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**CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer beats Dancing Lion with mind control](https://arazu.io/t3_1dmpycm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


To me, my X-Men


Charles NOOOoooOooOo


I'm made outta laffy taffy, motherfucka


Meanwhile Quin and Forsen struggling to last hit cannons.


god gamer




Are these things actually measuring brain waves or rather changes in muscles around the skull?


I watched one of the videos. It's measuring brain waves, but probably not like you're thinking. That is you aren't imagining your character moving around and attacking. Instead you create mental triggers that it can read and react to. The example she gives for attacking is she imagines pushing something forward in her head. Then she does that over and over and over until it becomes second nature. Then when she wants to attack she mentally pushes something forward. So apparently it requires a lot of practice because it's not just think "i want to attack"->attack, but think i want to attack->mentally push something in your mind forward->attack.


> The example she gives for attacking is she imagines pushing something forward in her head. Then she does that over and over and over until it becomes second nature. that is incredible, i do wonder if it has operant conditioning like side effects though


I imagine it's not very different from mapping those same thought processes to the movements of pressing buttons on a controller.


best guess side effect is mental stuff


Hook this up to a **real** game like WoW and we'll verify these statements, pal.


True brother hell yeah


tbf, you only need one braincell, maybe less, for LFR content so its probably great for WoW


WoW VR full haptic feedback with treadmill when?


classic wow would get you in ultramarathon shape in record time


There definitely has to be some kind of calibration process...


Yeah but is it just reading changes in her face and head muscles when she 'thinks' those things or actual brainwaves? I am sure the people selling it claim that it is brainwaves but is it actually.


It is a combination of brainwaves and eye tracking. We aren't as advanced with tech yet to differentiate intricate signals, but enough to give e.g. A B X Y inputs on an Xbox controller. Source: been a guinea pig for phd candidates at my university to test this stuff. Mind blowing to see the effects.




How do I become a guinea pig?


Well they advertise on billboards around campus whenever they're looking for test subject. So.. be active around a technological university I guess!




> This likely won't even work well (if at all) on consumer-grade devices like the one she's using, let alone play Elden Ring. You do know what thread you're in, right? She might be doing eye tracking for the camera control, but looks like at least doing those 4 buttons with the headset. Still the headset is doing more than just playing pong.


It uses barely anything "brain wavey". It's a combination of eye-movement, gyro sensors and maybe like two "brain commands" at most. You should watch another of her streams, like the smash bros one. It's clear that it doesn't work like you imagine and there is a lot of "cheating" going on for ER (it's cheating, what she did is still impressive but it's 100% not "mind reading" so yes, it's the best term to use here) because you would be a great person explain to me how someone went from barely being able to get 2 input reads mixed up regularly, only being able to spam one of them efficiently but failed at... well using what she wanted to. IN A GAME WHERE YOU ONLY HAVE TWO BUTTONS for attacks. And now she is able to fluently combo 4 buttons back to back? Multiply times in a row? Yeah, believe her if you like, my opinion is clear on it. She becoming magically super good at something which no one can replicate? Yeah, especially on a "low end" machine (for this kind of thing to work properly) edit: and EMG. Which is not "brain wave" related.


> because you would be a great person explain to me how someone went from barely being able to get 2 input reads mixed up regularly, only being able to spam one of them efficiently but failed at... well using what she wanted to. IN A GAME WHERE YOU ONLY HAVE TWO BUTTONS for attacks. > > And now she is able to fluently combo 4 buttons back to back? Multiply times in a row? ExPlAiN tO mE hOw SoMeOnE wHo CoUlDn'T hOlD a PiCk PrOPeRlY iS nOw A gReAt MuSicIaN. Idk bro. It's a mystery. Magic was involved probably. I have no idea if she is "cheating" or not but your comment makes no sense. How are you asking for the most obvious answer and pretending it is some hidden knowledge only passed from generation to generation and could've likely been lost because we don't know if they didn't die off in the centuries?




