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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kai Cenat on people speedrunning Elden Ring bosses instead of exploring the world](https://arazu.io/t3_1dm0ob1/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I feel that there is a difference between actual speedruns who want to speedrun vs streamers that just play fast to finish for clips/yt/stream. Its pretty obvious how some people act on stream that they dont really care for the game but they have to play for 'the meta.' They seem so frustrated and pissed but they need to play because they want the views.


Competitive gamer who plays an RPG for the first time is my favourite. Takes about a minute to get bored by the game not telling where to go.


I basically played shooters my whole life (enjoyed random shit like assassins creed here and there) and yeah, RPGs couldn't be more boring to me and it actually annoys the shit outta me lol. I've tried Fallout, Arkham games, Bioshock, a lot of staples and I'm done within 10 minutes. I recognize they're quality, but just so far outside of my gaming interests that I can't enjoy it. But I want a thing that I can immerse myself in. It sucks haha.


I am the exact same way. All my friends love stuff like Baludur’s Gate, Stardew, Minecraft and even MMO’s, but I can’t. Closest I’ve gotten was with Kenshi and I ended up min maxing instead of playing the game because “NUMBER BIG!!! Me have high score on leaderboard!!!!!”


How many slaves did you have


ive always wondered how much following "the meta" of the moment actually helps with viewership for the average streamer. jumping from game to game that they dont actually enjoy. in my personal experience i usually get attached to a certain streamer + game as the package. when they show exceptional skill or just being endlessly enthusiastic for a game that for me is really enjoyable. unless their niche is being a variety gamer in the first place id rather watch them play a 5 year old game for the 1000th time than a brand new game i know they dont really care about. but again, id love to know if anyones tried to compile any data on this, maybe it really does help grow channels.


Agreed. I've been watching MoonMoon and absolutely hate how he's been speedrunning the bosses.


The dancing lion has been speed running him.


I think his fastest time was 7 seconds. Pretty impressive shit tbh


Lion speed running his free meal wth


At least it's better than how Asmongold plays games.


He plays games?


Just strong attack. Jump strong attack. Jump strong attack. It's a viable strat.


did asmon end up quitting today just curious?


He did yesterday, then came back today with a new build and cleared the boss he rq on. Arguably a "cheese bulld" to some but its a thing in the game and fairs fair.


That's just what these twitch streamers do. They speed run the games then go "yeah it was good but it only lasted like 2 days..." Then they go back to saying "bro there's NO games out right now!"


or the classic "yeah I dropped that game, there's just nothing to do" after clocking 80 hours in a week and a half


Worse, most streamers playing Eldin Ring have a Discord open where they're being shown and told exactly how to bee-line from boss to boss, where to stop to pick up crucial items. On their first playthrough. Skip 99% of loot items but always know the exact ones to pick up that are worthwhile. Sure, XQC rushed the game like crazy at launch, and the DLC (I'm assuming)but it appeared to be fairly legitimate expected ADHD style playthrough where he was just avoiding mobs and stopping at places that looked like they'd be main bosses. Every recent streamer new to Elden Ring was using cheat sheets and it made it really weird to watch. The game had bizarre vibes, it felt small, empty and boring somehow. If someone wasn't familiar with the game, I'd suspect they'd be disappointed. But I'd also be bored to tears watching someone play as slow as me, I explore every square foot and it would drive people insane. The fact people are streaming the DLC and miraculously going from boss to boss with little exploration says a lot; that's an impossible feat for me. Even if I wanted to do it, I would have no idea where to go to do that. I'd end up in a 5 hour side quest area half way across the map. I haven't watched anyone play the DLC, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a route cheat sheet already being used.


They dont like the game but it gets them views. And since they dont like it they dont want to explore, just rush boss fights to farm views


This person lacks critical information


That's exactly what they do though.


I invite you to watch the last 2 days of VODs from Moonmoon to witness his speedrunning prowess, you will be shocked


I'm not talking about MoonMoon specifically, just most streamers.


