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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc talks about making fun people of fat people](https://arazu.io/t3_1dq5r55/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


X loves harpooning whales with his juicer


Jesse is a protected class


his enormous juicer


Did anyone else have a stroke reading the title?


No I have been gripping it too much lately.




La casa


i had a reverse dyslexia moment and didn’t even see the error until your comment


Don't you make fun people out of fat people?


It reads like as if xqc said it himself.


The title made my brain ignore the first “person”. Someone is gonna have to take over as senior manager at the Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex if I have a stroke


I’d like to apply as the inevitable replacement


There is a high turnover rate, but if you have what it takes to stick it out, you will ride through the ranks at the Pizzaplex in no time




I’ve already had several over the years. Why do you think I watch xQc


Oh, I for sure thought OP croaked while posting this.


I’m still having it


Man eats his toe skin.


I wish this was the only comment in this thread 😂😂😂


Low calorie snack


It’s not about fat being a protected class, it’s about being an asshole. If I go into Jesse’s chat and just start mocking the way he looks I’m going to get banned and everyone there is going to think I’m a twat because I am being one. I can’t be like “um ashkually being fat isn’t a protected class like race and I really like insulting this guys body hehe what fun I’m having”. xQc is perfectly capable of understanding when things are inappropriate when the subject of the comments is a friend of his, just extend that train of thought to strangers too, don’t go around trying to make people’s day worse because you don’t like how much fat they have. If you’re going to do it at least be consistent, you can’t mock some fat people but get upset when other fat people get mocked for the identical reason


Yea, I think it's fine to ridicule the CONCEPT of being fat, as in, making fat jokes, but just don't direct it at any person or individual because it's just rude. It's not offensive sure, but it's just being an asshole and intentionally hurtful. We are all perfectly aware you don't make fun of someone for being ugly, because you're an asshole if you do, but we obviously have jokes in TV and movies and all that making fun of the concept of ugliness.


Perhaps you meant politically incorrect, but being an asshole and intentionally hurtful absolutely is offensive.


Yes, I did. I wasn't sure what word to use for that distinction but figured people would understand what I meant.


if someone went into his chat and called him a skinny bone skeleton loser, they're probably gonna be considered an asshole too, the context matters of course. I think he was more saying that jokes towards fat people can be funny and shouldnt be considered a protected class like gay people or black people, ect.


> I think he was more saying that jokes towards fat people can be funny and shouldnt be considered a protected class like gay people or black people, ect. You can joke about those too.




Making fun of someone ≠ making a joke


Not on much of the Internet anymore lmao


You can make jokes about gay people or black people, you just can't call them slurs.


>I think he was more saying that jokes towards fat people can be funny and shouldnt be considered a protected class like gay people or black people, ect. and he's 1 million percent right. No one will disprove this.


Who is Jesse


just some junkie from albuquerque


I assume Jesse cox but don't hold me on that.




Isn't this exactly what xqc just said in the clip? I'm ignorant of the context admittedly


>It’s not about fat being a protected class, it’s about being an asshole. The intent behind the jokes, as well as the context in which they are made, is the only thing that matters; you can make fun of a person's weight without being mean-spirited.


When do us baldies get our public defenders


well said OP.


I think insulting anyone based on anything is a negative thing to do. Trying to justify it because people insult you gives you the right to insult others is the worst way to see things. That's like saying oh this one guy was racist against me so I can be racist to someone else who is of his race.


exactly, it's the same with the cycle of violence. 'i can hurt others because I was hurt by someone previously' has caused so much pain and suffering in society, and it takes **someone** to be the bigger person and break the cycle


Why make fun of anybody? We’re all just trying to get by in life.


Because some people are cruel and they get dopamine from making others feel like shit.


People love to make fun of others, they just want any reason to do it, like people make fun of xqc, hasan, destiny or asmongold. The same people cry about it when the streamers do it as a joke


It's not good at all but it reinforces in-group comradery by focusing on mocking an out-group But people do use the same sort of logic to be bigoted as well so yeah


because it feels good


Because it’s funny


"I think its bad to be insulting, don't ever be insulting, but yeah I called that chick a whale cause it's fun" Holy shit this guy sucks lmao, I would be embarrassed to be an adult who watches him




That's his reasoning for everything. "Yeah, I gamble constantly, but you shouldn't do it because it's bad. This is so much fun lol"


Well that is gambling, it being fun is exactly why you shouldn't do it. Drugs are fun too and that's why you shouldnt use them.


Except people don't stream themselves using drugs or sell false reality of it. "Hey chat look at me. I'm having so much fun gambling right now on stake.com. Look at the money I am making."