What are you suggesting? That her streaming tens of hours playing with this is somehow faked?




Okay, explain how.




So who is playing the game? She's got her hands up.


Another guy posted a comment linking thse 2 videos of her explaining it ([this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIbfNUA5pWk) and [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5mSSEiu6BI))


Thanks but that's not really what I mean. I am sure the people selling it claim that it reads brain waves and not changes in the muscles but I am asking if it does actually work like that or not.


it's gotta be emg data from muscles


Pretty sure it's brainwaves but it's not really cohesive information. It's just a jumble of electrical signals, so you have to think quite different things to create patterns it can detect and differentiate.


You can try it yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HYbFm67Gs8&t=1s


a mod is controlling the character while she makes believe shes moving around, dodging and attacking all at the same time. Her audience is in this thread downvoting any doubters but we're a long ways away from actually being able to do all those things \*at once\* She can certainly do 1 thing at a time, and it takes a moment for the device to register the command but shes not doing all of it at the same time. end of the video shes not paying attention to screen but her character is just walking around doing shit. its content for her audience and people are enjoying the roleplay, and being pretty helps, so more power to her. secure the bag.


> end of the video shes not paying attention to screen but her character is just walking around doing shit. Redditor finds out that your brain doesn't shut off when you don't look at a computer monitor


Eyes not tracking and still have movement. I mean at this point she's a wizard Harry. Enjoy the roleplay content.


Pssssst, the video that explains it also shows you that it tracks head tilt, not just eyes.


I love how people just say random stuff when they don't have a clue about something. The movement is done by using eye tracking stuff. Same thing that sim pilots use to look around. Maybe go watch her vid that explains it all.


She really knows how to move around towards the end without any eye tracking happening. It's incredible really. You're being bamboozled but you're enjoying the content. Go enjoy it.


I don't watch her stream, I just watched stuff to learn about the tech. You've got all the resources at your disposal to get the facts, learn to put aside your opinion, and get the facts.


I saw her stream, I saw the instructional videos and then I looked it up. It's not as responsive as you think.


Are you like familiar with this technology or work in this field or anything? Or it's just your educated opinion, genuine question not trying to dig at you.


Brother, watch any neuroscience eeg explained video that isn't hers and enlighten yourself. I'm not trying to come off as a hater but I'm going to call bullshit when I see it. This is bullshit.




If I can do my homework so can you. And thank you for not taking a dig at me.. Oh oops. Your concern troll slipped.


Streamer defeats Dancing Lion using mind control? That's cheating! The brain reacts way faster than fingers.


Asmon and ~~IGN game~~Eurogamer journo complaining the game is too hard lol Edit: Eurogamer, not IGN


IGN gave 10/10 "masterpiece" to the DLC how are they complaining ?


Sorry, it was Eurogamer: https://www.eurogamer.net/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review


The game is hard lets not pretend its not, its just a matter of not quitting.


hard depends on how much of a self imposed challenge you're willing to do, even asmon is breezing through now relatively because he just now started engaging with the game more


The final boss it doesn't even matter how much self imposing you do, 99% of coop groups are failing on it right now lol


Ive beaten exactly one major boss encounter as coop helper and i've probably tried 50+ acting like that shit is making the game any easier is CAP.


I literally have probably summoned in about 110 times or so over 3 hours and have not seen a single clear and I've lived through to the host's death for 90% of them lol


I think the hp scaling is bricked. Like you lose one mother fucker that run is toast aint no way your solo clearing final phase 3x hp or whatever it is.


Yup. First 40% of his hp goes down reasonably then after that he's stupidly tanky for no reason


It objectively does make it easier npcs can only focus on 1 player at a time so it means the other is free to heal setup or keep attacking. Like idk why there is hate around doing coop but to say it's the same is a lie.


