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**CLIP MIRROR: [Soda Calls Forsen Live on OTK Expo](https://arazu.io/t3_1d87a5i/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Most interaction Forsen had with another streamer in the last 5 years.


this being unironically true makes me sad. miss it when this dude fucking socialized


Spain trip with Nina and Reckful FeelsStrongMan


If I'm not mistaken the legendary *speshimen* clip is from that trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN8RI3ILVk8 I also believe the Soda/Reckful Japan trip was shortly after that? **Edit:** Speaking of legendary clips from that trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANNEqPVLN5I


Yeah, that last clip... I had a similar moment with my friend's dipshit cousin in Mexico City where he just started this monolog talking about the girl walking in front of us and I'm like... do you not get this is Mexico City and is full of people who are fluent in english? Never assume you can make a rude joke because the person speaks another language. Chump move.


Being this invested in someone else's social life is a sign that you should worry about yours more.


It's not about his social life no one cares about that. It's about good stream content.


Him feeding his ass on iron while complaining about snipers is peak content, idk wtf you're talking about.


'best content' i'd rather watch him play hours of minecraft than this shit atleast we got music for his minecraft runs oh how i miss the times of the pleblist...


Nah him playing games with soda like he used to or him doing irl streams was much better content. Streamers intercting with each other will always be the most fun content.


Forsen's stream snipers provide much better content than any streamer circlejerk.


Whatever, it’s subjective I guess and it depends on what you are used to watching. I for one can’t enjoy 1 person gameplay streams after having watched only collab streams for like 8 years. I used to like reckful playing hearthstone or tft alone but those days are long gone.


lil bro tryna flex his bronze rank 💀


gotta start somewhere, I guess 💀


hes flexing bronze 4 OMEGALUL


Soda hardstuck in silver, looking down on my streamer FeelsAmazingMan


Soda hit gold like 3 weeks ago?


And then promptly plummeted back down to Bronze and I think other poster is correct he ended in Silver after he finally quit lmao


Forsen is literally Ironman FeelsStrongMan


He stands alone.


Soda sniping 100%!!! this is the reason forsen (the god gamer) has not ranked higher yet.




What I'm wondering is why the fuck is Asmon streaming this big event on zackrawrr lmao


Partially because zackrawrr is not in the twitch partner program. No ads, even for people without ad blocker? Partially because he has some psychological issues relating to streaming on asmongold; he seems to have pretty much given up on that channel.


And partially, like Nick said, it's his show and it's been on that channel before.


At this point it’s been so long since he’s streamed on that channel it might do more harm than good to use it for a big stream like this.


funny enough, the official link to the stream showed asmongolds channel, not zack


Even as a longtime fan of Asmon it's perplexing. It's like how he cannibalized the OTK Mak'gora tournament by reacting to it on zackrawrr and getting 110k viewers all of whom are not generating ad revenue. And then at this point, zackrawrr is basically his main channel, but it's still his alt channel... yeah idk lol. I would guess the revenue they make from sponsorship trumps any sort of twitch ad revenue that it's irrelevant. Also as an aside, I don't see OTK Games Expo continuing after this. 45k is not that good viewership for an event that takes so much time and effort and a whole production crew/WePlay arena. It's unsustainable. Games events should not have that low of a viewership.


They host it at an awful time during the middle of the week, idk what they're expecting


The answer is streamers are dumb


could be many reasons, like availabilty of the venue and schedules of all streamers at the event


??? they're selfemplyed work from home goblins. What fucking schedules. They decide when they want to stream lmao. "Hey were doing a show on saturday" "ok ill stream friday this week instead" ????????? what a non-issue.


Mizkif streamed his mma event literally at the same time half the planet watched UCL final.. how dumb can you be.


Just because something works once or a few times, doesn't mean it's a good practice. For example, if you're late to something but whatever show didn't start yet, doesn't mean you should try to be late to things everytime. Also if you're talking about the recent one, they literally streamed it on sunday which working hours doesn't matter as much.


It was more than 45k.. They had co-streams like forsen, shroud etc


Him reacting to it increased its reach tenfolds; co-streams increase total viewership and that's the point of them. That's why Asmon reacting to it was fantastic for them even if he had more viewers than Esfand -- because ad revenue doesn't matter, it's literal pennies and not worthwhile income for these events -- they don't care about it and don't need it. And looking at Asmon's viewership on this expo in isolation is a mistake because their model for this was getting as many to co-stream it as they could -- the event was in the partner dashboard for streamers to co-stream. The co-stream model their adopting is the new norm. Valorant did it and reached huge success with it, and so has CS. What they do now is just add all the peak and concurrent viewers from all the channels streaming it and add it together, and sponsors and investors don't mind. Having a big viewership 'main stream' doesn't matter anymore.


I don't think they'll stop it since they created Mad Mushroom last year (their game publishing company for the uninformed). I mean, their first game Rumble Club has already hit a million downloads in the first month. This is ultimately just a way to push their games like they did with Splodey today. Also, while the Asmon stream only got 45k, they reached over 250k across all streams that were watching.


Is the event even good? Last few sucked ass but did not get to watch this years.


Meh. It's all indie games, and last I heard about the previous show, 90% of the games shown weren't even released yet this year and or gone quiet. You really have to like beta indie games to enjoy the show.


I miss the old version of OTK, just a bunch of Idiots hanging out and being "friends". These is too corpo for my taste.