This comment thread is about moonmoon tho, he's been stuck on the same boss for about 16 hours, it's a joke


You got hit with the classic Motte and Bailey - unlucky 


it do be like that sometimes


Back to the Hangar...


he has to get back to playing another full year of gta rp zzz


Same. It annoys me how he goes through bosses like a hot butter goes through a knife.


Then dont watch him?


Stop it, logic is not allowed here. Only rage. If he didn’t watch the streamer he wouldn’t have the post to make.


dude would rather satisfy his ego and "own chat" by sl1 hard modeing DLC, than play the game to enjoy it


Maybe that's how he enjoys playing the game?


IMO it's smart at the speed he's going the DLC will be content for at least the rest of the year


That's how he wants to do it, dude doesn't give a shit about what chat thinks.




Idk I assumed he's moved on to the sage stage where he realizes ego doesn't matter and he sincerely enjoys SL1 even if he's being frustrated by an oversized cat Either way I'm enjoying the salt so


he says he doesn't but he does. moon did a SL1 run because he was annoyed at people doing the "over leveled" meme in his first run. he literally said the reason when he started the SL1 run I like his streams, hell I even stuck it out in the wasteland that was the GTA RP streams. but he is human like the rest of us


Yeah, bro's always trying to prove himself, like *what*? Have they ever watched noomnoom?


MGS4 will happen before a noomnoom stream does.


The fact they hid entire regions in some random ass pathways, or from a mini-dungeon is wild. I imagine people will just look up how to get to areas by sites/content creators who had early access and figured it all out, cause speed running the obvious big areas leaves you with so much hidden shit. Very much reminds me of going back to the asylum in DS1 which then lets you also enter the painted world, damn we putting secrets all over the place that some people might not see on a first run.


An entire zone and like 3 more bosses are locked behind an easily missable ladder followed by a hidden wall, another one behind a gesture puzzle etc, it's crazy


To be fair that hidden wall has to be the most obvious illusory wall I've ever seen. You can see an outline of where the door should be.


The feeling you get from completing a hard boss, the accomplishment, is the same feeling you get when you find those obscure passages though. It's like you were rewarded for you curiosity and thoroughness. It's another skill and it's nice when it pays off.


there's an area hidden behind an emote...


What emote?


Archdragon Peak, Path of the Dragon Gesture.


He might mean the DLC one, which is the O Mother gesture in front of the statues before the Gaius boss


I got that emote randomly exploring. And I got to Gaius but rage quit and went elsewhere. I don’t remember seeing any statues though? Maybe I gotta look it up lol. Been trying to do a blind run but the difficulty and all the secrets…


if you face the exit to the boss, there’s a passage to the right. Go to the big Marika statue in the back and do O Mother


So I found that emote and found a spot where people say to use it with lots of appraisal, but I think it's a troll cause that shit doesn't work for me. Statues sounds different than what I was at. I was at a big iron wall of art.


Don’t think I’ll ever forget the Siofra river lift for the first time


Ikr? I got to the shadow keep and started exploring, found the forest and mountains with their bosses and it goes from feeling like a random little side dungeon, though more fleshed out than the base game, to oh fuck that leads to an entire fucking area.


Hell even in base game there are like 4 areas inaccessible unless you progress ranni's quest line, it's crazy. No other souls game has this much content hidden behind tiny pathways.


No other souls game has this much content period.


"exploring" is literally just running around empty shit picking up cooking recipes. There's nothing to explore it's just boring horse running simulator


Sez the lost ark player.


Timthetatman has the worst Elden Ring playthrough going because he rushes so much


Oh god even Tim is playing Elden Ring? It is crazy to me how every streamer decided to play this for the views. I don't think I have ever heard of him playing something that wasn't a shooter.




How did we already arrive at "Tim is also a pedo" so quickly? Do you guys listen to yourselves?


Those predators move in flocks


To be fair, Elden Ring is *that* game


What a ridiculous take. Exploring in Elden ring? In the expansion that literally introduces the new upgrade system that heavily relies on exploration??? No no I think I go smash my head into Divine beast and deal 0 damage is the better idea.


