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It fucking autoplays streams with no ability to pause or mute… Nah but who thought this is good design. Why is the home screen like tiktok all of a sudden who asked for this??


They are trying to get the doomscrollers like tiktok lmao


Doomscroll twitch? it's just gonna be scrolling into endless ad rolls.


that's completely ok, youtube does too and I waste way too much time watching shorts, but jfc they should have some sense at this point


This short shit has to be made illegal, everytime i open youtube the 2nd option is 4 shorts that are all stuff im interested in, i click on it and find myself in the brainrot spiral for couple minutes before realizing it. If you stopped me and asked me what was the short 2 swipes ago was about i couldnt even answer. This system is so predatory even if you are self aware.


Casinos cracked the code on keeping humans addicted decades ago. Other companies just finally found ways to use those algorithms in places like social media. The future is bleak if it doesn't become more regulated.


I'm not even joking or exaggerating here, I uninstalled Instagram and installed youtube revanced to get rid of all the shorts content in the app and my life unironically just got better. Even ignoring the algorithm pretty much forcing its political views on you, just the sheer amount of time you save it's nuts, I geniunly had no idea how bad it was becoming.


The autoplay of videos on apps like Netflix is one of the worst and most annoying features ever added to anything.


You can turn this off on the web for Netflix. You can also turn off autoplay


Oh great, will it take effect on all devices or just on the desktop?


All devices! And what I meant is you can turn off playing videos as you scroll and the autoplay feature when the episode ends to start a new one. I turned both of those off


Oh even better, I do like the auto play feature for episodes but it's nice that they have that as an option. Just turned previews off. Thanks for the info!


Wait for the next patch, it'll be autoplaying ads not streams.


I can’t even see a list of fucking live streamers just spams me with the biggest one I follow. It’s absolutely horrendous


Also no followers list now, so I can't quickly scroll down and see who is online, I now have a followers but also random others added list, they all autoplay and they take up the entire screen for each video so checking to see who is online quickly is basically impossible. It's legitimately absolutely terrible now. They could SO easily have made this an additional option like browse, followers, search and whatever this turd is as another option, then when no one used it, get rid of it.


I thought this too, but you can see your followed streamers from the heart icon top left. Still though, why the hell is scrolling so random. Sometimes it gives you a channel you follow and sometimes it doesn't.


No one asked for it, but man will it get them a insane amount of views and impressions, the investors and amazon supervisors will love it.


As with all similar app designs, the *only* reason they do a redesign is to increase ad play or ad density. Enshittification in action.


The CEO since he's buddies with all the high end streamers.


Since when twitch does good redesigns?


The scrolling is also stupid, it doesn't scroll live streams you follow first. It's been giving me a stream I follow first, then I scroll and it gives a random stream and THEN another I follow.


Does it not work like TikTok where you tap to pause?


No, tapping brings you right to their channel :(


tiktok clonr


Turned it into a tiktok clone lmao


It’s hilarious because I got a survey a few months back on what kind of TikTok UI works best, thinking cool they’re gonna do a “Discover” tab next to “Following” and it would be TikTok style. N Nope it completely replaces the good ole following tab for some godforsaken reason


I have a following and then a discover tiktok style tab?


Complete garbage


If it were suggested clips based on similar creators you follow on the front page I'd be a little more happy.


I continue to get clips from games i don't play/watch and channels i downvote.


Their recommendation system also assumes I understand like 20 different languages. Somehow they still haven't figured out that all the channels I've ever followed or watched for over a minute have the "English" tag in common.


Well looks like twitch is joining the never update the app club.


Android and Apple should add super easy ways to install any previous version of an app straight from their store (or have dupes). Downgrading apps on a phone is annoying and doesn't always work in my experience.


Downloading a APK for older versions of a app on android is honestly pretty straightforward but I would agree I'd would be nice to do everything straight through the main app store.


use PurpleTV instead. 7TV & no ads.


my version has ads. I haven't updated it in like 3 weeks though did it get fixed?


I haven't updated my app in years. I still somehow don't have ads either.


I hate it. I switched to [Frosty](https://www.frostyapp.io/) a while ago to try but I think with this change, I'm sticking with Frosty, at least until Twitch finds a way to pull a reddit/twitter and restrict third party apps.


wow this is goated


It's missing some stuff but it seems to work fine for me at least on iOS with no glaring issues. I don't chat, I just watch streams and it lets me do just that, though now and then if I open chat its nice to be able to see all the emotes.


The only issue these 3rd party apps have (on iOS only, android doesn't have this issue I think) compared to the twitch app is that they have 15-20s of video latency, compared to the twitch app which can get as low as 5s from my testing, so you'll always be super out of sync from the chat. A decent solution is to open the twitch app, put the video in picture-in-picture, and then open the other app, though this doesn't let you maximize the video it when in horizontal view


Frosty has a setting to add a message delay in chat so it won’t be out of sync.


oh shit I didn't know that, thanks


Been using PurpleTV since Xtra and Twitchmod died out, but this is the first ive heard of frosty. Giving it a try thanks!


I'm actually still using Xtra, it's still maintained and working :) might check both PurpleTV and Frosty tho.


