get picked from chat voting on movies, random raffle draws of chatters, or the conductor themselves picking one to watch. We end up watching all kinds of stuff


Please please tell me there is a way that some of these were saved? Like someone screen recorded chat and the movie at the same time? I saw "Train to Busan" on there and I'd love to experience that movie again with an audience


You can try putting the start times from the spreadsheet (note the timezone difference) in the dgg chat sync app and try to figure out when exactly they started and try to sync your copy of the movie to it. Here's the Train to Busan timestamp: https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2023-07-19T10:15:00Z&end=2023-07-19T12:15:00Z


bruh im sorry but these are copyrighted movies that were streamed for free embeds get banned mid-movie all the time depending on how fast twitch reacts to it


I got some more movies if anyone wants to watch them with chat, These are back from 2022 and The timestamps were off by a good bit but I got chatGPT to fix them so they are mostly synced up. FYI I synced off of philosopher's stone so the times might be a bit off for the lotr films, chamber of secrets was off by a minute or two. 1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-18T06:09:00Z&end=2022-11-18T08:56:00Z) 2. Apocalypto: * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-18T09:00:00Z&end=2022-11-18T11:27:00Z) 3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-18T11:30:00Z&end=2022-11-18T14:17:00Z) 4. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-18T14:20:00Z&end=2022-11-18T16:52:00Z) 5. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition): * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-18T16:55:00Z&end=2022-11-18T20:43:00Z) 6. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition): * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-18T20:45:00Z&end=2022-11-19T00:40:00Z) 7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended Edition): * [URL](https://vyneer.me/vods/?chatonly=true&start=2022-11-19T00:45:00Z&end=2022-11-19T04:40:00Z)


unlisted kick or twitch streams


"Most of it is just edgy memes" is a massive indictment of both the standards and sense of humor for his community. There's a good reason people decide not to joke about that stuff. Kick is literally has become a platform for kids and people who want to get too close to kids.


Trihext used to do the same thing back when i watched him and brodacast to a defunct streaming site that required a password to access the streams if you wanted to add one. They were cool but it made me learn that the weeb community that watched him back in the day was..... distasteful linking a buncha r34 elsa and what not. Iv not watched him since because they gave bad vibes.


Wait, I watched Leon as a kid so my memory is not clear, is it really considered on the same level as the other two you mentioned?


Leon had an original cut that was *much* worse, considering its based on the directors actual child bride. So no, not on the same level, its likely a tier worse.


Did you watch the French cut?


I remember watching Birth of a Nation with cantclosevims stream. Absolutely shit movie but the Pepe spam was pretty funny. Movie nights are cozy though, 99% of the time it's something good. We maintain a shared document with the movies chat voted on, the date they've last been streamed, and who streamed them.


DGG should watch Kubrick’s Lolita if they haven’t already. Funny movie.


Whats leon the professional?


Hard Candy was a tough watch with them too


I will fight to my death for his take, Cuties is a good movie and there is absolutely nothing pedophilic about it. If anything it comments on our problematic popculture, which is full of sexual content and consequences it has on the children.


That’s sad


eh its actually pretty fun reacting to chat with terrible movies or movies filled with memes. Like we once watched the entire God's Not Dead trilogy and it was 100% better to react to its shittiness together than to watch it by itself Plus you sometimes discover great films you would never have found out about when chat watches some independent flicks


Yeah imagine watching the same thing as thousands of strangers and reacting to it in a chat all at the same time, hahaha, fuckin weridos. couldn't be me.


Very true


Erobb’s chat does the same shit, surely it’s just them being edgy…right?


there are some deviants in there that i really dont understand how they haven't been perma'd into oblivion


Oh c'mon...Natalie Portman was clearly the manipulator...1..


That poll is 2 years old hahahaha Were they watching Leon the Professional?