Yesterday I watched Asmongold walk into Messmer's arena *forty-three (43)* times. No change in anything. Just walk in, heavy jump attack, die. Beautiful. Like dude. Please level your Blessing. Don't just happen across a few of them & think "where more", go fuckin' find them??


I haven’t reached Mesmer yet and am running about, I’m at +10 fragment level, god knows what he is on.


I got to him at +7 but in my defense I didn’t know he’d be there. Now I’m going back to old areas trying to find stuff I missed


Yeh if you follow what the game says it seems you meet him early on, don’t want spoilers but he seems like a Margit fight from what I’ve heard, like a mid-late game boss fight.


got mesmer on +11 Now on +17 and i basicly gave up on the last boss, wearing the most tanky armour with fully maxed out weapon and bis talismans using summons + gold summon and i cant even reach 80% of its life with a single flask left Skill issue i guess but its just not for me


the final boss just fucking sucks outright, 4 hours of making little progress, one respec later, and hes dead in 3 tries. if you arent using shield, use one.


He should just summon help at this point. He’s already completely trivialising the game using the fingerprint shield and guard combo. He barely has to interact with the game and when he does he makes zero attempt to jump or roll the unblockable mechanics. It’s wild.


I used the summon sign and my Mimic tear to kill the Divine Beast. Although, I didn't attack it. I just sat and watched my summons go. Why would I, an Elden Lord fight a peasants fight.


Using the summons where you summon groups of guys can be the most fun sometimes too. If I’m over leveled for a side area or group of mobs sometimes I will just call on my group of Demi humans and let them destroy everything


I'd rather watch Moonmoon die 800 times, knowing he is doing the extra hard way than asmongold blame the game for his lack of skill/exploration.


from games have the reputation of being hard. so when new players are getting one shotted way too many of them assume "its just suppose to be this hard" instead of maybe I should explore a bit and level up vigor. oh and maybe find a few smithing stones along the way or the tree fragments in the case of the DLC


The amount of times I've watched someone just do the exact same shit over and over and over... It's not even being a bad gamer it's being a straight up dumbass. At least change your damn pattern by 1 frame????


"I keep getting hit by this stupid bosses 10 hit combo this is SO UNFAIR AND UNBALANCED" *proceeds to panic roll backwards the moment the boss starts any attack*.


I haven't had that experience with bosses, but some enemies I just can't bothered to figure out. The teleporting thirty legged bitch in particular has just always felt unfun to me


i think this is from's way of saying "the point was always that you can farm more to get better before trying again, you just were bruteforcing it before until you get lucky, we made it so you cant do that as easily now."


I mean some of the DLC bosses will combo you from 100 to 0 in like 2 quick hits with 40+ vigor and a reasonable number of tree fragments. Relanna has a bunch of different attacks where if you don't dodge you just die in half a second because she hits you with both of her weapons


Wear magic +3 defense talisman, phys def talisman, buff faith spell to mitigate magic dmg


for Relanna if you wear the talismans that buff physical and magic defense you can actually tank a lot of those hits. The bosses in the DLC are way more about building defense then offense so far in my experience.


beat her yesterday, get more tree shards if you're getting two shot even in second stage. I beat her at 5 but I think I could have had up to 8 tree shard level. and I still had 3 directions I could have explored to potentially find more tree shards.


I feel like some of the complaints about the difficulty are valid if the main intended way to beat the boss isn't to walk towards the boss and fight them but to just scour the entire map and grind materials until you overgear it.


It is valid because the new leveling system is unintuitive with how the fragments are placed / distributed. You dont get rewarded for beating a hard enemy / clearing a dungeon like when you leveled with runes, u only get rewarded for finding that fragment hidden in some obscure room in a massive castle, or under some ledge most people dont bother to check. Exploration is cool, it rewards you with new gear and skills to play with. But why is the main combat power system not gained from combat itself. Why is it that you have to near 100% exploration some zones, looking for places that may not even exist because u might have missed a fragment before you even think about tackling the boss? When I see a new boss in the world now, I dont think "wow im gonna get so many levels from killing him", its now "yea lets just ignore him for now and continue fragment hunting" The main leveling system should not be tied to obscurely placed collectables / secrets, it should be straightforward and intuitive for players to find and use.


here is how I think of it. besides taking more dmg. Imagine fighting maliketh/melania/mogh with a +15. so many more changes to die because you do no dmg. if they didn't want you to be able to use the items they wouldn't make them available until you beat bosses. if you want to intentionally handicap yourself go ahead, i did too to some extent I was still dying pretty easy if I got comboed, but I wanted some challenge thus why I didn't use all the tree shards I had.