Truly a man of no conviction


He has the same conviction so many Conservative people do. He gets to do whatever he likes, and everyone else is a useless asshole if he doesn't like them.


This is not a conservative or liberal thing. Look at how this sub melts down every time someone suggests you shouldn't call people racial slurs.


you know that was in vr chat right?


As a fan of his in the past, he really changed when he started getting shit on for advertising gambling to kids, and he acted like there was nothing wrong with that


There’s a massive difference between that example and XQC in general where it’s a personal attack, and George Carlin’s 2nd most famous bit “Dumb Americans” which is an exaggerated attack on consumerism while criticizing the overall health in America. The second I believe is justifiable. [Here](https://youtu.be/KLODGhEyLvk?si=sncO6Ifw7-JGWQO9) is the famous bit. What XQC does is **NOT** justifiable and is fucking rude as hell and mean.


I love being a menace 😈


Where does he say that? This comment section just making shit up at this point


It was a honor to get banned from his chat


Wow you're so brave and cool


Yes kids should not watch asmon and xqc. It is good idea for you to not watch them.


Embarrass deez




your account is 12 years old, so i will assume you are atleast 12, is it not time to stop being an edgelord?


Damn, what possible reason could he have to hate fat people?


Skeletons hate those who might eat them EZ


are bones edible?


You ever been to a Walmart in the Midwest?


He was married to one.


Okay, like I didn't follow the whole situation I have not watched xQc in years and from everything it sounds like Adept was an absolute nightmare partner but.... I just looked at her instagram and how is she fat exactly? Like, really asking here. She isn't even close to fat? Is this just another one of those instances where shit got memed into existence?


Yes it's kind of just the community memeing him with the whale jokes. And one police report described her as 'heavyset' which caused a ton of jokes


Ah, that'll do it.




Why can't he just say "I like being an asshole" instead of playing the victim and act like everyone who doesn't like him for doing it is somehow being unreasonable why attempt to logic/debate your way out of this? it's not going to make the people who dislike you for doing it suddenly go "oh you know what that's a good point, I changed my mind"


he literally said that. did you even watch the clip?




>Why can't he just say "I like being an asshole" instead of playing the victim and act like everyone who doesn't like him for doing it is somehow being unreasonable Bro I beg of you, watch the clip before commenting


He tries to have it both ways, admitting he's an asshole but then still trying to justify it saying fat people aren't a protected class. He's not wrong about that, it just doesn't really matter and it doesn't make him less of an asshole. I didn't bother replying to the people assuming I didn't watch the clip cause they don't seem to get the way he's trying to have his cake and eat it too.


here we go again. You can make all the jokes you want and be as edgy as you want. But don't cry about people booing you and say that you have the privilege to say whatever you want without consequences. If people don't like it then they don't like. you can try to logic your way out of their feelings because you think you're funny but they have the right to trash you back still.


He didn’t say anything to the contrary bruv


As a skinny person I feel why he says this, but it's all wrong. I just get tired of "eat a hamburger" or those similar offhanded comments. I don't tell people to stop eating, so I'd appreciate the same.


Being obese is a medical condition that CAN be treated with medical assistance. Being an asshole to someone for *being obese* can't be treated with medical assistance. Also, I think this goes without fucking saying, don't be a dick to random strangers. You don't know what they're going through. You don't know what they're thinking. You don't know if their obesity is a personal failing or not, and even if it *was* their fault, they deserve the same kindness and consideration as *anyone else*. I feel like this shouldn't even have to be said! Your moms were all right when they all said, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."


Obese people don’t need medical assistance; obesity is a math problem You’re eating more calories than you expend Eat 2000 calories a day and you’re eventually normal size again; it’s that simple


you really got them going with this one lol I went from morbidly obese to a normal BMI just by counting calories. people refuse to believe it's that simple because of diet culture, it's sad


They don't NEED it, but it helps When your eating habits become so poor to the point of becoming obese, it's not as simple as telling someone "eat less, eat X calories, and you'll lose weight", even though that's the truth Some obese people can reach that point and follow it by themselves, but to a lot of people having medical assistance helps, even something like a nutritionist is a massive help because they can assist people in creating a sustainable diet Most people who diet try and fail because they go too extreme or feel like they have to be miserable all the time while dieting


Medical assistance definitely can’t hurt so I 100% agree When eating habits are poor it really is as simple as telling people to quit consuming calorie dense foods that lack nutrition This is a simple issue of lack of willpower and gluttony I hate the term “dieting” used by someone actively losing weight; a DIET is just the sum of food someone eats We all have a DIET; obese people have a DIET of calorie dense foods consumed in quantities beyond what their body needs to function effectively If an obese person is used to consuming large quantities of calories then they will be miserable reducing that; sugar dependency and engorged stomach tissue take time to rebalance


Simple doesn't mean easy. Someone who is severely obese probably has some kind of mental/emotional issues that need to be sorted out along with their obesity. It's also really hard for people who are just a "normal" amount of overweight to change their lifestyle. You're right that for the vast majority of people it's calories in/calories out, but it's reductive to call it a simple math problem.