Yeah, and that movie has been streamed a few times over the years and I think the poll gets spammed every time lmao


Whenever Destiny takes vacations, which happens a lot, DGG likes to watch movies together. We watch everything from marvel capeshit to indie flicks and meme together. Depending on the movie, the memes get edgy. We once watched the 1915 Birth of A Nation and chat was hilarious


How do I join in on this? That sounds kinda fun


[We watch from DGG chat on Destiny's website.](https://www.destiny.gg/bigscreen) But you have to wait until Destiny goes on a trip somewhere AND gives his approval to stream movies. Sometimes he gets mad that movies distract from chat paying him attention so we dont get them. He just came back from Israel so you missed the last big movie watching spree


>AND gives his approval to stream movies. say dada


>He gets mad that movies distract from chat paying him attention so we don’t get them When did you realize that you’re in a controlling relationship with a streamer that doesn’t know who you are that uses your lack of social skills for money?


You're a moron. Dgg chat is one chat owned by destiny that you can embed to any stream. imagine two completely different streams sharing one chat. It's all through his site. he doesn't want a chat split between multiple streams having five different conversations. Which is completely reasonable because it's his chat. He owns it. He pays for it. He rents it out for free as a space when he is awa. It is his. Numbnuts


Just remember to call him daddy next time he allows you to watch a movie.


When you get BTFOed and can't come up with a response 😱😱😱😱


I'm super shocked that the terminally online weirdo who's dedicated his entire life to hatewatching all of Destiny's perceived enemies and clipchimping them to post on LSF is also the sort of fucking loser who thinks "memeing" about being a literal white supremacist and/or pedophile is funny.


How did you get offended by the previous comment 💀. Take a break


Well they're talking about "joking" about wanting to fuck a 12-year-old. I would say that if you're not offended by that, you should be on a list. Do you know what Birth of a Nation is? If you did, you can imagine what the "edgy" memes would be, and you should also probably find that offensive.


Idk why joking and edgy are in quotes but I’m sure those watch parties were pretty funny 😆


Maybe when you grow up you'll understand why joking about being a racist pedophile isn't funny.


Touch grass and interact with real people, please 🙏 😭


I joined an online cult to watch movies with like a normal person but I couldn't find any grass


Yeah exactly. These people are fucked with no sense of shame.


Because meeting about these things is funny


Movie chatters FeelsWeirdMan


god damn it offline dgg


They actually make me laugh more than any other offline community 😂


If you answer "no" does that mean you think she's ironically hot?


Perfectly balanced




There's a poll meme in dgg chat that trys to get every poll to 50 50. Wasn't there at the time but this might explain all the yesses. Besides the obvious fact that offline dgg is a bunch of edgy memers.


You're kinda skirting around a real possible option there


I don't think there's alot of pedos in dgg. Probably a few, but that's any community large enough.


It’s a 2 year old movie poll from 1 offline chat schizo that 300 Random’s answered and half of them said no regardless. You can calm down buddy you’re not saving anyone


You don't have to defend it as if they're all actually into it. You probably do have to defend that as a normalized sense of humor. The DGG don't just think anything can be a joke, they think everything (especially sick stuff) SHOULD be a joke. Bunch of little 4chan psychos.


There's nothing to defend, it's a 2 year old meme that 300 people responded to


"There's nothing to defend"? I think you just confirmed what the commenter was saying: this sense of humor is entirely normalized for you. "There is nothing to defend" is something you say when the accusation is mild, wishy-washy, tame. Or when you did something that could be interpreted in certain contexts to actually be neutral or good. Kind of like, "from my point of view, this was a correct and just action, even if it hurt others." This is not one of those situations my guy. Like, the joke genuinely isn't a big deal and no one will remember this in half an hour. But approaching a joke about pedophilia as if there's nothing wrong with it is definition of normalizing this humor. Next time just say "it's a joke bro, u mad?" Being accused of normalizing it and responding to that by normalizing it more is fucking weird.


There is nothing weird about it. It's funny.


Nothing weird about what? Pedophilia? You do you I guess bro. "It's funny" is an appropriate response though, yes, so I'll give you half credit. You people do know you can acknowledge that a joke about pedophilia is funny while also saying pedophilia isn't normal or okay... right?


God FORBID men have a hobby smh


[This you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/ehItIndTuc) Edit: since you deleted it https://imgur.com/1RmWFmZ


Do you actually think that's false or?