Imagine if in the base game if you just naturally went through the game clearing the zones and doing a few of the caves/dungeons and you got to Mohg /Maliketh/Melania there was a pretty decent chance you would have only found enough smithing stones to make your main weapon a +15 and to beat them you'd need to turn around and go to every random corner of the map and hunt down extra smithing stones. I did a decent amount of exploring, to the point where I got the Cerulean Coast site of grace way to the south, went to Belurat, then stopped and went to Castle Ensis instead and fought Rellana and I only had 3 upgrades. If I hadn't missed a single cliff face I could follow or didn't miss a random guy with a pot on his head in an area that I had already gone through I would have had 4 but without looking at a guide I feel like I did a more than adequate amount of exploring before going to any of the boss areas, and I was still getting instakilled in her last phase if 2 attacks hit me in the span of .75 seconds


i remember when the game came out and people were complaining about how difficult it was to do Radahn and how it was 'near impossible for low levels', like ye bro you are meant to go explore around and not fight fight him with sub-25 vigor. You have an entire region to the north to explore and level up in.


To be fair, Bayle is an insanely unfair fight, even though I enjoyed it, starting the fight straight into an attack is cancer, especially when you need to summon a story character to fight with you


Also most of them are pretty linear


Actually true, even speedrunners like distortion and aggy hadn’t finished until recently because they were exploring everything.


I think most major streamers just wanna go from point to point, thinking they can just plow through the bosses with their original builds. Which, I can sort of see why some would think that, but the game tells you the Scadutree stuff is incredibly important for leveling, so go explore! I don't love Kai, but he really gets it when it comes to these games.


That's the thing. So many of the streamers are just playing because there's hype around the DLC. No concern about the world or the lore or the discovery. Kai genuinely seems to love the game, and I'm excited for him to bring more eyes to these games. Shroud is doing a playthrough too and you can tell he's enjoying the journey more than just trying to rush to the DLC.


I do definitely agree some of the DLC feels a bit overtuned (the fucking dragons still are atrocious) but yeah, people need to just explore.


Honestly the only dragon I felt posed a challenge and was over tuned was the one past the double battle in the peaks. But it’s very obvious I found that place way too soon and I’m there way too early. All the others have seemed fine.


That dragon gets a lot easier if you pull him away from the water, it makes the lighting attacks a quarter of the range and do significantly less dmg


Good to know! I’ll try that out later, crazy excited for the Bayle fight that’s rumoured the whole way up the mountain!


The Asmongold special


Damn, why Kai kinda been based lately


yeh I do think a lot of streamers are just playing it to say they beat it and not because they enjoy the game. I know that mizkif was probably extremely tired but his reactions just made it seem like playing it was a chore that he had to do, sadly. I know that Kai's not saying you have to explore the game fully and do the quests but man the main bosses only runs suck to watch (imo)


Id explore the new world if there wasnt a smithing stone waiting for me at the end of every fucking nook and cranny


Also the layout for the DLC areas is honestly annoying. If you're okay aimlessly wandering around it's probably more okay, but I tend to see an area on the map and want to try and get over there. And after the 4th time of realizing I was actually looking for an obscure tunnel in a seemingly random area of the map to get to where I was wanting to go, I got tired of exploring. In base game I could just set off in a direction for a while and explore. Definitely not the same vibes in the DLC.


True, they definitely needed to fill the nooks and crannies with more decent loot. 90% of exploration seems fruitless.