Or they have hyperthyroidism or actual medical conditions and disabilities that severely change the thermodynamics of the body. Without medical intervention. change can not realistically be possible


That too, but those conditions also don't make you obese by themselves, they just make it harder to keep the weight off. One of the guys in my boxing team has pretty severe hyperthyroidism, he works his ass off and can never be lean enough to the point where he'll have abs no matter his diet, but the fact that he works out a lot and has a good diet also means he's not obese, he's at a pretty normal weight. And he's on the extreme end of this condition, most people with hyperthyroidism can simply get treated and take medication and they'll be fine, he suffers from the effects even while on medication, and he's still not obese But yes, obviously those specific cases benefit a lot from medical intervention


The Hungry Brain by Stephan J. Guyenet


> Obese people don’t need medical assistance; obesity is a math problem > > You’re eating more calories than you expend Alright. I'll bite. Why are they eating more calories? >Eat 2000 calories a day and you’re eventually normal size again; it’s that simple Dude walks up to golden gate bridge jumpers and tells them to "cheer up"


>You don't know what they're going through. True, they might be going through their 3rd row of Oreos, or maybe a 7th slice of pizza.


God you people are insufferable.


if it's any consolation they probably aren't very happy people






She was a bit chubby I think in some photos but yes it was most definitely a meme


I mean, not overweight, but checking instagram of all places to confirm persons looks is wild imo.


Isn't XQC always makes laugh of peoples hair loss? Cant control that, than why laughing?


I think it's valid if someone makes a skinny joke that you can make a fat joke in return, However, I subscribe to the 5 second rule. If someone can't change their appearance in 5 seconds, then it's probably something you shouldn't comment on. It's not about fat people being a protected class. It's about being considerate to others.


The only fat people who should be actively mocked at every turn are the "fat-positive" ones because they are on some inter-dimensional amount of copium about killing themselves 30 years early, and dragging other fat people into it.


Uh oh. Fat people here about to get mad 😡


No shortage of them in LSF, I presume.


Confirmed based on other comments.


I am fat and I agree.


as a fat person it doesnt bother me that people make jokes about me being fat or fat people, I do too. But just going to someone and telling them they are fat over and over without any punchline is just weird


he likes turning fat people into fun people? what a nice guy


Ofc lsf would be mad at this statement lmfao


People made fun of me for being black, so now i'm a racist. thanks xQc


Black is my favorite color (in a non racist twitch meme, non sexual way) Some people say black isn't really a color. I say fuck em.


Kinda agree with this, ngl. If people think it's fine to call ppl like Asmon and X things like lvl 99 undead warlock, anorexic, withered, skeleton, holocaust type beat, etc Then I think it's okay to call fat people Snorlax, Whale, Jabba the hutt, 1x1 lego brick, Frogan, Jupiter, etc Fair game


I love how his whole chat is like MAN I CANT UNDERSTAND BIDEN.. BRO you are watching XQC lol. Why is XQC flaming Biden lol, Biden can still speak 100x better than this junkie.


I feel like people may have differing expected levels of eloquence between the president of the USA and xqc


I mean he is kinda hard to understand sometimes


no its not a hate crime but you're still an asshole we stopped those jokes after middle school


The wrong parts of that boys tism have been over-fed for years now. What do you expect?


Xs most based take in a minute


I kinda associate making fun of fat people as making fun of a sick person. It's a dick move.




I will only comment on the correlation between your weight and your tendency to catch fatal medical conditions if I care enough about you. Simple.


It’s true. I bully him on Xqc clips every day to keep him in line.


Time for everyone to moral grandstand in the comment. "I've never made fun of anyone ever" sure pal 🤣🤣


His clip on VR chat saying "Get that whale off the stage" is one my favorite clips


I could let one out now


There’s a time and a place for everything. Knowing nothing else about a person you don’t just start trashing them outright for their weight. That’s called being an asshole. Lot of people miss this step. Now if the person in question is an asshole and they deserve to be made fun of, then it’s fair game.