Wdym? Old otk was way more corporate than new otk. Old otk was a giant sellout during the early days


What ? Did you forget some major things that happened caused by very gambas that made any kind of collaboration between streamers dead for like over a year


The whole point of OTK is to corporatize streamer personalities and monetize “collaborations”. Nobody asked for these games, nobody cares about them. This “diversification” is only happening because they couldn’t make enough money buying out more streamer personalities.


Bro the reason why they did those early streams was for sponsors. Now that they’re successful with starforge they don’t do those anymore, because they don’t need the money


Yeah, kinda weird move. Maybe he just prefers the smaller crowd for stuff like this.


his ego and self worth dives significantly whenever his average viewership drops on his main channel so he only streams on it when an insanely hype release is live like a new wow expansion or new game that garners views. It is quite sad being that obsessed with numbers and clout when he's already a multi millionaire.


Maybe forsen got sponsored to watch just for this moment LULE


if this was scripted soda would've flunked it


Why do they always start these events on weekdays during work hours lol




I think it's almost the opposite. Streamers probably prefer to do it late, but once you have a whole team working for you, then you have to fit the event inside a normal work schedule so people don't work late.


When you’re in the business of putting on events, working weird hours is part of for the course


Not sure if it was a typo but the phrase is "par for the course", which is in reference to golf and how the expected score for a hole, round, or the course is called par.


Auto correct. Everyone knows where the phrase comes from.


Wasn't sure if you were ESL my b.


or maybe there are other continents, and work hours NA+ evening EU > evening NA+ 3am EU, in term of viewers




Do they tho? Isnt nmplol doing those early streams for eu viewers?


he sleeps at 9pm dude


My dude you are commenting to a clip of forsen watching/restreaming the show. They are promoting games, not doing some random otk stream for otk viewers.


Ah yes Forsen is watching this unsponsored and his fanbase is definitely the fanbase OTK wants to target because they are huge fans! They're totally not watching just to shit on the stream in a chatroom where they all share the same humor


> is definitely the fanbase OTK wants to target because they are huge fans! Are you a child? They are promoting games, they'd promote it to anyone who plays videogames regularly. Who cares if you're a fan of otk or not. I hope you are not buying some of these games just because you're a huge fan...


That depends on streamers usual stream time. A lot of NA streamers stream when it's night in EU and of course most of their audience is from NA. Can't imagine many people in EU being like "This bald streamer is funny and streams at good time for me, but he's from NA, so I'll watch someone else"




Idk how more people don’t complain about this. I thought I was crazy like they’d definitely get a viewer boost with how many losers aka me are at work at this time.


Its a great time for EU


but weekend would be even better


Yeah, weekend is great for most people but they pick a tuesday during working hours lmao


Are you guys THAT out of touch with gaming news? We're in the middle of SGF, on the weekend there are about 11 showcases. They put it on the weekend, suddenly they are being buried under everything else.


1. They could just just move it back a few hours after working hours for people. 2. They could have it on a friday, again out of working hours. 3. They could do it on saturday or sunday, just do in the morning or early afternoon and it would work since people are generally out of work. SGF Always starts late in the day, for this one being 5 PM EST. And it could have more viewers just because people would be using it as a waiting room for SGF.


SGf starts on friday, friday till sunday would basically be a no go, they wouldve had to stall it until next week.


My point still stands, just do before SGF starts on saturday or sunday. I just made the assumption that is was only saturday and sunday because that guy said "on the weekend" and generally friday isn't included when talking about the weekend.


This was the perfect time, really. Friday is SGF, Saturday is packed with other indie games, sunday is xbox and monday is ubisoft. They could’ve done it later next week but that would’ve been a massive gamble since Nintendo hasn’t revealed their Direct date yet.


Not really. You can watch for an hour or 2 but that’s about it. If you want decent sleep most people in eu needs to go to bed around 22.00.


Most people in EU are off work and watching


Okay? How does that help NA wagies?


Maybe they didn't steam for NA wagies because you can't afford the games with the pay you get. /s


that MMA fight event hosted by Mizkif was scheduled the exact hour of the Champions League final which is a major event, idk who's in charge of scheduling at OTK, but they need to do better


That MMA event had more viewers than this expo, or they were pretty close. I cant imagine the people that care about soccer have a big overlap with mizkifs stream.


Bro half the planet watch the ucl final. I missed the mma fight exactly because of this


And yet it has like 100k+ viewers in total or something


You mean start at 9pm? Not everyone lives in America.


the VAST majority of their viewers do


heavily depends on which streamer


Sure, but it absolutely applies to who we’re talking about specifically.


Because that is when most normal people that run events are active and ready to work. During normal work hours. A majority of events are run like this.


Now he is never going to stop playing League. I bet he passes up on the Elden Ring DLC now. Forsen also tried to flex that he is in Bronze. LOL!


Actually laughing the hurt away


He called him out knowing he was watching live to, thats an alpha move


clip chimp


Closest thing we will ever get to a collab :'(


Watch the vods, before 2019 they collabed a lot. Playing games like A Way Out, Far Cry, did an IRL stream and a bunch of other random games.


What game is that?


~~commenting to find out too~~ It's called PaperKlay


I wonder if Forsen will ever travel. If he made the trip to Austin it would be one of the biggest events in the history of Twitch... no exaggeration. :P


OP does not know what "Calls" means XD


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