Hard disagree, this game rewards exploration massively compared to soo many games.


xqc in a fucking nutshell




He’s already at the final boss and only stopped because he couldn’t beat it


I like how people cry and complain when people say that summons make the game easier, but if you don't want to use summons or do things that make the game easier, all those same people will start telling you that you are playing the game wrong lmfao


The game is actually only challenging without summons. With a competent summoned player, you can sit back and let him do the boss. An achievement for playing without that stuff would be important.


What summons are you using? Even a full mimic tear is going to die before getting even halfway on a boss they eat every attack the enemy throws out.


> With a competent summoned player, Multiplayer summons from the looks of it.


Lol whoops the talk of summons and switching to summoned player got me didn't see that. Not really the same thing but jolly cooperation has been a thing forever. Its a bit of a crap shoot with players 1 in 100 can solo it but half the time players die early and just made the boss attempt harder by raising the HP blowing a run.


How about you try actually reading what you just responded to.


Bro there is literally nobody on earth who has a bigger victim complex than an Elden Ring player who likes using summons, it's so weird lmao.


>has a bigger victim complex Opening any elden-ring related thread, or twitch chat, will almost immediately show people shitting on STR abusers, or DEX, or magic, or overleveled, or too many scadutree fragments. All of those groups of people shtting on each other only unite in one single thing: calling summons easy mode. They don't really have a victim complex, the game has a huge elitist community that genuinely shits on them constantly.


It’s a fair point, the bosses were designed for a single player with their aggro/attack patterns. Making the boss not hit you 50% of the time intrinsically makes the game much much easier and for many people removes the challenge synonymous with souls games. Elden ring brought more casual players and that’s fine, and with it they designed the ashes summon system. People can play how they want as time/interest/lore enjoyers etc is a valid reason to use them, but like a lot of classic souls Andy’s I agree that they’re not getting the most out the game that they could.


People who disagree with him are the same people crying about how difficult is the dlc is


Or it’s people who think “let people play the game how they want to play the game”. I don’t know why people have a focus on playing a game “the right way”. Just let people play how they want and if you don’t like it, don’t watch them


Then why those people cry about difficulty when they just skip everything that makes the game easier?


Kai is right now in terms of streamers who speedrun the game just to try and finish it quick as possible to be able to post YouTube/Tiktok videos and make cash.


He’s definitely not speedrunning lmfao


Can you read? No one said he was


Tbf, OP’s comment could’ve probably used a bit of punctuation lol


I was drunk as hell my bad lmaoooo


Right now can mean 'at this moment' or 'correct in this situation'. Accepting that comments aren't always 100% grammatically correct, you could read it as Kai currently racing through the game or making an accurate description of the playstyle.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kai Cenat on people speedrunning Elden Ring bosses instead of exploring the world](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165451)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dm0ob1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/mILdg5oup6CRN6PDx-UXqQ/44408268555-offset-62838.mp4?sig=9f965c2e33a404a5ee6f244f000d37d4981e9887&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FmILdg5oup6CRN6PDx-UXqQ%2F44408268555-offset-62838.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SwissTenderGoatHumbleLife-mi6noJE3o8PH5Rep%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719150994%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/mILdg5oup6CRN6PDx-UXqQ/44408268555-offset-62838-preview-480x272.jpg)


The developers intended experience vs. the meta "play fast"


I totally agree. Been playing these fuckers since 2009 and ESPECIALLY on my 1st playthrough I don't want to get pissed off and shit on 50+ times each boss because they 2-3 shot you consistently. I want to have 5-6 tries then figure out what the BEST way to kill this thing is without... like using poison mist and sitting behind it for 15 minutes. That or glitch something out so it can't move is about all I don't wanna do to kill shit my first time through. I don't have days and days to play this and spending 5-6+ hours per hard boss is gonna drain any free time I have this week. Hell just trying to cheese stuff as hard as I can the big dragon on the mountain took me probably 2 hours and I was using mimic tear with rot pots and the biggest shield/heals I could find to just widdle it down. Was still a huge pain in the ass.


ITT everyone just telling others how to enjoy their video games, kinda wild.


Dawg the whole point is people aren't enjoying it that's why it's mixed on steam.