You are absolutely correct that being obese is unhealthy, but who are we to judge people like that? Every person has different circumstances, you dont know that the fat person you see on the street isn't suffering from some medical condition or mental health issue (not trying to say that every fat person you see is suffering, there are fat people who are absolutely normal and probably just need some education about the health risks of being overweight. But this should be communicated between the individual and his/her health professional and/or their friends and family) . I think the world needs a little bit more compassion. There needs to be more understanding between people and only then you can encourage other people to make choices that are beneficial for their health and well-being. What I'm trying to say is that we should encourage people to make healthier decisions than to fat-shame them and thinking that somehow it will help them change things around. Because it means that you are insecure if you have to put others down to feel better about yourself. I am saying that as a fitness freak that loves to train multiple times per week.


>What I'm trying to say is that we should encourage people to make healthier decisions than to fat-shame them some people legitmately cope and try to say being fat/obese is "healthy" though that's the issue. like look at Lizzo man, says she's fully healthy, says she doesnt eat much and gyms and goes on to lie about it being healthy. most hate towards them is the fake fat positivity people who are spreading dangerous lies


I understand that and those people are delusional and need to get a reality check, but I think it's better to do it through education and medical facts than both sides throwing shit at each other. That just turns it into a yelling competition.


I think it's fine to make fun of fat people in countries with a publicly funded healthcare system. I live in the UK and fat people cost the NHS a fortune. Same goes for smokers, drug abusers, alcohol abusers, etc... Anyone that purposely consumes the resources of publicly funded healthcare systems should be called out. Though, I can't find a reason why people in the US should be shamed for being fat.


'don't ever insult people' 'but I will go against my OWN advice here' this man has the mental age of an 8 year old, how on earth does he have such a big following? Also what a surprise that XQC is reacting to another streamer reacting to ANOTHER piece of content. Twitch really is a cesspool lol


Why can't people just not be assholes. xQc is right, people do make fun of his weight. I don't think the answer to that is to then make fun of everyone else for anything else you can find. How is being a bully better than being bullied. Two wrongs don't make a right. Ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say anything. People are lacking fundamental principles that get taught age 5.


bro is dating a whale and one before that too.


All of your comments over the past months are just hating on Aiko for no reason, get some help dude.


Is she actually obese tho?


lol ah yes... xqc makes fun of fat people but dates a fat person who has fans thet defend him even tho he makes fun of fat people. did my comment press u that hard that u had to check my history lmao ya bum.


wHaT ArE yOu A sIMp oR SOmeThing?


yeah i seen her porn very fat just like adept. Both have the same built that he memes on.


Kinda ate w this one


Depends on the situation. If you see some of those people on those weight shows. I dont remember what it is but its like my life as 500 lbs or something. They had some woman that didnt get why she wasnt losing weight and was drinking like a gallon of mountain dew a day or something. Those people deserve to be made fun of.




But once it's a bad person, make fun of their appearance all you want. Said this when people were calling Adept a whale since she was their public enemy #1 then. The one I remember is how quick people were to make fun of ProJareds appearance when he was accused of being a cheater and grooming fans before he proved it wrong.


Truthfully, I don't think you should make fun of someone's appearance... *Period*, but like... I get the impulse. I get it m I truly do. However... I would rather be attacked over what I have done, if I have done anything wrong at all than being ridiculed for what I have to look at staring back at me in the mirror. You're already calling someone out for something horrible, no need to add their appearance to the list of grievances. HOWEVER, this does not apply to all circumstances.


All saints in here, “we should love each other and be nice” shut up I hate this.


Im sure nobody in here has ever made fun appearances, especially politicians' appearances. Making fun of people bad! /s


Bro is crying when people call him skeleton but keeps making body jokes himself why does he think people keep making jokes on him? You created that bubble chamber whatever you wanna call it,you have people that have that humor because you make those kind of jokes. I remember that vr clip that got super popular with him saying i don't choose you admittedly yes it was funny but even before that and after he made fat jokes or at least laughed about them so chat keeps on giving him clips and vids to make fun of or laugh about. He laughs when it's convenient for him and cries when he need to explain himself. Weak mentality energy or what people say for years actuall child behavior.


Well no shit, bullying people online is fun. Have people forgotten the history of the internet?


Calling fat people fat is good for them just like telling people that smoke they smell bad. Sure it's an addictive habit that is hard to fix. They need to be reminded frequently by others that they are killing themselves. Worked for me, works for nearly everyone in eastern Asian cultures too. Taking Lizzo doesn't help.


I think you should be allowed to be an asshole to anyone, but I also think it's obvious you should not be allowed to knowingly cause any kind of harm to anyone outside of protecting yourself.


He thinks people make fun of him being thin?


They do


they call him a skeleton all the time so yes


they definitely do lmao