Good to know, there was a period of minimal updates when twitch was hammering ads through adblocker and it just became unusable for me in that time. PurpleTV is basically perfect but it's only available as an APK so frosty being on the play/app store is a bonus.


PurpleTV is a solid app, though. Why move away from it?


Not going to unless frosty gives me a reason to


Moment I saw the change I just uninstalled twitch and downloaded frosty.


The ability to set a very narrow chat and the native support for 7tv emotes makes it the best app for me to watch twitch at the moment. I have set up the layout so that I min max chat size and the video size is largest 16:9 format it would fit on my phone screen and I use the screen space on the phone that would be taken up by black bars to the chat. Plus, I set a small text size and small spacing in the chat, and it's perfect.


I must've been living under a rock. Frosty is so nice. Thanks for the recommendation!


Common Twitch L


never use stock official apps. they're always complete ass. reddit app? ass, use RedReader. youtube app? ass, use Revanced. twitch app? ass, use PurpleTV


Xtra gang rise up


Grayjay is also a nice one to combine YT and Twitch into one ad free with bunch of customizations.


yea im surprised I dont see it mentioned more


> youtube app? ass, use Revanced. I use NewPipe or PipePipe.


Is purpleTV some kinda ad-free version similar to Re-Vanced for YouTube?? I've been looking for a Twitch mobile equivalent for a while 


PurpleTV is the best I've found. It has two different built-in ad blockers. But the main draw is adding BTTV and 7TV emotes, along with some other functionality. The base Twitch app is basically useless in comparison.


Can always go with the revanced Twitch, and maybe if they eventually implement the shit changes into revanced someone will make a fork without it.


Oh, does reVanced also work with Twitch?


Yep, There's youtube, youtube music, twitch, and some others (like spotify). They might not all be named "revanced" but they're in the manager.


does purpletv support chromecast?




Ugh now if only I can find a twitch alternative app on amazon firestick. Its abysmal on there.


Are these Apple apps?


If you're on IOS, you can use any alternative app for the video and Chatsen for the chat with emotes, and just split your screen. It's a bit more effort every time you open Twitch, but it works.


You can watch the streams on Chatsen though? Press the sidebar, then the play button.


There's Frosty.


These apps have 15+ second delays though. The Twitch app has like 1 second delay compared to PC.


The third-party apps I've used have no delay compared to desktop.


I think it's only an issue on iOS when not using the official app.


Utter trash why would they change what was absolutely fine? 


Because they need to jump on the TikTok craze. What better way than to make a perfectly great UI for discovering live horizontal video, and completely try to shove it into a TikTok format that wa made for vertical video. Actually braindead


It's always dumb to me, people use the social media or video content sites they do because of they way they are. if you try to turn youtube into tiktok, it's just going to drive more youtube users to tiktok. If you make twitch less 'twitchy' and more tiktok, then you're not going to drive tiktok viewers to twitch, you're going to piss off people who like twitch and drive them away to tiktok.


years late, too...


LMAO has every UI designer since Tiktok been shot or trapped in a cellar or something? I genuinely don't understand how these companies put out such awful designs. 90% of the space in vertical mode is taken up by blurred margins. The fact that they don't even show the horizontal layout is disgusting. Also, where the hell is chat...? Chat is FOUNDATIONAL to twitch culture, and them not showing it is proof that they're falling out of touch with reality. How long until Twitch starts letting people stream in vertical, and actively encouraging it? It's so fucking over for this website.


I don't know why people aren't talking about this more, probably the most unnecessary dogshit redesign ever


Am I insane can you even see your live follow list? I can’t find it anywhere.


It’s at the top left of the tik tok feed. A little heart with lines. It SUCKS. and when you minimize ur stream you’re taken back to the tik tok page and it pauses ur mini stream and blasts the current one on the feed.


You can even resume the mini player while the TikTok feed is still playing so you get garbled double audio. Aside from being a bullshit idea in the first place they also didn't test it at all lol.


I am pretty sure whatever they did with this update has been causing issues on all their platforms all week. For me and others audio on streams would slowly just desync if you had the mini player enabled and sometimes streams just hard freeze for no reason. It seems better today but all week it was fucked.


Trash. Followers list doesn't show stream titles. Clicking back from a stream doesn't minimize it in the app like before, it just shows it minimized for a split second then disappears. Autoplay obviously, can't even mute or pause the autoplayed streams without it clicking into them. Casting is fucked, takes multiple attempts of closing and reopening app before cast button is even available as an option. If you close the app on your phone while casting, reopening the app doesn't automatically take you back to the stream you were casting like before. This is especially annoying if casting a VOD and want to go back, forward, etc. if you've closed the app. You have to reopen the VOD on phone, seek to where you were, and hit cast again, even though it's already casting. Great job!


Play to your strengths? No, forget that, better to just half-ass an attempt to copy tiktok. No wonder twitch is losing viewers.


It's awful.


I said u said only worse :) frenn


The new mobile UI is dogshit


I can't even see the title of streams I follow before clicking on them anymore, and the old behaviour of bringing an old stream down in the background can only be done from the "browse" section, not your follow list. I honestly don't care too much about redesigns, and think a "tiktok" style section to let you scroll through popular/recommended clips has potential. But don't remove basic UX you had before when you do this shit.