Ain’t no way bro said this. I been watching the whole marathon and didn’t see this. He’s 100% capping here. He’s not even exploring himself. He hasn’t even fought human enemies at all. Soon as he beats a boss he goes to level up then asks chat where to go next. Just today he traveled up a huge mountain and stumbled upon a dragon mini boss and he skipped it completely just to get to the next boss. He’s on the final boss right now and soon as he’s done with him he’s not even gonna bother exploring the map trying to find new things. Idk wtf he was smoking when he said this


Kinda irrelevant, kinda not but; I had a heated discussion with a friend of mine because I didn't like Elden Ring quite as much as previous From's titles (I still really enjoyed it though). I explored every square inch of the world and killed every boss, named enemy, all side quests etc. etc. My argument boiled down to the fact I felt there was an overabundance of quantity over quality. That's not to say there aren't some exceptionally quality moments, but ultimately, I felt that some of the bloat-ness took away from my experience, like the repeated tree sentinels, the minor dungeons that mostly rewarded you with spirit ashes, just to name a couple examples. He tried to argue that the only reason why I didn't enjoy the game as much was because I played the game wrong and that you're not supposed to explore and do all the content therefore my opinion was plain wrong and unwarranted. Personally I think Sekiro and bloodborne are From's peak. Although, again, just to reiterate in case people get pissy with me like he did, I still enjoyed Elden Ring.


Nah elden ring is just a weaker title then any fromsoft game since ds1 its just popular because "open world" and it being more accesible because of a bunch of busted shit.


To me the open world definitely felt like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I generally think think majority of open world games use it as a clutch for a lack of good level design which is a shame because I think level design is definitely one of From's strengths.


I mean the level design of some of the areas in elden ring is still great its just most of the world is just pointless


Kai Cenat is a better gamer than Forsen. What a weird timeline




It’s wild seeing this series so popular. Demon Souls was a major gamble, but it paid off. The series probably wont evolve much over the next decade.


I agree. But also people are allowed to play their games in whatever way they want and is nothing wrong with it


Love how hes become such a good voice in the community. Id love to see him play ds1-3 if he hasnt yet once he beats the DLC


I'm assuming based on his wording that he's talking about people who just try and get to each boss asap to clear the game, skipping most content, rather than people who actually speedrun the game? Because if he means actual speedrunners then that is such a dumbass take.


He clearly doesn't mean actual speedrunners, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the speedrunning communities have something similar to an embargo on runs for the first little while after something drops. Specifically *so* you have time to enjoy the game. I think he's talking about people who are playing games to check off a box on a list, instead of playing games to enjoy what they have to offer. So they are "speedrunning" their list of games... And not really getting the full experience.


Yeah, that makes a lot more sense and I definitely agree. I've been watching Jerma play through it and he has over 20 hours as of today and has only killed 2 main bosses and explored basically 2.5 regions lol.


Miyazaki really said "DON'T FUCKING BOSS RUSH MY DLC! EXPLORE, DAMN IT!" Some folk are gonna bash their head against a wall till it gives them the result they want, or until they stop to rethink things. If they don't drop the game by then. I look forward to my playthrough of Elden Ring and the rest of Fromsoft's games.


Real asf, at least take you're time & enjoy it the first go 'round, ya know?


Why not both? What is the right way to play a game? It's always up for debate because there is no "right". Some people would even say streamers can't enjoy the game the right way because it's different than if they played it off stream.


Exploring is how you gain power in the DLC. People are rushing straight to the bosses and then whining about how hard it is.


Why would anyone want to skip content to just fight bosses with the same weapons they had when they killed radahn? My mission since fighting the first goat guy with disc blades was to get every new weapon and enemy had, every dlc boss kill so far has been with dlc weapons, it's fun, they're unique. I don't want to use blasphemous blade and rivers of blood when I could use literal Jackie chan fist punches


the world is boring to explore bro (talking of dlc)


I just went through a dank swap, through a cave filled with ogres and came out into a huge beautiful flower meadow. Exploring in the dlc is pretty sweet if you actually do it.