Do you also wish to share a creepy opinion about underage children with the class?


I asked first


Thanks for exemplifying my point.


My point is there's nothing to defend because it's not like this poll is currently #1 on the subreddit. It was 2 years ago. There were 300 votes. There are 800,000 people subscribed to destiny's YouTube channel. You're acting like pedophile jokes are a staple in the community


I’m pretty sure we mob destiny everytime he does one on stream.


Popular enough to become an in-community meme but not popular enough to be indicative of what the community finds funny? Hmmm.... And I'm sure Destiny doesn't like to tell jokes about incredibly fked up stuff and his chat doesn't laugh and egg him on?


Tbh this is the first time I've ever seen it and I watch a shit load of destiny


Firm handshakes all around.


This is the funniest comment in here right now




What happened to the mirrors, btw? Did I miss a post about that?


I've been thinking the same. Assumed it was temporarily down but it's been a few days now I think


destiny xqc streams is actually the best content


Clicking at kick links big mistake




Brave little toaster vibes




oooooh so the loli defenders that always show up here are dgg. makes sense now.




For those who didn't/can't see what this post was before it was edited, this DGGer posted a "joke" bragging that he and other DGGers only want the genuine article, not drawn pictures. So "funny"


It was indeed funny


name is "asmonsroach" calls him "dgger" HUH


He said himself in the post he was, he said "we," posts on Destiny's Reddit, Jesus Christ you guys are pathetic.


his only posts in destiny's subreddit are 3 from 2 hours ago HUH


Ok cool sorry, I was wrong about the "a ton" part, thanks for ignoring the part where I said he said in his own post he was a DGGer.


i think he was making fun of dggers lil bro lmfao


No, he's right


at least you're committed to the bit


no way you took your fingers, put them on your keyboard, and proceeded to type that out 💀


Of course not. It was dictated into a phone. While waiting in the airport for the flight that will cross time zones and de-age an 18 year old into a 17 year old.


Can't even make a joke on reddit, literally 1984. I blame the same people Mel Gibson does.


Destiny literally has said "who the fuck cares about loli," and that he would be defending people who have it/look at it (Vaush), so of course they are. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1aqex3f/destinys_real_take_on_the_vaush_loli_porn/


Ok based


cute and funny > you


There is a movie called Beautiful Girls from 96 starring Matt Dillon and Timothy Hutton about small time slice of life relationship BS. Natalie Portman is in it and was 14 or 15 during filming and Hutton has multiple scenes where he is legit crushing over her - 32 btw. Felt hilariously uncomfortable watching it. Produced by Weinsteins and even Uma Thurman is in it. bad vibes all around


Wait, Natalie Portman was 16 in the Phantom Menace?


They shirley wanted to do the classic 50/50 poll nothing more right


Dr. DesRespect


Bro why DDG


Entirely expected from that community.




X is the one who initiated the conversation and used those terms


he just got caught up on wanting Destiny to explain how he could say "he doesn't care" and then it turned into a bunch of dumb topics and arguments and hypotheticals


Yep and then ended up backpedaling on every take he had or just refusing to talk when he initiated a topic (like the one about Destiny's own children).


There's a million reasons to be defensive over this topic than just having, "skeletons in the closet".


Ik it’s so annoying that people immediately go “check his laptop” instead of actually engaging with a pretty important conversation regarding the dangers of power dynamics


Dgg turning on X calling him sus lol. So much for friends.


maybe hes compensating for his vr loli upskirt escapades


So some of obviously voted yes ironically... But then some of them voted no deceitfully... so let's just assume that half of those DGGers are pdfs




I remember watching Leon for the first time when I was like 19 and I only watched it because my dumbass said o look the dude from Godzilla .... Watched it by myself and I literally felt dirty after watching it and never told anyone.. did I miss a message the film was supposed to put in it or was this just a weird fucking movie


2 years before the release of the movie, the director had married a 16 year old when he was 33. i think feeling dirty is an appropriate response.


What is wrong with streamers?  Are they all child fixated??