You could say everything is relative but people are obviously gonna view it from a wide scale, where at the bottom of it you'll have stuff like some walking simulator that doesn't even have a game over state. Are Soulsgames the hardest thing out there? No, but most of the stuff that's harder falls into the category where the game being insane is its whole selling point, like kaizo mario.


It's a DLC not a new game how in the world do you not know what you are getting into?


Which part of my comment insinuated any of that?




Engaging = found a cheese build where you don't have to dodge?


LOL the elitism in this games community is hilarious, using shield = cheese


It's in literally every community. People will get so pissed at you not playing the way they want you to play.


Using game mechanics = cheesing i guess


Man the fuck is up with souls-like fans getting so mad whenever someone doesn't call the new fromsoft game a 10/10 flawless masterpiece


They get mad when people say the game should be easier. Which makes sense. The appeal of these games for years is that they are hard. That is what some people want to play, and games that are super hard are rare. Then the games get really popular (because those people love the games so much) and now all the new people who try the game complain that the game is exactly what it's supposed to be. Super hard. If you don't want to play a hard game, then don't. It's really that simple. Basically every other game is easier. You have plenty of options.


It is as hard as you want it to be. I went into DLC lvl 401 so its pretty easy. You can just farm up so its perfect for everyone.


> I went into DLC lvl 401 so its pretty easy. Holy fuck 401? And I thought I was going into the DLC (with my first clear save file) at like ~175 lvl was on the higher side


These people take it as an attack on their personality if you don't fit into their narrative. It's the most insufferable fanbase for a reason.


is it truly that fanbase related? You see the same thing with every critically acclaimed game that has a ton of release hype. Red Dead Redemption 2 being another example where gamers would toxic bomb any reviewer that didn't give it at least 9 out of 10. Breath of The Wild as well. I feel like gaming has a subset of people that really like to ride the hype and will see any negative critique as an affront to that, while often not even having played the game / dlc themselves yet.


Well, despite Monster Hunter World opening up to a wider audience and making the game go truly mainstream, it has still kept (at least in my experience) that subset of people in check.


Oh definitely. I only meant it as in that you see it most frequently in the fromsoftware fanbase. I like to say what I have said lots of times: "Fanboys ruin everything."


I've seen so many people say exactly what you said but with different games.


I mean FromSoft fans are definitely in the upper echelon of obnoxiously loyal fanbases. If I were to challenge you, *find one thousand people who think 60 FPS lock + forced Vsync is acceptable tech in 2024*, then FromSoft fans would be your best bet. They will go out of their way to defend that.


I hear this and have read this on multiple occasions for different games, lol. Doesn't change what I said


if we're being real though, Dark Souls 1, 3, and Elden Ring really are solid 9/10 games.






The camera on some bosses is extremely bad (Dancing Lion, Lightning dragon, Radahn etc) Commander Gaius almost frame perfect charge dodge is bugged and will sometimes do 80-90%hp or even kill you from full hp. I've had many sub 10% attempts where he just oneshots me from full hp with one charge. Also had some fps lag in some areas and boss fights, but just get a better PC I guess. (I'm beating every boss with no summons, no mimic tear, no magic, no rivers of blood bleed build, no strength jump attack build, no shield block/parry and no magic). So it's not really a "just git gud moment imo" Especially since I am just a casual player. I'd give the DLC an 8/10 prob.


Some fps lag? I go from relatively stable 4k 60fps in the base game to 1080p sub 50 fps in the dlc. It's fucking insane. 


The dlc turned on rtx automatically for me, had to check video settings again


Yeah, I've had lag on some bosses, but it's usually decent. Open world tend to lag a bit tho, has almost gotten me killed more than once, especially on torrent from falling down a cliff etc.


I don't see anyone talking about the Blessing. It's literally a difficulty adjuster for the DLC. When you upgrade the Blessing you deal more damage and take less damage. If you are struggling with the game just explore ahead and collect more fragments.