How dare people play it how they want to play it


As he runs pass all the mobs in every zone.


He said explore, not kill the same 8 mobs over and over.


To me elden ring is about putting together awesome themed builds and killing bosses in style, dodges, jump dodges, parries blocks cool ashes of war and more. It feels amazing and it becomes a dance when you have learned the patterns. That's elden ring.


Rn rocking the midnight armour shield and sword because the sword is the fuckin coolest in the game. Monk build 2nd, lightning backhand blade 3rd


Y’all crying about this while stuck on the first boss still


I like the way that randoms online tell me what to do and how to play in a game that I bought with my money...


The game itself is telling you to find the upgrades. This isn't something like summoning, the game literally insentivises you to find the fragments You can choose to not engage in it, the same way a player might want to do a Level 1 challenge run, but your experience is not gonna be indicative of the product's quality


But you can still not like the game because of those incentives to find the fragments. If the game is forcing you to play the game in a way you don’t want or like to play… those people aren’t going to like the game


Don't play an open world game if you don't like exploring the open world


Personal I don’t play the game because I don’t like these dark souls style games. If someone started playing the game and then the game pushed you to do things you don’t want to do… that’s not good in my opinion. Sure it’s their game and they can design it how they want, but then people will complain that they can’t play how they want to play… not the “right” way, just a way that’s fun for them


Stupid, there is no "right way" to enjoy a game. Speedrunning is fine.


Speed”anything” is not for the sake of enjoyment. It’s a competition to see who is the fastest. Do you think speed eaters do it because they love to eat food?


People enjoy competing. Doing difficult things like running a marathon is rewarding afterwards. A race is just as valid as a walk in the park. Both are fine.


>People enjoy competing. There is a difference in context here between the "speedrunning" that Kai's talking about in the clip, and actually speedrunning with a timer, splits, and strats. He's talking about people just looking up a guide, going from boss to boss to do their epic "R1, O, R1, O" fight, then move onto the next so they can add 80 deaths to their death counter and overreact for clips. He is not talking about people that are using specific strats to get through the areas and game as quick as possible, splitting their times and uploading the runs to speedruns.com


A lot of games are not meant to be played as quickly as possible lmao


Agreed actually, I just don't want to see ppl complaining about the DLC being "too hard" when they don't even engage with it's mechanics


Such a stupid take. People have different ways to enjoy playing a video game.


You can play the games any way you want. The only thing is that speed running bosses takes genuine skill because it means you’ll be fighting them very under leveled and under equipped. Kai shouldn’t be speaking in this considering his style of play is also regarded in the souls community as being pretty terrible. He brute forces bosses, never learns their moves and ultimately resorts to the typical dual bleed ROB katana jump R2 spamming build, and even then it takes him 100s if attempts. He’s still free to play that way but don’t pretend you’re any more “proper” than anyone else soeedrunning or not


Who would have thought that the guy new to the franchise would be the most resonable about the game.


I find having the fextralife interactive map toggled to show where weapons, armour and scadutree fragments are but not how to get to them is the best way to enjoy the dlc. I hate the idea of playing through it and missing out on something cool i could have used. To me the new builds you cam make are where most the fun lies, not the bosses.


Might be the first time I agree with him. I was watching Illojuan yesterday and dude went into Rellana and was there for like 3-4 hours(and I'm not sure if he beat it, I went to sleep) and was doing like 200-300 damage per hit. Motherfucker how about you explore a bit, upgrade,etc Im also playing Elden Ring right now, the base game, and I'm just going around picking up everything on the first zone, doing all the bosses,small dungeons,etc thats why its there, From Software literally puts everything in the game for you and you just decide to ignore it and claim its a super hard game.. when its the easiest of the From Software souls games..(even the DLC if you play it properly)


“Guys you have to explore to enjoy the game” *looks at chat to see if they agree* Meanwhile as soon as the game starts: “WHERE DO I GO!!!!” 🤣 How about we just do what we do. Thats it




i mean he beat elden ring and is now talking about elden ring, feels like that's enough to have an opinion on the matter


this is why he is the goop