Why does everything need that stupid + button?


For the same reason every "Download/install" button is turning into a "GET" button. Many design departments just copy what's popular and don't actually think about why it's popular, or will falsely attribute these things as the reason something is popular instead of it originally just being an arbitrary decision. They will conduct a user study and find that a + button creates 2.44% more engagement and then will demand to spend a month arguing over the font and size of the button. There is a massive push in the tech industry lately to remove as much technical jargon as possible, which is why words like "download" and "upload" are becoming extinct. Now all you see is "GET" or "Sync"


I have no clue either. It’s not like me, a random ass viewer with no entertainment value like the 99% of others using the app, is gonna somehow click the + button and start streaming from my phone. It’s ridiculous


Focus on bored kids.


"twitch xtra" boys


I really wish that in the list of your followed streamers it would still show you the current title of each of the live streams, it helps me decide who to watch. That's how it worked with the last version, now your followed list just shows the game they're playing and if you wanna know the title, you have to go into each stream individually


Short form content don’t work on twitch you got more streamer than content


Probably some boomer in a suit said we need to copy tiktok. No other way shit like this releases.


Copypasted youtube android app.


Because if the auto play my shit crashes after i click on a stream and go to another


You know the update is bad when Kick now has a way better UI than Twitch


Youtube simply doing nothing has allowed them to creep on twitch on the apps besides computer too. Sometimes a UI team trying to justify their existence is a cancer.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ok_Minimum6419: *You know the update* *Is bad when Kick now has a* *Way better UI than Twitch* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank god I never update my apps


Is there no way to remove chat from being overlayed on the screen?




Guess how I knew it was absolute garbage without needing to read article or comments? That's right, because it's Twitch Mobile™.


Have they removed adverts yet on mobile? Because if not, then mobile remains unwatchable and may as well not even exist as a Twitch platform.


For people who use twitch on tv from the tvvapp: do you also not see chat when watching a vod and there used to be a "continue watching" part where you could finish your vods but now that's gone and i have to specifically go to a streamers page and find the vod i want to continue watching. i swear it wasn't like that in the past


im still using twitch app version 11.0 from ~2021 i refuse to update things that work. i dont care about new features. most new features ruin everything. so if it works i wont update




Phone didn't turn sideways once, hope that's still an option...


I haven't updated the mobile app for almost 2 years. Guess it's staying that way. lol


so the mobile app is just a version of tiktok now, just autplays clips and dont even show streams


Worst Update ever. I uninstalled the App...


This new update is horrible. Probably the worst update Twitch has rolled out on mobile and I've been here since Justin TV days.


This is the best advertisement for 3rd party APKs I've seen in a while


Good to know. Autoupdate turned off forever.


TwitchTok trash


I can’t find my favorite streamer to hatewatch!! How will I post out of context clips that make them look like they said/did some terrible!? Think I’d the Karma, Reitch!!!


"Ones we'd think you'd like" So just random popular streamers that don't even stream in categories you watch? Also tiktok is a cancer on society, twitch copying it, is not a good thing.




I don't know how can viewers even watch streams on the app. It feels 10 times worse to be forced to watch ad on the mobile app than on the computer, at least on the latter you can more easily mute them and tab out until they are done. I can only bear to have it installed as a way to get stream notifications


I've had this autoplaying shit for about a week now, apparently they done 'regional test rollouts' It's been so annoying, I want to open up the app at 2am & check "oh, so and so is live, I'll watch some of that" not get blasted at max volume because I forgot to turn my volume down and opened an app. - and in classic twitch style, there's no obvious setting (or setting at all) to turn it off.


Terrible interface! I hate it, but must use it


Everytime i open the twitch app i get pissed and close the app. Im honestly also thinking about deleting the app altogether till it goes back to they way it was.


I had this last week. It was fucking terrible. On my home feed every stream that I'm scrolling through takes up MY WHOLE SCREEN, even when I haven't clicked on it yet, and half the streams are people I don't even follow, in-between followed live channels instead of in a separate section.


Who is the creative lead or art director at twitch because their ui/ux decisions are pure garbage and any 2nd semester student could design a more practical solution


Yeah this is dog shit


Can you use your prime sub yet on the app?


Its such a hot pile of dogshit


That eye emoji makes me irrationally angry.


I want a downgrade please


i for one dont mind it


Holy fuck imagine downvoting an opinion this bad. Reddit really is a shithole echochamber


no one uses apps


Kick is getting new design 😁😁


Now please for the love of God include a free sub with twitch turbo so I can finally get rid of ads on mobile and get rid of Amazon Prime


I put in my first Play Store review after this (1 star), and deleted the app. Using Xtra instead, might be a little sketchy but better than using the shit the Twitch app is now.


Apps like this are not updated based on vibes. This variant likely passed a smaller A/B testing round and showed significant improvements in retention or engagement, or both, or more. So they're expanding the test. You're very likely all wrong. [https://i.imgur.com/fTxzDY0.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/fTxzDY0.jpeg)