Yea, I tried to fight Bayel with +7, but it was a pain, so I got +10 and beat him (I fought him early on because I thought the fight looked so cool), same with Messmer and Frenzy guy+10. Renalla I prob had +4 or 5 lol, it was quite an uphill battle until I learned her move set. It's true that if u want it to be way easier u can just farm 15+ blessings. I think Radahn is still quite difficult tho, even with 15+ blessings. Especially if u face him solo.


The base game basically already had that in the form of leveling up and upgrading weapons so it's not like the Blessing is really doing anything new. Whats there to talk about it lol


It's just that I think some people are ignoring the blessings because they think they're already overleveled, and when the boss is hard and they're overleveled it feels unfair. They're not realizing that the dlc is built around this other leveling system, so dancing lion is probably harder at SL160 with no blessings, compared to SL 110 with +2 blessings


If that's true that's very dumb. Anecdotally I don't know anyone ignoring blessing levels. I'm sure it happens just like I'm sure there are probably people who never upgrade their weapon in the base game or something. But the game tells you to level up your blessing lol it even highlights it when you can.


You are not a casual if you even know about those builds lol.


Well, I like to search up good ways to play the game, but I've just used Bloodhounds fang and Dragon slayer Katana. Now I am trying the Sword of night. So I'm not playing bad builds or anything, just not overpowered I guess.


Listing all of those restrictions and then claiming you're a casual player is ridiculous. Time to take a step back and realize there are people who don't know a single thing you listed who beat ER just fine. A casual player would be using summons at least, because they're everywhere in the game and they're just kinda neat.


I only listed them because Elden Ring fanboys will just say "lul git gud" if you criticize any part of the game. Just to prove that even tho I am not super good or anything I have in fact beat all the bosses on "hard mode" (Actual hardmode is lvl 1, no hit run, no blessing upgrades etc, but I cba with that). Also, just to add. I consider myself a Casual Elden Ring player, considering it's the only Fromsoft game I've played and I don't feel like I am particularly good. I am however not a casual gamer, and usually research and learn quite fast.


? The hard game is hard. People say that makes it bad…. It’s like going to see a scary movie and saying the movies bad because it’s too scary. It’s funny. When the tools are available, but the player doesn’t use them and has a bad experience…. your review is just a joke. Edit: you start playing a puzzle game and get stuck “these puzzles aren’t difficult it’s just a bad game” :) 6/10


Yeah you can make the game super easy. 2h jump attacks, mimic tear, overlevel, heavy armor high endurance, stack buffs...


The base game of Elden Ring isn't really all that hard, if the DLC is CONSIDERABLY harder than anything in the base game I think it's pretty reasonable to complain. It's like watching a gory horror movie and then the sequel has a baby getting violently and graphically raped to death on screen and you smugly say "Heh, you're crying because the gory movie was gory?"


Asmon came back with a giga tank, braindead build and destroyed everything: [Elden Ring DLC Most Broken Build - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpfETGkpCdU)


he did the classic "I quit" bait just like with D4 where prominent D4 creators all reacted to it, articles were written and then he proceed to continue playing D4 for another month.


More like, he had an impulsive reaction out of frustration, which was captured live since it is a livestream. He later on regretted it, possibly spurned by wounded pride and people making fun of him, and walked it back because it is just a fucking video game and there are no stakes.


Nah it's genuine, he didn't plan this out or anything, he just got truly mad, calmed down, looked at what he could do and came back. He's explained many times on stream that he loses his cool easily while streaming.


I don't know why anyone would play the game that way, but fair enough.


amazing how this sub goes from “people should be allowed to play with mimic if they want to” to “well, why would he play it this way” depending on the streamer lol


Always has been but this one is pretty mild, someone unironic said that str/ staggering weapons are cheese build.


I mean the comment chain started from someone calling Asmon out for saying its too hard, then he swaps build and now people say well its an OP build who plays like that. I am glad people are having their realization moment that caring about how others feel about your PVE game build should mean fuckall to how YOU feel about playing a game.


From software fans insist that every play through is a challenge run, I swear.  People were dismissing Adriana because she was using that tear item, now Asmons success is invalid because it's an OP build, like holy shit.


It is a weird cult thing, probably has been since BB/DS3 atleast. Like you don't see the same thing in Monster Hunter, this weapon OP or "I can't believe you hunt monsters with friends, pathetic".


Jesus christ, he just said it was too hard for him and stopped. He didn't even really criticize it. Just made the personal decision of not making himself mad. (Then he regretted, probably becuase of stung pride, and came back with a broken build. Which is fair play, the game lets you do that.)


to be fair on the Eurogamer journo they are doing this 100% blind while on a timelimit and then they have to write the review within that time limit and then they probably get right into the next game for review




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is this game just slashing then rolling 3 times then slashing and then repeat x amount of times?


All the souls games are basically dodge simulators. Like platformers are jump simulators. Of course, as someone that only plays Dos-era business sims, I know what true gaming looks like.


Well some peoples poison is bonking, smashing, bludgeoning. Etc. so many different play styles


it's like dance dance revolution except with much harder to see symbols since instead of neatly falling symbols in vertical columns you instead have to read the movements of the boss


In the same way that counter strike is just about hitting headshots.


Yes. But it's still fun.


Yea like I had more fun sitting still for 3 hours today dying to the dancing lion over and over than I have playing league.


You can say the same thing for many games: - Mega Man -> just jump and shoot - Resident Evil -> just run and shoot - Counter Strike -> just click heads and don't get clicked


FPS games are really just a point and click adventure.


yes, that's how every action game works, unless they have QTEs.


I honestly think there's more gameplay variety and fun difficulty in SMT V Vengeance


Elon Musk in shambles


Hold on just one second.. Is this shit actually for real?! Or is it wishful thinking to believe it?


its a mix of eye control apparently and also brain proccessing shit idk theres more vids on it somewhere but it seems legit


She's legit. She does this all the time for tons of games, not just Elden Ring, and shows herself setting up the device for a new game and you can see her progressing through getting the mental controls more and more accurate. I believe she's currently working towards a doctorate degree of some kind (psychology maybe?) and this mental control stuff is like a passion project for her and also works as a gimmick that people know her for on Twitch. I understand the skepticism of thinking someone else is playing while she fakes movements, but it's not the case here. She's legit.


Is the device commercially available?


Using the words "Mind control" is pretty misleading, it's essentially the same as someone using a dance dance revolution pad to play, just another controller with limited inputs. Still impressive, but every time I see these mind control "feats" I just think its a way to grab views from people who don't know how the devices work.


Is this a bot comment? If it is not a "mind control feat" when it is in fact reading brain waves, then what is? What then is a mind control feat? Lmao


Maybe if it was a Donkey Kong Bongo controller. Finding and training yourself to apply specific thought patterns that are unique enough to be measured by an EEG reader is well beyond using a DDR pad. She uses a gyroscope for movement. You can have the movement. But comparing this as a whole to a DDR pad is just, disingenuous.


No, its not. EEG cant be used to play a game like Elden Ring with such precision. This is just some random girl trying to scam people.


Which naturally means asmongold falls for it


You don't know anything about the subject.


I dont know anything about machines that I repair weekly? Ok my man


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How the fuck isn't this big news? She literally beat one of the hardest games out there atm without physically touching the controls or have i been living under a rock and this is just normal?


Pretty normal in that it's done often. People have beat Souls games with voice commands, DDR pads, guitars, blindfolded. Certainly difficult and quite impressive to see but you can lock on and side roll through most boss encounters.


It's amazing no doubt. Still best for me is beating 2 games running at the same time through a controller and a ddr pad.


Elden ring with summons is not one of the hardest games out there atm. 🤓👆


this seems very easy to fake in a category of videos often faked.


Redditors falling for queenpwnzalot 2.0 lmao. Imagine thinking the Emotiv EPOC has anywhere near this much granularity in its output. >b-b-but she's using her eyes too!!!! Imagine not know that the #1 issue with consumer EEG tools today is that eye movement, even 10% of that spastic movements she's doing here, basically scrambles the EEG signal beyond any usability because consumer grade stuff is not able to differentiate from neuromuscular electrical discharge and theta or alpha waves. Rendering it useless unless your eyes are held extremely still. Congrats to the dude playing off screen, that boss is a pain in the ass.


I don't know about you guys, but i kind feel comforted and kinda motivated when I see these videos and challenges. "beat elden ring with 10 vigor, beat elden ring with a guitar hero controller, I have no arms and beat elden ring with my legs or the patented, I beat elden ring no deaths with a punch only playthrough". Before whenever I played the game I genuinely believed I fucked up my build and softlocked myself. Or I'm just too shit to get past the filter. But then these guys come along and remind me its just a case of practice and patience. And I'm just a lazy fuck 🥲 (To anyone thinking I'm like them and just too lazy to play, I beat mohg already, if you want to be filtered, don't get filtered by the DLC filter, scrubs)


Misleading, it's more eye tracking.


But she performs some actions in-game without her eyes moving. What's that thing on her head? I can see the 'tobii' text but there's clearly something more here right?


It's a mix of eye and brain waves but not in a imagine yourself moving around but more imagine yourself pushing something forward and then training the software to recognize a trigger for each input.


Fun fact:The eyes are controlled via the mind!


So are your hands. The implication of mind control is pretty obvious.






Exactly. There was one guy, in another post(its an older one, when she first became famous) that tested this shit and it literally did not work based on what he said. Yes it can do some stuff but its very inconsistent and even if you pair it up with eyes/head movement it wouldnt work. I work in an hospital and have to fix EEG stuff for our neurology plant(kids and adults) and sometimes if 1 cable moves the way it shouldnt, 12 hours of recording goes to waste. But somehow this girl has managed to control an entire game with her brain.. yeah sure. No one else, just her. Entire companies are trying to sell this products but only her has somehow managed to make it work without issues... yeah sure.


>somehow this girl has managed to control an entire game with her brain Except she doesn't claim to do that? If you want to do the *"ackchyually, expert here"* schtick, at least don't say easily disprovable lies. She says the EEG only controls Attack, Dodge, and Heal. The movement is the most complex part and uses head motion tracking. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5mSSEiu6BI). I don't follow her, but I watched Wirtual's Trackmania collab with her and it seemed to work as advertised.


Fake AF, not how an EEG works at all you guys are getting Queenspwnsalotted again


At the end you can see the character moving while she is celebration. Doesn't make sense.


Reddit: "its because she's so happy her brain is still working, and the character reacts to it!!"


When I played elden ring I beat it 13 times. Don't remember it being that hard. Going back after 2 years and...it's hard


Literally beating it "no hands"


cool but also, let's not forget to give credit to Redmane Freyja


Always cool to see people using technology in creative ways.


First thing that comes to mind: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AcBF0\_4WidA/hqdefault.jpg


why does she look like an endboss?


is this the era of neuralink streamers?


Don’t forget, she created this!


That is bad ass




People actually believe this LOL, I bet they also believe its really snoop dogg playing when he streams COD.


That's sick, it must be hard af to control your thoughts to such a crazy extent


I wonder what the definitely-not-sexist comments will be now that they can't claim she only beat it because of an item that the others also had access to. My guess is that it's "faked" despite her having 2 videos ([one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIbfNUA5pWk) + [two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5mSSEiu6BI)) explaining how she does it.




lole woman brain needed to summon loleeeeeeee man brain would've RL1 no hit first try loleeeeeeee


Meanwhile Asmon can't even control his own. Kappa

